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Credit Systems International

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Reviews Collections Agencies, Collection Systems Credit Systems International

Credit Systems International Reviews (71)

Mr [redacted] requested us to provide proof that his notice was mailed certified We have already responded that we are not required to send notices via certified mail and his original notice was mailed to the address provided by our client, [redacted] on March 31, 2014, the same day the account was received in our office for collection.Mr [redacted] stated he had not received documentation regarding his debt We responded stating that until this point, Mr [redacted] had not requested an itemized statement, but that we would gladly forward one to him via regular mail The itemized statement was mailed this morning to the address listed above via regular mail as promised.In an effort to further assist Mr [redacted] , we have requested a deletion from the Credit Reporting Agencies until this matter has been resolved.At this point, we are unsure of what Mr [redacted] is needing from our office, as we feel that we have gone over and above to assist him in this matter.Thank you!

We appreciate Ms [redacted] bringing this matter to our attention.According to our records, and as Ms [redacted] stated, our office responded to her request earlier this month Our response included the information that we are required to provide in response to validation requests.We hope this resolves the matter If Ms [redacted] has any additional questions or concerns, our office is ready and willing to assist her

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because of the business' lack of professionalism in handling this matter as proven below:“Without Ms [redacted] assistance and cooperation regarding this matter?”Here’s my FULL assistance and cooperation, although I SHOULDN’T have to NOR did I WANT to provide such INFORMATION in protecting my MEDICAL PRIVACY: As previously stated I DO have medical AND psychiatric conditionsThese include Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar and Clinical Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Insomnia, Concentration and Memory Loss Issues amongst MANY others conditions that I can't even think of or remember without looking them all up, but I think you should get the picture.The reasons I do not want phone contact is not only due to my Anxiety when talking on the phone, which I completely avoid unless it’s for a family emergencyBUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, keeping everything in writing ENSURES that I REMEMBER what has transpired instead of possibly FORGETTING important details in whatever matter it is that I am dealing with.“We also understand that Ms [redacted] believes that these accounts should be resolved through an indigent care/charity program” Correction: Should HAVE been resolved thru whatever indigent program BACK when I appliedHere is what I DO remember:I went to the ER twice within a short amount of time since the issue was NOT taken care of the first timeI do NOT remember what the specific document(s) were, they were given to me at someone at the ER once I stated my financial situation..The document(s) were filled out by my current partner/caretaker and I signed them These were mailed out to a San Antonio address in a timely manner I do NOT remember what address was On that note, I will NEVER have my caretaker send out documentation without retaining a copy of what is being sent out via certified and traceable mail ever again.I do NOT recall ever receiving further correspondence from either the Indigent Program, the ER not Credit Systems, which would have been handled by my caretaker if I had.That is ALL that I remember.I have good mental days and bad mental days, I have good physical days and bad physical days It is RARE that I have good days on both and when I DO, I cherish and try to enjoy as much as possible For many years, I’d given up on myself to the point of NOT CARING ABOUT ANYTHING, instead just falling into deeper and deeper depressions This would include my not even caring about even caring about my basic personal needs let alone caring to check my credit report As I work to get better and am trying DESPERATELY to work to get my life back under control, my credit issues have been one of them.Your JUDGMENTAL comment of my lack of “assistance and cooperation” being previously told that I am in the process of disability, yet not KNOWING what I CURRENTLY deal with drove me into an absolute ANXIETY frenzy yesterday which ruined my ENTIRE day and has ALREADY ruined today as well, thank you for that - hope it makes you proud and HAPPY Comments like that are the reason I do not leave my home, as if I am taken somewhere and use my disabled placard, I am given dirty looks because “I do not look disabled” Or having to go into a store and using a motorized cart and being yelled and cussed at because “I don't look like I need it”Yes, these had occurred with such frequently that I do not go out unless absolutely necessary, to avoid the embarrassment and Anxiety which it brings meSimilar to thw way your judgmental comment drove me into the Anxiety which not only affected me yesterday but it ALSO affecting me today.I’m glad you’re “happy” to assist me with the indigent program, yet you FAILED to explain what ADDITIONAL INFORMATION it is that you need I HAVE COMPLETELY GIVEN UP MY PRIVACY IN THIS WRITING, I hope that makes you HAPPY as well.This entire situation has driven my Anxiety to a point that I wish I hadn't even reported at all, incorrectly assuming that your firm would simply attempt to find the documentation previously submitted How ignorant of me to think that your collections agency would try to work with me when all collection agencies care about is receiving payment so they can collect fees.I am trying to work and take care of myself and DESPERATELY trying to keep it together but I have no more to offer you I DID send out whatever documentation was given to me at the ER shortly after receiving such and ALSO already explained that I had assumed this was no longer an issue since I had submitted suchAgain, since I do NOT recall ever receiving documentation from the indigent care program, the ER OR your firm, thus I DO NOT have any documentation or anything else to offer you.It should be further be noted that this and all other correspondence provided thru the, regarding this matter, has been written by or with the guidance of my caretaker, due to my concentration issues.I am not refusing payment as I have repeatedly explained that I do NOT work thus have NO income thus I am UNABLE TO pay AND that the indigent care documents WERE submitted as instructed by the ER.I am simply giving up because the stress your firm is causing me is driving my Anxiety and just ISN’T worth what you are putting me thru as I try to simply work on bettering myself So, if you choose to, just leave the items on my credit as apparently it is EASIER NOT TO CARE for when I do, this is what I end up with I have already put my medical information on here which I SHOULDN'T had to have done And yes, I understand this will become public record which utterly disgusts me to have my information out there, but at least it will allow others to see how your collection agency treats its disabled persons in collections.Regards, [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because the actual copies from the organization was not included in the package sent They were generate receipts from the organization My original request for debt validation for this account along with billing information, explanation of benefits, and a signed release showing my signature of procedure I was supposedly chargedThe account number on my report was [redacted] What was the entire account number from the original creditor? Where is the contract showing my signature of these charges allegedly owed per the Texas Finance Code 392? Regards, [redacted]

A request for a deletion of the report to the Credit Reporting Agencies has already been requested If the report has not been deleted, Ms [redacted] is welcome to contact our office I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]

We regret any inconvenience that Ms [redacted] may have experienced in this matter.According to our records, we do show that Ms [redacted] 's account has been updated as paid in full This information was received from our client, and is now accurately reporting to the credit reporting agencies.We received these charges as two separate accounts from our client We do not have specific information regarding the methods of billing of our client, as a result, we must list accounts in the manner we receive them If Ms [redacted] has any further questions or concerns, we ask that she contact our office We hope this resolves the matter

We regret any inconvenience that Ms [redacted] may have experienced as a result of this matter As we have multiple accounts in our office, we mailed notices to the address on file in our office on multiple occasions We show no record of the mail being returned as undeliverable The notices sent to Ms [redacted] included information regarding how to dispute her accounts We understand that Ms [redacted] disputes the balances of the referenced accounts, and have noted these accounts as disputed in our officeTo assist in Ms [redacted] investigation into this matter, we have requested the deletion of the referenced accounts from the credit reporting agencies

We regret any inconvenience that Mr [redacted] may have experienced as a result of this matter To assist in the investigation, we have requested deletions of the previously referenced accounts from the credit reporting agenciesWe have submitted a request to the original creditors to verify the balances and confirm the information (regarding payments) that was previously provided by Mr*** Upon receipt of this information, we will mail a copy to Mr [redacted] to the address we have on file in our officeIf Mr [redacted] has any additional questions, we ask that he contact our office and speak with one of our helpful agents

To assist in her investigation, we have requested a deletion of this account from the credit reporting agencies We have also noted Ms [redacted] account as "disputed" in our office If Ms [redacted] has any additional questions or concerns, we ask that she contact our office

We would like to clarify that Credit Systems International, Incis NOT a credit reporting agency or credit bureau.Based on Mrs [redacted] 's previous statement, we have noted this account as disputed in our office In addition, we have submitted a request for deletion from the credit reporting agencies to assist Mrs [redacted] with her investigation into this matter We have also requested an itemized statement be sent to her address.We truly regret any inconvenience Mrs [redacted] has experienced as a result of this matter If she has any additional questions, we ask that Mrs [redacted] contact our office

We regret any inconvenience that Ms [redacted] may have experienced as a result of this matter.We have submitted a request for the deletion of the referenced accounts from the credit reporting agencies, and have taken steps to ensure that they do not report We have mailed deletion letters to the address on file If Ms [redacted] has any additional questions, we ask that she contact our office

According to our records, we received a letter from Ms [redacted] on April 5, We responded to this letter via certified mail, which was returned to our office as "unclaimed" We are mailing the response to the address provided via regular mailTo assist Ms [redacted] in her investigation into this matter, we have requested the deletion of the referenced accounts If she has any additional questions, we ask that Ms [redacted] contact our office

If Ms [redacted] is alleging that this account is the result of identity theft or fraud, we ask that she provide us with a copy of the police report referencing the matter.If Ms [redacted] has any additional questions, we ask that she contact our office directly, so that we may help her resolve this matter.Please note, CSII has submitted a request for removal of the account from the credit reporting agencies

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