Freedom Mortgage Corporation Reviews (1665)
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Freedom Mortgage Corporation Rating
Description: Mortgage Bankers
Address: 1900 E. Broadway, Maryville, Tennessee, United States, 37804
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Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Where are the funds that were sent?See attachment .
Mr. [redacted], upon receipt of your complaint I asked the escrow department to review your loan. They advised that the $9.34 that you sent in for the shortage was applied to principal in error. We have reversed that and applied it to the escrow account and have reanalyzed the loan. The shortage...
is gone and your payment is 1298.51. A supervisor has tried to reach you to go over this with you and will continue to try and reach out.
Roseanne G
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
Ms. [redacted], upon receipt of your complaint I asked my cash department to look into the missing payment. They advised that they received a wire from Loancare Servicing on 7/5/16 which included the payment that had been sent to them in error. The payment was applied to your account the same day....
We are updating the credit bureaus to reflect the June payment as on time and not late. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you. Sincerely[redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:No this is not resolved and had I benn able to open your last noticeI would have responded as I am not satisfieid and they need to learn how to add! how can there be so many complaints against this co for the same reason if they are not true
Mr. [redacted], I do apologize for the issues you had with the website. We were experiencing intermittent outages that caused issues when logging on or trying to make payments. Those have been addressed with the vendor and have been corrected. If you have any future issues please feel free to email...
me and I will have someone assist you.
Roseanne G
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
Ms. [redacted], Upon receipt your complaint I reached out to [redacted] They advised that you had provided them with a trace number for the payment on 3/9/16. They researched and located the funds. A check in the amount of 820.00 was sent on 3/25/16. As of 3/30/16 it has not...
been cashed. You should receive the check this week but if you do not please contact me at [redacted]Sincerely
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
Mr. [redacted], upon receipt of your complaint I asked the loss mitigation department to review your concerns. The advised that you were already delinquent before you entered in to the trail payment plan for the loan modification. Below is a listing of the payments applied to the loan. The trail...
did not start until we got a payment from you on 10/9 but you were already 60 days delinquent at that time. Further the agreement you entered info was not for the full payments, they were trail payments to see if you could afford the loan modification. This did not change what was actually due on the account at that time. Your trail plan agreement advised you as such with the following language. We have removed the 90 days reporting as a courtesy but the 30 and 60 days lates will not be removed.
[redacted] [redacted] * * [redacted] [redacted] * * [redacted] [redacted] ** [redacted] [redacted] ** [redacted] [redacted] ** [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] ** [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
I am sorry that my answer did not satisfy you. I think what you were told in reference to outsourcing is that until last year all of our loans were subserviced by [redacted] Servicing, we not service most of our loans in house but the fact that [redacted] was and still is for some loan our subservicer has no impact on the posting of your mortgage payments. [redacted] had their lockbox for processing payments and we have ours. We are sorry to lose you as a customer and wish you the best in your future endeavors
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Your claims are not entirely accurate. Our case was not closed in October due to our paperwork being over 90 days old. We sent every paper requested by our assigned loan officer within the same week it was requested. Some of it was sent twice, because even though she confirmed that she recieved the paperwork she later said she didn't have said paperwork. We were not told until the end of December that our paperwork had expired and we must restart the process. Our paperwork expired because Freedom employees didnt make a good faith effort to keep in contact with us and because Freedom employees repeatedly lost our paperwork. After the last requested paperwork was sent at the end of September 2015, it took until December for us to finally get in touch with someone who would speak with us about our account. We were repeatedly told to leave messages and someone would call back. Freedom employees take weeks to finally return calls if they return them at all. Trying to get a question answered via the phone takes hours, I usually have to call 3-4 times before I am transferred to the correct department, sometimes Im hung up on completely or left on hold indefinitely. Our case has been switched from person to person to person, so much so that on the rare occasion I can get through to our assigned point of contact they often are of no help because they arent up to date on our case. We have done everything asked of us, the delay of our case has been entirely at the hands of Freedom's employees.
Mr. [redacted], it is my understanding that you were contacted by a senior level manager to address the questions you had with your escrow account, if this is not the case please let me know and I will ask someone from the servicing/escrow department to contact you.SincerelyRoseanne GVice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation
Ms. [redacted], I do apologize for the frustrations you had with our servicing area. My understanding is that you have been working with my associate Marlene [redacted] who has interceded on your behalf with the escrow department. She advised me that she has gotten the penalty you paid deposited into your...
escrow account in the amount of 201.84. This was paid by the tax service as it was their error in not paying the bill on time. The account was analyzed effective 2/1/16 and there is a surplus of 3053.12. This will be automatically released in 10 business days and mailed to you via regular mail. Please let me know if we can be of any further assistance.Sincerely[redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation
Re: Your complaint to the Dear Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] We are in receipt of your complaint and are...
happy to respond to your concerns. I have reviewed your complaint and researched the issue regarding the open mortgage on your credit report. We have notified the credit bureaus that your loan was transferred. You may refer to the following conformation when speaking to the credit bureaus: [redacted] I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, [redacted]
Ms. [redacted], our records show that you cashed the check we sent to you on 3/18. Please advise if that is not the case
October 20, 2016
Roman" size="3">
Mr. [redacted] and Mrs[redacted]
Re: Your complaint to the
Dear Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]
We are in receipt of your complaint and are happy to respond to your concerns. I have reviewed your complaint and researched the issue regarding the payment made on your previous mortgage.
Unfortunately, when you requested the reversal of your payment, the pay-off we used already had the payment included in the figures. Our Operations Department should have waited for the payment reversal and then requested a new pay-off. As the pay-off was used with the payment made, we needed to use the funds paid on 9/19 in order to pay off the loan as the pay-off amount was short after we reversed the payment.
Since this was our error, we will be refunding the payment in the amount of $1,482.69 to you. Please note that this is the amount we received on 9/19/2016 and not $1,362.52 stated in your complaint. Please allow 5-10 business days for delivery.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Assistant Vice President
Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
July 27, 2016
Roman" size="3"> Ms. [redacted]
Re: Your Complaint to the etter Business Bureau
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
We are in receipt of your complaint and are happy to respond to your concerns.
I have reviewed your complaint and researched the missing payment issue referenced.
Freedom Mortgage has located the missing payment and applied the payment amount of $837.00 to your account. As of today, your next payment will be due on August 1, 2016. In addition, all late fees associated with this lost payment have been waived.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Assistant Vice President
Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
Phone: [redacted] or direct line [redacted]
Fax: [redacted]
Mr. [redacted] upon receipt of your complaint I reviewed your loan. The servicing of your loan transferred to us from [redacted] on 2/12/16 due for the 9/1/15 payment. The loss mitigation items that you had submitted to [redacted] were out dated and you were advised that a new package would be...
needed. Since that time you have sent in documents but have never fully completed a package. As recently as 4/13 you were advised of missing items needed for us to complete a review of your file. I am attaching a copy of the missing items letter which has been sent to you. I do not see any evidence that the allegations you assert in your complaint are factual. The rep provided you with the CEO’s name and our address and each time you called you had a representative available to you as well as your SPOC. Please forward the missing items as we do want to help you retain your home. Sincerely[redacted]Vice President Customer ServiceFreedom Mortgage Corporation
Mr. [redacted] I do apologize for what must have been a frustrating experience. We are reviewing the interactions between you and our staff and will send those individuals for additional training as needed. To address your question about the late charge, there was on assessed on the payoff statement...
because the loan was due for the January payment when the payoff was run and the good thru date was after the late charge date. Your loan paid off on 1/15/16 and you were not charged nor did you pay a late fee, the amount collected for it on the payoff deposited into the escrow account along with some additional interest the title company sent, the total amount was 307.54. This was combined with your escrow balance and a total of 2011.11 was refunded to you on 1/29/16 (within the 10 business days allowed for the refund of an escrow account).I am attaching [redacted]'s year end statement as well as a copy of our January statement which included our year end statement. Between the two you will have all interest and taxes paid in 2015. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance and again, I am sorry for the frustrations you experienced
Roseanne G
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
[redacted], upon receipt of your complaint I asked the sales manager to review your file. He explained that the loan officer was new and that your loan had been taken out on 4/13/2009....
To determine the up front MIP costs on a loan the loan officer puts that date into the FHA calculator which adds 30 days to that date to determine the endorsement date. The endorsement date determines which version of FHA’s up front costs to use as they have changed their guidelines a number of times. Adding 30 days to 4/13/09 gives an endorsement date before 6/1/2009, the date that FHA increased the up front MIP costs. When the FHA data was later reviewed it was seen that your loan was not endorsed within 30 days of the closing (which is very unusual) Your loan was endorsed after 6/1/2009 and therefore subject to the higher up front MIP. This was a simple mistake not any attempt to bait and switch as the MIP isn’t payable to Freedom it’s payable to HUD and not subject to change. As a courtesy I am having the credit inquiry removed from your credit report
Vice President Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:The response fails to address the complaint specific to my detailed correspondence of 3/26/14 and further fails to address the escrow discrepancy as I outlined. It does not address the mortgage escrow details. Whereas I have received an email from [redacted], indicating some movement, Freedom and my loan care has yet to reply to the specific request of my 3/26/14 inquiry. I am continuing through month #2 to contact Freedom and My Loan Care numerous times a week without resolution. Their continues to be a lack of response to voice mails left in an attempt to resolve this issue. [redacted] has been the only one to reach out to me and there are encouraging signs yet I remain with the issues unresolved and my correspondence from 3/26/2014 have yet to be addressed. It is unfortunate that Freedom via MyLoanCare seeks immediate responses from their customers yet their is no accountability for the same to their customers.
July 26, 2016
Roman" size="3"> Mr. [redacted]
Re: Your complaint to the
Dear Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]
We are in receipt of your complaint and are happy to respond to your concerns.
First, please allow me to apologize for the delays in closing your loan.
I have reviewed your complaint and researched the issues surround the canceled closings.
In response to your comments in the complaint regarding a desired settlement, Freedom Mortgage will amend your credit for the payments due for May and June, 2016. Regarding the late fees, we will credit the late fee for the May payment in the amount $75.15 to your principal balance and waive the late fee for June which in effect, will add $150.30 to the escrow check refund that will be sent to you within 30 days after the loan pays off. In addition, we have waived the $30.00 payoff fee which will also be included in the escrow check.
I hope these remedies are acceptable to you.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Assistant Vice President
Customer Service
Freedom Mortgage Corporation
Phone: [redacted] or direct line [redacted]
Fax: [redacted]