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Address: 3300 W Camelback Rd, Phoenix, Arizona, United States, 85017-3030
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Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s rebuttal complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations, [redacted], and, based on that review; GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted]’s complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:
Although Ms. [redacted] has taught in a high-need subject area for five years, the area in which she does not qualify for TEACH Grant is that she was not in a TEACH Grant eligible program. You cannot receive a TEACH Grant if the area of study is not listed on the Teacher Shortage List. The high-need subject areas that Ms.[redacted] quoted from the GCU website does not list computer education; which was her area of study.
In addition to the above information, the attachment that Ms. [redacted] referenced and provided does state that the programs may qualify for TEACH Grant, but it also provides a link for the potential student to review the requirements. If the potential student clicks through the link they will find all of the TEACH Grant requirements including the Teacher Shortage Area list.
Contrary to her complaint GCU is not withholding money from Ms. [redacted]. TEACH Grant funding is not provided by the school, but as a federal grant. GCU understands that being in a low income school such grants are important to teachers like Ms. [redacted]. However, GCU can find no records of Ms. [redacted] being wrongfully advised on the TEACH grant nor can it find any TEACH grant paperwork submitted by Ms. [redacted]. Nonetheless, as stated previously Ms. [redacted]’s program did not meet the TEACH grant requirements.
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/ will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
College of Education – Central Region
Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations Dan B[redacted] and, based...
on that review, GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint requires further action. This determination is based on the following information:
Ms. [redacted] is currently in her 8th class at GCU and started her most recent academic year on 3/7/16. On 4/20/15 Ms. [redacted] received an email from GCU’s Office of Financial Aid notifying her that she had been selected for Verification to verify Household Resources information (V6). Verification is a random selection process used by the DOE to verify certain information on a student’s FAFSA to ensure its accuracy. Per law the DOE has the right to request certain information before awarding any student federal aid. Once provided, if there are differences between the information supplied on Ms. [redacted] federal application and her financial documents, GCU will ask for corrections. Per financial aid program rules (34 CFR, Part 668), GCU is then required to review the information received.
In Ms. [redacted] case, as part of the above mentioned verification process, GCU’s Office of Financial Aid had asked Ms. [redacted] for additional documents or statements to be provided on the following dates; 2/16/16, 3/24/16, 4/29/16, 5/4/16, & 5/9/16. Again, requesting additional documents or statements is part of the verification process and must be completed in order to determine the student’s Title 4 eligibility. At GCU’s Office of Financial Aid’s request on 05/09/16 Ms. [redacted] provided a statement clarifying her income to Student Services Advisor Andrea H[redacted]. Ms. H[redacted] submitted that document to the Office of Financial Aid that same day and is currently waiting to hear if this will satisfy Ms. [redacted] verification process.
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
Dan B[redacted]
Regional Director of Operations
Grand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations, Sandra Rodriguez and, based on that review, GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted]...
complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:GCU is required by law to report non-passing grades to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs along with the last day of class attended by the student. If Ms. Soliday feels that she has extenuating circumstances that caused her to fail the course, the Department of Veteran’s affairs has an appeal process that can be utilized. Since GCU did correctly report Ms. [redacted] enrollment to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, and Ms. [redacted] debt is held directly by the Department of Veteran’s affairs, GCU is unable to take any further action on the student’s behalf.
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
Regional Director of Military OperationsGrand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (GCU) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] rebuttal complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations, [redacted], and based on that review; GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:
The information requested by Ms. [redacted] is already available for Ms. [redacted] online at [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] award letter is also available online on her student portal under “My Financial Aid.” Nonetheless, GCU will mail physical copies of her financial aid documents to the address on her account including the [redacted] (Free Application for [redacted]), the MPN (Master Promissory Note), EI (Entrance Interview), and the award letter. GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
Sincerely,[redacted], MBARegional Director of OperationsGrand Canyon University
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I have been communicating with [redacted]. I have submitted an appeal form on 10/01/2015 through e-mail to [redacted]. He said he has submitted my appeal and it will take upto 15 days to receive the response for my appeal through e-mail. I have not received a response yet.
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the [redacted] Assistant Vice President of the College of Business and, based on that review; GCU has determined that [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:[redacted] had taken and completed 6 previous courses with GCU with the same technology and had no previous issues. [redacted] 7th course is where he stated he had issues with the E-Book. However, [redacted] did not notify his counselors until October 22, 2014 of his E-Book issues which was during the 6th week of a 7 week course. Therefore, [redacted] was informed that it was past the time that a student would be able to drop and still be eligible for any type of refund period and that he should contact Student Technical Support for assistance with accessing his E-Book. When this call took place [redacted] was already receiving a failing grade. He advised that he had never been able to get into his E-Book. However, GCU can find no records indicating that [redacted] had ever contacted GCU’s Technical Support Department regarding any issues. The Technical Support Department verified that between September 15, 2014, the date of the start of [redacted] 7th course; through January 5, 2015 they were unable to locate any requests for assistance by [redacted]. Given the opportunity GCU’s Technical Support Department can usually resolve these types of issues. [redacted] started his next course on November 17, 2014. His Student Service Advisor (SSA) and Enrollment Counselor (EC) both attempted to contact him within the first two days of the course to verify that he was able to get access to the E-Book. Attempts were made by both Email and telephone. Voicemails were also left for him. However, [redacted] did not respond. On November 25, 2014; the second week of his course; [redacted] SSA called him as GCU had been alerted that he was not participating adequately in his current course. During this call, [redacted] informed his SSA that he did not have access to his E-Book. [redacted] SSA told him to contact GCU’s Student Technical Support Department and even suggested that they both call them at that moment together. [redacted] said that he was not near his computer so he was instructed to contact Student Technical Support at his earliest convenience. [redacted] was eventually withdrawn from the 2nd course, due to lack of participation, giving him a W for Withdrawal.[redacted] account is not currently in collections. He still has the opportunity to resolve his balance with GCU before his account does get sent to collections. GCU has made several attempts to resolve this balance with him by calling and/or emailing him. As part of giving every student the opportunity to not only resolve their balance, but continue on to graduation, GCU attempts to call and email each student numerous times. In addition to the above information, GCU is willing to provide [redacted] with a scholarship in the amount of $1,860 to retake one of the two above mentioned courses, minus the cost of the E-Book. GCU is also willing to write off $1,000 of his $2,855 account balance. We will continue to attempt to reach out to [redacted] regarding this offer. As well, [redacted] can contact SSA [redacted] at [redacted] to take advantage of this offer and to set up payment arrangements on his remaining account balance. In regards to [redacted] appeal, per University records, he did request an appeal form from his EC and on November 11, 2014 his SSA emailed him the appeal form and advised him of the timeline to appeal the course. Per University records, [redacted] SSA did not receive the completed appeal form back. The email address which this appeal form was sent to is the same email address on [redacted] account that was provided by him and that is confirmed by him to verify who he is when he calls in to GCU or when GCU calls out to him. As stated above, GCU’s Student Technical department given the opportunity should be able to resolve these types of issues. As well, it was [redacted] responsibility to communicate and reach out to the Student Technical Support Department regarding any technical issues he may have had. He should have contacted the Student Technical department right away. Students are given various ways to contact them and are advised of this in each course, through the portal, the GCU website and the University Policy Handbook.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the [redacted] – Regional Director of Operations, [redacted], and based on that review, GCU has determined...
that [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:[redacted] first concern is that she did not receive a stipend after being told by GCU that she would. Students are not eligible for stipends when they do not earn their financial aid funds. Since Ms. [redacted] withdrew from her course she did not complete her Payment Period or her Academic Year and thus, did not earn all the financial aid funds to pay for her courses. This caused the unearned portion of her financial aid funds to be return to the [redacted] leaving Ms. [redacted] with an account balance of $1372.95. Per GCU records, [redacted] graduation team explained this information and the return of funds to her on March 3, 2015; March 24, 2015 and on April 9, 2015. Also, since Ms. [redacted] did not complete her Payment Period and Academic Year, if she chooses to attend another institution she should verify with them that she will not have an overlapping loan with GCU and the new school. While GCU understands that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced some health issues, the University does communicate to students that they are responsible for the courses that they have already started. As well, on March 3, 2015 GCU spoke with Ms. [redacted] and again explained that per its refund policy, she would be responsible for the cost of her course. In addition, GCU’s refund policy was also detailed on the enrollment agreement Ms. [redacted] signed on April 22, 2014. This enrollment agreement explained [redacted] financial obligation once posting into class. See below:Students who drop/withdraw from a course/all courses are eligible for the following refund: Before Week 1................................................ 100% tuition refund During Week 1 ................................................. 75% tuition refund During or after Week 2 ................................................... No refundAdditionally, by signing her enrollment agreement, Ms. [redacted] also acknowledged that she had access to the University’s Policy Handbook which also contains GCU’s course tuition refund policy. However, due to her situation, GCU is willing to work with Ms. [redacted] on a payment plan to resolve her balance.In regards to [redacted] claim that her program was not approved in the State of Ohio, GCU records indicate that at the time of her enrollment Ms. [redacted] lived in the State of West Virgina which is a GCU approved state. Ms. [redacted] did not move to Ohio until after her enrollment with GCU. GCU has since been approved to offer its program in Ohio. Thus, if Ms. [redacted] would like to continue her enrollment with GCU, we can help her get her questions answered and get a clear path to graduation. As well, if Ms. [redacted] returns by June 26, 2015 she will be eligible for a W/F credit. A W/F Credit is a one-time conditional opportunity for GCU to help a student who may have failed or withdrawn from a course. This Credit will be for the cost of a course to help students who may not otherwise be able to afford to continue on. The course will be applied to the last class in the payment period. Ms. [redacted] should be aware though that students could lose the credit if they do not succussfully pass the course that extends the payment period. If Ms. [redacted] is still desiring to get a transcript to transfer to Lakeland, once her balance is paid, GCU would able to send her transcripts. Finally, due to Federal Guidelines, GCU cannot speak with Ms. [redacted] regarding her mothers’ situation. However, GCU would encourage Ms. [redacted] to have her mother speak with her Student Service Advisor. GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]College of BusinessCollege of Engineering and TechnologyGrand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations, [redacted]. Based on that review, GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted]’s...
complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:In Ms. [redacted]’s complaint she feels she should be entitled to an over-awarded stipend check. She received a stipend check in the amount of $3,721.45 in February, 2015. GCU does inform its students that per Title IV regulations stipends are to be used for educational purposes only. The reason why the stipend was not for the correct amount was primarily caused by a schedule change. On January 9, 2015 Ms. [redacted] made a request to change her program of study from a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education to a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. She had her program change take effect on February 5, 2015. She was currently in a course ([redacted]) which was scheduled to complete on March 15, 2015. This means her Student Advising team had a deadline of March 15, 2015 to schedule her new classes for her new program. The GCU Accounting department cut her next scheduled stipend on February 10, 2015 but there were no future courses scheduled at that point due the program change. Our Student Advising team did get the future courses scheduled on February 18, 2015 but by that point the stipend had already been sent to the student. Ms. [redacted] was told twice to return the stipend (phone calls on 2/18/15 and 2/26/15) to cover her out of pocket obligation within two weeks of the stipend being cut. Even though the stipend was for the incorrect amount she would have received a stipend $709.55 for the current academic year (AY) had she stayed in her current program of study. The team also instructed her that returning the money would be required in order to fund the remainder of her education. Her current balance is $3901.90 and as long as she continues to the next course, she will then be eligible for $890 as a Persistence Scholarship (only if she passes the next course) and this would then bring her balance to $3011.90 which she would be responsible for. I called and left a voicemail with Ms. [redacted] on May 27, 2015 and May 28.2015 to explain the situation and offer my assistance. She did email her Student Advising team on May 27, 2015 in response to this situation. In the email she stated she already cashed and spent the stipend; however, she would only be able to do a payment plan of $100.00 per month. As long as Ms. [redacted] is willing to make $100.00 monthly payments then we should be able to make an arrangement at a later date to help scholarship her on the rest of the outstanding balance as long as she maintains her current GPA or better (3.45). As soon as I speak with Ms. [redacted] I will inform her that we also have a university appeal process she can complete. I will email her the appeal form and provide her with further instructions.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]Regional Director of Operations Grand Canyon University
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the [redacted] Assistant Vice President of the College of Business and, based on that review; GCU has determined that [redacted]...
[redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:[redacted] had taken and completed 6 previous courses with GCU with the same technology and had no previous issues. [redacted] 7th course is where he stated he had issues with the E-Book. However, [redacted] did not notify his counselors until October 22, 2014 of his E-Book issues which was during the 6th week of a 7 week course. Therefore, [redacted] was informed that it was past the time that a student would be able to drop and still be eligible for any type of refund period and that he should contact Student Technical Support for assistance with accessing his E-Book. When this call took place [redacted] was already receiving a failing grade. He advised that he had never been able to get into his E-Book. However, GCU can find no records indicating that [redacted] had ever contacted GCU’s Technical Support Department regarding any issues. The Technical Support Department verified that between September 15, 2014, the date of the start of [redacted] 7th course; through January 5, 2015 they were unable to locate any requests for assistance by [redacted] [redacted]. Given the opportunity GCU’s Technical Support Department can usually resolve these types of issues. [redacted] started his next course on November 17, 2014. His Student Service Advisor (SSA) and Enrollment Counselor (EC) both attempted to contact him within the first two days of the course to verify that he was able to get access to the E-Book. Attempts were made by both Email and telephone. Voicemails were also left for him. However, [redacted] did not respond. On November 25, 2014; the second week of his course; [redacted] SSA called him as GCU had been alerted that he was not participating adequately in his current course. During this call, [redacted] informed his SSA that he did not have access to his E-Book. [redacted] SSA told him to contact GCU’s Student Technical Support Department and even suggested that they both call them at that moment together. [redacted] said that he was not near his computer so he was instructed to contact Student Technical Support at his earliest convenience. [redacted] was eventually withdrawn from the 2nd course, due to lack of participation, giving him a W for Withdrawal.[redacted] account is not currently in collections. He still has the opportunity to resolve his balance with GCU before his account does get sent to collections. GCU has made several attempts to resolve this balance with him by calling and/or emailing him. As part of giving every student the opportunity to not only resolve their balance, but continue on to graduation, GCU attempts to call and email each student numerous times. In addition to the above information, GCU is willing to provide [redacted] with a scholarship in the amount of $1,860 to retake one of the two above mentioned courses, minus the cost of the E-Book. GCU is also willing to write off $1,000 of his $2,855 account balance. We will continue to attempt to reach out to [redacted] regarding this offer. As well, [redacted] can contact SSA [redacted] at [redacted] to take advantage of this offer and to set up payment arrangements on his remaining account balance. In regards to [redacted] appeal, per University records, he did request an appeal form from his EC and on November 11, 2014 his SSA emailed him the appeal form and advised him of the timeline to appeal the course. Per University records, [redacted] SSA did not receive the completed appeal form back. The email address which this appeal form was sent to is the same email address on [redacted] account that was provided by him and that is confirmed by him to verify who he is when he calls in to GCU or when GCU calls out to him. As stated above, GCU’s Student Technical department given the opportunity should be able to resolve these types of issues. As well, it was [redacted] responsibility to communicate and reach out to the Student Technical Support Department regarding any technical issues he may have had. He should have contacted the Student Technical department right away. Students are given various ways to contact them and are advised of this in each course, through the portal, the GCU website and the University Policy Handbook.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the [redacted], [redacted] and, based on that review; GCU has determined...
that Ms. [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:
Upon a review of Ms. [redacted] account, it was determined that her account balance is valid. Ms. [redacted]’s account balance in the amount of $4,014.00 is due to her receiving three non-passing grades ([redacted] on May 21, 2012, [redacted] on July 30, 2012, and [redacted] on September 24, 2012). After Ms. [redacted] received the non-passing grade in [redacted] on May 21, 2012, she was offered a one-time waiver of the tuition balance which was contingent on Ms. [redacted] successfully completing the retake. Ms. [redacted] then attempted the retake; however on July 30, 2012 she received another non-passing grade. Thus the credit was voided and created an additional balance. Ms. [redacted] then attempted a third class; PSY-452 but again did not complete it successfully.
Per University records, on September 20, 2012 Ms. [redacted] spoke to a finance counselor and was going to make a payment on her account balance. However, she did not make that payment. On December 12, 2012 Ms. [redacted] stated that she could not afford to make a payment and as a result her account was sent to Internal collections. Ms. [redacted] did make a few collections payments between May 2013 and January 2014, totaling $850.00. However, as of January 8, 2014 Ms. [redacted] has not made any further payments towards her account balance. This brings Ms. [redacted]’s remaining account balance to $3,164.00 still owed.
In regards to Ms. [redacted]’s transcript, per University policy, a Finance hold will prohibit any future class registration as well as prohibit the purchase and distribution of any official Grand Canyon University transcripts or diploma. Any students who have a hold placed on their account will be subject to Grand Canyon University’s Collection Policy. Failure to comply with the stated policies of the University may result in an administrative withdrawal from classes and/or submission to an outside collection agency, with the student assuming all additional costs. On March 18, 2010 Ms. [redacted] signed her Enrollment Application and acknowledged having access to the University Policy Handbook which contains these policies.
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
College of Business
Grand Canyon University
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of [redacted]...
complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the [redacted], Regional Director of Operations, College of Education and, based on that review; GCU has determined that [redacted]’ complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:
[redacted] stated in her complaint that she submitted a grade appeal and that it was denied by GCU. While this is correct, the reason for the denial is that [redacted] did not provide enough detail in her appeal. In addition, GCU made 25 attempts from August 13, 2013 through November 27, 2013, to contact [redacted] in order to obtain the documentation needed for her appeal and to assist her with getting back into class. However, all attempts to reach [redacted] were unsuccessful. As well, as of November 27, 13, [redacted]’s contact information in her GCU student file was no longer valid. On July 16, 2014, I attempted to reach out to [redacted] again; unfortunately, the phone number is still not valid. Therefore, on July 16, 14, I sent an email to [redacted] requesting updated contact information and the best time to reach her.
GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.
Regional Director of Operations
Grand Canyon University
See attachment.
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Associate Vice President, [redacted] and, based on that review, GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint...
was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:Ms. [redacted] started class with GCU on 7/9/2015 and withdrew from class on 7/21/2015 with her last date of attendance on 7/17/2015. GCU’s Course Tuition Refund police as outlined in the student handbook states that there will be no tuition refunded during or after the second week of class. GCU records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was actively attending her online class between 7/9/15 and 7/17/15 thus all charges are valid. In addition to the above information, prior to starting class Ms. [redacted] received a welcome call in which the drop policy was covered. That call took place on 5/28/2015. Leading up to the call Ms. [redacted]’ Student Services Advisor (SSA), [redacted] attempted to contact her sooner for the welcome call on 5/18/2015, 5/21/2015 and 5/27/2015 and when he was unable to reach Ms. [redacted], he sent emails to her regarding GCU policies which included the refund policy. In all three of those emails the following information was outlined:Drop Policy: If a course is dropped prior to the start date you will not be charged for the course. If you start a course and formally request to drop before week 1 ends you will be charged 25% for that course (canyon connect charge remains the same). If you drop or request to drop on or after day one of week two you will be charged the full course tuition.As well, the following refund policy is also outlined in the GCU Student Handbook: Course Tuition Refund – (Page 85 of Student Handbook)The University will refund tuition according to the following policy unless a student attending courses online is a resident of a state that requires the University to follow different guidelines. These state policies are listed in the State Refund Policies section of this handbook. Refer to the Official Enrollment Status Change section of the University Policy Handbook for a complete explanation of the University’s Withdrawal Policy.Nontraditional StudentsStudents who drop/withdraw from a course/all courses are eligible for the following refund:Before Week 1................................................ 100% tuition refundDuring Week 1 ................................................. 75% tuition refundDuring or after Week 2 ................................................... No refundGCU records also indicate that SSA [redacted] reached out to Ms. [redacted] on 7/16/2015. He left her a voicemail and also sent her an email in regards to her low grades in the class and advised her to email her instructor if she was having any issues in her course as she was coming down to the final two weeks of class. On 7/17/2015 Ms. [redacted] replied that she was away from home and with her parents back east for their 50th wedding anniversary party but that she would email that day. However, the next email received from Ms. [redacted] was not until 7/23/2015 in which she stated that she wanted to withdraw from her class. Therefore, as stated above Ms. [redacted] balance is due and owing.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted]Southwest DivisionCollege of Education, Grand Canyon University ("GCU") is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] rebuttal complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations [redacted] and, based on that review; GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint was appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information: The photos Ms. [redacted] attached to her rebuttal complaint confirm that since she withdrewfrom her course, Eng. 106, she did not complete her Payment Period or her Academic Year and thus, did not earn all the financial aid funds to pay for her courses. In Ms. [redacted] rebuttal she states that the english class was paid for by her Financial Aid. Originally the course was fully covered by Financial Aid until she withdrew and did not return. This caused the unearned portion of her financial aid funds to be returned to the Federal Government leaving Ms. [redacted] with an account balance of$1372.95. Ms. [redacted] is not being charged for any classes she did not post attendance in. The course cost $1950.95. Prior to the return of funds the student had a credit of $881.05. GCU was required to send back $2254.00, the unearned funds, to the [redacted]. This brought Ms. [redacted] balance to $1372.95. As stated previously in GCU's original response, per GCU records, Ms. [redacted] graduation team explained this information and the return of funds to her on March 3, 2015; March 24, 2015 and on April 9, 2015. GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.Sincerely,[redacted]Business DivisionGrand Canyon University
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have forwarded you some emails to support my complaint against Grand Canyon University. As I read GCUs response to my complaint I found bogus untrue statements that are not consistent with the events regarding this matter. There was a conversation with [redacted] that took place on March 5, 2015 where she informed me based on “The Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Committee met on your behalf 3/5/2015 to discuss the circumstances of your student teaching placement. This document serves as official notification that you have been terminated from your student teaching placement”. All GCU phone calls are recorded and could testify to the fact that I told Ms. [redacted] that I would not be withdrawing from my student teaching class where I was at a 97% in the class. Ms. [redacted] then informed me as a result of this termination, you will be withdrawn from the online student teaching course. This letter requires a 48 hour response, in writing, indicating you have received official termination notification. You will be required to retake your student teaching course and 16 weeks of student teaching. In order to reapply for your second and final attempt to student teach, you will first need to complete a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) which will be developed and implemented by the [redacted]. The dates of the CAP will be 3/9/2015 to 5/3/2015. Ms. [redacted] never informed me that she would contact [redacted] for another placement. I never told Ms. [redacted] nor did I request to be places in student teaching in the spring of 2016. I was very adamant about GCU finding me another student teaching placement as soon as Mr. [redacted] informed me that Lithia Springs Elementary school did not want me to return to their school after the Friday February 27, 2015. I was in contact with [redacted] on March 2, 2015 in which he told me that [redacted] was not going to reassign me another student teaching placement and that I should start looking for private schools in [redacted] to possibly be assigned to. As far as the Corrective Action plan, I was told that I had 48 hours to commit to doing it or I would not be able be to complete me degree. I never spoke to anyone from GCU on June 5, 2015. The only reason I fell out of attendance is because I was told that I would not be put in another student teaching placement. Mr. [redacted] has only contacted me since I made this complaint. When I tried to reach out to the dean of students and Ms. [redacted]’s supervisor no one returned any of my phone calls. I already paid for this course and I was in 97% compliance up until the moment in question. I never had any idea anything was in the least wrong, concerning GCU, until I was, to my surprise, told by [redacted] that [redacted] did not want me back. My husband contacted the Superintendent of [redacted] , Dr. [redacted], who informed him that [redacted] was not the one who terminated me. That phone call should be recorded as well. For several days immediately following the initial conversation with [redacted] I was being told I would be immediately reassigned to another school in [redacted], most likely a private school. I was then blind sided with the committee meeting news a few days later and the confusion and deception just keeps coming. GCU let me down major and they need to be held accountable. This feels like a complete scam.!
Please see GCU's original response as there was no new issue to address in the rebuttal comment.
1. First off I had issues with 3 different teachers during that time. Some treating me like a child and being disrespectful to me. One teacher, I even wrote an email to her supervisor as well as called him and heard nothing back.
2. My student advisor was not much help to me, rarely returned my phone call or replied to emails. He would give me the run around about questions I would ask. I even voiced my concerns to him about my teachers he did not follow up. This year when I asked him to switch my major it took him 2 months to complete the process. Also, this year after my financial aid was disbursed it took 2 months for me to get a check. On May 22 my dad passed away and because of it, I decided to withdrawal immediately. I emailed advisor and my enrollment counselor and told them. However, my advisor called me a week later and asked me why I hadn't been in class. I explained to him what was going on and he said he would put the paperwork in right away. However, he called me again the following week, wondering why I hadn't been in class. I had to explain again. He finally dropped me that day.
3. The one positive experience I had at GCU was my enrollment counselor. He is amazing, always replies to emails even on his day off. Calls you back immediately. Gets the answers to questions even if he doesn't know them himself, he will ask someone who does. He is a great example of what an employee should be.
4. Recently I received a bill for GCU $587. My advisor sent me an email about it and I replied back to him and asked him what the charges were for. He did not reply. I believe GCU gave me persistence credits and that once I withdrew, this is what I am being charged for. I think this is utterly ridiculous and don't feel I should have to pay anything.
Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations, [redacted] and, based on that review; GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint was appropriately...
resolved. This determination is based on the following information:Per University records, on February 20, 2008 Ms. [redacted] completed an application to attend GCU and on March 14, 2008 as part of the application process, GCU’s Office of Academic Records (“OAR”) received Ms. [redacted] Lindenwood college transcripts. Upon Ms. [redacted] enrollment, she participated in the 2008 Spring2 and Summer2 semesters between March and August 2008. Additionally, on June 25, 2008 GCU was notified that Ms. [redacted] changed her GCU program to MBA leadership. On June 30, 2008 Ms. [redacted] was awarded Federal student loans in the amount of $11,305.66 in subsidized loans as well as $11,985.96 in unsubsidized loans. These loans were applied to Ms. [redacted] tuition charges here at GCU and the credit that was created in the amount of $7,051.32 was issued in a stipend check to Ms. [redacted] on July 10, 2008. On August 25, 2008 Ms. [redacted] faxed a Loan Clearance letter to GCU that stated “I am no longer enrolled in your school. I originally sent this to you on August 12, 2008 and you sent it to my school saying I was still enrolled.” On August 20, 2008 GCU then processed a complete withdrawal in response to Ms. [redacted] letter. In addition to the above information, Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in a total of 4 courses at GCU and she received a grade of WF in three of those courses and an F in the fourth course. With these non-passing grades on September 4, 2008 GCU was required to return both the Federal Subsidized and Federal Unsubsidized loans that Ms. [redacted] had not earned to the lender. As a result, this created a $1,399.96 balance owed to GCU by Ms. [redacted] for her non-passing grades and for not earning the Federal financial aid. Ms. [redacted] could have returned this portion of the $7,051.32 stipend amount that was sent to her to GCU in order to pay her account balance; however she chose to keep this money instead.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,[redacted], Regional Director of OperationsGrand Canyon University
I started GCU in January of 2014. The first thing that I noticed was how they seemed to not be able to get my financial aid approved. They said that the last university I attended wouldn't release me from their financial aid. The financial aid department of that university swore up and down that they did. I even ended up talking to the HEAD of the financial aid department that I previously attended and she assured me I was released. She asked me to contact the person I was talking to at GCU and since there was NO ONE from the financial aid department that I could contact.and the matter was resolved within a few hours. Given my future history from that point with GCU, I imagine that GCU's incompetence (since all of their help are students themselves) was immediately put to shame by the head of the financial aid department of a major university. This was just the beginning. I spent the next five classes struggling to get the requirements in for the classes that I was taking. I had to fight that the schools here had two bursting education schools that have plenty of students vying for observations in classrooms. The threat is that I use financial aid and that if I were to drop or fail the class, then I would have a return of funds and owe the university the money for the class. They use that as a threat to get compliance yet offering no help in return. If you call the advisers or the teacher education specialists they will utter the same lines verbatim over and over again when you tell them over and over that those options did not work. They expect you to do everything while they sit back and make money off of my student loans and my money. The teacher's have an enormous control over whether you pass or fail. Everything that is graded is subjective (even though my enrollment counselor assured me it wasn't and that if you just participate and ask for help you will not fail). If you do not agree to what the teacher believes is the right answer they will not give you a favorable grade. This last class I took was exactly like this. I made the mistake of expressing an honest opinion on a discussion question (which, by the way, are written to try to facilitate discussion) and the teacher immediately took a disliking to my question and docked me points because she disagreed with me. I also failed the class and she may say that I didn't try but after fighting snow storms and a teacher that would do what she could to knock points off, I gave up trying. I personally have to wonder why, even though she had an education degree, she wasn't teaching. It makes me think that she may have not been qualified for teaching, and given the other comments on this site, it is a valid observation. I now owe this university 2100 dollars because I was foolish enough to assert an opinion contrary to those believed by the professor (it had to do with testing in public schools). This from a Christian university. I should have followed my instincts and the other negative reviews from this site and stayed far away from Grand Canyon University. I plan to submit a complaint to I couldn't imagine how they have an A+ rating on this site. It baffles me. I may not trust the ratings here anymore. They will probably say I knew what I was getting into and I guess I did, but I didn't know of their incompetence as a school and I wish I had believed those who did.
Dear,Grand Canyon University (“GCU”) is in receipt of Ms. [redacted] complaint and we value the opportunity to respond. The issue has been reviewed by the Regional Director of Operations, Ian Flores and, based on that review, GCU has determined that Ms. [redacted] complaint was...
appropriately resolved. This determination is based on the following information:Ms. [redacted] inquired about a Master of Science in Nursing with an Emphasis in Nursing Education and was scheduled to start her program on April 14, 2016. Prior to the start of her first course, Enrollment Counselor, Tara P[redacted] attempted to contact Ms. [redacted] multiple times to complete a Walk to Class. However, Ms. P[redacted] was unsuccessful due to a bad number and/or not being able to leave a message for Ms. [redacted] to return her calls. Attempts were made by Ms. P[redacted] on April 7, 2016; April 8, 2016 and April 14, 2016. Every student receives a Walk to Class from their enrollment counselor. During this call the counselor will review the entire LoudCloud system to ensure the student is prepared to take courses online here at GCU. On April 7, 2016 during a phone conversation between Ms. P[redacted] and Ms. [redacted], a Walk to Class was scheduled for the following day; April 8, 2016. On April 8, 2016 Enrollment Counselor Miranda B[redacted] attempted to contact Ms. [redacted] to complete the Walk to Class and a message was left by Ms. B[redacted]; however her call was never returned by Ms. [redacted], so the appointment was missed. On April 14, 2016 there were four different attempts by Ms. P[redacted] to contact Ms. [redacted] to review and go through the Walk to Class but none of her calls were returned. When Ms. [redacted] finally did call in, after her start date, she spoke with Stacia A[redacted], Miranda B[redacted], Tara P[redacted], and Alicia L[redacted]. During these calls, Ms. [redacted] asked questions and had concerns regarding accreditation, transfer credits, and financial aid. However, she did not raise any questions about the LoudCloud software or any issues with that system.On April 13, 2016, Ms. [redacted] Student Services Advisor, Ms. L[redacted] completed a Welcome Call with Ms. [redacted]. During the Welcome Call, the counselor will review all GCU policies and procedures with the student, including the Drop\Withdrawal policies as well as all financial aid timelines and policies. During this call, Ms. L[redacted] also explained that Ms. P[redacted] was Ms. [redacted] Enrollment Counselor and Ms. L[redacted] was Ms. [redacted] Student Services Advisor. She also explained that they work very closely throughout the entire program for the student, and that as her Student Services Advisor, Ms. [redacted] can always work with Ms. P[redacted]. Ms. L[redacted] also explained that Ms. [redacted] was starting at GCU with an overlapping loan meaning that Ms. [redacted] had attended and used financial aid at another school and that loan overlapped with her loans at GCU. However, Ms. P[redacted] further explained that Ms. [redacted] would have enough financial aid to cover her first Academic Year in full at GCU with no out of pocket expenses. However, on April 26, 2016 during week 2 of her courses, Ms. [redacted] submitted a Complete Withdrawal. Ms. [redacted] last date of attendance was on April 24, 2016 which was also during week 2, therefore she was participating in her classes during week 2 when she decided to withdraw from GCU. Per GCU Policy that was detailed to Ms. [redacted] during her Welcome Call with Ms. L[redacted], if a student withdraws from a course after week 1, the student is fully responsible for tuition charges. Since Ms. [redacted] decided to withdraw, her Title IV funds were not able to be packaged as they were unearned. Title IV funds cannot post to a student’s account after their last date of attendance. As a result, Ms. [redacted] owes a balance in the amount of $2,400 for tuition and fees.On May 19, 2016 a settlement was offered to Ms. [redacted]. GCU offered Ms. [redacted] a full non-passing tuition adjustment in the amount of $2,000 along with a new scheduled Walk to Class to prepare for class if she returned to GCU. However she declined GCU’s offer. Ms. [redacted] does have a $2,400 balance owed to GCU for withdrawing from her first course which includes $2,000 in tuition charges and $400 in Learning Management Fees.GCU takes student complaints very seriously and does everything it can to resolve them in an amicable manner. I hope the aforementioned information/actions will bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Sincerely,Ian F[redacted] Regional Director of Operations, College of Nursing and Health Care ProfessionalsGrand Canyon University