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Freedom Mortgage Corporation

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Reviews Mortgage Banker Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Freedom Mortgage Corporation Reviews (1665)

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Quit going around in circles lady!!!! I have left you my number multiple times and barley received a phone call from you yesterday at 2:30 my time when you have known for quite some time I have said any time after 3 [redacted] time. Just sell my loan to anothe company your customer service SUCKS!!!!!!! Nothing is going to get resolved at this rate! Going in almost 4 months!!!!!!!! 

July 26, 2016
Roman" size="3"> Mr. [redacted] and Mrs. [redacted]
Re:       Your Complaint to the
Dear Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]:
We are in receipt of your complaint and are happy to respond to your concerns.
First, please allow me to apologize for the delay in notifying you about the second lien on the property. We are reviewing this issue with our processing management to determine why you were not notified sooner.
When a second lien appears on title, we must ask the second lien holder to agree to and prepare a subordination agreement which will keep their lien in the second position when our mortgage is recorded. In this instance, we could not obtain an acceptable subordination agreement from the second lien holder as their subordination agreement contains verbiage that has been deemed unacceptable to Freedom Mortgage per our legal department.
Per our notes, you requested to withdraw your application on July 18, 2016. The only option would be to have the lien paid off in order to proceed with a refinance transaction with Freedom Mortgage. This can be accomplished with a cash out refinance transaction assuming that there is enough equity in the property to pay off the existing mortgage and the second lien in addition to any costs associated with the transaction.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Assistant Vice President
Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
Phone: [redacted] or direct line [redacted]
Fax: [redacted]

Mr. [redacted], upon receipt of your complaint I asked the escrow department to review your loan. They advised that the loan was originated on12/14/15 and we acquired the servicing on 1/12/16. The property taxes were paid, based on the Homestead...

Exemption, in the amount of 1085.72 on 4/19/16. The loan is scheduled for the Annual escrow Analysis in October of each year (state determined date). As a courtesy we ran an off-schedule analysis effective with the 6/1 payment. The new payment amount will be 1269.21 and a surplus check of 419.82 will be sent separate from the analysis statement. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistanceSincerely
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Mr. [redacted], upon receipt of your complaint I reviewed your account. It seems that on 12/21 two drafts to pay the January payment on 1/8 in the amount of 3000.00 each in error
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You had called in to have one reversed but it was applied to principal in error. They funds were then reversed on 3/1 and sent to your bank account. If you do not show the receipt of these funds please email me at [redacted]. I ma very sorry for the how long it took to get this resolved and we will be reviewing our procedures to assure that this will not reoccur.
Roseanne [redacted]
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Dear [redacted]Upon receipt of your complaint I reviewed the loan application and the status of the file. I do apologize as I can see that the closing that were canceled should not have been scheduled in the first place as we were missing a correct payoff. The cash needed at closing was also not...

handled as we would have liked as the numbers were preliminary as the payoff had not yet been received, the individuals involved have received some additional training. I understand that the loan has since closed and funded and that you did not need to bring any funds to the closing table. Again, I do apologize and if you need anything in the future please feel free to  reach out to me at [redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because I did not speak with ANYONE from Freedom Mortgage on Dec. 8, 2015, nor has the company addressed the problems. I did speak with [redacted] on December 4; however, [redacted] stated that he would follow-up by December 9, I asked [redacted] to follow-up no later than Dec. 11. I have yet to hear back from [redacted]. In addition, I left a voicemail message for [redacted] on Dec. 15, 2015, which I have not received a call back yet from. The original rep which I spoke with Dec. 3, 2015 followed-up on Dec. 21st (18 days after the initial contact), stating I am following-up from a few days ago. THE PROBLEMS STILL EXISTS: 1.    FREEDOM MORTGAGE CUSTOMER SERVICE IS HORRIBLE. 2.    MY QUESTIONS STILL HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED.

Ms. [redacted] I apologize that we provided some misinformation in regards to the fee. We have applied 25.00 to the principal balance of the loan. Please let me know if we can be of any further assistance


[redacted] because the website is administered by [redacted], our sub-servicer, I asked them to address your concerns. Below is their response:I just spoke with IT. They stated this is a common practice when a borrower is having an IT issue as that is the only way then can actually...

see the error that the borrower is having. We fully verify all borrowers prior to speaking with them in regards to the account, so we know that we are speaking with the correct person, and if they call in, they know they are speaking with the correct company.  The only other option is for the borrower to take a screen shot of the errors themselves and email it to us, but there is no guarantee we can fix the error without being able to access the account. We can assure him that the information would not be shared with people other than IT and that it is not recorded in any loan notes. He also has the option of changing his username and password as soon as we correct or determine the website issue. Please let me know if you need anything furtherRoseanne G[redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

Mr. [redacted], our bank's lockbox does not at this time read the memo line. We have been meeting with them and have had people onsite for a number of days to work out the issues we have with them. I agree with all that you are saying in you letter and that is what we are trying to have them comply with. To assure that extra principal payments are applied are you are requesting I would suggest sending them to the address below where they will be applied by a person rather than the bank's system. I have not reversed any thing that you sent and applied. I am attaching a payment history for your review so you can advise if the payments have been applied properly. If anything appears wrong of if you have questions please feel free to email me at [redacted] and in regards to our staff, we will review the calls you had with our reps and provide training as needed  Freedom MortgageCash Processing[redacted]


Re:       Your Complaint to the
Dear Mr. [redacted]
We are in receipt of your complaint and are happy to respond to your concerns. I have reviewed your complaint and researched the issue regarding the difficulties you encountered in making your payment on our website.
We are constantly striving to resolve any issues relating to our website. Given the issues that you have encountered in attempting to make your payment, we have amended your credit for the July 1, 2016 payment.
I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr. [redacted] I do apologize for the delay in paying your taxes, the account was set up incorrectly and that is why the taxes were not paid automatically, the data has been corrected and there should be no further issues going forward. The tax department advised me that the check was sent out for the...

taxes on 3/15/16 and sent to the county for processing. Freedom Mortgage paid the penalties. Please let me know if there is anything further I can assist you withSincerelyRoseanne [redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

Ms. [redacted]
I do apologize for the lack of contact. I checked our records and it seems that the file was closed out due to inactivity. We can open up a new application if you would like and I will be happy to remove the inquiries from July. Please let me know if you...

would like to be contacted about a new application. [email protected]
Roseanne [redacted]

Worst business ever. Loan,was sold to this company and have had nothing but bad experiences overall.

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] this was handled over the phone after complaint was sent and freedom mortgage agreed that the person who handled my escrow at the time will never be allowed to handle it again and the proper management will handle this employee for making this huge of a mistake.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Ms. [redacted], Upon receipt your complaint I reached out to [redacted] They advised that you had provided them with a trace number for the payment on 3/9/16. They researched and located the funds. A check in the amount of 820.00 was sent on 3/25/16. As of 3/30/16 it has not been...

cashed. You should receive the check this week but if you do not please contact me at [redacted]Sincerely[redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I appreciate my lender taking the time to read my complaint and address my concerns. It seems to me this should have been possible to achieve going through customer support.[redacted]

Dear [redacted],Upon receipt of your complaint I asked our escrow departmentto reach out to the vendor we use to handle the insurance policies and thepayment of the premiums. They reviewed and found the following. It seems thattheir processor misread your Condo Association’s master policy and...

thought itcovered from the walls in. As such they removed the requirement for the H06policy you have and as such did not have the disbursement date on the system.Additionally since they did not show that individual coverage was needed theyalso did not send out any letter regarding renewal information. Due to thiserror in processing the vendor will be forwarding 20.00 to your escrow accountto reimburse you the additional cost associated with the reinstatement of thepolicy. On behalf of Freedom Mortgage I do apologize for the error on the partof our vendor and we will make a review of similar loans to be sure that thiserror is not repeated.  Sincerely [redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Regards, I cannot understand why customer service seems to not know what is going on in the process ,everyone I talk to has a different story or no concern. I cannot understand there is no phone # to communicate to special loans dept , was told by Leon that it was sent to underwriters & they would call over a week ago ,then there is no record of that today & no calls .Nothing to inform me of what is going on .The buyer wants a fixed mortgage, I received a Arm to fixed mailing today from Freedom in Ill .Called & spoke to Leo ,explained what is going on  ask him to direct me to somewhere or someone who could help or who could he direct me to who could help with no help or concern because he wasn't getting a sale .I see many complaints with Freedom as was with Ocwen on pLEASE HELP7 reply    [redacted]

About 6 months of completing my mortgage I started getting weekly phone calls to refinance my loan. They would call my work, home and cell. I have asked to get put on the do not call list and still receive calls about this. I would never recommend this company to anyone.

Ms. [redacted], Upon receipt of your complaint I asked the processor to address your concerns. It seems that there some issues documenting income and a higher than acceptable debt to income ratio. This required additional documentation and a longer processing time. Your file went into final...

underwriting and was approved on 8/12/15. The loan has since closed and funded. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistanceSincerely[redacted]Vice PresidentCustomer Service

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Description: Mortgage Bankers

Address: 1900 E. Broadway, Maryville, Tennessee, United States, 37804


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