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Austin Hose

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Reviews Austin Hose

Austin Hose Reviews (2808)

Dear MrBloomfieldThe customer stated in his initial complaint that he just wanted to pay the bill and we made it inconvenient for him to satisfy chargesWhen Verizon received the complaint from *** ***, the account number *** was referred to a third party agency for collections because it had been closed since October **, Upon speaking to the customer he also brought repair outages to our attention which was also notated on the billVerizon in good faith applied a one time credit in the amount of $to bring bill balance down to We also removed any negative reporting from *** ***' credit file referencing VerizonWe trust this information will assist you in this complaint

Upon receipt of the complaint, the issue was referred to the appropriate department to review and investigate on March *, The customer has Fios Gigabit Connection and Fios Custom TV for monthsOur records show a repair ticket was issued and a technician dispatched on February **, billed the $one time Technician Visit Fee and advised he notified the Local Outside Manager of the issueOn March *, the customer's account was credited $which will appear on the next bill statementI spoke with the customer, apologized for the inconvenience and advised of the credit
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined
that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
I lost service for days because the technician did not show up for my scheduled installation.
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*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Verizon refuses to honor our initial offer presented by their own representative that was on August of and this was all in writingAny future consumers should be aware than they will offer a great deal and then rescind it months laterI hope the will post this so the public is made aware that Verizon does not stand by their offersTheir tactics are bait and switchWe are very disappointed!
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*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.I would advise that Verizon take better care of their customers the next time the employees decide to strikeSince this is something that occurs every 3-years, Verizon needs to be prepared to have knowledgeable techs/employees on hand to resolve any issues that arise Due to poor planning, we were transferred to multiple inexperienced people and told multiple excuses I am grateful that this issue has finally been resolved after two months however, the amount of time that I have wasted is inexcusable and I hope that Verizon does not allow what happened to me to happen again to other customers With that being said, I do want to thank Rachel, Steve (technician from Oklahoma) and Steve from the Customer Relations office These three individuals really deserve a big shout-out for their commitment to ensuring that my internet got fixed
*** ***

Verizon investigation found the customer called to cancel the order. Credits totaling $were issued 5/*/to bring the account to a zero balanceThe disconnect order the customer provided in the complaint had an Effective Bill Date back to the date of installation. On 5/**/
Verizon Appeals Billing Representative spoke with Tiffany Jackson and advised the balance of $was adjusted to zero. The 5/*/bill issued reflecting the credit and a zero balance. The account was rescinded from the collection agency and was not credit reported. *** *** had no further questions or concerns

The confirmation was explained to the customer and a time credit of $was issued on the customer's account as a courtesy, for the miscommunication by the Verizon repThe customer will see the credit in the bill issued on 2/**/

Verizon Financial Services contacted the customer and explainedthat services had been interrupted because she had failed to keep her payment arrangement.At this time, the service is not terminated, and if she makes the payment withinthe next days, the service can be restoredAfter that we would
send her afinal bill which is due in full upon receiptThe customer understands, and thecomplaint has been closed

We have made additional attempts to contact *** *** on 9-* & 9-* via voicemail and on again on 9-* via email. If *** *** would like to have her concerns addressed she can contact us directly @ ###-###-####

On 2/**/17, I called and spoke with *** *** to acknowledge the rebuttal. I verified the service was working and has been since representative spoke with him on 2/**/He said the asked if he received credit and he advised noI apologized and advised the records indicate the representative advised him when the February *** bill generates they would give him credit on all lines for the time out of service from 1/**/to 2/**/as well as credit for any additional charges associated with Call ForwardingHe said yes that was what he was told but when he went on line 2/**/the credit was not thereI apologized and explained the bill date is the *** of the month and it normally takes business days for the bill to either be printed or appear in our system which should be tomorrowHe said he shouldn't have to wait for the bill for the out of service credit to be issued because of Verizon's advanced billingI apologized and advised all credits would be issued at once when the bill is available and we would call him back advising of the amount of the creditI also provided him my contact information.The customer's 2/**/bill was rendered for $which included $in charges for Call Forwarding and a $Service Order Charge. Credits totaling $were issued between 3/*/and 3/**/to cover the time out of service and the charges associated with Call Forwarding. A payment of $was received 3/*/17, leaving the account with a zero balanceI called and spoke with *** *** on 3/*/17, and verified he has seen the credit post to the account and has paid the bill. I apologized again for the inconvenience and advised the credit issued will be reflected on the March bill and to call me if he has any further problems or questions
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: Our complaint has not been resolved by the person that they have assigned the account to from their responseI have still contacted verizon technical support on a daily basis for help with trying to get ourinternet and phones working properly and still no resolutionToday, I was able to order FIOS again, however, it has not been installed yetThis is how the problem began in May and we have been suffering since thenBesides getting FIOS, we want a full credit for all of the services we have not been able to use since this fiasco began on May **, 2017.
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*** ***

Please be advised we have issued the requested credits and they will appear on the December **, statement. *** *** was provided this information in a voicemail and email today We trust this provides your office with the information required in this matter Thank you,
Verizon Executive Relations

Verizon records show the Central Office that provides service to the customer's location is currently closed to sales. The tentative relief date is 12/**/15. Verizon has spoken with *** *** and advised the tentative date of 12/**/and that Verizon does not sell stand alone DSL
service.We trust this information will help to resolve *** *** concerns

On January **, 2017, our billing representative spoke with *** *** and explained the January billing statement had prorated charges and this is why it was higher than what the bill would normally be*** ***’s monthly recurring charge before taxes and surcharges is $($for the
bundle MINUS $loyalty discount). After taxes and surcharges, the bill would be approximately $a month. *** *** feels he was misled at the time of sale and our representative apologized and offered to credit the prorated charges on the January billing statement as well as follow up and review the February billing statement. If he is still not satisfied once we review a true bill, then we will terminate the internet, remove the bundle and put his service back the way it was and waive the Early Termination Fee. *** *** accepted this resolution and was sent a letter of the discussion on credits to be issued
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: I was contacted by a representative of Verizon and offered this answer, within minutes of speaking he admitted he was wrong and said he'd call back no answer since then days
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above
*** ***

Company records show that the customer’s service was disconnected in error due to an error made by a company repThe company has provided coaching to ensure this rep is more carefulThe customer’s service is now workingFor the inconvenience, Verizon adjusted the original account $The
company also matched the new account number to reflect the same bill price *** *** was paying before the account was disconnected in errorThe customer was satisfied

Verizon reopened the investigation and again found unfortunately Verizon does not have any LEC or other discounts to offer Shaun OkawaVerizon will also be unable to waive the Early Termination Fee (ETF) if the customer cancels serviceOn October 21, 2015, Verizon supervisor completed the customers request for a Supervisor callback. The Supervisor spoke with *** *** and confirmed/re-iterate/sustained everything he had been previously toldVerizon can not get him a reward card, add any more discounts, or waive the ETFWith the $Triple Play bundle *** *** has, his account set up the absolute least expensive way Verizon possibly can*** *** was still upset and feels that the Sales Representative lied to him "scammed" him into switching over to VerizonThe Supervisor apologized profusely, but confirmed again that Verizon cannot do anything relative to the Reward card, waiving the ETF and /or adding any additional discounts*** *** then asked if Verizon can renew the $free Fully Loaded Entertainment Pack next yearThe Supervisor advised him the that promotion does not expire until June ***, and we do not know if we would be able to renew it until it expires*** *** was advised that if it is available, we will certainly offer it to him againThe Supervisor provided *** *** his contact information and advised he can contact him directly at that time or any time to discuss any future concernsThe Supervisor also sent *** *** an email with his contact info. Joyce D***Verizon Executive Relations SrAnalyst

On December **, 2016, our billing representative spoke with the customer and explained the second credit was issued in error and should not have been added to Purchase Order Summary; the credit was honored for eight monthsThe representative issued a one time credit for
the months of October and November as well as the Late Payment Charge. The credit will post to the account in to days, Since the customer made a payment on the account and the credit was applied, the credit balance will be applied to the December 2016 bill statementThe representative also issued a Loyalty credit for the next months and will follow up to confirm the credit is applied. The customer has the representative's contact information if there are any questions
The notice was printed on page the last page with other printing how important could it be that they placed it in the last page? I think it is deceitful and so that decided to terminate my international plan with them With that said I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved
*** ***

Subsequent to the complaint, Verizon spoke with the customer to advise a duplicate copy of the April *, 2017 will be mailed to the address on file; as Verizon's IT office was successful in retrieving the bill statement. The customer informed the representative he will make
contact to confirm receipt of the bill statement

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