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Atlantic City Electric

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Reviews Electric Companies Atlantic City Electric

Atlantic City Electric Reviews (134)

Review: Although the area had been recently hit with a storm, we moved into our new apartment beginning June The real estate company we go through had previously put in an order for electricity to be turned on which was just ignored by AC electricBecause they're customer service is only available M-F I had to wait until Monday June to call and begin my personal accountI was told that the power would not be turned on until Tues, despite not having power for almost a week alreadyI was given a connection time between 8am-4pmAfter that was not met, I called customer service who had guaranteed me that we'd have power before It was "absolutely guaranteed" and I hope the conversation was recordedI then called about because nothing had happened and again was guaranteed that the power would be on before midnightEach of these workers had told me my order was assigned to a crew and needed to be completed that dayAs of today, Wed July 1st we still do not have powerWhen I called earlier the agent called the "local" service and was told that not only have crews not been connecting electric, but they won't until possibly tomorrowThis was a direct lie from what I was told during previous phone callsAs someone that works from home and needs internet this means I am losing moneyWe also cannot fully move in and out of our previous apartment because we do not even have hot waterAlthough this is a "new connection" we are still living like we've lost power from the storm, so we are not asking for special treatment, just to be able to adequately live in our apartment.Desired Settlement: Put the damn electric onIf AC electric had any type of competition, I would undoubtably change providers, even if that meant paying moreThis is ridiculous
Customer requested service on 6/which requires hour notice an order was issued for 6/ACE made attempts to connect service on 6/30, the service tech was unable to activate service due to the load on meter (fuses on)Customer called on 7/and was advised due to the devastating storm 6/there were still outages in her area which is 1st priority over any normally scheduled workDue to the storm restoration and holiday on 7/the next available day was on 7/Service was connected approx at noon 7/[redacted]
Review: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: my landlord had been trying to connect the electric the week before the storm and was not able toI was lied to several times about what needs to be done and especially that we had appointments on assignmentWhen power was finally restored the actual worker needed to go to our meter attached to our houseWhen I was told, after all the fuses were out, I was someone was coming out againThat has to be a lie because we would have obviously heard someone at our house, especially at night
ACE's, Psoition remains the same please see previous response

Review: Been trying to call there green team at [redacted] for the pat 2 weeks regarding having my meter switched for solar eenegy. Answering machine say they will return phone call in 48 hours. Have not recover any phone call. Also emailed them [redacted] and have not recover a email back yet. This is very poor service from there green team.Desired Settlement: I want a phone call or email from the green connection team on when they will be out to install new meter for me to turn on my solar panels. So I may start sending power j generate to the electric grid



The same day inquiry was received, customer was contacted by Atlantic City Electric Green Power Connection regarding application for solar installation. Atlantic City Electric exchanged metering equipment in order for customer to begin operation of solar interconnection on April 27, 2015. Appropriate documentation to support permission to operate solar system was provided to customer and customers' solar contractor on April 28, 2015 via electronic mail. During contact with customer it was shared that we appreciated customer patience and understanding and apologized for any inconvenience caused by delay of reaching appropriate ACE personnel. Pleasecontact me directly if you should have any additional questions or concerns. Sincerely, [redacted]Customer Relations Lead AnalystRegulatory and Executive Customer Relations

Review: I have tried to pay my bill by making 12 phone calls in the last 2 months to atlantic city electric. Not everyone knows or has the 16 digit account number to use the useless pay by phone. So I call customer service. Every time I have called the wait time was well over an hour. They do have an option to call you back, which when they do the system is non responsive and hangs up. I have written customer service on their contact page, but no response that way either. I am so aggravated I no longer wish to even make an attempt to contact them on any matter. Desired settlement: call me on the 1st of the month to make a payment. I am a disabled vet on a limited income. Fix your return call system. Wait times over 10 mins is just silly



spoke w / mr [redacted] apologized for long wait times to reach customer service.. Is frustrated because he is trying to pay his bill but has dyslexia and is upset that he has to enter his account # to access payment options... Says he can't do this.. Advised of online option so he can click and pay on the computer but doesn't want to do this either (he could also set up autopay and not have to call or logon to pay each month) . Says he is going to our payment office in [redacted] 3/1 & amp; will pay the bill

Review: after 36 years of continuous bills (paid on time) of under $40 max I received 1) a new account number at their action and 2) a bill for $212 usage . The bill is stated as an actual reading. The meter face is completely clouded and the readings not decipherable. How did they take a reading?

Why is the reading 6-7x my previous 36 month usage history. Whyt does it talke over an hour to get a custoer service representative.Desired Settlement: new meter installed after existing meter is opened and read in my presence (after 4:30 PM)

Corrected billing reflecting actual usage and historical usage depending in cause of problem.

Explanation of how they read a locked and clouded meter (unreadible)



Customer spoke with Customer Service on 2/10 regarding his high bill, ACE obtained a reading on 2/13 per service order issued by Customer Service. Mr. [redacted] Feb Bill was corrected and he was rebilled for $34.30 based on the reading. ACE is unable to honor his request to change his meter after 4:30 pm in his presence, ACE can only issue an order request for a specific day, not by appointment time. ACE can offer a NJ Board of Public Utilities (BPU) witnessed test which will need to be scheduled by the BPU. There is an application required to complete and a $5 application fee, customer will need to contact the [redacted] for the application at [redacted]

Review: We own a condo -300 sq feet- in [redacted]. Our electric bill has bee increased over the past few months - to an outrageous amount. No one lives there over the winter, refridgerator is off. Heat is at 55 degrees. We have owned the property for 10 years and the bill has never been this high - current bill is higher than what we pay in summer with the AC on.

I contacted Atlantic City Electric and have not received a response.Desired Settlement: That the company come check out the meter, and adjust my bill.



April 9, 2015 Atlantic City Electric has contacted [redacted] today to discuss her high bill concerns. It is agreed the electric usage is higher this winter than in past winter seasons. Initially, the high bill concerns were thought to be related to an error with the meter reading and the account was adjusted based upon past consumption history for like months. However, the subsequent actual meter reading revealed the energy was consumed. As a regulated utility, the Company is required to bill customers based on the amount of energy that registers on the meter. Although we try to help customers determine what may be consuming the electric, the Company is not responsible to justify how the energy was used only that the means, in which it was measured i.e. the meter, was done so accurately. The consumption recorded over the winter months reveals an average daily average kilowatt usage between between 11-26 kWh over the winter months. This average usage was greater during the much colder month when the average temperature was 26 degrees. On 3/31/2015 a reading of 6921 was obtained and on 4/7/2015 an off-cycle meter reading of 7022 was obtained in response to the high bill cocnerns. Looking at this data it appears the electric consumption is decreasing because for this seven day period only 41 kilowatt hours was consumed; for an average of five kWh per day. [redacted] expressed she wished to pursue a meter test with the testing of the meter witnessed by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilies. A request was made to that office to mail an application to 7148 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia, PA 19119. If the meter test results reveal the meter to be accurate, [redacted] will then need to further explore the electrical equipment and wiring in the home to determine if any issue exist with said equipment. I hope that you find this information helpful in preparing your response to [redacted]. However, if you should have additional questions or concerns please contact me directly at [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted]Senior AnalystRegulatory & Executive Customer Relations



Review: [redacted]

I am rejecting this response because:There is no plausible reason for the bill to be that high with no-one living there. My primary residence is 2400 square feet and we never have bills that high summer or winter, the condo is 300 sq feet, no refrigerator, no one residing there, third floor, heat was on 55. Our direct neighbor's bill (same layout, same age of heater) was 1/3 of my bill. They are going to 'check the meter'. That may resolve the problem, but to date no reasonable solution. I very much appreciate the, how quickly they responded and how quickly AC electric has responded.


Review: I am trying to have service turned on at new home - ac electric tells me I have a balance which I do not - I moved out of former residence on nov 1 2014 - called for termination of serivce on 10/29 - ac electric has no record of that and has charge me for service form 10/2014 until april/2015 - the landlord, patrick snyder had repeatedly told me he would correct this and to date has not - ac electric says since they have no record of termination I have to pay over $1000.00(!!!) to have service turned o - I have 4 days to straighten this out and have no help - board of utilities does not help - please helpDesired Settlement: I just want service turned on 8/15/15 -- I have even offered to pay half the balance - over time in monthly payments - even though it is not my bill and they refused - need service turned on



I spoke with the customer. After reviewing the account no documentation was found indicating [redacted] called to disconnect service or to place service in another parties name at [redacted] in October 2014. ACE would not be able to place service in another parties name based on a request from [redacted] The new party would need to call for service. The account does show documentation from 10/15/14 indicating [redacted] called to discuss a payment arrangement. There was no mention of [redacted] moving from the location and no final bill address was ever provided. Service continued in her name until 02/25/15. Documentation shows a call to Customer Service by [redacted] on 02/25/15 in which she stated she moved form the property on 10/27/15 and the landlord was supposed to call to transfer service to his name. I advised [redacted] ACE has no way of knowing when a customer has moved or no longer wishes to be responsible for the billing at a location unless we are notified. The account balance is $1,191.23. A payment of $500.00 will be accepted to to grant new service. The remaining balance will be transferredand placed on a 10 month installment plan.

Review: I am currently going through a divorce. I needed to get the electric bill changed over to mine and my boyfriends ([redacted]) name. I had to pay a deposit of $190.00 which I paid February in order to have the name changed on the account. Atlantic City Electric somehow created 2 new account numbers and my bill kept saying I still owed the $190.00. I was them told they reversed it and that my bill due in March was only $2.67 which I paid. Then they said they made a mistake and that bill was recalled. They told me that they were still working on getting the extra $190.00 off my account and to not pay my bill yet. I've been checking online everyday and finally at the end of April it looked like they fixed it and my bill was $351 and change and I was due forY next meter reading in a few days.Until a few days later I checked and it now says I owe $0. I call them and they said yes you owe nothing which I knew was not possible. The next day I get a welcome

Letter in the Mail where they created ANOTHER new account for me charging me the $190 AGAIN. I got a bill in the mail for $594 and change now (including the &190) stating my electric charges this month were $404 which is the most it's ever been and I didn't have heat on all month so it's not possible. They tell me I have to call "[redacted]" because the house I rent has solar panels. My landlord

Owns those panels since 2011 and I've never had to call the in the last. Plus I tried calling them 3 days ago with no call back. I've been on the phone with this company several times since February with nothing being solved.Desired Settlement: I would like my bill corrected. I want the $190 to come off my account. I would also like to know how I have a new account number. I signed on online and cannot view my bill now because of it. I would also like to know how my "new electric charges" are $404 when I have solar panels. This is more then it's ever been even in the winter when I had the ELECTRICS heat on all day/night and I haven't used the heat this month. I need this fixed please.



I spoke with Ms [redacted] today advised due to improper preparation of her account the service was transferred back into the previous customers name as of 1/30/2015 and her deposit she paid of $190 was refunded back to her (customer states has received deposit refund. Advised has sent to billing to reactivate her account and advised will be billed a deposit of $190 due to previous deposit paid was refunded on 6/25/2015. Customer will be back billed from 1/30 to 6/26 advised to call me directly if she would like to be set on a 12 month installment plan to pay the backed billed portion of her bill or id she has any other concerns regarding her account. Gave customer my direct phone # to contact me.[redacted] x [redacted]

Review: I am a union worker and hit a rough patch, there was lack of work and excessive weather during the winter and summer and I could not leave my elderly mother without the proper temps. This caused my atlantic electric bill to sky rocket. I paid what I could and was ultimately faced with a payment arrangement to avoid shutoff which I still could not afford. I was charged another deposit of $355.00 on top of the $1300+ I owe. I find this excessive and insane. I can barely afford the amount as it was and they added another deposit (When I opened my account I paid a deposit) I did not see or agree to another deposit, where does this state so in any agreement I signed?Desired Settlement: I am going to become homeless if I have to pay this deposit and am requesting some type of waiver of this 2nd deposit. I am also requesting the location of the my initial deposit and if it is in an interest bearing account.



I left a voice mail for a return call. Mr [redacted] current balance is $1636.68, the last payment received was for $140.56 on 9/11, Customer's 12 ,month installment plan set in July is now broken due to lack of payments. Customers was assessed a $235 increase in addition to his current deposit of $120 due to the delinquency of his account and the increase in his electric consumption. Our records indicate that Mr [redacted] spoke with a CSR on 9/24 who set his deposit on a 3 month installment plan. ACE will accept $300 (less than 25%) by 10/14 to guarantee service and set the remaining balance on a 12 month installment plan. [redacted]



[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me except the issues have still not been corrected when I call the automated account information service or speak to an actual customer service rep. The information in the system still states the deposit is $355. It is supposed to be 25% less and the information is not updated in the system. I called customer service this past week and the customer service rep sent a system request to Ms. [redacted] for her to call me back regarding this issue and I have not received a call back. Please fix this in the system so account payments are processed properly. I can be reach M-F from 9am-5pm at ###-###-####


Review: Atlantic City Electric is charging me for bill that was paid already I have my bank statement that shows that they took money out my checking account. When I called them they told me to fax in the bank statement and I did they told me that they were going to take of it this matter. It has been month already now they threaten to cut off my electric .please help in this matter I don't know what to do.Desired Settlement: Have my account to date and take off the extra charges



A old balance was transferred in error to the customers account. He provided information showing proving the bill had been paid. A hold was placed on his account so there would be no interruption until the balance was removed from his account. The correction was made on July 20, 2015.



[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: When I moved from one apartment to another in the same complex just different apartment, the electric was already on. I assume that utilities was included in the rent. I was incorrect. Atlantic City Electric had sent me a bill back in beginning of June for over $2,000. I called AC Electric to resolve this problem. I spoke with [redacted] and paid $195 (conformation [redacted]). I requested that they send me the usage and rates from when I moved in and 2 months later I received a yellow envelope with Termination letter inside saying I need to pay $1,797.80 by 8/12/15 or service will be terminated Atlantic City Electric still hasn't sent me the usage and rates that Mary said she would send me. The resident that lived here before me abandoned this apartment and never turned off power. I want to pay for what I used not the previous resident used and didn't pay for. I have spoken to several AC Electric customer service reps with absolutely no help. At times I had to speak to the customer service reps with little or no help. I have to ask to speak to the manager every time I call, and tell this all over again and again.

I was told I owe and I want to PAY this bill.Desired Settlement: Please just find out with proper paperwork of how much I owe and come up with a payment plan.

Proof of what I owe

Also I would like to know why they waited so long with out receiving a payment from this address to take action. It took from 10/1/13 till now to bill me for 1 1/2 years of electric. Makes you wonder actually how much is owed.



Emailed response to customer on 8/19/2015 - - Per the voice mail message I left for you this afternoon, please accept this email as Atlantic City Electric's response to your inquiry from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.Attached, please find a monthly breakdown of the usage and charges you were billed for. The items highlighted in yellow reflect the breakdown of the usage that you were bulk billed for on your May 2015 billing for 6327 KWH. Additionally, due to prior rate adjustments that were not accounted for when the account was previously adjusted, I have placed a credit on the account in the amount of $54.38. The total balance on the account is currently $1,992.15. The account has been noted that a minimum payment of $200.00 would be accepted in order to avoid further collection activity and to place the remaining balance of $1,792.15 on a 24 month payment arrangement. This comes out to approximately $75.00 plus the current bill each month. Kindly contact our Customer Service Department to report payment and set the above referenced payment arrangement.

Review: For the past two months, going on three. I have been receiving an extremely high electric bill from Atlantic City Electric. Each bill has a average of well over $420. I spoke to a agent in July regarding the meter for my apartment because of the fact that they had my apartment number incorrect in their computer system. I requested a meter reading for my apartment to make sure that my meter numbers were correct and not under a different apartment number. They claimed that someone was sent to check my meter a week later and told me it was the right meter number. I live in a two bedroom apartment with two dogs. The only thing that I leave plugged in are three small fans in my kitchen area for the sole purpose of keeping the dogs cool. I have my air conditioner on the universal setting of 78 degrees most of the time. I unplug everything except for my refrigerator, freezer and alarm system and for the third month in a row my electric is sky high. Atlantic City Electric cannot provide me with a good enough explanation for the over the top bills. Other residents are complaining about the same issue in their apartment. I've lived in a different apartment and did the same thing with my three fans, freezer and refrigerator and my monthly bill which was through PSE&G was on average $120 - $140. This company needs to be investigated for these ridiculous fees that are not only effecting myself by other tenants in this development. This is highway robbery to many other people that live in this development and something needs to be done regarding this heavy matter. On top of that some of the agents are rude and unprofessional towards me as a customer. A few did not know what they were talking about or give me a good answer to many of my question regarding my bills. I am very angry and I feel that this company is taking full advantage of people who are in similar situations as well. They messed up our bill for the entire month of May 2015 because they did not have the right info.Desired Settlement: Their responsibility is to adjust these over the top monthly bills and retrain their agents on how to treat their customers on a daily basis. It is their responsibility to provide a better break down of our monthly bill because it is very hard to even understand.



I have reviewed [redacted] account. Our records indicate the customers meter readings has been actual readings each month since the service was activated 6/2015. In addition to the monthly meter reading a reread was requested and completed on 7/22 due to customer complaint regarding a high bill. Based on the reread of the meter the customer's usage was valid. While the metering equipment does notprovide the breakdown of energy that is being consumed there are several things she may want to consider that may have caused an increase in her electric consumption. There are factors that may cause an increase such as weather conditions, new or faulty appliance or a change in the use appliances. Sometimes there are issues with an appliance that customers are not While the metering equipment does not provide the breakdown of energy that is being consumed there are several things she may want to consider that may have caused a increase in the electric consumption. There are factors that may cause an increase such as weather conditions, new or faulty appliance or a change in the use appliances. Sometimes there are issues with an appliance that customers are not aware of.



Review: [redacted]

I am rejecting this response because: Weather conditions have nothing to do with me in the least. Secondly they still have not shown me anything from the meter reading that they claim was done on 7/22/2015. I do not have any physical proof on paper that this is the correct information after I filed this complaint. Third I am not the only person that lives on this messy unkept complex. There are many other people that live here who are complaining about the same problems that I am having with Atlantic City Electric as well. How is is possible that I lived in a three bedroom home and the electric bill there on the highest level was around $170 per month. That includes using an air conditioner through out the summer due to having animals in the house as well. Plus we used two fans in the downstairs living room area. We were using the Atlantic City Electric at that location as well and our bill was never over $200 a month. This company is taking advantage of to many people besides myself that also live in the complex. They are over pricing a lot of people that live here and they should b e held responsible for their actions. I do not accept their meager response to a major issue and problem we are have each month. A verbal response is not proof to me that they processed a accurate meter reading on this apartment. I will not accept that as proof. I want physical proof in writing, on paper that shows me when they came, what time they were here and a photo showing our meter numbers to match the one on the bill sent to us each month. I want a complete break down of all of it. I have my rights as a consumer. This is not acceptable to me




ACE position remains the same[redacted] 10/29/2015

Review: We have repeatedly requested an account history on 4 properties and they have not provided any of them. There are incorrect charges on these accounts and without them providing the history, I have no idea if the charges are valid. I believe they are not. They keep saying it is NOT their policy...I need account histories on all 4 properties, as I need to bill these and will not be reimbursed without proper billing.Desired Settlement: I need a detailed print out of the services charged for. Or a credit on the accounts for any funds I am unable to collect due to their lack of response.



I spoke with [redacted].she transferred me to another employee named [redacted]. [redacted] requested the Account Receivable History on 3 accounts. Emailed customer the information requested for all 3 accounts, [redacted]

Review: I signed a contract with allseason solor to have ground mounted solor system for my home.Atlantic city electric denied me. they said the transformer at the street is not powerful enough for the system they want me to pay for a new transformer .Why should I have to pay for a transformer that everyone else will be using.can you please help me. I cannot go through another winter with the high electric costs.pleasehelp me thank youDesired Settlement: Be able to get solor for my house



Notification sent to customer 9/16/13 advising the 14.19 kW solar system she applied for is to large the for existing transformer that serves this facility and in order to accommodate her request the transformer would have to be upgraded, at customer expense, or she would have to reduce her system size to 7 kW. Her interconnection application was withdrew in Nov 2013 after no response was received; therefore, [redacted] would have to complete a new application if she wants to proceed. The transformer currently in place is adequate; however, would not be able to accommodate her proposed solar system. Atlantic City Electric and our rate payers are not responsible to fund equipment replacement for customer's solar projects.

Review: On August 29th. Atlantic City Electric Cut My Power. Applied For Many Programs, Mind You That Don't Kick In Until December! Here I am November 22nd, Still No Electric, Been Running Off A Generator, I Call Board Of Public Utilities And They Contacted Atlantic City Electric. It Was Agreed That I Could Pay $1,000 And Have My Electric Turned Back On. A Man From Atlantic City Electric Came Out Today, Tried To Put A Digital Meter In My Box, My House Is Older So It Takes The Older Meter ( I Researched To Digital Meter & Saw That The Back of Them Is Different Than The Old Fashioned Meters ), He Beat The Hell Out Of My Box And Left Me With Nothing BUT A Plastic Thing In The Center Of My Box. I Called Atlantic City Electric Back And Wouldn't You Know They Tell Me, That I Have To Replace The Box! They damaged my box and they are trying to get me to pay for it.Desired Settlement: The agreement was that I pay $1,000 and they turn my electric back on. They damaged my box, THEY can fix it and turn my electric back on



This matter initially came to us from the NJ BPU on November 20, 2013. The total balance on the account was $3,579.71. The service was initially disconnected for nonpayment back in September 2013. ACE went back out to the property and found the service had been illegally reconnected. [redacted] was initially advised that the full balance of $3,579.71 would need to be paid in order to restore the service due to the theft of service. The theft of service charges and the new security deposit would be billed to her with her first bill. Atlantic City Electric then amended our position and agreed to accept to reduce the payment needed to restore the service to $1,800.00. Finally, Atlantic City Electric agreed to accept $1,000.00 to restore the service. The payment of $1,000.00 was paid and the order to reconnect the service was issued. When Atlantic City Electric came out to the property to set a new meter and restore the service it was reported that the meter socket was damaged as a result of the prior theft of service. [redacted] was advised that the meter socket would need to be repaired and inspected by a licensed electrician before the service could be restored. Once an inspection card is received by Atlantic City Electric the service can be restore. The meter socket is customer owned equipment and their responsibility to replace and/or repair as well as inspect. Due to the hazardous condition, this would need to be completed before Atlantic City Electric can restore the service. This information was communicated to [redacted] this afternoon by Ms. Jeffries. She did leave early today due to illness. I did attempt to contact [redacted] this afternoon and left her a voice mail message. The account has been noted to reflect the same as well.

Review: I occupied [redacted] (upstairs) [redacted] NJ 08332 until 8/4/2014 and requested to have the services stopped on 8/8/2014. I relocated to [redacted] NJ 08332 where I requested to have my services transfer. I have received several bills for that account [redacted]) which I feel I do not have to pay since I was no longer there and occupying the residence. The bills have totaled up to over $600 and you have applied my deposit of $200 to that $600. I have received letters stating you were going to report me to the credit companies. I have called NUMEROUS times to get this cleared up and have not gotten a straight answer yet! I would like my deposit back and to be billed accordingly. I don't dispute paying up to 8/8/2014 but nothing after that. I would like ANSWERS!!!Desired Settlement: I would like my deposit of $200 to be return to me and for me to only be billed up to 8/8/2014 when I requested to have the services stopped.



I reviewed Ms [redacted] account and found that as of 11/18/2014 her account was credited and adjusted back to her disconnect request date of 8/8. Customer was on a monthly budget of $205 and as of her August bill her actual electric balance was $641.49. She was billed until 10/13 and her final bill was for $674.87, her $200 deposit was applied and the account was credited $100.80 for August Bill, $33.55 for September Bill and $30.29 for October Bill for a total credit of $164.64. Customer's final balance due is $340.63. [redacted] 1/20/2014



[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: On my January 16, 2015 to February 16, 2015 electric [redacted] my meter was misread at [redacted]) for a "total use"of 1785 kwh. I was billed at this time $218.68. I called Atlantic City Electric for a reread of my meter. At that time I received my electric supply from [redacted] ([redacted]). In this initial conversation A.C.E. informed me that I could save money if I dropped [redacted] Energy and went back to A.C.E for my suppy, so I switched back to A.C.E. A.C.E. confirmed that the actual read upon reread was 751 kwh not 1785 kwh and that the [redacted] would be adjusted and sent out to me. Upon receiving the adjust [redacted] I noted that the kwh was adjusted from 1785 to 751, but I was still being charged $218.68. I called A.C.E and they informed me that they read the meter and that number is sent to [redacted] Energy for billing so I have to contact [redacted]. I called [redacted] and was informed that when I switched back to A.C.E. that my account was closed and they never received any information that there was an adjustment needed for the Jan.- Feb.2015 bill. [redacted] informed me that I had to contact an A.C.E. supervisor to call [redacted] to reopen the account for the adjustment to be made. Upon calling A.C.E. again, they informed me that they are not permitted to call [redacted] to reopen the account, that they would email [redacted] billing department and have the issue resolved. At the next billing cycle I was still being overcharged the $218.68 amount. I called A.C.E. about 4x concerning the issue over this year and they inform me that they continue to email [redacted] billing department but [redacted] denies that they have ever received any emails addressing the issue. I have since payed off the $218.68 [redacted] to avoid any interruption in my electric service. The issue is still not resolved and I feel like these multi-billion dollar companies have ripped me off.Desired Settlement: A.C.E. made the mistake of misreading my meter to begin with causing the entire issue. Then compounding the problem by convincing me to go back to them as the electric server which prompted [redacted] to close my account before the correction was made on my bill. I feel that Atlantic City Electric should have foreseen this issue and taken appropriate measures to avoid it. There for I feel that as a customer in good standing with Atlantic City Electric that I should be credited the overage amount on my current [redacted] by them and that A.C.E. should contact [redacted] as per there policy to be credited by them. I will even do the math for them.

$218.68 divided by 1785 kwh (misread kwh)= [redacted] (total price per kwh at that time)

[redacted] (price per kwh) multiplied by 751 kwh (actual corrected kwh)= $92.[redacted]1 or $92.00(my corrected bill)

$218.68 minus $92.00= $126.68

Atlantic City Electric owes me $126.68 (bottom line)

Thank you for any assistance you provide.



I called to speak with the customer. I did not get an answer and left a message with my direct number. The Company pays the charges billed by Third Party Supplier (TPS). The corrected consumption for February will have to be sent to the TPS so they can make the proper corrections. The corrections will be made even if the customer no longer has an active account with them. The customer should see the correction within a few weeks.



[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Not only has Atlantic City Electric failed to comply with policy and procedures regarding emergency situations; they have blatantly denied, as well as disregarded fault that was previously admitted by employees themselves, as well as actions that contradict their response, which placed our family members lives in danger due to inclement weather, and their failure of communication within their departments. We will be seeking legal council as it is now clear that the customer advocacy department within Atlantic City Electric is not competent. Furthermore, their lack in adhering to national business standards/ethics are a grave concern. As a former customer advocate, I am well aware of their department guidelines as well as their scripted responses.... "Express understanding, and never admit fault." This case in particular will not help, as all interactions were documented.

Review: Over the past 3 years, Atlantic City Electric has tried to steal/over-charge me for my electric service. Every time I noticed a severe spike in my bill, I would call them and they would tell me it was an error and that they would fix it. The third time was when they billed me for someone else's electric charges. I called and they refused to fix the error until finally, I called and spoke with the supervisor who assured me the charges would be removed. (This is after 1 hour and 27 minutes of being on the phone with them.) Today, I received a bill that simply stated the following: Balance paid in full-Past due amount forwarded $66.55. I am exhausted with having to constantly check my bill, spend hours each month on the phone to correct my bill, and in the end get nowhere with these people. Unfortunately, I am unable to switch electric service providers and am in a catch 22.Desired Settlement: I want this to end. I want the electric company to charge me accurately and fairly for my electric usage. I pay my bill on time without fail. Why should I have to deal with this type of service



The account at [redacted] was placed into [redacted] name in error on May 31, 2013. The new tenant, [redacted] contacted ACE on June 14, 2013. I reviewed the call from that date. Ms. [redacted] advised that she was to be responsible for the charges from May 31, 2013 forward. Based on this information I have removed the charges totaling $66.25 from [redacted] account. The payment of $148.56 was applied to their outstanding third party supplier charges for when the service was rightfully in their name. The credit of $66.25 was transferred to Mr. and Ms. [redacted] active account. I have called and left a voice mail message for Mr. [redacted] today to advise him of the same.



The account at [redacted] was placed into [redacted] name in error on May 31, 2013. The new tenant, [redacted] contacted ACE on June 14, 2013. I reviewed the call from that date. Ms. [redacted] advised that she was to be responsible for the charges from May 31, 2013 forward. Based on this information I have removed the charges totaling $66.25 from [redacted] account. The payment of $148.56 was applied to their outstanding third party supplier charges for when the service was rightfully in their name. The credit of $66.25 was transferred to Mr. and Ms. [redacted] active account. I have called and left a voice mail message for Mr. [redacted] today to advise him of the same.

Review: The original bill for this residence was in my mother in laws name. When she passed away a year ago. We paid off her remaining balance. We were than told by one person at Atlantic City Electric that all we had to do was send in a copy of her death certificate and everything would be taken care of. And than the bill would be put into my husbands name so we could receive some kind of help paying it, since I was unemployed and my husband was only receiving $90 a week from unemployment. So when we called back to fax in a copy of the death certificate someone else than told us that we could not do that, that we had to add my husbands name to added to the bill. So we did just that. Come to find out we got hit with a bill for her back payments. No one ever told us this would happen. So we paid what we could out of the $90 a week we were getting. They threatened to shut us off if we didn't pay the full amount owed. I have 2 children, ages 5 and 9. Both attend school ( will be come Spet 5th). My husband is a diabetic, takes insulin that needs to be refrigerated. I take medication that does not permit me to be in a hot/humid environment. They sent me and my husband both medical forms. I have a copy of his. They wouldn't send me a form with my name on it, so therefore my DR could not fill it out. My husbands form stated that he need electric to store his insulin. In an effort to contact them once my husband found a job, they told me they needed his permission for me to talk to them, so he did just that. Later I receive a bill in the mail with my name on it along with his. I never gave them permission to add me to the bill. My husband clearly stated that he gave them permission to talk to me and that was it. What they did with adding me to the bill was against the law. They gave me a notice saying we had to pay over $3,000 dollars to them so they would not shut us off. I don't have that kind of money. So they proceeded to shut us off knowing my husbands medical condition.



I spoke to [redacted] today and advised that the total balance on the account is currently $3,888.69. Of this amount, $560.00 is the outstanding security deposit. I explained to Mr. [redacted] that our records indicate that he contacted ACE on August 14, 2012 and advised that his mother had passed away and would be requesting the service placed in his name. The balance on the account as of April 2012 at the time Mr. [redacted] mother passed was a credit balance of $83.66. The total balance of $1226.86 that was later transfered to Mr. [redacted] account were the charges incurred from May 2012 forward, after his mother had passed away. I advised that the additional charges totaling up to the $3,328.69 represented the charges incurred at the property between December 2012 and August 2013 when the service was disconnected. I also advised that ACE only had record of one payment of $75.00 being made towards this account as well. I advised Mr. [redacted] that ACE was willing to accept a minimum payment of $1392.00 in order to restore the service at the location. Of this amount $560.00 would be applied to the security deposit and $832.00 would be applied to the past due balance. The remaining balance at that time would be placed on a 12 month payment arrangement. Mr. [redacted] also requested that I send him a new medical certification form which I have sent out in today's mail.


Review: I have been a customer of Atlantic City Electric for over 30 years at my current address. I had a security deposit applied to my most recent bill of $415. I have always paid my bill albeit late at times. I have never had an issue with Atlantic City Electric before [redacted] took over a few years ago. Now I have months where they estimate (my meter sits on the side of the house easy to access), so I get a really high bill than an adjusted bill. I do my best to pay all my bills but sometimes the money is just not there. I cannot afford to pay them an additional $415 this month in addition to the $183.15 for the month which I have already paid. I don't understand after 30+ years why they need a deposit.If I'm late on [redacted] or [redacted] they charge a $5 late fee. This is an outrageous amount to ask for. I'm not going anywhere. I am afraid they will now call this a late payment and I don't know what to do. I guess I can contact my Congressman as well.Desired Settlement: I want this removed from my account. I would think the fact that this is an account that has been in existence for that long and the house isn't going anywhere either that this was an unnecessary charge.



Customer was assessed a security deposit on 9/29 due to the delinquency of her account and she has also received 5 disconnect notices between May and September. The deposit is Warranted and is not eligible to waive. Our records indicate the deposit has been satisfied as of December 9 and she has been set on a 12 month installment of $24.68 in addiction to the current bill. The deposit will be held on the account until she has re-established Excellent Credit and has paid her bill in full by the due date, for 12 consecutive months from once account has a zero balance.



[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is PARTIALLY satisfactory to me.

I spoke with [redacted] at AC Electric on December 8th when I continued to get calls from ACE and then a notice they would shut off the electric on 12/11. I had already made arrangements with [redacted] of their Community Outreach on November 18th and she arranged for the $415 security deposit to be waived until April 2016 and I would make 3 payments then. [redacted] spent a lot of time and found out that [redacted] had not properly annotated the file and she corrected everything immediately. I had already paid my December payment so there was nothing showing due. I could not get back into this complaint so I emailed with my praises for [redacted]'s help and thought this was closed out.Now this resolution says I am paying 12 installments starting now. Also it says I received 6 late notices I received two, the first dated 8/29 saying "Please note that once service is disconnected, service will not be restored until a payment of (past due amount). and a restoration charge of up to $15.00 is made. A deposit may also be required." I made the payment required before the date in the letter so service was never disconnected so I figured this was a non issue since it wasn't disconnected and this letter implies one follows the other. The other late notice said the same thing and I also paid that before the disconnection date.I need clarification on why they changed to 12 installments and now and did not notify me.


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Description: Electric Companies

Address: PO Box 13610, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 19101-3610


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