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Freedom Mortgage Corporation

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Reviews Mortgage Banker Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Freedom Mortgage Corporation Reviews (1665)

Mr. [redacted] you received a refund of 1094.42 after the loan paid off, that was the mortgage payment and a small amount of escrow funds. If you have not gotten that check please let me know. I am sorry that I missed your call, I have been in meeting off site for the last few days [redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Your claims are not entirely accurate. Our case was not closed in October due to our paperwork being over 90 days old. We sent every paper requested by our assigned loan officer within the same week it was requested. Some of it was sent twice, because even though she confirmed that she recieved the paperwork she later said she didn't have said paperwork. We were not told until the end of December that our paperwork had expired and we must restart the process. Our paperwork expired because Freedom employees didnt make a good faith effort to keep in contact with us and because Freedom employees repeatedly lost our paperwork. After the last requested paperwork was sent at the end of September 2015, it took until December for us to finally get in touch with someone who would speak with us about our account. We were repeatedly told to leave messages and someone would call back. Freedom employees take weeks to finally return calls if they return them at all. Trying to get a question answered via the phone takes hours, I usually have to call 3-4 times before I am transferred to the correct department, sometimes Im hung up on completely or left on hold indefinitely. Our case has been switched from person to person to person, so much so that on the rare occasion I can get through to our assigned point of contact they often are of no help because they arent up to date on our case. We have done everything asked of us, the delay of our case has been entirely at the hands of Freedom's employees. 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Quit going around in circles lady!!!! I have left you my number multiple times and barley received a phone call from you yesterday at 2:30 my time when you have known for quite some time I have said any time after 3 [redacted] time. Just sell my loan to anothe company your customer service SUCKS!!!!!!! Nothing is going to get resolved at this rate! Going in almost 4 months!!!!!!!! 

Just like in a review below, our mortgage was also purchased by Freedom Mortgage. In July, we received a call about refinancing at a lower rate. They were to pay the appraisal fee, the closing costs... everything. It sounded too good to be true, but I asked many questions (in writing via email) and it sounded okay. We have excellent credit, no debts other than our mortgage, and a well-kept home. Banks and credit card companies are always falling all over themselves to try to lend us money because we're responsible borrowers. As of today, it has been FOUR MONTHS and this loan hasn't closed. The underwriters kept sending it back to the appraiser for "corrections" - over and over. It didn't help that the appraiser (whom they chose) did not send the corrections back in a timely fashion. Finally, back in October, we thought we were done, although by then we had to re-submit our pay stubs and sign things again. Then, what do you know... the underwriter sent it back to the appraiser for MORE corrections. Today - November 22 - the mortgage processor called me saying they had the corrections and everything looked fine. Then an hour later, I got an email saying our documents were expired again. We have to re-submit the pay stubs (for a second time!), re-sign the commitment letter, pull another credit report... I called my husband at work and asked his thoughts and we both concurred... We are done with this company. After this, I would never recommend Freedom Mortgage to anyone. The only positive thing I will say is that the agent who was handling everything was a very kind, polite young woman who I believe was doing her best. Whether it was just incompetence on the part of the underwriters or appraisers... or purposely trying to stall us and make us angry so we would give up on getting the lower rate after all... I have no idea. I've never had such an experience with a financial institution. Stay away.

We were doing a streamline refinance with Freedom since they hold our mortgage. We have been contacted continually by other lenders attempting to have us refi with them.
After over 90 days our refi was still in limbo with no one knowing what the hold up was. The processor had no idea why there was a delay and the Assistant VP of Sales was just plain rude.
Our file was closed for no reason and were told we would need to just repoen the file. We chose to go with another lender.
Customer service and simple business practices are very poor with Freedom. There is poor internal communication and no communication with customers.
I wish that a truly competent authority with that organization could tell me who dropped the ball on my loan and why.

I need to re-open this complaint as Freedom Mortgage has once again debited an incorrect amount from my checking account without authorization.  Please see my attempts below to have this issue corrected.  Please review the dates/times of the e-mails; this level of incompetency is unacceptable.  Thank you!

Ms. [redacted], we wired the funds to [redacted] on 2/25/16. They advised that they had received the funds. The payments should be applied. If they are not please let me know

September 7, 2016
Roman" size="3"> *
Re:       Your complaint to the
Dear Mr. [redacted]
We are in receipt of your complaint and are happy to respond to your concerns. I have reviewed your complaint and researched the issue regarding credit reporting after your loan transferred from [redacted] to Freedom.
Due to [redacted] regulations, Freedom Mortgage is prohibited from reporting to the credit bureaus for 60 days after the servicing of a loan is transferred to us. Currently, we are scheduled to report in September for your August payment. I’m sorry if this has adversely affected your credit but unfortunately, the issue is out of our control as we must comply with federal law.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

September 14, 2016
Roman" size="3">  
Mr. [redacted] and Mrs. [redacted]
Re:       Your complaint to the
We are in receipt of your complaint and are happy to respond to your concerns. I have reviewed your complaint and researched the issue regarding the processing of your loan.
First, please allow me to apologize for the length of time it has taken to process you application. We have had a few issues occur during the process. One of these issues involved obtaining tax transcripts form the IRS. There was a discrepancy regarding the address and the IRS is very particular in these matters. It is my understanding that issue has been resolved. Currently, we are attempting to obtain a credit supplement that is needed due to the recent purchase of a new car. In addition, the appraisal is about to expire. We are trying to obtain an extension so that another appraisals will not be needed. If this extension cannot be obtained, we will need to order a new appraisal which I understand takes a significant amount of time due to the location of the property. Hopefully, we will be able to obtain the extension and reduce the remaining processing time.
In your complaint, you mentioned that we have not paid accounts that were supposed to be settled resulting in late fees and hits against your credit. I cannot address this without more specifics. I did review the payment history on your current loan and I did not observe any payment made that would adversely affect your credit. Payments must be more than 30 days late in order for them to be reported late to the credit bureau. I did request that any late charges assessed for the July-September timeframe be waived/credited.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Assistant Vice President
Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
The reason for the complaint is that....the application should've never been started.  After yall blowing my husband's phone up for weeks, he finally answered and you asked him if he would be interested in refinancing, he told the girl to send the info to him in an email so he can look it over.  Once he received the email he called and told her he was NOT interested.  So I don't understand who have her permission to start an application on us when my husband specifically told her no.  We did give [redacted] to permission to refinance our loan and once they started the process it was rejected because another loan had already been started.  It wasn't until we call you guys ratting and raving to cancel you all's application that you guys canceled it.

Mr. [redacted] upon receipt of your complaint I asked the cash department to review your account. They advised that the system held the extra funds to the payment of mortgage insurance and it appears that it kept to much. We did need to make one last payment for mortgage insurance as it is paid...

in arrears. As such there is now 358.55 in the account. They have disbursed that today and check will be available next week to be sent to you. My apologies for the delay in issuing this final check. Sincerely
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

[redacted], upon receipt of your complaint I asked our processing area to research the issue with the closing disclosure. They advised that you had elected to receive the closing...

disclosure electronically. One was sent to you in that manner on 12/10/15 but it has never been opened. Additionally we pulled phone calls between yourself and our staff and we never refused to send you the closing disclosure. On 12/9 at 4:04PM Kerry Frysinger sent you a copy of the initial and final closing disclosure. Your loan has since closed and funded so I assume that you agreed with the figures. As for the credit reporting, FISERV, the vendor whose system we use for our loan servicing functions, reported a number of loans to be in forbearance in error. This occurred at the end of October and was corrected within a few days. The loan is not reporting as having been in forbearance.
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Mr. [redacted], I apologize for the misunderstanding regarding the repayment plan. I reviewed your account and sent an update to the credit bureaus to have your credit amend to so paid as agreed with no late payments. This will be updated by the credit bureaus when then update their records in...

the next 30 to 45 days. Sincerely
SVP Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

In general I've not had great experience with mortgage companies, partially because every six months they transfer my loans, and I have to start all over, and partially because I have mandated flood insurance on one of my properties, and the mortgage companies cannot seem to figure out how to request a copy of the renewal and instead threaten me with lender-placed insurance. Freedom has not been any better in those regards, but in addition to that, Freedom has harassed me incessantly regarding refinancing with them. I not only received no less than 50 emails, but I have been called every other week for months, including on the weekends, and the cold callers are incredibly uninformed about what a refi entails, so they lie to me. Each time I've been told I would be put on a do not contact list, but it has been months, and they are still contacting me.
So they can contact me basically non-stop to try to get me to do new business with them, but when it came time to get a copy of my flood insurance renewal, they were unable to contact me at all via phone or email. Instead they sent a letter that I did not get because I am often traveling (hence why my contact preferences are always email), and claimed they could not get a hold of my insurance broker. Really?!? Because it took me 30 seconds to get his office on the phone... You know... The same insurance broker I've had for YEARS! So instead, they send me a letter threatening to place lender-placed insurance, and then I follow the steps to upload my proof of insurance, and they can't find it! So I have to go through another round of online uploads and phone calls to get it squared away.
I've decided to refi - but with my own mortgage broker and not these lying fools. They have now called me at least 4 times in as many days to get my approval to give my payoff information to my mortgage broker. Ummm... I have approved this at least once a day every day for almost the past week, AND I have had a conference call with the credit company and Freedom, and yet they are still calling me?!? How about some notes or communication on their end???
In closing, Freedom is the worst of the worst. They are rude. They are not interested in supporting you and helping you unless it gets them extra money. Their systems do not talk to each other, and they do not talk to each other. If I had any ability to ensure my loans would NEVER be transferred or sold to Freedom again, I would jump at that chance, but instead my mortgages can be transferred and sold to whomever at any time. It is a horrible set up, and as the consumers, we are paying for it! I will cross my fingers that I get out from under them, but should I get stuck with them again, I just hope it isn't as awful as an experience.

Dear Mr. [redacted] We are in receipt of your complaint and we are happy to address your concerns. Upon receipt of your complaint I asked the cash department to review your account and the bank statement provided. They advised that they were able to locate the funds and have since applied...

it to your loan. Late charges have been waived and any negative credit reporting will be removed.Sincerely[redacted]Vice President Customer Service Freedom Mortgage Corporation

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Good Evening [redacted],     Thank you for your response in regards to my unpleasant experience with our loan refinance.  I did get a phone call from the scheduling department and spoke again with [redacted]. She clearly stated that since we have already paid our October payment, we won't have to pay any amount out of pocket at the closing. I did say that if this is true my husband and I would like to continue with the closing of our loan. Unfortunately, my husband is out of town this week and a new payoff amount will be requested. I asked her to personally call me when they have the new payoff amount in 3 to 5 days. I want to thank you for sending those letters to the bureaus and to clarify if I am reached as soon as the new payoff amount reaches the scheduling department and the out of pocket amount remains the same as I was told today which was zero, we would like to continue with the closing of the loan. I am hesitant since nothing has been consistent since April, but I am hopeful that everything will work out since it has been brought to your attention.

This is simply the worst customer service company I have ever come across. The don't respond, lose information, and have people that don't care and incapable of thinking. At the beginning of Sept 2016, Freedom Mortgage contacted me and said they were offering a no cost refinance for a small decrease in the rate. Since my loan was already with them I would not need to provide as much information as usual. The rate decrease was only 0.375% so I was skeptical and said I don't want to go through this if it is going to be a hassle and I will have to provide loads and loads of information. They promised it would not and would be quick. I sent all my initial information on Sept 7th and was told we are all complete and just waiting on appraisal. Due to backlog at appraisal it did not come in till Oct 13th. Freedom said all good since the appraisal was double the mortgage. Then all the incompetence started. It is now 12/14 and still not closed. After continued calls and emails with zero response I finally got a manager to call and say the loan was denied, but they could not tell me why. The manager looked through the file and said there was no reason it should have been denied. However, they couldn't just reopen the file. I did a new application and then they just keep asking for more information. I don't even believe anyone was looking at it just checking a box and trying to delay the process in hoping I would just back out on the refinance. I could have taken the loan somewhere else and got a lower refi rate but now it is too late for that since rates have risen. I truly believe they simply lied to keep my business and are hoping I just back out. I have saved every email from them to prove how terrible they are in answering, asking for information more than once and losing information previously provided. Absolutely the worst mortgage experience of all time. Wish I would have looked at these reviews first. 84% negative.

I have had NOTHING but issues with the freedom mortgage website. I have only been able to pay my bill ONCE on there and calling in they are refusing to waive the $15 fee for someone who is so adamant about paying their bill on time (which a company should be happy to waive a phone fee for). It is absolutely ridiculous to charge someone for paying over the phone when your own website is having issues. I click "make a payment" and it goes straight to "an error has occurred" every single time. I even tried two different computers. I am completely regretting refinancing with them. No wonder they are refinancing a bunch of customers for free to keep them because I would 100% leave. I just want to pay my bill on the phone since I've had nothing but trouble online (I'm 28 years old. I know how to use the internet). When calling in, the representatives were extremely rude, put me on hold while I was speaking, would not give me their names when asking for them, and even raised their voices at me!

Mr. [redacted] I am sorry that you experienced frustration while trying to payoff the mortgage. We will be reviewing the actions taken on your account and provide re-training if needed. The funds did not initially post as they were not recognized as a payoff, were not certified funds and were more...

than the balance on the loan. Someone should have reached out to you at that point but that did not occur. Since your complaint the loan was paid off via your wire. The balance in escrow, 676.32 was refunded to you via a check on 1/27/16 and the 910.20 payment was refunded, again via check, on 1/25/16. There were no late fees charged on the account because it was a newly boarded loan and there was no negative credit reporting. If you would like to email me proof of the wire fee or any other charges you incurred as a result of the issues with the payoff I would be happy to review then for refunding.
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

Ms. [redacted] Upon receipt of your complaint I asked our servicing center to review your issues. They advised that there was in fact a coding issue causing your problem. We waived the...

late charges and made sure all the payments have been applied. We then asked a manager to reach out to you to go over this and also assist you with setting up your account on the website, linking both your accounts. Should you need anything further please feel free to contact me. [redacted]
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation

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Description: Mortgage Bankers

Address: 1900 E. Broadway, Maryville, Tennessee, United States, 37804


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