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Address: 3300 W Camelback Rd, Phoenix, Arizona, United States, 85017-3030
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Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations and, based on that review, GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:Grand Canyon University is unable to return financial aid funds from the 2010/2011 aid year. The loan money in question is currently being used to subsidize tuition costs in the amount of $1051.00. The reason why these funds cannot and will not be returned is for the following reasons:• The 10/11 year has been archived with the Department of Education.• There were no errors in awarding the financial aid by GCU.• The student was not ineligible for the disbursements, she was eligible for the funds based on the attendance requirements she satisfied.• The student had 30 days from the date of disbursement to request that the funds be returned.• The opportunity to return the funds via paper check to eliminate the origination/interest ended last year.Ms. [redacted] has satisfied all outstanding tuition and fees to GCU via the financial aid funds she was eligible for and through the payments she made on her account. GCU will need to direct her at this time back to her lender to arrange repayment of her eligible student loans which were used to satisfy her tuition costs.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]Regional DirectorGrand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Executive Director of Student Services from the College of Doctoral Studies, Nancy P[redacted] and, based on that review, GCU has...
determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:Ms. [redacted] began a continuation course (DIS-975) with GCU on January 28, 2016 and paid for this course in advance of the class start date. Her complaint is correct in that this course was erroneously removed from her schedule. However, it was an unusual technical error which was corrected immediately upon being brought to GCU’s attention. Per GCU records, on the morning of Ms. [redacted] course start date, January 28, 2016; she notified her Dissertation Student Services Advisor Terila J[redacted] of her inability to gain access to the course. Upon receiving Ms. [redacted] email at the start of her shift that morning, Ms. J[redacted] responded immediately to Ms. [redacted] and informed her that she was working on a resolution to have the issue resolved. Ms. [redacted] replied and thanked Ms. J[redacted] for being on top of it. The issue was resolved that same day within a few hours and Ms. J[redacted] notified Ms. [redacted] immediately that class room access had been restored. Thus, Ms. [redacted] was still provided the opportunity to participate in the course on her first day of class.In regards to Ms. [redacted] allegations of unprofessional interactions with her dissertation chair and committee, GCU records indicate that Ms. [redacted] submitted four separate complaints on March 6, 2015; July 9, 2014; July 24, 2014 and April 6, 2015 citing difficulty reaching her dissertation chair in her first complaint and untimely feedback by her dissertation chair in the following three complaints. Separate independent investigations were conducted by GCU to research Ms. [redacted] claims that included in-depth review of classroom participation, system activity, and email interactions between Ms. [redacted] and the committee. However, all four investigations revealed that the committee responded to Ms. [redacted] within the published service agreement timeframes established by the college. Therefore, all four separate investigations determined that Ms. [redacted] complaints were unsubstantiated. Grand Canyon University values the diverse opinions of terminal degree prepared committee members and their part in the learner’s dissertation journey. Feedback is offered to assist the learner in publishing scholarly level work that adds new information to the existing body of knowledge for their chosen topic. The process is extensive and a great part of that journey is the scholarly collaboration between the learner and the committee members. In September 2015, Ms. [redacted] was approved to begin data collection for her dissertation study. This is a critical milestone toward her degree completion and we applaud her on this accomplishment.At this time, all specific allegations submitted by Ms. [redacted] have been researched and unsubstantiated. The matter relative to the course removal was corrected the same day and within several hours of being brought to the attention of Ms. [redacted] Dissertation Student Services Advisor. If Ms. [redacted] has a specific matter that she believes to be unresolved, we welcome the opportunity to review that item and quickly bring it to closure. GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,Nancy R. P[redacted]Executive DirectorCollege of Doctoral StudiesGrand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms[redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the [redacted] Regional Director of Operations, [redacted] and, based on that review; GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved.
It is Ms. [redacted] contention that she recently requested to drop her housing for the Spring 2015 semester at her [redacted] student housing location due to her recent marriage and that she did not discover until after doing so that the [redacted] housing location is charged on an academic year (Fall & Spring) rather than a term basis. On October 16, 2014 Ms. [redacted] completed a withdraw form and acknowledged that she had read and understood GCU’s Housing Reimbursement Policy. See Attached. Per GCU’s housing policy this was well past the July 1, 2014 deadline to receive 100% reimbursement of rent charges. In addition, [redacted] residents are charged by the academic year and will be reimbursed accordingly.
In addition to the above information, GCU provides students ample housing notifications regarding deadlines, timelines, and information around reimbursements. GCU Housing policies to include the policy for [redacted] housing is located in the GCU Housing Application and the Student Policy Handbook. As well, supporting emails are provided to students prior to cancelation deadlines. See Attached
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
Traditional Campus Operations
Regional Director of Operations
Grand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Mr. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Executive Director of Student Services, [redacted], and based on that review, GCU has determined that Mr. [redacted]...
complaint was appropriately resolved. However, as a measure of goodwill, GCU is willing to write off the Learning Management Fee in the amount of $400 based on the following information:At the time Mr. [redacted] submitted his 15/16 [redacted] to GCU, the [redacted]’s c-code 359 for unusual enrollment was only applicable to undergraduate learners who were receiving PELL grants. As of July 1, 2015, those students who began a new academic year under 15/16 [redacted] and who received the unusual enrollment c-code 359, that c-code was now applicable to students at all levels who were applying for [redacted] Loans. Mr. [redacted] account was financially cleared on 8/12/15 to start classes on 8/20/15. Mr. [redacted] received a welcome call from his Student Services Advisor (SSA) on 8/18/15 to review the University’s financial and academic policies prior to starting his program. During this call, Mr. [redacted] was fully informed of the in-class posting requirements, the financial aid processing time of 30-45 days from the start of his program, as well as the financial implications associated with dropping a course. These policies are also available for public viewing on the GCU website in the Policy Handbook. At that time, the c-code 359 was not noticed on the [redacted] by the SSA.On 8/29/15, the SSA was reviewing Mr. [redacted] financial aid status, and noticed a comment entered by the Office of Financial Aid that informed us that due to the 359 C-code populated by the [redacted], Mr. [redacted] needed to provide unofficial transcripts from colleges attended over the last four years in order to move forward with financial aid processing. On 8/29/15, Mr. [redacted] was notified that GCU needed to secure the following transcripts:For the 11/12 aid year: transcripts from [redacted] –[redacted]- SacramentoFor the 12/13 aid year: transcripts from [redacted] – University CampusFor the 13/14 aid year: [redacted] and [redacted]-University Campus.For the 14/15 aid year – [redacted].Unfortunately, Mr. [redacted] ceased attending class as of 9/5/15, which is well after the published refund policy for tuition and prior to providing the above transcripts so that his financial aid could be processed. Since Mr. [redacted] ceased attending classes prior to financial aid being processed, GCU cannot bring in financial aid to cover the tuition and fees incurred. Further, Mr. [redacted] did not consult his SSA to discuss his intentions of not continuing in class so they could reiterate the information about the financial policy that was reviewed in the 8/18/15. While published policy states that Mr. [redacted] owes 100% of the tuition and fees incurred since he dropped his class after the published tuition deadline, and prior to financial aid being processed, GCU is willing to write off the Learning Management Fee which is charged to all new learners in the amount of $400 as a measure of good will. Mr. [redacted] will then be responsible for tuition and book fees only. Tuition for the course he attended is $1,890 plus the cost of his electronic books is $105 for a total amount of $1,995. GCU has further applied his military discount in the amount of $94.50 to reduce the total amount owed to GCU of $1,900.50. We hope this gesture will meet Mr. [redacted] request as outlined in his complaint.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]. [redacted]College of Doctoral StudiesGrand Canyon University
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
My complaint was a request to address poor customer service on GCUs part. If I had had a timely response to my email request for 'withdrawal' assistance from GCU, then I would not have 'missed' the deadline. It has worked to GCU's financial advantage to delay a response to my request for withdrawal.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I had emailed proof to someone at the wich were pics that they were billing me not for the english class but for a class I never took yet I also sent picture of the past courses and recent which I am in nothing. and they also already took the money of 800 and something out of my student loans for english class before sending them back I sent all of the pics to. proving evreything
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions Regional Director of Operations, Richard Lucero...
and, based on that review; GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted]’s complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:
University records indicate that on September 9, 2014, Ms. [redacted] was unable to access her electronic book for her [redacted] course and contacted GCU in an attempt to receive help with accessing it. However, GCU is unable to determine whether Ms. [redacted] was ever able to obtain access to it or if there was any follow-up communication regarding this issue. Therefore, as the University always tries to serve the best interest of its students, it is willing to waive the $110 cost of the book if Ms. [redacted] returns to GCU to continue with her educational goals. In addition, GCU reached out to Ms. [redacted] to inform her of this information and also informed her that going forward she will be responsible for the cost of her course materials to include electronic books. Additionally, Ms. [redacted] agreed that if she has any future issues with accessing her electronic books she will contact GCU and will continue to follow-up with GCU until any issues are resolved. As well, GCU agreed to do the same.
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
College of Nursing and Health Care Professions
Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations [redacted] and, based on that review GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint...
was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:
When Ms. [redacted] completed her financial aid paperwork she was led to complete all documents necessary to apply for both Federal Title IV loans and grants. Upon completion of these documents the Office of Financial Aid evaluates and packages both loans and grants if eligible, unless advised differently by the Student Services Advisor. Ms. [redacted] Student Services Advisor attempted to contact her prior to her course start date to complete a welcome call in which funding would have been discussed, however she was unsuccessful in reaching her. Because this conversation did not take place and changes were not noted, the office of financial aid packaged both loans and grants. Once the counselor was able to speak with Ms. [redacted] they did discuss both types of funding as well as the additional credits that Ms. [redacted] was eligible for. However, by the time that Ms. [redacted] advised she no longer wanted the loans she had incurred a balance for her courses and was advised that upon receipt of payment for these course the loans could be sent back to the lender.
Grand Canyon University strives to provide world class customer service and after careful evaluation of her history, though we were unable to reach Ms. [redacted] for a welcome call to review the financial information, we have made the decision to return all funds to the lender. This will leave a balance on Ms. [redacted] account which will be written off by GCU. As a result, Ms. [redacted] account will have a zero balance.
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
Regional Director of Operations
[redacted] College of Business
Grand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations for the College of Theology, Chris K[redacted] and, based on that review, GCU has determined...
that Ms. [redacted]’s complaint was appropriately resolved, however we are willing to accommodate the request given the circumstances. This determination is based on the following information:Ms. [redacted] received a call from her Student Service Advisor outlining the cost, fees, and policies regarding attendance several days prior to the class start date. At that time, she was made aware of refund periods and charges for attendance. Ms. [redacted] did post attendance in the class, but the post was simply to inform the instructor of her inability to begin. That communication which took place in the system registered her as an attending student making her financially responsible for the class and any upcoming fees that any be incurred as a result of attendance. That all said, we are willing to waive the balance owed in the spirit of customer service for Ms. [redacted] since the post that created the record of attendance was simply to communicate to the faculty they will be unable to attend As stated, we are willing to waive any balance that has been incurred and Ms. [redacted] will have no outstanding liability to GCU. The total amount of account adjustment will be the current balance of $847.01, which includes all current fees and prorated tuition. GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,Chris K[redacted]College of TheologyGrand Canyon University
To date, the [redacted] has never contacted me about an audit regarding my attendance. Since 2009, using [redacted] money, I have earned five degrees, and at three different levels. This is not suspicious attendance.
GCU had to have already had my NAU transcript in order for me to be admitted to GCU. Additionally, [redacted] told me over the phone, during our last scheduled introductory counseling session, that GCU already had all of my needed transcripts. Thar is why I had not sent in my CSUS transcript. So, the excuse that GCU could not process my [redacted] loan because they did not have all of the needed transcripts is not valid, as they had told me otherwise, and thus they created that situation.
Before I started class at GCU, GCU knew that I needed [redacted] money in order to pay them. So, for them to let three weeks pass, and still not get their money from [redacted] is not my fault, thus not my problem. This is another artificial problem that GCU created.
I never signed a contract, saying that I would pay for classes that were barely attempted, and that I could or would pay for classes out of pocket.
GCU did not use ~1900 worth of labor on me. Therefore, this amount shocks the conscience for only three weeks worth of attendance.
Why did GCU only now mention a military discount?
The same GCU person that responded to also just sent me an email, stating that my account has already been sent to collections. This is unreasonable, as she knows that the amount due is being disputed. If this shows up on my credit report, then this will need to be corrected by GCU. I feel that GCU is retaliating for my action.
GCU needs to be able to let students begin a class, but leave soon thereafter, and not have personal bills and bad credit due to it.
If at the end, I agree to pay GCU anything, then I would need a fair payment plan. I would also need any bad reports to the credit reporting agencies reversed.
Dear, Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s rebuttal comments and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Executive Director of Student Services, College of Doctoral Studies, Nancy P[redacted] and, based on that review, GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information: We appreciate Ms. [redacted] efforts to secure funding for her future academic courses. Further, we understand the confusion on the dollar amounts discussed with Ms. [redacted] as it appears the Student Services Advisor did not clearly delineate the differences between amounts due for the academic year when residency was scheduled vs. the amounts owed for program completion. We apologize for not making this clearer. The amounts owed for the program completion may not be offered due to the unique academic journey of each doctoral learner as they embark on the dissertation process. The number of continuation courses (if any) cannot be predicted and is based entirely on the learner’s individual academic progress of their unique dissertation study. The best information we can offer regarding the cost for future continuation courses, is the costs per credit hour of $640 plus a $105 Canyon Connect fee per course which can be used as a means for Ms. [redacted] to plan for her future expenses. It is also important to note that tuition may change in the future as outlined in our Policy Handbook. In addition, GCU will gladly change Ms. [redacted] counselor to a seasoned Team Lead whom we hope will offer a more concise communication approach as it relates to financial matters. We acknowledge the payment Ms. [redacted] made in the amount of $4,815. Those payments were received as such: 7/1/16: $4,000 (2 separate payments of $2,000 each) and 7/8/16: $815. These payments were applied towards Ms. [redacted] 6/23/16 course which totaled $1,920, and the remaining $80 credit and payments were applied toward her residency course which cost $2,895. The payments Ms. [redacted] made covered completely the amounts owed for these two courses ($1920 +2,895 = $4,815 = amounts of payments made). Ms. [redacted] is accurate in stating her payments zeroed out her balance due. Since Ms. [redacted] was back in attendance, GCU was able to bring in the remaining financial aid available in her lifetime aggregate loan amount. We were able to bring in $236 worth of financial aid remaining on 7/12/16 which appears as a credit on her account and is available to pay towards her next course that begins on 8/18/16. I hope that helps explain the amount of $236 on Ms. [redacted]’s account. It is a credit balance, and not an amount owed to GCU. GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely, Nancy R P[redacted] College of Doctoral Studies Grand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by [redacted], Executive Director of Student Services in the College of Doctoral Studies and, based on that review, GCU has...
determined that Ms. [redacted] issue was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:As stated in Ms. [redacted] complaint, she submitted two formal University Appeals along with documentation for review by the GCU University Appeal Committee. The review committee, including the Dean of the College of Doctoral Studies as well as executives in the Office of Academic Records, conducted a thorough review of the documentation provided by Ms. [redacted] as well as the classroom activity.Based on the initial appeal documentation submitted by Ms. [redacted] and a review of the classroom activity, the Appeal Committee rendered a formal decision on July 20, 2015 that there was no break in communication between Ms. [redacted] and the dissertation chair that was outside of the standards of communication feedback for the dissertation process. Therefore, the request for compensation of the course was denied. On July 24, 2015 the Appeal Committee invited Ms. [redacted] to submit documentation for a second level appeal. Upon review of the documentation provided to GCU from Ms. [redacted], it was determined that she did not provide any new or additional documentation from that provided initially and therefore, a formal decision on the second appeal was rendered on August 20,2015 affirming the initial appeal decision.The initial appeal decision was based on the following facts:Ms. [redacted] course ran from May 15, 2015 through July 8, 2015. To Ms. [redacted] own admission, she and the initial chair were in constant communication through June 3, 2015 at which point Ms. [redacted] requested a new chair.- Between June 3, 2015 (when Ms. [redacted] requested a new chair) and June 16, 2015 (when Ms. [redacted] was notified of her new chair), Ms. [redacted] and the initial chair maintained communication within the dissertation feedback guidelines.- The week 4 assignment was not reviewed by the initial chair because by that time,Ms. [redacted] had requested a new chair and had informed the initial chair of such request.- The new chair notification was emailed to Ms. [redacted] on June 16, 2015 which included the chair email address. However, there is no evidence that Ms. [redacted] emailed the new chair to make contact about assignment feedback.- On June 17, 2015, Ms. [redacted] emailed her Student Services Advisor that she was“good to go”.- On June 25, 2015, Ms. [redacted] contacted the Student Services Advisor asking about the new chair. The Student Services Advisor opened a faculty specialist ticket to contact the chair, and the chair contacted Ms. [redacted] the same day.- The longest break in communication was between June 16, 2015 and June 26, 2015 which was attributed to the change in chair process, but still within the dissertation feedback guidelines.To date, Ms. [redacted] has not provided new information or documentation in order to revisit the appeal decisions. As such, based on the information provided by Ms. [redacted] as well as a review of the classroom correspondence, GCU’s initial appeal decision stands as affirmed by the second and final review decision.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.Sincerely, [redacted]!College of Doctoral StudiesGrand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations, [redacted] and, based on that review, GCU has determined that [redacted] complaint was...
appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:[redacted] was appropriately enrolled into her education degree program at the initial time of her enrollment. Any degree in which a person is seeking licensure in teaching requires an individual to go through some form of a practicum or internship program prior to a student receiving an institutional recommendation before seeking licensure from a state board. [redacted] was unwilling or unable to complete the student teaching aspect of her program therefore, she switched to the Bachelor of Arts in History program. In regards to [redacted] complaint that she was placed in courses that she had previously taken at another institution, Grand Canyon University was unable to obtain her transcripts from the [redacted] due to an institutional hold that [redacted] had on her account for an outstanding balance. Upon receipt of her official transcripts GCU did offset the cost of the courses that she did not need to take and offered a scholarship in lieu of the unnecessary coursework. The balance that [redacted] owes to Grand Canyon University is valid and will no fees and charges will be removed from her account. The reason for her balance is not due to any GCU error, but due to the fact that [redacted] was unable to continuously be successful in the classroom. [redacted] was academically suspended in 2009 due to excessive non-passing grades and course withdrawals which dropped her GPA below standard academic progression requirements. In 2010 [redacted] filed for and was approved for reinstatement into her program where she immediately received another non-passing grade in course HIS/331 from 5/31/2010 – 7/25/2010 and was academically suspended again for failing to meet the terms of her reinstatement. Once [redacted] settles her balance with Grand Canyon University her transcripts would be eligible to be released to her. GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]Regional Director of OperationsGrand Canyon University
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The initial posting in the class is a required introduction to the other students participating in the course. I responded to the first discussion question once instead of the 5 posting I am required to make. The additional post were to the instructor informing him/her I will be withdrawing from the class. The final post made on day 7 of week one was to my financial advisor [redacted] informing her of the same information. Ms. [redacted] responded on Monday which was day 8 and week 2. I requested to withdraw from the class within the appropriate tome frame. I do not deny stating I have financial obligation because I willingly participated, however if I knew I would have to pay for the entire class I would have completed the course just as I had done before and requested an LOA. GCU has access to my class participation for that week. Instead of counting posting dates time should be taken to read the posts. In doing so this will support the information I have given.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I am not satisfied with this response because I was never notified that I had a remaining balance and that the time I was at the school I would have to pay that money back if I dropped out. I was told by [redacted] that the loan could be canceled due to the fact that I was never notified of the remaining balance. In fact according to [redacted]'s records they show that I am still a student which is false because I have not been a student since 2011. So when I dropped out of the school I was told that all loans had been canceled and since all loans had been canceled I would owe the school over 3 thousand dollars which I paid in full.
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Mr. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by [redacted] College of Education Associate Vice President, and based on that review; GCU has determined that Mr. [redacted] complaint...
requires further action. This determination is based on the following information:Mr. [redacted] is a dependent student and was advised by [redacted] to both dependent and independent funding levels as a student at GCU. The values of a dependent student to that of an independent student are exactly half. As a dependent Mr. [redacted] had enough funding with his Pell grant and student loan to cover the cost of his tuition and fees at GCU. There would be no additional funding left over to issue him a stipend check at that time. This will be the case for Mr. [redacted] until he becomes an independent student by federal regulations. By explaining both independent and dependent funding to Mr. [redacted], Ms. [redacted] confused the situation and from that Mr. [redacted] thought he would be issued a stipend check when beginning his classes at GCU. Nonetheless, GCU will be removing all tuition and fee charges for Mr. [redacted] first class. GCU will also be returning all student loan and Pell Grant funds back to the federal government. This will allow Mr. [redacted] to have access to these monies if he chooses to attend another education institution. GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]Associate Vice President of the College of Education Grand Canyon University
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I never attended courses at all and on the first day when I attempted and realized I needed text books to participate and continuously tried to find out the quickest way to get those books. grand canyon was not prompt in assisting me in the matter so I withdrew immediately. Grand Canyon is stated that I posted three times. if so saying what because I don't recall that and had no material to do so and if I were commenting it was questioning where to get material. check the logs and the days and attendance. I was never actively there and if I commented in a course three times like that stated it was that first day when I realize I was not prepared and had not recvd what was required to do the course. so if me enrolling and withdrawing in a 72 hour period cost me almost 5,000.00 what a RIPOF
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
This Statement is false. I gave all of the information that was asked of me. I replied back to the email with my valid number and I communicated as need by email due to the fact it was hard reaching GCU through telephone. I faxed and filled out all of the papers that has asked from me. Here are some of the emails in which I was communicating with a few of the staffs.
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of [redacted]’ complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations [redacted] and, based on that review; GCU has determined...
that [redacted]’ complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:
I am unaware of the letter [redacted] referenced in his complaint. However I have conducted an audit on [redacted]’ account and have determined that the balance due on his account is for two courses which he dropped during his last attempted academic year.
In addition, per University records, on September 7, 2010 [redacted] spoke to a GCU finance counselor regarding a potential payment plan for his balance and requested a follow up call later that week. Per his request, numerous attempts were made to contact him to include: September 13, 2010; September 15, 2010; September 20, 2010; September 23, 2010; October 1, 2010; October 11, 2010; November 19, 2010; December 3, 2010; December 8, 2010; January 18, 2011, January 20, 2011; February 2, 2011, and February 8, 2011. However, each attempt which included a voice mail and/or email was unsuccessful as [redacted] did not return any of those voice mails or emails from GCU.
Finally, on February 22, 2011, [redacted]’ Finance Counselor finally received an email response from [redacted] in which he stated that he ran into some issues with making his payments but that he planned on starting a payment plan as soon as possible. [redacted] also acknowledged that his email response was very late but that he would get in contact with his finance counselor to see what kind of payment plan could be made. However, once again, GCU never heard from [redacted] nor did it receive any payments from [redacted] towards his account balance. On March 10, 2011 GCU sent a letter to [redacted] advising of the collections process and that his account would be sent to collections if payment was not made on his account.
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
College of Business
Grand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Mr. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the [redacted], College of Education, Associate Vice President and based on that review, GCU has determined that Mr....
[redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:A review of the [redacted] Learning Management System confirmed Mr. [redacted] attempted contact to his instructor during the course in question, [redacted] (Creating and Managing Engaging Learning Environments). Mr. [redacted] contacted the instructor in the virtual classroom in the appropriate space reserved for private communication between the student and the instructor. The instructor replied to Mr. [redacted] on 6.16.2015 after Mr. [redacted] initial inquiry on 6.14.2015 indicating he had returned from vacation and would be catching up work. The instructor’s reply indicated that the student should indeed continue to post discussion question answers and participation requirements. Further, the student advised the instructor he would be catching up assignments to which the instructor replied that the student should do this. In addition to the above information, Grand Canyon University’s Academic Compliance department reviewed all submissions made by Mr. [redacted] and determined that no course assignments were ever submitted by Mr. [redacted] after he indicated he would be catching up his required coursework. Therefore, it was determined that because Mr. [redacted] did not attempt to submit any of the core assignments in his course his final grade rendered would be based only on work that he did complete. In this case that work comprised a percentage less than what was required to successfully pass the course. Mr. [redacted] has been made aware of this review by the Academic Compliance team and advised of the consequences of the failing grade and his standing with the university. As well, Mr. [redacted] was admitted to GCU with an academic status of admitted with specifications. This status is defined from the GCU University Policy Handbook as “Students who do not meet the standards for admission may be admitted to Grand Canyon University programs with specification. Admission with specification requires nontraditional baccalaureate students to limit coursework to no more than 12 attempted credits or one semester for traditional baccalaureate student (no more than16 credits)”. Mr. [redacted] did not meet the below standard set for by this policy:Minimum Standards Graduate Student• Complete their coursework with a minimum institutional GPA of 3.0.• Review of academic record occurs after attempting 8 credits for nontraditional campus students, or one semester according to the program course-walk for traditional campus students.• Administrative Withdrawal occurs after failing to achieve the minimum-standard GPA.• Acceptance occurs after achieving the minimum-standard GPA.Mr. [redacted] was advised of this policy both in writing (2/24/2015) and verbally (2/25/2015) by his Student Service Advisor during his new student welcome call. Mr. [redacted] did not complete his assignments in class and was issued the correct grade. This caused Mr. [redacted] to have a GPA lower than 3.0 and per GCU’s policy he was dismissed from GCU. Per the policy, Mr. [redacted] can apply to be reinstated in 1 year from his dismissal date.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]Southwest DivisionCollege of EducationGrand Canyon University