Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** *** Dish's unwillingness to deal with the factual issues and to focus on misleading rhetoric does not lend itself to complaint resolution or positive customer interaction.DISH asserts, "Dish network bills for channels in a package and not a la carte, account credits are not provided." Fact: Some DISH customers in Montana were allowed a $credit for missing channels. DISH asserts: "Dish is unable to access ***'s billing system to confirm their monthly charges or your bundled rate." Fact: DISH did indeed access ***'s billing system to remove the hundreds of dollars overcharges when I initially signed up with DISH. DISH sets the rates, not ***, who only does their billing. This was confirmed by *** headquarters in New York. DISH asserts:"DISH reserves the right to change prices at any time." Fact: I was told by DISH representative at *** that my monthly charge would be $a month for the first year and $a month for the second year of my contract. And there was no mention of any price increases. Further, DISH's own representative, in a written statement previously (this was their DISH's promotion), submitted, stated that my first year monthly bill would be $108. DISH asserts: "When you agreed to a free installation of the equipment, it did not include the removal at the end of our business relationship." Fact: Their own installer, and they have his name, assured me the dish would be removed. Isn't this something that DISH should take up with their subcontractor and honor his statement? DISH asserts: "We regret you do not agree with the solution we proposed . at this point we consider the issue closed? Fact: DISH did not propose any solution other than to get rid of my complaint by encouraging me to cancel my account with them,nor did they allow any flexibility toward a solution with their hard line approach. This leave me with no alternative except to file complaints at the local and federal level against DISH
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I have been a loyal customer for over yearsDish Network was at one time a reputable companyNow it is a bunch of pencil pushers that do not give a care about customer loyaltyMy cancellation will be forthcoming as I am making arrangements with another providerGranted they gave me a lot of credits, but it pales in comparison to the amount of money I have spent with DishI am sure Direct TV will like to hear about the Problems with Dish Network, Plus the bad publicity that they have created with this decision to punish a customer for years of Loyal serviceI advise lots of people about TV providers, I have to in my workI will no longer advise anyone to use Dish Network as a matter of fact, I will advise anyone to stay as far away from Dish as possible.
*** ***
Tell us why here...November 1, 2016 Dear Ms***: On October 26, 2016, we received your complaint, dated October 24, 2016, filed with the You stated that you have contacted DISH Network several times to obtain return shipping materials to
return your leased equipmentYou were unable to get the materials, but you have returned the equipmentYou have now been billed for the equipment and you would like your billing corrected. When we spoke on October 28, 2016, I apologized for the difficulty that you experienced, and I agreed to monitor the return for youAs of November 1, 2016, the equipment was received and removed from your account, resolving the $account balance If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution SpecialistExecutive Escalations TeamDISH Network, L.L.C.Phone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI###-###-####
May 25, *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Mr***: On May 23, 2017, we received your complaint, dated May 22, 2017, filed with the You expressed concern with the early termination fee that was applied to your accountYou indicated that you were told that you were on a month-to-month plan and you could cancel at any time Your service was activated on May 9, 2017, with a 24-month commitment and it was disconnected on May 22, Since your term commitment was not fulfilled, an early termination fee of $was applied to your accountYou were also charged a $equipment return fee We appreciate that you brought your concerns to our attention so we may address them internally with the appropriate personnel When I spoke with you by phone on May 24, 2017, I advised you that I removed these fees from your DISH Network account and I submitted a refund of $to your credit card accountI also submitted a refund of $for your overpaymentPlease allow up to five business days for processing. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** *** ** * *** ** ***
*** ***
*** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/11/04) */
November 2,
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On October 29, 2015, we received your correspondence, dated October 28,
2015, filed with the
You stated that DISH Network billed you for a Sling adapter and HDMI cable that you were offered at no costYou requested that the necessary correction be made to your monthly bill
When we spoke on October 29, 2015, I confirmed that the charges were reversed on October 27, You accepted this resolution
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI
cc: Denver / Boulder
*** *** ***
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/11/06) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Dish stated they are refunding the chargesThank you
November 22, Dear Ms***: On November 21, 2016, we received your rebuttal, dated November 15, 2016, filed with the You maintain that DISH Network debited three payments from Ms*** ***’s bank account, not counting the payment that was returned Please refer to my previous response wherein I explain that DISH Network received three valid payments. Ms*** disputed one through her bank, causing it to be returned. The $debit was made to Infinity Sales Group, the independent retailer through whom you initiated your account, and not DISH Network As such, three payments were made to DISH Network but one was returned due to Ms***’s dispute If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-#### Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri ###-###-####
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I did not receive any mailings from you indicating my wife signed a new agreementAgain I say I was on month to monthThe agreement I had with you expired in My wife has assured me she signed no new month agreementOnly receipt of equipmentShe was is certain she questioned the agent you sent concerning an extensionHe assured her that she was only signing for receiptYou keep saying you sent me a copy of my wife's signature on a new agreementThis is not trueI have received nothing
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Dear I inquired for your support regarding this DISH dispute to obtain your support as customer I felt abandoned and unprotected by Businesses like DISH where they my signature I never signed a contract or even worst was
told I WAS never getting a contract with DISH I told one of their customer service I DO NOT want contract and she said there is no contract needed for you we offer you no contract and that was I was told and I requested no contract with DISHI talked for few minutes to one of thier customer service account manager *** very unprofessional I recorded the phone call and I told him I was recording his phone call and I was driving I told him to write me what ever questions he had since I work late hours and two jobs I will attached my email where I said email me your questions very unprofessional that was not the way one of their customer service was when I got the lowest package is this the way I was going to be presented by ? I felt un protected as customer, I felt violated by the law I was told I wasn't getting a contract and why now that I want to cancel a terrible service where each month I had to spend hours and hours on the phone due to hiding fees they were every month over charging and adding staff to my billas I said I do not have time to be on the phone each month and be argument for a bill that I told them DO NOT add any other fees to my bill I told *** to be more professional and I told him I was driving. I will no pay DISH for cancellation fees over $they lied to their customer they are well known by that.I am contacting an attorney regarding this issue if DISH remove their hiding fees I told them to add the lowest package less expense package less programming and DO NOT add any extra hiding fees to my monthly bill
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meAs soon as I get everything arranged with the new internet provider I will be contacting Dish to disconnect my current services
*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/05/08) */
April 24,
Ms*** ***
*** *** St
***, *** ***
Re: Complaint # ***
Dear Ms***:
On April 24, 2015, we received your complaint, dated April 23, 2015, filed with the
You said that a payment was erroneously debited from your bank account and that you had not received a refund yet
When we spoke, I advised you that your refund of $was sent to your bank on April 23,
Please note that your account was enrolled in automatic payments and your next due date was April 9, DISH Network requires any changes made to your billing be made a minimum of seven days prior to your due date because the automatic payment process begins before the due dateAs such, when you disconnected your account on April 8, 2015, the process was already underway, leading to the payment being debitedLikewise with check or electronic check refunds, we must wait for the pending transaction (your payment) to clear your bank and ours before we can issue a refund to avoid double refunds
We sincerely regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (***) ***-***
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
(***) ***-***
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO
*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/09/16) */
September 1,
Ms*** ***
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms***:
On August 28, 2015, we received your correspondence, dated August 27,
2015, filed with the
You maintain that a DISH Network representative agreed to waive your early termination fee and you disputed the balance due
Our records reveal that you participated in the Digital Home Advantage (DHA) promotion with a 24-month commitmentI have enclosed a copy of your signed DHA agreement
I reviewed your recorded call that took place on June 1, You advised our representative that you are moving and requested to cancel the serviceDuring the call our agent offered to schedule a MoDeal to transfer your service and you declinedIn addition, he offered to place your account on DISH Pause and this offer was also declinedYou asked that return boxes be sent to return the equipmentThe agent informed you that if the equipment is returned, the service will be disconnected and an early termination fee will apply
The recorded calls that took place on July and 20, 2015, were also reviewed and our representatives again advised you of the early termination feeWe have no evidence that we agreed to waive this fee
When we spoke today, I advised you that while we regret any inconvenience you are experiencing, the early termination fee cannot be reversed as the term commitment was not fulfilledI also explained that DISH Network does not offer a payment plan to prevent your account from being sent to collectionsHowever, if your account is turned over to collections, I will make an exception and remove the information from your credit report after the balance is paid in fullYou disagreed with my explanation and terminated the call
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday - Friday, 6:am to 2:pm MST
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 6, 2015/09/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Per Our conversation, I did mention I was anticipated in a promotional move out of state and instead of moving they had laid me off, I have no address to commit to getting Dish installed, I had spoke with a representative and knowing my situation he told me to just pay my Balance which was $which I paid and never mentioned I was to pay any disconnection feeTwo weeks later I am getting billed for a disconnection FeeI didn't get anyone's name due to the fact I believed this matter was taken care ofI am still unemployed and regret I have no extra earning for this disconnection feeI would hope that you could please consider wavering this disconnection feeGreatly Appreciated
*** ***
Final Business Response /* (4000, 8, 2015/10/02) */
September 29,
Ms*** ***
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms***:
On September 28, 2015, we received your rebuttal, dated September 25, 2015, filed with the
You disagreed with our previous response and requested that the early termination fee be removed from your account
As explained, your recorded calls that took place on June 1, 2015, and July and 20, 2015, were reviewed and we found that we did not agree to waive the early termination fee
Because your service was canceled prior to the promotional fulfillment date, the early termination fee of $was appliedThe early termination fee is valid, as you agreed to the Digital Home Advantage (DHA) terms
When the balance of $is paid in full, the information will be removed from your credit report
We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday - Friday, 6:am to 2:pm MST
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
April 18, MrSrihari Saranga Morse AveSkokie, IL Re: Complaint # 8255909874602466-
Dear Mr***: On April 13, 2016, we received your correspondence, dated April 11, 2016, filed with the You stated that in July you contacted DISH Network to add a receiver for an additional TVYou indicated that you weren’t informed that this upgrade required a new contractual commitment nor were you given a purchase optionYou disagree with this policy and you requested that your early termination fee be waived When we spoke on April 14, 2016, I advised you that I had reviewed the recorded call and I confirmed that the contractual commitment was disclosedHowever, the electronic signature was not fully captured on the contract so, as a courtesy, I agreed to waive your early termination feeYou accepted this resolution. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI *** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/12) */
July 27,
Mr*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On July 21, 2015, we received your complaint, dated July 20, 2015, filed with the
You expressed concern with the early termination fee that was applied to your accountYou indicated that our equipment was difficult to use and you disconnected your service within daysYou also said that you were not advised of the early termination fee
Your service was activated on June 18, 2015, with a 24-month commitment through *** (XXX-XXX-XXXX), an independent companyA review of the sales call determined that the 24-month commitment and associated early termination fee were disclosedWe also found that there was no mention of a trial period for our service
Although we regret the issues that you experienced with our equipment, our records show that you declined our offers to assist you with this issue and you opted to cancel your service on July 15, Since your term commitment was not fulfilled, an early termination fee of $was applied to your account
When I spoke with you by phone on July 21, 2015, I advised you that I made an exception and reversed the early termination fee, leaving a zero balance
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:am - 3:pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/08/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I accept the response and appreciate Dish reviewing and arriving at a fair solution!
Tell us why here...August 15, 2017 *** *** ***
*** ** *** ***
*** *** ** *** Re: Complaint #
*** Dear Mr***: On August 7, 2017, we received your complaint, dated August 6, 2017, filed with the You expressed concern that you received solicitation calls when you are on the Do Not Call listYou requested that these calls cease. According to our records, we have not placed an outbound call to phone number *** *** since and the number is showing as being on our internal Do Not Call list since that time. You may have received calls from an independent retailer and you will need to request to be placed on their internal Do Not Call list. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** ***. Sincerely, *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** ** ** *** ** ***
*** ***
*** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
December 23,
Ms*** ***
*** ** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint # ***
Dear Ms***:
On December 23, 2015, we received your rebuttal, dated December 22, 2015, filed with the
You maintain you did not order the additional Gigabytes (GB) for the internet service and you restated that your monthly rate was supposed to be $
As previously explained, we found that the GBs were ordered through your online account
You subscribed to the following services:
America's Top package $
Dish Movie Pack $(free for three months)
Epix $(free for months)
HBO, Showtime and Starz $(free for three months)
dishNET 10/50GB $
dishNET TRIA fee $
DVR service $
Super Joey receiver $
Wireless Joey receiver $
Two Joey receivers $($per receiver)
Protection Plan $(free for four months)
The monthly billing rate before tax and discounts was $A monthly $credit was applied for the price-lock promotionYou also received monthly credits of $for bundling and $for agreeing to Credit Card AutoPayWhen the free service and credits end the regular price is applied
You are only being billed for service rendered through the disconnection dateWe ask that the leased equipment be returned to DISH Network and the balance of $be paid
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** ***
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday - Friday, 6:am to 2:pm MST
*** ***
cc: Denver / Boulder
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: these people are liars I asked for a copy of the call and they refused because they don't want what was said to be come public but I am standing firm with the last response I sent either it will be taken care of or the equipment removed I will not ship anything you put it in my house so you can remove it in the same wayThe clock is ticking and when time is up I will do as I said in the last response and I will also post my experience with you on every website and pages possible and will go as far as going to the local newspaper
*** ***
February 14, *** *** ***
*** ** *** **
*** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Ms***: On February 13, 2017, we received your complaint, dated February 10, 2017, filed with the You said that you agreed to a contract extension to receive the 3-Year Price Lock promotion, but your service hadn’t been installed at your new address yetYou decided not to continue with the service and you requested that we disconnect your account and release you from your contract extension When we spoke, I advised you that I released you from your contract extensionAt your request, I disconnected your accountI also provided you with our equipment return disclosuresIn addition, I waived your final balance of $ If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** Phone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT *** *** cc: *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2015/11/12) */
November 11,
*** *** ***
*** ** *** *** ***
*** *** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On November 11, 2015, we received your complaint, dated November
10, 2015, filed with the
You said you were advised that your monthly rate would not increase for two billing cycles, but you were then billed a higher amount
When we spoke, I advised you that a review of your November 2, 2015, call revealed that you were not provided with incorrect information concerning your billThe agent advised you that the monthly $credit that I applied on March 5, 2015, would continue for two more billing periods and that the monthly $referral credit you are receiving would apply for one more billing cycleThe agent did not advise you that your monthly rate of $would apply for two more cycles, as your new customer promotion and price protections credits, totaling $35.00, had already expired
Please note that as you have received excessive adjustments for the past months, and as you were not provided incorrect information, we are unable to apply any further adjustments to your bill
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
cc: Denver / Boulder
*** *** ***
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** *** *** * ***
*** Dear Mr***: On January 13, 2016, we received your complaint, dated January 8, 2016, filed with the Revdex.comYou maintain that we continue to charge you the $for the NHL League PassI originally responded to this complaint on December 18, 2015, and the billing statement that you are referring to generated on December 8, Therefore, the adjustments that I made on December 15, 2015, are not reflected on that bill because they were applied after the bill cycledThis issue is addressed in my previous correspondence and there is currently no balance dueIf there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT ###-###-#### *** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
*** ** *** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/11/04) */
November 2,
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms***:
On October 26, 2015, we received your correspondence, dated October 23, 2015,
filed with the
You stated that you contacted Linx Satellite, an independent retail service provider, to purchase internet serviceYou were sold DISH Network TV service bundled with AT&T internet serviceThe internet service you were promised was never installedAdditionally, credit card information that did not belong to you was linked to your account in errorYou purchased the TV service with the understanding you would receive internet serviceYou requested that your early termination fee be waived and your account disconnected
When we spoke on October 28, 2015, I explained that the contract was for TV service onlyHowever, I agreed to waive your early termination fee as a courtesy and I disconnected your accountThe credit card information will be removed from the disconnected accountYou accepted this resolution
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** Antrillo
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI
cc: Denver / Boulder
*** *** ***
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** *** Dish's unwillingness to deal with the factual issues and to focus on misleading rhetoric does not lend itself to complaint resolution or positive customer interaction.DISH asserts, "Dish network bills for channels in a package and not a la carte, account credits are not provided." Fact: Some DISH customers in Montana were allowed a $credit for missing channels. DISH asserts: "Dish is unable to access ***'s billing system to confirm their monthly charges or your bundled rate." Fact: DISH did indeed access ***'s billing system to remove the hundreds of dollars overcharges when I initially signed up with DISH. DISH sets the rates, not ***, who only does their billing. This was confirmed by *** headquarters in New York. DISH asserts:"DISH reserves the right to change prices at any time." Fact: I was told by DISH representative at *** that my monthly charge would be $a month for the first year and $a month for the second year of my contract. And there was no mention of any price increases. Further, DISH's own representative, in a written statement previously (this was their DISH's promotion), submitted, stated that my first year monthly bill would be $108. DISH asserts: "When you agreed to a free installation of the equipment, it did not include the removal at the end of our business relationship." Fact: Their own installer, and they have his name, assured me the dish would be removed. Isn't this something that DISH should take up with their subcontractor and honor his statement? DISH asserts: "We regret you do not agree with the solution we proposed . at this point we consider the issue closed? Fact: DISH did not propose any solution other than to get rid of my complaint by encouraging me to cancel my account with them,nor did they allow any flexibility toward a solution with their hard line approach. This leave me with no alternative except to file complaints at the local and federal level against DISH
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I have been a loyal customer for over yearsDish Network was at one time a reputable companyNow it is a bunch of pencil pushers that do not give a care about customer loyaltyMy cancellation will be forthcoming as I am making arrangements with another providerGranted they gave me a lot of credits, but it pales in comparison to the amount of money I have spent with DishI am sure Direct TV will like to hear about the Problems with Dish Network, Plus the bad publicity that they have created with this decision to punish a customer for years of Loyal serviceI advise lots of people about TV providers, I have to in my workI will no longer advise anyone to use Dish Network as a matter of fact, I will advise anyone to stay as far away from Dish as possible.
*** ***
Tell us why here...November 1, 2016 Dear Ms***: On October 26, 2016, we received your complaint, dated October 24, 2016, filed with the You stated that you have contacted DISH Network several times to obtain return shipping materials to
return your leased equipmentYou were unable to get the materials, but you have returned the equipmentYou have now been billed for the equipment and you would like your billing corrected. When we spoke on October 28, 2016, I apologized for the difficulty that you experienced, and I agreed to monitor the return for youAs of November 1, 2016, the equipment was received and removed from your account, resolving the $account balance If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Dispute Resolution SpecialistExecutive Escalations TeamDISH Network, L.L.C.Phone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI###-###-####
May 25, *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Mr***: On May 23, 2017, we received your complaint, dated May 22, 2017, filed with the You expressed concern with the early termination fee that was applied to your accountYou indicated that you were told that you were on a month-to-month plan and you could cancel at any time Your service was activated on May 9, 2017, with a 24-month commitment and it was disconnected on May 22, Since your term commitment was not fulfilled, an early termination fee of $was applied to your accountYou were also charged a $equipment return fee We appreciate that you brought your concerns to our attention so we may address them internally with the appropriate personnel When I spoke with you by phone on May 24, 2017, I advised you that I removed these fees from your DISH Network account and I submitted a refund of $to your credit card accountI also submitted a refund of $for your overpaymentPlease allow up to five business days for processing. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** *** ** * *** ** ***
*** ***
*** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/11/04) */
November 2,
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On October 29, 2015, we received your correspondence, dated October 28,
2015, filed with the
You stated that DISH Network billed you for a Sling adapter and HDMI cable that you were offered at no costYou requested that the necessary correction be made to your monthly bill
When we spoke on October 29, 2015, I confirmed that the charges were reversed on October 27, You accepted this resolution
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI
cc: Denver / Boulder
*** *** ***
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/11/06) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Dish stated they are refunding the chargesThank you
November 22, Dear Ms***: On November 21, 2016, we received your rebuttal, dated November 15, 2016, filed with the You maintain that DISH Network debited three payments from Ms*** ***’s bank account, not counting the payment that was returned Please refer to my previous response wherein I explain that DISH Network received three valid payments. Ms*** disputed one through her bank, causing it to be returned. The $debit was made to Infinity Sales Group, the independent retailer through whom you initiated your account, and not DISH Network As such, three payments were made to DISH Network but one was returned due to Ms***’s dispute If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-#### Sincerely, Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri ###-###-####
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I did not receive any mailings from you indicating my wife signed a new agreementAgain I say I was on month to monthThe agreement I had with you expired in My wife has assured me she signed no new month agreementOnly receipt of equipmentShe was is certain she questioned the agent you sent concerning an extensionHe assured her that she was only signing for receiptYou keep saying you sent me a copy of my wife's signature on a new agreementThis is not trueI have received nothing
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Dear I inquired for your support regarding this DISH dispute to obtain your support as customer I felt abandoned and unprotected by Businesses like DISH where they my signature I never signed a contract or even worst was
told I WAS never getting a contract with DISH I told one of their customer service I DO NOT want contract and she said there is no contract needed for you we offer you no contract and that was I was told and I requested no contract with DISHI talked for few minutes to one of thier customer service account manager *** very unprofessional I recorded the phone call and I told him I was recording his phone call and I was driving I told him to write me what ever questions he had since I work late hours and two jobs I will attached my email where I said email me your questions very unprofessional that was not the way one of their customer service was when I got the lowest package is this the way I was going to be presented by ? I felt un protected as customer, I felt violated by the law I was told I wasn't getting a contract and why now that I want to cancel a terrible service where each month I had to spend hours and hours on the phone due to hiding fees they were every month over charging and adding staff to my billas I said I do not have time to be on the phone each month and be argument for a bill that I told them DO NOT add any other fees to my bill I told *** to be more professional and I told him I was driving. I will no pay DISH for cancellation fees over $they lied to their customer they are well known by that.I am contacting an attorney regarding this issue if DISH remove their hiding fees I told them to add the lowest package less expense package less programming and DO NOT add any extra hiding fees to my monthly bill
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meAs soon as I get everything arranged with the new internet provider I will be contacting Dish to disconnect my current services
*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/05/08) */
April 24,
Ms*** ***
*** *** St
***, *** ***
Re: Complaint # ***
Dear Ms***:
On April 24, 2015, we received your complaint, dated April 23, 2015, filed with the
You said that a payment was erroneously debited from your bank account and that you had not received a refund yet
When we spoke, I advised you that your refund of $was sent to your bank on April 23,
Please note that your account was enrolled in automatic payments and your next due date was April 9, DISH Network requires any changes made to your billing be made a minimum of seven days prior to your due date because the automatic payment process begins before the due dateAs such, when you disconnected your account on April 8, 2015, the process was already underway, leading to the payment being debitedLikewise with check or electronic check refunds, we must wait for the pending transaction (your payment) to clear your bank and ours before we can issue a refund to avoid double refunds
We sincerely regret any inconvenience this issue may have caused
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (***) ***-***
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
(***) ***-***
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO
*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/09/16) */
September 1,
Ms*** ***
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms***:
On August 28, 2015, we received your correspondence, dated August 27,
2015, filed with the
You maintain that a DISH Network representative agreed to waive your early termination fee and you disputed the balance due
Our records reveal that you participated in the Digital Home Advantage (DHA) promotion with a 24-month commitmentI have enclosed a copy of your signed DHA agreement
I reviewed your recorded call that took place on June 1, You advised our representative that you are moving and requested to cancel the serviceDuring the call our agent offered to schedule a MoDeal to transfer your service and you declinedIn addition, he offered to place your account on DISH Pause and this offer was also declinedYou asked that return boxes be sent to return the equipmentThe agent informed you that if the equipment is returned, the service will be disconnected and an early termination fee will apply
The recorded calls that took place on July and 20, 2015, were also reviewed and our representatives again advised you of the early termination feeWe have no evidence that we agreed to waive this fee
When we spoke today, I advised you that while we regret any inconvenience you are experiencing, the early termination fee cannot be reversed as the term commitment was not fulfilledI also explained that DISH Network does not offer a payment plan to prevent your account from being sent to collectionsHowever, if your account is turned over to collections, I will make an exception and remove the information from your credit report after the balance is paid in fullYou disagreed with my explanation and terminated the call
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday - Friday, 6:am to 2:pm MST
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 6, 2015/09/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Per Our conversation, I did mention I was anticipated in a promotional move out of state and instead of moving they had laid me off, I have no address to commit to getting Dish installed, I had spoke with a representative and knowing my situation he told me to just pay my Balance which was $which I paid and never mentioned I was to pay any disconnection feeTwo weeks later I am getting billed for a disconnection FeeI didn't get anyone's name due to the fact I believed this matter was taken care ofI am still unemployed and regret I have no extra earning for this disconnection feeI would hope that you could please consider wavering this disconnection feeGreatly Appreciated
*** ***
Final Business Response /* (4000, 8, 2015/10/02) */
September 29,
Ms*** ***
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms***:
On September 28, 2015, we received your rebuttal, dated September 25, 2015, filed with the
You disagreed with our previous response and requested that the early termination fee be removed from your account
As explained, your recorded calls that took place on June 1, 2015, and July and 20, 2015, were reviewed and we found that we did not agree to waive the early termination fee
Because your service was canceled prior to the promotional fulfillment date, the early termination fee of $was appliedThe early termination fee is valid, as you agreed to the Digital Home Advantage (DHA) terms
When the balance of $is paid in full, the information will be removed from your credit report
We regret any inconvenience you may have experienced
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday - Friday, 6:am to 2:pm MST
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
April 18, MrSrihari Saranga Morse AveSkokie, IL Re: Complaint # 8255909874602466-
Dear Mr***: On April 13, 2016, we received your correspondence, dated April 11, 2016, filed with the You stated that in July you contacted DISH Network to add a receiver for an additional TVYou indicated that you weren’t informed that this upgrade required a new contractual commitment nor were you given a purchase optionYou disagree with this policy and you requested that your early termination fee be waived When we spoke on April 14, 2016, I advised you that I had reviewed the recorded call and I confirmed that the contractual commitment was disclosedHowever, the electronic signature was not fully captured on the contract so, as a courtesy, I agreed to waive your early termination feeYou accepted this resolution. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI *** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/12) */
July 27,
Mr*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On July 21, 2015, we received your complaint, dated July 20, 2015, filed with the
You expressed concern with the early termination fee that was applied to your accountYou indicated that our equipment was difficult to use and you disconnected your service within daysYou also said that you were not advised of the early termination fee
Your service was activated on June 18, 2015, with a 24-month commitment through *** (XXX-XXX-XXXX), an independent companyA review of the sales call determined that the 24-month commitment and associated early termination fee were disclosedWe also found that there was no mention of a trial period for our service
Although we regret the issues that you experienced with our equipment, our records show that you declined our offers to assist you with this issue and you opted to cancel your service on July 15, Since your term commitment was not fulfilled, an early termination fee of $was applied to your account
When I spoke with you by phone on July 21, 2015, I advised you that I made an exception and reversed the early termination fee, leaving a zero balance
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:am - 3:pm MDT
cc: Denver / Boulder
Cherokee St
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/08/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I accept the response and appreciate Dish reviewing and arriving at a fair solution!
Tell us why here...August 15, 2017 *** *** ***
*** ** *** ***
*** *** ** *** Re: Complaint #
*** Dear Mr***: On August 7, 2017, we received your complaint, dated August 6, 2017, filed with the You expressed concern that you received solicitation calls when you are on the Do Not Call listYou requested that these calls cease. According to our records, we have not placed an outbound call to phone number *** *** since and the number is showing as being on our internal Do Not Call list since that time. You may have received calls from an independent retailer and you will need to request to be placed on their internal Do Not Call list. If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** ***. Sincerely, *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** ** ** *** ** ***
*** ***
*** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
December 23,
Ms*** ***
*** ** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint # ***
Dear Ms***:
On December 23, 2015, we received your rebuttal, dated December 22, 2015, filed with the
You maintain you did not order the additional Gigabytes (GB) for the internet service and you restated that your monthly rate was supposed to be $
As previously explained, we found that the GBs were ordered through your online account
You subscribed to the following services:
America's Top package $
Dish Movie Pack $(free for three months)
Epix $(free for months)
HBO, Showtime and Starz $(free for three months)
dishNET 10/50GB $
dishNET TRIA fee $
DVR service $
Super Joey receiver $
Wireless Joey receiver $
Two Joey receivers $($per receiver)
Protection Plan $(free for four months)
The monthly billing rate before tax and discounts was $A monthly $credit was applied for the price-lock promotionYou also received monthly credits of $for bundling and $for agreeing to Credit Card AutoPayWhen the free service and credits end the regular price is applied
You are only being billed for service rendered through the disconnection dateWe ask that the leased equipment be returned to DISH Network and the balance of $be paid
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** ***
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: Monday - Friday, 6:am to 2:pm MST
*** ***
cc: Denver / Boulder
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: these people are liars I asked for a copy of the call and they refused because they don't want what was said to be come public but I am standing firm with the last response I sent either it will be taken care of or the equipment removed I will not ship anything you put it in my house so you can remove it in the same wayThe clock is ticking and when time is up I will do as I said in the last response and I will also post my experience with you on every website and pages possible and will go as far as going to the local newspaper
*** ***
February 14, *** *** ***
*** ** *** **
*** ** *** Re: Complaint # ***
*** Dear Ms***: On February 13, 2017, we received your complaint, dated February 10, 2017, filed with the You said that you agreed to a contract extension to receive the 3-Year Price Lock promotion, but your service hadn’t been installed at your new address yetYou decided not to continue with the service and you requested that we disconnect your account and release you from your contract extension When we spoke, I advised you that I released you from your contract extensionAt your request, I disconnected your accountI also provided you with our equipment return disclosuresIn addition, I waived your final balance of $ If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at *** *** Sincerely, *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** Phone Hours: Mon - Fri 6:a.mto 2:p.mMDT *** *** cc: *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2015/11/12) */
November 11,
*** *** ***
*** ** *** *** ***
*** *** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Mr***:
On November 11, 2015, we received your complaint, dated November
10, 2015, filed with the
You said you were advised that your monthly rate would not increase for two billing cycles, but you were then billed a higher amount
When we spoke, I advised you that a review of your November 2, 2015, call revealed that you were not provided with incorrect information concerning your billThe agent advised you that the monthly $credit that I applied on March 5, 2015, would continue for two more billing periods and that the monthly $referral credit you are receiving would apply for one more billing cycleThe agent did not advise you that your monthly rate of $would apply for two more cycles, as your new customer promotion and price protections credits, totaling $35.00, had already expired
Please note that as you have received excessive adjustments for the past months, and as you were not provided incorrect information, we are unable to apply any further adjustments to your bill
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** ***
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 6:am - 2:pm (MDT), Mon-Fri
cc: Denver / Boulder
*** *** ***
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** *** *** * ***
*** Dear Mr***: On January 13, 2016, we received your complaint, dated January 8, 2016, filed with the Revdex.comYou maintain that we continue to charge you the $for the NHL League PassI originally responded to this complaint on December 18, 2015, and the billing statement that you are referring to generated on December 8, Therefore, the adjustments that I made on December 15, 2015, are not reflected on that bill because they were applied after the bill cycledThis issue is addressed in my previous correspondence and there is currently no balance dueIf there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-####Sincerely, *** *** Dispute Resolution Specialist Executive Escalations Team DISH Network, L.L.CPhone Hours: Monday through Friday 7:am to 3:pm MDT ###-###-#### *** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
*** ***
*** ** *** ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/11/04) */
November 2,
*** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** XXXXX
Re: Complaint # XXXXXXXX
Dear Ms***:
On October 26, 2015, we received your correspondence, dated October 23, 2015,
filed with the
You stated that you contacted Linx Satellite, an independent retail service provider, to purchase internet serviceYou were sold DISH Network TV service bundled with AT&T internet serviceThe internet service you were promised was never installedAdditionally, credit card information that did not belong to you was linked to your account in errorYou purchased the TV service with the understanding you would receive internet serviceYou requested that your early termination fee be waived and your account disconnected
When we spoke on October 28, 2015, I explained that the contract was for TV service onlyHowever, I agreed to waive your early termination fee as a courtesy and I disconnected your accountThe credit card information will be removed from the disconnected accountYou accepted this resolution
If there are further questions or concerns about this issue, please feel free to contact me at (XXX) XXX-XXXX
*** Antrillo
Dispute Resolution Specialist
Executive Escalations Team
DISH Network, L.L.C
Phone Hours: 2:pm to11:pm MDT, MON-FRI
cc: Denver / Boulder
*** *** ***
Denver, CO XXXXX
*** ***