Enforcement Tow Reviews (60)
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Enforcement Tow Rating
Description: Towing - Automotive
Address: 7050 McComber St #2, Sacramento, California, United States, 95828
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The vehicle was towed for ILLEGAL PARKINGThe charges are hourly, and the total bill was for the hours it took to complete the towThe hours were a direct result of the actions of the driver of the said vehicleHer actions caused the extended time, hence the amount that was owedThe bill continued to increase daily, as a result, the bank repossessed the vehicle and secured their collateral
Do you go to [redacted] and complain about price and try to offer less? Our rates are set by the local laws enforcement agencyThey have been inspected and authorizedYou parked in front of a RED NO PARKING FIRE LANE marking and are complaining? If you took the time to see where you are parking this wouldn't have happenedTake responsibility for your actionsYou parked in a marked fire lane and got towedYou picked up your car after hours and paid the extra feeIf this was suchA big deal, you could have waited till the office opened at 8amCall around and ask ALL of the tow companies what their CHP rates are$210hr and $per day storageWe are less then that
The video of this interaction was reviewed and at NO TIME did the MALE ask for the vehicle to be dropped or releasedIn fact, the male stated he was getting a TATTOO, and asked where the vehicle was being towed toHe was handed a business card and leftNext time TRY TELLING THE TRUTH!
This person parked in another persons assigned parking stallThat person had her towed and she refused to pay for it when she showed upShe left the car for over a week and now wants to complainThis tow has nothing to do with the property or usShe parked in the wrong stallDeal with it! Complain to somebody else about something else
I am rejecting this response because:The reason it stated for the tow was parked in fire lane not for blocking the lane of travelif You Catch the Tow in Action: If you are able to catch the tow truck driver after he or she has hitched your vehicle to the truck, but the truck is not yet on a public road, the tow truck driver is required to release your vehicle upon requestAt that point, the tow truck driver is entitled to require that you pay at most half of his or her towing feeThat law stated above is my main reason for a refund
I am rejecting this response because: you make absolutely no [redacted] sense you proving that they were still incurring fees since last year wow in your yardConflicting with what is in the recording obviously you have no [redacted] clue what you're lying about, so maybe take the pipe out your mouth or the straw out your nose and [redacted] do do your job ethically and you wouldn't sound like a [redacted] i
t every time you respond
I am rejecting this response because: I immediately contacted Enforcement Tow within moments of my car being towed Navigating their automated message service, at 12:37am on Jul 22, 2017, I got a live person, who identified my car, told me that it was in transit, and had been towed for being "partially in a red a zone" and then hung up on me, when I asked to speak to a supervisorMy car was parked in one of parking spaces attached to my building not in a "red zone"I then called the police department who directed me back to the tow company advising civil actionOver the next few days I left messages on their automated service, attempting to retrieve my car, at 11:am Jul 22, and at 11:am Jul 23, Not until 7:36pm Jul 23, did they respond, from a restricted number and left a voicemailI was not permitted to retrieve my car until Jul 24, I have takenpictures of the entrances and location of where the vehicle was parked I have a copy of the excessive towing and storage charges I was forced to pay I have contacted local law enforcement and been advised of standard towing and storage charges upon their request When I asked the representative at the towing company for the name of the the person who authorized the tow, she was unable to furnish that informationWhen I asked to see the authorization document they had at the time my car was towed, she told me I would have to "subpoena it." The representative stated that she wasn't present when my car was towedI was shown four low-resolution 1"x1" pictures, that did not show my car being parked in a "red zone." I have contacted the property management and security company, both of which did not request that my car be towed
First off, if you are going to complain, get the dates and days correctYou picked up your truck Monday, at the same price, as if you picked it up SaturdayYou parked in a FIRE lane and were towed for this reasonYou caught the driver OFF SITE on a public roadwayTow completedI listened to the call when you were told it would be the same price Monday, yet $more Sunday! Bottom line, don't park in a Fire Lane and don't get towedWe are open M-F 8am - 5pmCLOSED WEEKENDS
You have YET to respond with ANY direct information to thisI listened to the calls and you argued and yelled at the driverCLOSED over weekend, OPEN M-F 8am to 5pmRATES are approved the CHP, and you were clearly parked in a RED ZONETry telling the truth for once in your lifeYour entire complaint is full of LIESHave a nice day!
Maybe TELLING THE TRUTH would help? You parked IN A FIRE LANEYou were towed BY SECURITY! Bottom linePARK in designated stalls and don't get towed! And if SECURITY is threatening to tow you, DON'T COMPLAIN TO US!
File awayYou will LOSE just like EVERYBODY else doesPark in the road GET TOWED! Learn the laws and quite breaking them
I am rejecting this response because of the following: In reference to AB 2210 states that the towing company does indeed have full responsibility to validate each tow. The towing company must provide written notification from the property owner and pictures proving the violation. Also, the law states that the vehicle may not be towed within one hour of being parked. On September 16th 2016, I paid for my vehicles release and I had a very lengthy and detailed conversation with two of the employees from Enforcement tow. Both of them one male one female refuse to give their names and the name or contact information for the owner of the towing company. They also refused to provide the business license, pictures of the said violation, and any type of evidence showing they were called or contracted by the property owner to remove my vehicle. However, they did bring up that the owner of the towing company may share profit of the tow with the property owner. Finally, the employees at enforcement tow stated that they felt the tow was valid because it was a private property tow but they mentioned on this street you can park anywhere parallel to the street either on the opposite side of a sidewalk or fence line which would clearly indicate the property line boundary. In this case, I parked on the opposite side of a fence line. I did not block a driveway and I did not park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Any pictures of the tow would clearly show that I parked on public property attached is a copy of a map from the Sacramento County assessors website. The website clearly indicates the boundary of the property line (yellow lines). The area in which I parked (shown in the red area) is the easement of the west side of McComber Street. This is why I feel I was a victim of predatory towing if we cannot resolve this manner I will also be moving forward with criminal and civil charges. Thank you for your time.
You failed to explain where the tow occurredYou caught the driver off the property, therefore you paid an offsite release, which you got a deal on, as it should have been $Once the driver is off the property, the tow is completeYou also claim to be victim of what exactly? The tow rate are posted CLEARLY in the office for EVERYBODY to seeWe do not give out information over the phoneYou were rude, and were told thatYou got offended because you could not get the answer YOU wantedYou were parked ILLEGALLY and were subsequently towed for this violationThe drive showed you the pictures and you opted to pay then, and were given a receipt for the payment you tenderedOn this receipt it clearly states WHY and WHO authorized this towWithout additional information, like TOW TAG #, location the vehicle was towed from, I cannot give you any additional information!
Reject to your hearts desireBottom lineYOU parked in a fire lane(admitted), you NEVER made contact with the tow truck(admitted), and you want a refundNot going to happenYou admitted to breaking the law, not contacting the tow truck, so what's next? Punitive damages? Learn HOW to park CORRECTLY, and you wouldn't have these problems
First off, quit doing drugs, [redacted] This t [redacted] who has a mouth a mother would cringe to listen too, clearly cannot comprehend the LAW, nor common senseHas had no clue what or why we do our job thereWe are hired, and the manager is FULLY BEHIND what we do Per CA Fire code, any lane of travel is a fire lane, and does not require markingsYou cannot park and block a driveway, or you get towed.I watched the video of the attempted tow, where this toothless drunk, tried to fight the tow driverHe also confronted another driver on a different date and cussed him outWhen confronted, [redacted] like a cowardAll bark, NO biteHe threatened law suits etcBring it on! PRIVATE PROPERTY is just that, and we have full control of it! Park on the grass, which is against Sacramento county code, and you risk getting towedPark in between the white lines, where you're supposed to park!!!
FYI, once again this is NOT A PUBLIC STREETThis is PRIVATE
PROPERTY, next to a public streetPublic street PAVED ASPHALT, private property GRAVEL SURFACE! Tow company does NOT provide pictures, as the tow was authorized by the tenant of the house, a single family dwellingIt is POSTED AUTHORIZED PARKING ONLY, and you were not authorized to park thereYou were towedTow company is NOT responsible for the VALIDITY of a tow, when requested by the owner or person in control of the propertyGo check out the addressSee the nice NEW asphalt the county just installed? You were NOT parked there! And they did show you pictures of the violation, just didn't give them to you!NO refund, NO partial credit, NOTHING will be done by the tow companyYou were in clear violation, we were called out and the tenant authorized the towSorry you feel different, but you were clearly in the wrong!
Pictures are provided, you actually signed one invoice with the pictures on itYour vehicle is CLEARLY parked in the middle of the road, blocking the drivewayThat is a FIRE LANEIf you showed up and harassed one of the drivers, then yes, they would have told you to leaveALL releases are by
appointmentThe extra two days storage would have been the AFTER HOUR FEE, of $So the price would have been the sameYou're daughter lied and claims we told you to come get your car and hung upI pulled the call logsNobody ever told you anything accept to leave a vmailNobody hung up on youNobody told you to come get your vehicle. The vehicle was legally towedThe charges are correctIf you want a picture of the vehicle parked in the roadway, I can send that to youThe phone numbers I have are *** and ***Unless you have another number to check call history, then his matter is closed
NO vehicle information providedEITHER way, you admit your permit was NOT PROPERLY displayed, as it was under the window tint! Letters went out to ALL residents, stating WHERE to affix the permits so they are visibleThis is common sense! Hide the permit, GET TOWED!
I am rejecting this response because: I am not taking responsibility for my car getting towed I was not parked in the middle of the street I was parked behind the tenants I was visiting, I had only went in to use the restroom & get a number, my daughter's were in the car the whole time waiting for a jump, just as they went inside to use the restroom that's when my car had all of a sudden was being towed, when I had realized me and my daughter's had got in the car to show the man my car would not start, as he was accusing me of getting to drive a way, how was I to drive away when my bumper was already attached to the tow truck and the tenants car I was visiting was parked in front of me, around the same time a random man had came and slapped the tow man, at that point they decided to call the policeI accept the responsibility of my car being towed, I'm just not accepting the extra $and disrespect for the police being calledI had called that Sunday to see how I can go about getting my car out & I had been connected to a dispatcher whom told me I was a liar & he wasn't even trying to work with me, he told me everything I was saying was a lie, I stayed humble just until the end of the phone call when I had realized the conversation was getting no whereI am not Racist, Dont pull the race card on me I am acquainted with many races, my family is very interracial but I still say you people (two people) are Caucasians who think they are superiorWhen I had called again on Monday morning they had told me I had to pay $from Friday to Monday due to the 2hr wait for the policeI sincerely have No control over the situation of why the police were being called and don't understand why so much of a chargeI would like to take this to courts, I feel these actions are absord and unfair
Good luckTry telling the truth for ONCE in your lifeSee your lazyass in court, if you can even get off the couch