DEFENDERS d/b/a Protect Your Home Reviews (1348)
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DEFENDERS d/b/a Protect Your Home Rating
Address: 2131 Espey Court, Suite 7, Crofton, Maryland, United States, 21114
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this response/resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
October 19, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders IncDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN RE: *** *** Complaint No*** AcctNo*** This letter is in response to the complaint # *** submitted by *** ***By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT Thank you for bringing this to my attentionAfter review, I do show the downgrade being completed for $Also Defenders and ADT will need paperwork to reflect your $a monthHere is how I can assist with a resolution I will have to send a contract that reflects your monthly monitoring of $I can have this sent via email or by certified mailPlease let me know on how you would want to proceed in this caseAlso, we will back date to its original installation date once receiving a sign contract Sincerely, DeUndre E*** Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: [email protected]
After review of the account I do show that one of our escalations representative spoke to *** and advised him that we were needing an Letter of cancelation submitted for the account to be closesWe show he provided the needed information on 09/10/The account has been
This letter is in response to the complaint # *** regarding *** ***By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADTOur records indicate that the consumer was offered 75% balance of contractOn July 14, an account service representative offered payments of $to be released from the contractI will issue a refund of $since notated in your account about the offerThis usually takes within days to send back to its method of paymentI do apologize for the inconvenience this may causeSincerely, DeUndre E*** Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: [email protected]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I definitely do not agree with the responseWhat they did not quote you was the beginning of the call or the end when I told the agent that I did not purchase the house yet and just wanted an approximate priceIf I do not own the home, why would I have them run my creditThey ran my credit before I even finished my loan to purchase the houseThey also offered to send an agent out to the house to get a better priceI again told them that I did not own the house so I did not need an agent to come out.When she asked for the last of my social security I thought it was for records purposes and not for running credit
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this response/resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
July 7, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders IncDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN Re: *** *** Complaint No*** AcctNo***
* Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: [email protected]
Dear Ms***, This letter is in response to the complaint # *** by *** ***By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT In summary, Mr*** states that he was offered an additional $in equipment credit and a $Visa gift cardHe states he did not receive these incentives and would like them honored I reviewed the sales call and found that these items were offeredIt appears they were not properly added to his account, so the technician did not have evidence of these items being offeredI added the incentives and scheduled a service appointment to have a smoke communicator installedI apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused the customer, but I appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns and help come to a resolution Sincerely, Crystal F
November 2, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders IncDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN RE: *** *** Complaint No*** AcctNo***
This letter is in response to complaint # *** submittedby *** ***. By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have sold and installed ADT monitored security systems since becoming an ADT authorized dealer in In summary, the consumer would like the system uninstalled, a full refund, and the emails regarding the documents to cease On October 24, 2017, our Account Services department received a cancelation notice from the consumer to take advantage of the Day Right of Recession on the contractThe services have since been terminated The refund for the installation fee has been submitted and is pending payment at this timeThe refund for the equipment will be submitted once the equipment has been removed from the premisesTo schedule the system pull appointment the customer can reach me directly at (317)860- In closing the consumer’s funds will be returned once the equipment is removedSince a cancelation has been placed on the account, the emails will cease Sincerely, Emily B*** Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: [email protected]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. Taking advantage of my wife and charing use $for a $jobOn 8/01/Protect Your Home came out to our house to install an ADT Security System for $That install ended up costing $for the equipment, $for the install and $for the monitoringMy wife *** *** set this up and when I was talking to her on the phone as they were finishing up I ask how much is this going to cost at that is when she dropped the bomb shellI immediately called ADT to cancel and that is when they informed me it was an authorized reseller Protect My Home that did the installADT contacted PMH while I am my wife were on the phone line but PMH would not immediately cancel we had to fax and mail the cancellation notice into them, which on Monday August 3rd we didOn Saturday August 8th they did come out and retrieve all of the $worth of equipment but they still have not reimburse us for thatThey did reimburse us the $for the installation but not for the two months of ADT monitoring charge for $106.06. I want the $for ADT Monitoring to be reimburse ASAP and an apology for having an Authorized Reseller totally take advantage of my wife. Regards,
** ***
July 25, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders IncDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN Re: *** *** Complaint No*** AcctNo***
* Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: [email protected]
Dear Ms*** This letter is in response to the complaint # *** regarding *** ***By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT In summary, Ms*** would like to have the services cancelled since there is no valid contract on fileSince the billing issue was not corrected, they have decided to switch to a different monitoring company I released the customer and waived any termination charges involved with cancellingThe effective cancellation is July 25, I am having the billing cancelled and that the account closedI apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Sincerely, Crystal F
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.My husband and I didn’t know that the signature was in reference a three year contractIt was signed on the laptop (no paper) with no time or computer knowledge from my husband to read the whole document, we believe that the sales person did not tell us that it was a three year contract, it was our understanding that the signature was for the installation only as we were paying for the equipment
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May 22, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#2020Indianapolis, IN 46204-2599 Defender Security Company DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive, Ste Indianapolis, IN Re: *** ***Complaint No***AcctNo*** Dear Ms
***,This letter is in response to the complaint # *** by *** ***By way of background, Defender Security Company DBAProtect Your Home is an Indiana CorporationWe have been an ADT authorizeddealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOncethe security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed,serviced and maintained by ADTAfter reviewing the account our records indicate Ms*** contactedProtect Your Home with an interpreter on December 8, about anadvertisement The promotional offer includeda keypad, sensors, key fob, and motionAdditionally, she was offered a$visa to offset the $installation feeAfter speaking to our salesrepresentatives, Ms*** was able to customize her security package and wasoffered an additional $in equipment credit outside the basic package. Ms*** was informed of the contract term andthe prorated amount being deducted within hours after installation. Our sales representative stated that hermonthly monitoring rate would be $44.99, since Ms*** did not have alandline service at her residenceOur sales representative also discussed the ADTPulse Interactive Solutions Services and explained that if there was ever analarm event she could set up text message/email notifications. Our representative also explained the monthlymonitoring rate would be $if she opted to go with that upgraded service.Ms*** called back in with an interpreter on December 11,stating that she was upset with how the home installation wentShe feltshe was taken advantage of and was then transferred to our account servicedepartment. When Ms*** spoke to ourrepresentative she claimed she was told by the technician that her firstpayment for equipment would not come out until JanuaryMs*** also statedour sales representative explained all the equipment installed would be free.Our account service representative explained the package our sales teaminitially offered and advised that the equipment balance was due to additionalequipment being installed outside of the initial offerOur representative offered to waive the last payments of $totaling $Ms*** agreed through the interpreterMs*** thenstated she was told the monthly monitoring rate would be $but agreed tothe monthly monitoring rate of $since the system was upgraded to the ADTPulse Interactive SolutionsMs*** continued to mention that Techniciantold her the equipment payment would not be due until JanuaryOur accountservices representative explained to her how the payments for equipment workedshe also explained to her that prorated amount that is deducted within hoursafter installation. Ms*** demanded arefund of the first equipment payment that was deducted on December 9, inthe amount of $ Our agent informed Ms*** that we are not able torefund the amount unless she wants to cancel her account and have all theequipment removedMs*** stated she was going to dispute this payment withher financial intuition and would submit the payment in JanuaryMs*** was informedby our representative if she chose to dispute the payment our internalcollections team will be contacting her to attempt to collect the payment. Ms*** called back with her interpreter later that sameday wanting a refund of the equipmentThe customer service agent offered her adowngrade explaining that we could come remove the additional equipment, butMs*** declined that offer and requested to speak to floor supervisorThefloor supervisor spoke to Ms*** through her interpreter and she requestedto get rid of the equipment or to remove her off the payment planOur agent remindedMs*** that we already requested to waive her last payments of $ 745.44totaling $On December 18, we received a credit card dispute byMs*** financial institution and returned the $back to them onJanuary 12, An ADT representative contacted Protect Your Home on January12, wanting to schedule a service appointment for a motion detector thatwas causing some alarms located in the dining roomHowever theappointment was cancelled due to the outstanding balance on the account.Our escalations team did receive this complaint throughanother avenue on January 20, We attempted to attempt to contact Ms.*** and left message for her to call backWe received a call from Ms*** alongwith the interpreter on February 10, stating they are needing to schedule aservice appointment to resolve the dining room senor and other issues as well. We spoke to the localbranch manager in regards to the complaint and he stated he spoke to both securityadvisors, they determined the installation technician followed the standardsales process and Ms*** agreed to the price of equipmentOne of the securityadvisor acknowledged the only issue that he had was that two exterior sirenswere installedThe initial install technician turned the strobe light on for thefirst exterior siren, not knowing that this process needed to be repeated forthe second oneThis was corrected and at no point was the siren turned off.Our escalations representative received a notification that Ms.*** had some alarms due to the security system on March, 16, 2015. We spoke to the City Of Vallejo, and wereinformed that alarms had occurred at $per event totaling $3480.00outstanding balanceWe spoke to our security manager in regards to the falsealarms and he determined that the shock sensors on her windows needed to berelocated and we moved the motion detector into a hallwayMs*** has catsand motion was tripped a few times Our escalations representative spoke to ADTmonitoring center to gain understanding of the alarm totaling $3480.00.When speaking to ADT Monitoring and verifying alarm history it was determined severalmotion detectors are located in the home dining room, bedroom, hallway andliving room motions were triggered by the catsA kitchen window sensor alsotriggered two alarms in one dayEach time, the Monitoring center attempted tocontact the customer, did not reach her and dispatched the Police. We agreed to pay the alarm finestotaling $to the City Of Vallejo on April 29, In additionthe representative also waived her 2nd flex payment in the amount of$as well as offering month credit in the amount of $due to theissuesMs***,can submit her payment for the outstanding balance of $that she disputedin January to our corporate office. Please include Attention to: CS BILLING attention ANA/Stephan to: 3750Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis,IN 46240 We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that thecustomer may have experienced and we appreciate the opportunity to address hisconcerns. Sincerely,Ana ***Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier ProviderE: anamaria.***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. Ms*** stated in her response that that a refund was $was refunded on January 5th and I disputed the payment on January 6th She also states that I was refunded by *** *** and Defender and that her internal collections team is trying to recollect the $ I would like to state that I did not dispute the payment January 6th I had not idea that it had been refunded until I paid my chargecard on January 15th at which time I saw the credit I immediately called *** *** and was informed that I did not owe Defender and that *** *** was handling the chargeback from the companies involvedI disputed the charges on December 15th and was issued a temporary credit from *** *** The TEMPORARY credit is only there until you response to the reversal from *** *** and close the disputeAs for the $it will remain open at *** *** because you charged me on 1-14-and never refunded it backAgain I was not paid twice for the $ You must follow the proper reversal procedures with your bank according to *** ***.I spoke with them today (January 30th) and was told that they have issued your company notice of the reversal and are waiting for your response They also stated that Defender must contact their bank to follow the proper reversal proceduresI would also like to stopped being harassed by your company calling my cellphone number trying to collect payments from me that I do not owePlease contact your bank and response to *** ***s Notice of Reversal.
*** ***
INCDBA Protect Your HomeDBA
Protect Your Home
Priority Way South DriveIndianapolis,
IN 46240Re: *** ***Complaint # ***Account # ***Dear
letter is in response to the Complaint #*** By way of background,
Defenders INC. DBA Protect
Your Home is
an Indiana Corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systems
We have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT
monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract
is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT.In regards
to Complaint #***, we have
carefully reviewed the matter and bring forth the following recommendationsOwner
of complaint brings forth a point of validity in regards to the matterIn
order to increase customer retention, while maintaining company credibility, we
are open to offer a month credit to client’s account upon successful
completion of contract/product installationClient has been previously advised
of this offer, and we anticipate this as a suitable resolution.Our
organization looks forward to reconciling this complaint in a timely fashion
We extend an apology in advance for any inconvenience this has causedRegards,Customer
Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT
Authorized Premier Provider
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this response/resolution is satisfactory to me once I receive the refund for mentioned in the above listed complaint.
*** ***
December 6, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#2020Indianapolis, IN 46204-2599 Defenders IncDBA Protect Your HomeDBA Protect Your HomePriority Way South DriveIndianapolis, IN 46240 RE: *** *** ***Complaint No***AcctNo
r, ticket number, or monitoring account number provided in your email that matches an account in our system If the consumer would like to further discuss this, I can be reached directly at 317-860-I apologize for the inconvenience but appreciate the chance to address the concerns Sincerely, Emily B***Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier ProviderE: [email protected]
This letter is in response to the complaint # *** submitted by *** *** ***By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate your account because there was not an account holder's name that matched in our system, no address, phone number, c
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.When I had accepted the sensors left by the technician it was based on materially information that led me to accept ADTs sensors in place of my original sensors STOLEN by the ADT rep. I was told the ADT sensors were 2GIG compatible, which would be compatible with my new provider (who had not yet installed the system). When the new provider arrived, he confirmed the sensors are NOT 2GIG compatible, thus, they are useless, where my previous sensors would have worked with my systemSo I am now unable to arm parts of my home with sensors that are 2GIG unless I want to pay money out of pocketI will not be further harmed financially by ADT. If ADT does not return my sensors that are 2GIG compatible, I WILL be filing a lawsuit against the firm pursuant to the Doctrine of Respondeat Superior, as well as against the rep ADT cannot claim they restored or mitigated damages by leaving me with sensors that are NOT the same as my original sensorsTheir actions of theft has resulted in lossThey must be returned or I will begin litigationThis is my final request
*** ***
October 31, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders Incdba Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN Re: *** *** Complaint No*** Account No***
* Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: [email protected]
Dear Ms***, This letter is in response to the complaint # *** by *** ***By way of background, Defenders, Incdba Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT In summary, Ms*** states that he was not fond of the sales practices and the pressure to purchase additional equipmentHe also states that the hold times are extensiveHis ideal resolution would be to speak to a manager in regards to the services he purchasedMr*** contacted Protect Your Home on October 11, in regards to an ADT monitored alarm systemHe was to receive a basic promotional package with $worth of free equipment and a $Visa gift cardHe secured his installation with a $installation fee and scheduled it for October 13, At the installation, Mr*** did agree to purchase additional equipmentHe entered into a contract with Protect Your Home on October 13, He paid $for the additional servicesThis equipment is in addition to the $with of equipment in his promotional packageMr*** did speak with an escalations representative on October 30, in regards to his complaints and she agreed to refund him $That amount is currently pending to be paid out to the customerThe refund window is 7-days to see the funds returned to himI was advised that this resolution resolved his concernsI apologize if Mr*** was inconvenienced during this process, but I appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns and help come to a resolution Sincerely, Crystal F
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and credit all monies, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
*** ***
January 16, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204-Defenders INCDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN Re: *** *** Complaint # *** Account # *** Dear Ms***, This letter is in response to the Complaint #***By way of background, Defenders INC. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana Corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADTSummation of Complaint: Owner of complaint has cancelled contract, requests system pull and refund of chargesAcknowledgement of Resolution: In regards to Complaint #***, we have carefully reviewed the matter and bring forth the following recommendationsOur records indicate that this account is cancelled and a scheduled system removal is set for 12/On 12/29, our records show that $plus $was returned in the manner receivedIt is the client’s responsibility to follwith their financial institution to ensure there is no delay in returnWe apologize for any inconvenience this matter has contributedRegards, Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider Tell us why here