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Champion Windows and Home Exteriors of Pittsburgh

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Reviews Champion Windows and Home Exteriors of Pittsburgh

Champion Windows and Home Exteriors of Pittsburgh Reviews (69)

We apologize and are calling now to schedule the service for a piece of J channel on the exterior of his home to be fixed.

We have this scheduled for the sashes to be replaced while waiting on the screen. We should have the screen delivered to us with in the next 10 business days. Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have attached a copy of the original windows versus what I received.Well let me clarify, Champion was not made aware that
they over charged my financing.  No, they
were well aware that they went back into my account on December 30 or 31st and
maxed my account out without approval.  I
questioned Georgianne on this months ago. 
All she could say is no, you now owe us $3,979.00.  Champion is so underhanded.  Once I contacted the finance company and sent
them a copy of my contract, they contacted Champion for the refund because
there was clearly a breach.
This case should definitely not be closed out.  The issue has not been addressed.  The issue is that their representative didn’t
write the contract in accordance with our conversation and my
requirements.  I was guaranteed by him
that the way he wrote the contract conformed with our conversation and when
manufactured they would understand by what he wrote and he would make sure of
it.  I specifically asked him was it
clear enough.  At the time I was told it
was correct otherwise I would not have signed it.  That only makes sense.  The windows I ordered were supposed to be in
the exact shape of the original windows - rectangular.  The windows I received are square.  Champion could care less about making this
matter right in a honorable way.  Customer
satisfaction is not really their motto. 
This is what I know:
1.            I didn’t
write the contract.
2.            I can
only sign what the salesperson writes up after a detailed conversation about
the design of the windows.  The windows
were to look just like the originals except the grids would be on the inside
and would not be wood. 
3.            There was
no reason for me to question the contract if it reads:  Grids: 
Rectangular.  Especially after I
was told by the sales person not to worry. 
4.            The
salesperson knows that he screwed up.  In
my conversations with him about this he never denied our conversation.
5.            I called
the installers once I saw that the windows didn’t look right (via my security
system I can see what’s coming into house). 
Me and my neighbor who was there for the install were told not to worry
about it.  This happens “ALL THE TIME”.  “All they have to do is re-manufacture the
top, we come back out pop the top out, put the replacements in, not a problem.”
6.            For
Champion to think that I should pay for their mistake and pay for them to
manufacture them properly at any price is preposterous.
Like I said before, Champion has definitely done this before
because they are pretty good at their bullying tactics. 
At this point, I really don’t trust them back in my
home.  They have proven themselves not
I have loss the authentic character of my home. 
Another concern they do not to send my name into any credit
[redacted] have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted].  While I appreciate their response to my concerns I would like to counter their points with the following:1.  Regarding the issue of nails popping up on the deck - during the installation of the deck my wife questioned the installers use of nails and why not screws.  His response?  "We use really long nails, this will never be a problem."  Well guess what?  Next spring a few nails began to pop up.  So while I agree that normal decking maintenance would certainly be my problem I am disappointed with the response given that we expressed concerns even before it became an issue.2.  I appreciate Champion's current attention to this matter and certainly understand the challenges that developed regarding personnel changes.  However, I would like to point out that we made multiple contacts expressing our concerns over a period of several (6-8) months.  Each time was met with a similar response: "We'll get back to you on this matter soon."  But nothing was addressed.Regards,[redacted]

This is a revision of the initial response. It appears that we have ordered BOTH the LR and Bathroom windows for the customer. This response is to clarify that  we will indeed be taking care of the bathroom and reordering the LR windows.

[redacted]On January 16th champion windows came out and fixed the screen door and the bathroom window. They were unable to fix...

the front living room because they couldn't get it to fit properly and would have to order another one. When looking at the bathroom window it still appears to have a fine scratch in the window. The living room window should of been in February, but no phone call and it is now May. In August it will be one year and I have yet to see my windows whole yet. Of course champion has all my money, because the salesman was wrong and we didn't get to withhold a thousand dollars if we weren't happy in the end. I would like to be refunded some sort of money at this point. This situation is ridiculous, and no one will even just pick up the phone and call me with updates. I shouldn't have to call and keep up with this it's their job and reputation and it's obvious they don't care about their reputation or their customers. I will be awaiting a phone call and I deserve a refund at this point it's embarrassing. If I don't hear a response soon we will hire an attorney and seek legal action along with contacting the media. I don't want any of my friends or family to get screwed over by this company. This is mine and my husbands first house and champion has ruined our experience with companies, so I would like to thank them for ruining our confidence in any company being able to complete a job.Very dissatisfied customer,[redacted]Sent from my iPad

I have received a copy of the complaint and appreciate the opportunity to respond.We have reached out directly to Mr. J[redacted] in order to move forward.  We will absorb the total costs of the window remake. Typically, a customer would be charged for this type of window and that did not happen at...

the initial appointment. We apologize for the misunderstanding and want you to know we currently have these parts on order. As soon as they are received, we will make sure and schedule the installation right away. Customer satisfaction is very important to us. We apologize again for any inconvenience this may have caused. We ask that you close this complaint as Mr. J[redacted] is receiving the window replacement free of charge. Respectfully, Dave H[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Champion DID NOT do all they could to. They have made life a nightmare for over a year.They did nothing until I threatened them......let's put all of this rhetoric aside and to the point, when they finally came, 1st) Warren (manager) told me the engineering was all wrong and the room should have never been built the way it was. He suggested building in the patio, with us covering 1/2 the cost. This isn't something I was willing to do, as he wasn't showing me the cause of the water damage. I was told the storage shed was not there when the rooms were built and was the cause of the water damage and had to be removed. At our expense the shed was torn down and removed (at Champion's, basic-request).  This DID NOT solve the problem.  We lost all of that storage area and not put cars in the garage.2) After many more calls, Mike back out. This time he removes one of the tiles, cuts through a piece of thick plastic, then reaches particle board which is soaked.  He explains to me. When Champion, built "this" they (Champion), would have put down "ice guard" to insure no moisture would penetrate the bottom room  - which this deck (patio) protrudes over [and then the previous owner would have tiled on top of what Champion would had designed and made weather proof]. He would cut through this board however.He replaced it, covered all of the seams with a polymer resin type material and said, lets see how this works, and replaced the flashing along the outside edge.3.) Well, This didn't work either, speaking with Warren and Mike, Warren still saying no engineer would have approved the design, etc. and trying to figure out if it was Champions fault or the previous owners, the only way was to tear up the patio. After numerous phone calls champion back out, they reworked the flashing, by cutting a track about 3/4 of in beyond into my deck and bending the flashing so that it runs off and not down and around into the room below the deck Champion built, having nothing to do with tile or the shed the previous own put in.  4.) The other problem being the deck Champion built over the bottom room, (Warren said he didn't know if Champion or the previous homeowner built it), when we tore it off the support pole holding up Champion's roof proves they built it. What what happen was: They put latex calking between seams of the existing deck. put ice guard down on the deck, particle board on top of that with screws, which put holes in the ice guard. You can see, not only from the enclosed pix the water logs boards, but things never dried out. My life is an endless nightmare. This company has never once picked up the phone unless I've threatened them with posting on Facebook, news media, or something else.The insurance company is a joke![redacted]

[redacted]Revdex.comServing Western Pennsylvania(412) 456-2700 Re: Complaint Case # [redacted]Consumer: [redacted]Ms. [redacted],I have received a copy of the complaint and appreciate the opportunity to respond.We did encounter some challenges with Mrs. [redacted]’s project and have been working diligently to correct her concerns. While it is always our goal to avoid any problems or inconvenience to our customers, sometimes delays and mistakes can and do occur with custom home improvement projects such as Ms. [redacted]i’s. We certainly understand and appreciate Ms. [redacted]’s frustrations; however, a complete refund is neither fair nor reasonable. Ms. [redacted] is receiving the door that was contracted for and any service concerns, now or in the future, are covered under her lifetime warranty. We have reached out to Ms. [redacted] in hopes to complete the job, but Ms. [redacted] has refused to allow the work to be completed. I can assure you that we take our commitment to our customers very seriously and remain focused on completing Mrs. [redacted]’s job to her satisfaction. It remains our desire to fulfill the contract entered into by Ms. [redacted] and have been ready, willing, and able to do so.Sincerely,Dave H[redacted]Division Manager

To Whom It May Concern,I have received a copy of the complaint and appreciate the opportunity to respond.We did encounter some challenges with Mrs. [redacted]'s project and have been working diligently to correct her concerns.  Mrs. [redacted]'s sliding glass door has been re-ordered and is...

in the process of being shipped to her local Champion of [redacted]  While it is always our goal to avoid any problems or inconvenience to our customers, sometimes delays and problems can and do occur with custom home improvement projects such as Mrs. [redacted]'s.  I can assure you that we stand behind our product and installation and are committed to addressing any of Mrs. [redacted]'s concerns per her warranty.  We certainly understand and appreciate Mrs. [redacted]'s frustrations; however, a complete refund is neither fair nor reasonable.   Mrs. [redacted] is receiving the door that was contracted for and any service concerns, now or in the future, are covered under her lifetime warranty.  Having said that, we have extended an offer of a dinner gift certificate to Mrs. [redacted] as a customer service gesture and to let Mrs. [redacted] know that her satisfaction is important to us. I can assure you that we take our commitment to our customers very seriously and remain focused on completing Mrs. [redacted]'s job to her satisfaction.

To Whom It May Concern,I have received a copy of the complaint and appreciate the opportunity to respond.We admit that we did encounter some challenges with Mrs. [redacted]’s project in the past. Unfortunately, Mrs. [redacted] has decided to not allow us on to the property to address and correct these...

open issues. I want to assure you that we stand ready, willing, and able to address any of Mrs. [redacted]’s concerns per her warranty.I want to mention that we take our commitment to our customers very seriously. We certainly understand and appreciate Mrs. [redacted]'s frustrations; however, a refund of $500 is neither fair nor reasonable. I would like to reiterate that we have communicated to Mrs. [redacted] in the past months that we would be more than willing to repair the problems related to her window installation. This offer still stands.

To Whom It May Concern: We would like to express our apologies to Mr. [redacted] with regard to the delayed installation of his sunroom.  It was not our intension to delay the project or upset Mr. [redacted].  Please contact our office if there are any other questions or...

concerns. Sincerely, Dave H[redacted]Division Manager


Business Bureau:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]My reason for not being satisfied is ..... When I originally talked to the Insurance company, I was told, ONLY water damage may be covered. Well I have proved Champion  build was flawed, and Champion's own manager, Warren told me on numerous occasions, the design should never have been approved.Thus, I want to be sure I recover damages, not only to my flooring, but to the patio which had to be demolished and hauled away. Champion saw the material and wouldn't even haul it away.Champion originally told us the storage shed next to the room was the problem and need to be taken out, we did that, it wasn't the problem, we lost a big storage shed, now must use our garage, and can't put our cars in. It has been I year of nightmare calls.Yes, they did contact their insurance company, but only after their manager would return my calls and I threatened to sit in their office until he saw me or they threw me out. So I must reserve being satisfied until this is resolved
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The last correspondence that I had with Champion was over 8 months ago. Since that time they have never tried to contact me. I took this as they marked my bill as paid in full since I had received nothing from them stating otherwise. I do not agree with them going through a debt collection agency when they should have sent me a bill from them personally. If I still had an outstanding bill they should have contacted me sooner than 8 months after the last communication and over 1 year since the initial work was completed. I do not trust Champion to fix any of the damages that resulted from the window insulation. They are a window company that messed up a window installation why would I let them try to "fix" my deck? $500 is not unreasonable since that is the cost of the damage done to my house. I had submitted recipes showing these costs to Champion. I would not trust Champion to come out and as the damage because they are going to 1) fix my deck not up to my standards 2) probably use cheaper materials as to cut costs. I would only listen to a private contractor who is not affiliated with Champion in any way. I don't trust them at all and this is why. They say that they are "looking out for the best interest of the customer" but all they care about is their money. $500 is nothing to the amount of money they make so if they really cared they would mark my bill as paid in full. There is not need to give a refund since I never paid the money.  That is is all I want. For my bill to be marked as paid in full. 

I'm not sure why I'm being asked for clarification again.But, finally Champion, after threatening to go to the News media did call me and schedule a date to install the water damaged insulation and ceiling panels they had removed in the summer.The insurance company, despite the fact I had provided them with copies of what I had (1) paid for their incorrect original build, "which their manager, Warren stated, numerous times, "should never have been approved."  (2) I've provided them with copies of the cost to replace the damaged flooring the resulted in their not fixing the original problem in a timely manner and leaving it to me to find and correct (3) and that fact, causing more damaging due to collecting moisture to adjoining structure. They want to settle for about 1/3 of the cost.  This is ridiculous!  I have spent over 1 year of my life time, etc on the phone.  NOTHING, NOTHING has gotten done, without a threat!  They know it is their doing.  I've contacted the insurance agent, he said he only had 1 estimate.  I  had to contact the adjuster, which I did before Christmas. I still have heard nothing.Champion also originally blamed it on a storage shed, which I paid to disassemble haul away, thus loss an entire storage area, now must use my garage. no fault of mine.

Re: Complaint Case # [redacted] Consumer: [redacted] Ms. [redacted], I have received a copy of the complaint and appreciate the opportunity to respond. Ms. [redacted] did make us aware of some concerns with her windows that were installed December 16, 2015. Ms. [redacted] indicated in her conversations to our...

office and in her complaint that she expected the grids to be custom made and the grid pattern was to be determined by the installation manager after the contract was signed. Ms. [redacted] signed a contract for rectangular colonial grids (contract is attached). There is no indication on the contract the grids would be custom made. Our standard rectangular colonial grids were installed in Ms. [redacted]’s home as per the contract she signed on October 15, 2015.   We certainly understand and appreciate Ms. [redacted]’s frustrations; however a complete refund is neither fair nor reasonable. We are more than willing to come to an agreement with Ms. [redacted] to help resolve this matter. However, remanufacturing the top sashes of her windows would come at a cost. I can assure you we take our commitment to our customers very seriously and remain ready, willing, and able to address any concerns Ms. [redacted] may have that fall under her Champion warranty; however, the grids she contracted for was our standard rectangular colonial grids and that is what was installed. Thank you for the opportunity to share our response to this complaint with you.  Sincerely, Dave H[redacted] Division Manager

I spoke with Mr. [redacted] this morning and we currently have one of our top service technicians at his home right now.  After discussion, Mr. [redacted] and I are in agreement that once the concerns have been addressed today he will be satisfied with his job.  Apologized for the inconvenience and...

have offered a gift card to him as a courtesy.  He accepted.  Mr. [redacted] stated he will be coming to the Pittsburgh office later this afternoon to sign his certificate of completion and make his payment.  I gave him my direct line of contact if any further concerns arise.  Customer pleased with this plan of action to resolve.

[redacted]  Serving Western Pennsylvania  ###-###-####     Re: Complaint Case # [redacted] Consumer: [redacted]   Ms. [redacted]    I have received a copy of the complaint and appreciate the opportunity to respond.    Ms....

[redacted] did make us aware of some concerns with windows that were installed in her home. Ms. [redacted] indicated in her conversations to our office and in her complaint that she expected the grid pattern to be custom made and the grid pattern was only supposed to be on the top sashes of the windows ordered. Ms. [redacted] signed a contract for standard grids (contract is attached). There is no indication on our copy of the contract that the grid pattern should be custom made. Ms. [redacted] did send us a copy of her contract to review, unfortunately her copy has no indication of a grid pattern. The writing must have not transferred through to her copy and we are sorry for the confusion. Our factory representative did admit that he made a mistake and the contract was to read that the grid pattern should only be put on the top sash of the window and the bottom sashes would remain clear, however he did say that there was no mention of a custom grid pattern. We want you to know we try our best to avoid these types of situations. Our contract clearly states verbal promises can cause misunderstandings and therefore the contract constitutes the entire understanding. This is to protect both parties from any miscommunication regarding the work to be performed and product being installed. The terms of our contact are clear. Ms. [redacted] has received the work outlined in the contract and the job has been completed. We certainly understand and appreciate Ms. [redacted] frustrations. Normally, any work done outside the terms of our contract would come at a cost, but because customer service is important to us, we have offered to remanufacture and reinstall the sashes at no cost to Ms. [redacted]. When we spoke with Ms. [redacted] to let her know we would absorb the costs to remanufacture and reinstall the sashes as a customer service gesture and in order to resolve the matter, Ms. [redacted] informed us that she has now gotten custom blinds installed and believes that we should be responsible for the costs to remove these blinds. This is not something we would normally do nor is it something we are prepared to do. The contract clearly states unless otherwise stated, customer is responsible for removing & replacing all window coverings.  I can assure you we take our commitment to our customers very seriously and would like to reiterate that we are more than happy to remanufacture and reinstall the top and bottom sashes; however, we are not able to take responsibility for the costs to remove Ms. [redacted]’s custom blinds. We sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding or inconvenience this may have caused. We want you to know we stand ready, willing, and able to address Ms. [redacted]’s concerns per her Champion Warranty now and in the future.  Thank you for the opportunity to share our response to this complaint with you. Sincerely,  Dave H[redacted]  Division Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear belowSince Champion is so adamant in their contract, which their copy of my contract says one thing, mine says something else, I am hesitant to sign another contract with them unless it is outlined EXACTLY what they are willing to do to, and I will repeat,  to correct THEIR mistake.

This customers service is scheduled for 9/28. Issues will be resolved  then. thank you

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