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Freedom Mortgage Corporation

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Reviews Mortgage Banker Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Freedom Mortgage Corporation Reviews (1665)

Mr. [redacted] I apologize that the loan process did not meet your expectations. I asked staff involved with your file to provide me with an update and they advised that there were recent issues verifying employment/employer. I will be refunding the appraisal fee you paid in the amount of 500.00. It...

will be sent via regular mail in about 15 business days Sincerely[redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
First of all I requested on November 8th that a senior management individual from Freedom Mortgage call me to discuss the situation.  I have yet to receive a call.   I have not yet received the following from Freedom Mortgage:
First of all an in-depth root cause analysis as to why this situation occurred and what procedural changes will be instituted at Freedom Mortgage to rectify this situation in the future.
Second of all, Freedom Mortgage pulled a credit report through [redacted] and now the hard inquiry shows on my credit report.   The options that will be satisfactory to me are as follows:
1.  Freedom Mortgage honors the original contract and closes my mortgage by November 15th.
2.  Freedom Mortgage has the hard inquiry on my credit report withdrawn by November 15th.
In regard to other mortgage products how can I as a consumer continue to work with Freedom Mortgage when they are unwilling and/or unable to determine the root cause for the current issue and how that will not happen again in the future?
I have received no official documented notification from Freedom Mortgage of this problem, any available options to me or recourse available to me.  I do not understand why there is such an unwillingness of Freedom Mortgage to discuss the issue and provide resolution.  Due to no fault of my own, I have lost 30 days of time and the ability to refinance my mortgage at a historically low rate.   How will Freedom Mortgage resolve this situation please?
On November 8th I also asked for the contact information for the legal department at Freedom Mortgage.  I have yet to receive this information.   Thank you.

I would not recommend this company to my worst enemy! All started out great with our refinance process but one week later it started goin down hill. The communication was horrible. When you email documents that are request and don't hear anything about that email for one week and have to email again to see if they received it then finally get a response that yes it was received and they will take a look at it and get back to you is pretty sad. As a customer I feel that you should be treated as their number one customer not like you are being pushed to the back of the line. In the end we paid for an appraisal and wer told that we would need to reapply after 3 months of nothing. We were told we would close within a month. Lie! Am so unhappy with our experience. If you are thinking of refinancing or anything for that matter with this company, rethink it.

September 14, 2017   [redacted]
* Re:       Your Complaint to the             [redacted]   We have reviewed your...

complaint and researched the issue regarding the overage in your escrow account.   We perform escrow analyses on a state schedule so we can evaluate your account after taxes have been due so the most up to date tax amounts can be obtained which will mitigate any shortages in your escrow account. In this instance, we received $2,319.16 back from your closing as taxes were apparently overpaid.   Instead of performing an escrow analysis at this time, we will keep the state schedule and analyze your account next month. However, we will issue a check in the amount of $2,319.16 from your escrow account at this time to reimburse you for the overpaid taxes. You should receive the check within a week.     Sincerely,       Joseph P. P[redacted] Assistant Vice President Customer Service Freedom Mortgage Corporation [redacted]

Worst company ever. After trying to talk to anyone that works there, I'm pretty sure we talked to everyone because nobody knows what the hell they are doing there, our loan was cancelled because they lost our paperwork somehow. this went on for over 3 months. we ended up walking away from this headache, only to be met with another. Late fees from our insurance company because of this companies many stupid mistakes. They have no clue how to run this business, and I would stay away from this company.

Complaint: [redacted]

Mr. [redacted], I am sorry that this has been a long process for you and your buyer. We have to have all the documentation required by the underwriter and sometimes as they review one thing they find that they need additional information. I have been advised that the file is with the underwriter...

for final review and that there should be a decision shortly.
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Ms. [redacted], I asked our servicing center to review the issue you had. You were on a repayment plan to make up for the payment that you were not able to pay. Below was their response. Also the late charges are included in the plan because the loan is considered lateA repayment plan letter was sent...

to the borrower on June 30, 2014. The plan consisted of one payment of $1750.00 and 5 remaining payments of $1770.58 for a total of $10,602.90. This total included 6 regular mortgage payments of $1,456.44, the "skipped" payment in amount of $1,456.44  which equals = $10195.88. The remaining amount is the late fees in amount of $407.82.While the borrower did pay as agreed, she was still delinquent. We have to report accurately, which is why we have the code which states payment plan. The level of delinquency did not increase, but is reported each month what it was at the time the plan took effect. The idea behind the repayment plan, is that by the end of the plan, the loan will be current. Below is how she was reported: 01/20/2015   01/01/2015 4 11-CURRENT         12/22/2014   12/01/2014 4 11-CURRENT         11/20/2014   11/01/2014 4 11-CURRENT     10/20/2014   09/01/2014 4 71-30 DAYS D     AC-PARTL PYMT AGREE   09/22/2014   08/01/2014 4 71-30 DAYS D     AC-PARTL PYMT AGREE   08/20/2014   07/01/2014 4 71-30 DAYS D     AC-PARTL PYMT AGREE   07/21/2014   06/01/2014 4 71-30 DAYS D     AC-PARTL PYMT AGREE   [redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage corporation

Mr. [redacted], upon receipt of your complaint I reached out to the loss draft department. They advised that it is our requirement that a licensed contractor complete the work. This is a large claim and it is...

our responsibility to the investor that the work be completed in a professional manner. [redacted] is the investor and we must do what is required to meet their expectations. Below is what the procedure is in regards to the claim and the release of the funds
Upon receipt of all required documents (signed contract, contractor’s W-9, contractor’s wavier of lien form, adjuster’s estimate, and copy of contractor’s license), a disbursement of $40,000.00 would be issued to the borrower and contractor.  Upon the repairs being verified by inspection at least at 50%, an additional disbursement of one-half of the remaining balance would be released to borrower and contractor. The final disbursement would be held until inspection verifies repairs are at least 90% complete with no structural repairs remaining to be completed, at which time the funds would be released to borrower and contractor.
I am sorry but we will not be able to comply with you wish to have all the proceed sent to you and to waive the requirement for a licensed contractor.
Roseanne G
SVP Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Complaint: [redacted]
Of course my email was not part of your system. That's what I was telling you. Your sign-up page never sent me the confirmation email, just like this time. I do not have an email from you at my [redacted] account, and therefore know that your system is still broken. Yes, I have checked my spam folder et al. Do not attempt to contact me again unless you have fixed your system. I am tired of having to respond to idiocy.

Ms [redacted], I am sorry that you were having issues getting the refinance to close and getting updates from our staff. I escalated your file and had the processing area reach out to you and give you an update. A you know your loan has not closed and funded. Please let me know if I can be of any...

further assistanceSincerely[redacted]Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Ms. [redacted], your loan transferred to us from [redacted]. They and the title company they used are the ones that recorded the mortgage incorrectly. We have filed a title claim with the insurer [redacted] and have expressed to the claim rep the urgency of this issue and are...

waiting on their response. There is really nothing else that we can do to expedite this process I am afraid. SincerelyRoseanne GSr. Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

[redacted], I do apologize that the refinance was taking longer than expected, it seems that there was a delay based due to the fact that taxes for your property, which we needed to complete our calculations were not going to be available until the 2nd week of November. We have since gotten the...

figures, provided you with your final HUD figures and closing is scheduled for 11/20/15 at 3PM. please let me know if I can assist you with anything further [redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage

Mr. [redacted] I apologize, I forgot to address that portion of your complaint. The November payment was reported as delinquent because we did not apply it due to us not seeing that your had paid the shortage and therefore when you sent the payment the system believed it to be a short payment. We submitted a correction to the credit bureaus to report November as current and paid as agreed. This will update with the next reporting cycle. I apologize that this situation has caused you distress. SincerelyRoseanne GVice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Mr. P,days have turned into weeks; weeks into months. The action of refinancing this house in my ex-spouse's name has been dragging on and on. I started calling Freedom Mortgage representatives back in April 2016, and today your company is no closer to resolving the underling issue, which is to either refinance the house solely to my ex-spouse or foreclose on the house. It does not take any lender that long to make a decision on whether or not to extend credit to a customer. And, continuing to report the $16,000+ past due amount to the credit agencies is only making my credit rating worst, which I am going to dispute. Thank you for admitting that I was not contacted regarding the delinquency. I am still requesting credit repair for the damage caused by [redacted] and Freedom Mortgage. The selling and buying of delinquent mortgages does not pass the common sense test, and the attorney general agrees with me on that.  

August 17, 2016       [redacted]
[redacted]     Re:       Your complaint to the   Dear Mr. [redacted]:   We are in receipt of your complaint and are happy to respond to your concerns. I have...

reviewed your complaint and researched the issue the missing payment.   Our records indicate that one payment posted on 5/10/2016 and again on 5/11/2016 but the 5/11/2016 payment didn’t clear. It doesn’t appear that the money came out of your bank account from our end. In order to further investigate the matter, please provide the bank statements (all pages) covering the full month of May. If checks were used to make the payments, please provide copies of canceled checks for both payments.   You may fax the statements to the fax number below or e-mail a scanned copy to the e-mail address below.   If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.     Sincerely,       [redacted] Assistant Vice President Customer Service Freedom Mortgage Corporation [redacted]
[redacted] Phone: ###-###-#### or direct line ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-#### [redacted]

This was my second refi with Freedom Mortgage. They were quick to process my application, made it easy for me to get copies of all forms and helped in reducing my mortgage payments each month.

Mr. [redacted], I reviewed your account with the tax department and it appears that we had the taxes set up incorrectly as having two disbursements annually equally over 5,000 when in fact there is only one in the amount of 2793.58 They reanalyzed the account effective with the May payment and your new...

payment is $1171.26. I do apologize for the frustration this has caused you. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistanceSincerely[redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

[redacted] the loan was eventually denied, after your broker advised us that you withdrew the application from them, not because you had a small business loan but because that small business loan was a lien against your house which caused the total loan to value to exceed that amount allowed under the program. Your broker was aware of this and should have explained that to you. In my last response I stated that I could not refund the appraisal fee until the the broker updated us on the status of your application. I also provided my email but I never received an email from you. Because I now know that the file is closed with us I will authorize the refund of the appraisal fee. Please allow 10 to 12 business days for the check to be mailed to you.
Vice President
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  not acceptable solution. In the State of [redacted], I as the home owner am allowed to perform repairs and remodel my home as I see fit without being a licensed contractor. 

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Description: Mortgage Bankers

Address: 1900 E. Broadway, Maryville, Tennessee, United States, 37804


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