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In response to the customer’s concerns, we have mailed the customer a fraud packet to the address provided in the complaint. Once all information is received, Cox’s Fraud Investigator will research this information and provide a final determination to the customer in writing. We...
apologize for the inconvenience, and we look forward to resolving this matter as quickly as possible. Sincerely, Cox Executive Resolutions team
On February 21, 2017, a member of Cox’s Executive Resolutions team contacted the customer to address his concerns. Cox’s records confirm that on December 13, 2016, the date that our customer’s payments are due changed to approximately 18 days after the start of their billing period. Notification of...
this due date change was explained via the customer’s billing statement dated November 27, 2016. After researching the customer’s account, the Resolution Specialist confirmed that his billing period starts on the 27th of each month which results in a due date of the 14th of each month. As a courtesy, the Resolution Specialist applied a new qualifying promotion discount to his account. The customer’s new monthly rate is $81.08 which will increase to $86.68 after Cox’s March 7, 2017 rate increase. We apologize for any confusion, and we appreciate the customer allowing Cox the opportunity to respond to his concerns. Sincerely, Cox’s Executive Resolution team
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. Thanks to the intervention by the Serving Western Virginia, the issue with Cox Communications was resolved.It should be noted, however, that the approach by Cox Communications in troubleshooting the issue was a very difficult procedure for this customer.Multiple visits to my residence by service technicians who repeated the same troubleshooting steps in-house was very frustrating - even after this customer (who has some knowledges of electronics/troubleshooting) pointed out that Cox *should* have learned at a much earlier point that the cause of the problem must be *outside* the residence.*Only* after the interceded did Cox raise the issue to the appropriate level and technicians working outside discovered the source of the problem (which indeed was affecting other residents) and resolved the problem. As requested several times by the customer, this level of technical assistance should have occurred much sooner; and contacting the should *not* be necessary.v/r,[redacted]
If this is true I gladly accept it. You do not know what it's been like for 7months I feel like I've been tossed back into the stone age. I've had trouble doing basic browsing, streaming, etc. It's been almost a nightmare for anyone inside the household to use the internet. I've attached a image of my speed once more so you can see what It's been like from 200/20 to .11 PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU TO KEEP UP THE COMMUNICATION through the process. Have someone call me to tell me that it has begun and when it's finished. All I asked for from the start was communication. "What's going on?" Type of situation. I never wanted to be a sour customer.... You should understand how crucial internet is in today's society when you go home at the end of the day or If you do work from your household. Just please have [redacted](preferably) call me to update me on anything. I just want this over with... November till now. I do not want to go through summer when everyone is out of school and using the internet heavily with dial up speed. One last thing - If there is any work # relating to the node split? Like a construction work order #? If so I would like it. I'm still skeptical because of how many times the date has changed...
Our records reflect that the customer transferred her Internet and Telephone service to this address on June 27, 2016. The customer was charged a $50 transfer fee for each service since a Field Technician was scheduled to complete the transfer. We note that the customer has been under contract for...
the Internet and Phone service since February 8, 2016 when she agreed to a 24 month Service Agreement. If the customer were to cancel the Phone service before February 7, 2018 she would be subject to an Early Termination Fee. We also note that if the customer cancels the Phone service, she will not be eligible for the multi-product discount and her rate will increase by $4.50. A member of Cox’s Executive Resolutions team attempted to contact the customer on numerous occasions via the email address provided in the complaint. We appreciate the customer allowing Cox the opportunity to respond to her concerns. In the event the customer has any additional questions about this matter, the Executive Resolution Specialist can be contacted at the telephone number provided in the voicemails left with the customer. Sincerely, Cox’s Executive Resolution Team
Cox Communications files this response in regards to complaint [redacted]. A member of Cox’s Executive Resolutions team has attempted to contact the subscriber on three different occasions. We are unable to locate an account under the subscriber’s name at the address the customer provided us...
within the complaint. We will need the subscriber to provide us with name on the account, the correct address and apartment number. The subscriber can also contact a member of the Executive Team to resolve their pricing concerns at [redacted]
Cox Executive Resolutions
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. But the cox service man came and made the phone call and had the box turned on and didn't understand why they just could t do that.
I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I am willing to pay the balance if I can make payments. I could never get an explanation for the billing because no one understood and it took me 4 months to reach the representative that was working on my account. I am a non-profit and most of my funding comes from some donations and my own money. If Cox will allow me to pay in 4 payments, I feel that is fair because I did have service. I just didnt know my bill was the amount that it was. Regards,
Cox has determined that a node split would be the best solution to improve the customer’s Internet experience. We anticipate that his node split will be completed by the end of December 2016. On June 22, 2016, a member of the Cox Executive Resolutions team contacted the customer to address his...
concerns. We have reached a mutual solution with the customer to help offset what he was charged for his past six months of service, in addition to what he will be billed from June 2016 to December 2016. We appreciate the customer’s acceptance of our offer. Cox apologizes for the inconvenience, and we will continue to aim for improved product and delivery of our services. Sincerely, Cox Executive Resolutions team
A member of the Cox team reviewed my evidence and provided feed back and resolution. Don't let the clever wording Cox has left in this complaint fool you. To say the promotion was not clearly explained or understood is entirely inaccurate. The evidence I provided was clear enough that the Cox Communications representative agreed that what I saw told was clear and that an error was made on the behalf of Cox. The initial offer was wrongfully advertised as having no promotional time frame. After 6 months, Cox claims that a promotional period had expired despite the evidence I'd produced clearly stating the contrary. At the absolute minimum, a 12 month promotional period could only be assumed by the printed evidence. The audio recording I provided clearly indicated that there was no promotional period. The documentation I provided was reviewed and was agreed upon that it was misleading, but Cox insists that they never offer a unlimited promotion. After multiple discussions and the inability for Cox to honor the promotional evidence I'd provided, I gave up. There was no way Cox was going to honor their advertisement. I accepted their offer of a credit to my account and a go-forward 12-month discounted rate as a resolution. I did not accept the offer because I wanted to but because aside from pursuing legal action, I was out of options. It's pretty bold of a company to get caught lying to it's customers and not honor their side of the agreement. Unfortunately, Cox Communications is the only cable internet provider in the area and faces no equally matched competition. I have one of the documents outlining the promotional period. This is a PDF, page 1-of-1, indicating that AT MINIMUM there was no promotional period for 12 months, and that it should have been assumed on my part that after 12 months, the offer would expire. I'd attach the recorded phone call, but it is too large of a file.
A member of Cox’s Executive Resolutions team contacted the customer to discuss her concerns. The customer is upset with the monthly rate as well as a return payment fee. The Resolution Specialist that spoke with the customer agreed to waive the return payment fee. The customer requested to...
disconnect the phone service and the Resolution Specialist applied a new qualifying promotion reducing her monthly rate to $181.81. The customer understands this promotion will expire after 12 months and is subject to any future market wide rate increases. In the event the customer has any additional questions about this matter, the Executive Resolution Specialist can be contacted at the telephone number provided to her.Sincerely,Cox’s Executive Resolution Team
As we communicated to the customer in our previous two responses through the Federal Communications Commissions, Cox is committed to the ongoing management of monitoring for malware and other threats that could harm the customer’s equipment, the network, or other users. That said, it is the...
customer’s sole responsibility for ensuring the security of any device connected to our service, including any data stored on that device. It is also the customer’s responsibility for implementing appropriate security precautions for all systems connected to Cox’s network to protect against threats such as viruses, spam, Trojan botnets, and other malicious intrusions. As a reminder, Cox offers free McAfee anti-virus protection to help defend from unidentified viruses and suspicious behavior.
To ensure that our customers are informed about our consumer privacy policies, Cox sends an annual Customer Privacy Notice to all Cox customers. There is also a privacy notice online, which can be accessed at [redacted]
Unfortunately, our records indicate that the customer has disconnected his Cox service. And while we regret losing him as a customer, it is our hope that we can service him again in the near future.
Cox Executive Resolutions team
I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The position Cox Communications put me due to their mistake was extremely frustrating as well as stressful. I received threats from them that that my credit would be damaged. I never received an email or phone call following up with my case, and I had to repeatedly call and plead my case to multiple cs reps and a manager in order to get this problem fixed. I am confident that had I not been so persistent, my credit would have been damaged. Also, I was given three different time periods until my credit would be damaged by three different people. Originally, [redacted] explained my credit would be damaged after 30 days. I then had a Cox Communications Manager tell me my credit would not be damaged until 90 days. Then, the responder to my complaint stated 45 days. The amount of varying disinformation is unacceptable. There has been no accountability for what happened, other than Cox stating that I was billed in error after I spent 4 hours trying to prove this to them, and after I filed a complaint. At no point in time did I receive an explanation or apology from the person or department that caused this problem. This is an unfortunate blatant example of how little appreciation or respect Cox Communications has for its customers. I have had Cox service for 10 years. I have always paid my bills in full and on time. I have had numerous outages, and problems with my service, that I was always understanding about. My reward for me being a good customer was to get sent to collections due to their incompetence. In no way shape or form has Cox compensated me for my time, frustration, and effort I had to devote to their mistake.
Cox’s autopay was assigned successfully to the customer’s account on September 06, 2016. The following bill message is reflected on his Cox statement dated October 02, 2016: **Auto Payment On Your Due Date - Do Not Pay** Additionally, the aforementioned late fees, as well as an installation charge of $50.00, were credited to his account. These adjustments are reflected on his Cox statements dated September 02, 2016 and October 02, 2016 We sincerely apologize for the amount of time and number of phone calls it took for the customer to get this corrected. However, we will continually strive to provide our customers with the best service possible. Sincerely, Cox Executive Resolutions team
We apologize to the customer for her experience. On July 26, 2016, a member of our Executive Resolutions team contacted the customer to address her complaint. A Cox Field Technician was dispatched on July 29, 2019 to install the needed Mini-Box equipment and to investigate any lingering issues with...
the main cable box. The customer confirmed with the Executive Resolution Specialist that services are now working and agreed to a $20 credit to waive the installation fee. Should the customer have any related questions about this matter, she can contact the Executive Resolution Specialist at the phone number provided to her. Sincerely, Cox Executive Resolutions team
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me and consider this complaint resolved.
On October 27, 2017, a member of Cox’s Executive Resolution team contacted the customer in reference to his concerns. The customer indicated that the underground line burial created a divot in his yard that is noticeable. The Resolution Specialist escalated the issue to Cox’s vendor [redacted]. The vendor...
contacted the customer on October 26, 2017. The customer should work with the contractor directly to finalize the damage claim. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We appreciate the customer allowing Cox the opportunity to address his concerns. Sincerely, Cox’s Executive Resolution team
I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
We apologize to the customer for her experience. We have listened to the sales conversation that took place on January 17, 2017, and we have confirmed that the customer was quoted a lesser price for her Cox bundle. On January 24, 2017, a member of our Executive Resolution team contacted the...
customer to honor the pricing that she was quoted for 12 months. As an additional courtesy, she was credited one month of service. Her account has been documented about the above changes. Should the customer experience any further issues with her service or have questions about her bill, we ask that she please contact our Customer Support team directly at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Cox Executive Resolutions team