Atlantic City Electric Reviews (134)
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Atlantic City Electric Rating
Description: Electric Companies
Address: PO Box 13610, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 19101-3610
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My ACE account number is 55008126348.
Imtiyaz Khan
I left a message for ms [redacted] today. She was billed past her requested disconnect date of 12/29/14 at her [redacted] Apts account. I have corrected the delivery portion of her bill, which was billed by ACE--this resulted in a credit of $62.49 which has posted. However, she had a... supplier ( [redacted] ) so the supply portion has to be corrected by the supplier. We are sending them the corrected kWhs information for the period in question and will have to await for their corrections to be sent back to us. Once we receive the supplier corrections they will post to her account.
I am a disabled vet living a very modest existenceon on a fixed income in a single room. I use the LED off my phone for light. I have one 24" computer monitor with a computer, a fan and a 8,000 btu air conditioner. My bill is CONSTANTLY over $200 a month! Sometimes its thousands when they can not seem to read meter right. I have contacted them thousands of times on this matter. And they do not care whatsoever, always rudely told on the phone to "pay my F
* bill!" Have reported to PUC and the BBB thousands of times. Receiving disconnect notices every month! Single worst b lood sucking thieves ever... glad you like the f'n freedom I gave part of my life for you!
I own a boat slip in Cape May, NJ. My electric bill is usually around $5.00 per month. I use "auto pay" & Atlantic City Electric debited my checking account $191.62 on July 5 I called & was informed that their meter reader person made a mistake. I asked that they credit my account the difference. They don't "credit" when they make a mistake. Their Customer Support person told me it would take a week to determine the refund & then they would mail a check. It took until 7/12/19, (7 days) to determine that I had a credit of $184.60. I called again & was told that it would take 3 to 4 weeks to mail me a check. I asked for a supervisor who told me it should only take 10 to 14 days. I told her that is ridiculous! She said she would note my comments!
Atlantic City Electric should not use the term "Customer Service", they could care less. What about if the mistake was $1000 or more?
If you utilize their online or monthly "auto pay" customers should cancel this service.
I haven't stayed at my residence since 2017 they shut my electric off I called if went from 527.78 to 2400.78 from Verde energy higher the Atlantic city electric Verde end is a scam that why people bills are high in making it hard for people it's not right they say they it not right Verde energy y'all higher the Atlantic electric ya charge me 379.87..Atlantic electric charger..120.76 it's messed up Verde got me in the hole so if people come to your house asking to see your bills do do it it will ruin ya life
I spoke with the customer and apologised for the delay in processing her refundHer refund check will be issued tomorrow 04/10/
I spoke with *** ***.she transferred me to another employee named *** *** requested the Account Receivable History on accounts Emailed customer the information requested for all accounts, * *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** ***
Per ACE's Accounts Payable department, Ms*** refund check did not get mailed out until 2/ Gwen J***
The customers November bill has been adjusted crediting the account $A corrected bill was sent to to him 10/22/The customer billed for November 10/30/and his balance stands at $He has a past due balance of $Notices will be mailed to him regarding the past due
balance until payment or satisfactory arrangements have been made
April 9, Atlantic City Electric has contacted *** *** today to discuss her high bill concerns. It is agreed the electric usage is higher this winter than in past winter seasons. Initially, the high bill concerns were thought to be related to an error with the meter reading
and the account was adjusted based upon past consumption history for like months. However, the subsequent actual meter reading revealed the energy was consumed. As a regulated utility, the Company is required to bill customers based on the amount of energy that registers on the meter. Although we try to help customers determine what may be consuming the electric, the Company is not responsible to justify how the energy was used only that the means, in which it was measured i.ethe meter, was done so accurately. The consumption recorded over the winter months reveals an average daily average kilowatt usage between between 11-kWh over the winter months. This average usage was greater during the much colder month when the average temperature was degrees. On 3/31/a reading of was obtained and on 4/7/an off-cycle meter reading of was obtained in response to the high bill cocnerns. Looking at this data it appears the electric consumption is decreasing because for this seven day period only kilowatt hours was consumed; for an average of five kWh per day. *** *** expressed she wished to pursue a meter test with the testing of the meter witnessed by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilies. A request was made to that office to mail an application to 7148 Ardleigh Street Philadelphia, PA 19119. If the meter test results reveal the meter to be accurate, *** *** will then need to further explore the electrical equipment and wiring in the home to determine if any issue exist with said equipment. I hope that you find this information helpful in preparing your response to *** ***. However, if you should have additional questions or concerns please contact me directly at *** Sincerely, *** ***Senior AnalystRegulatory & Executive Customer Relations
The same day inquiry was received, customer was contacted by Atlantic City Electric Green Power Connection regarding application for solar installation. Atlantic City Electric exchanged metering equipment in order for customer to begin operation of solar interconnection on April 27,
Appropriate documentation to support permission to operate solar system was provided to customer and customers' solar contractor on April 28, via electronic mail. During contact with customer it was shared that we appreciated customer patience and understanding and apologized for any inconvenience caused by delay of reaching appropriate ACE personnel. Pleasecontact me directly if you should have any additional questions or concernsSincerely, *** ***Customer Relations Lead AnalystRegulatory and Executive Customer Relations
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:There is no plausible reason for the bill to be that high with no-one living there My primary residence is square feet and we never have bills that high summer or winter, the condo is sq feet, no refrigerator, no one residing there, third floor, heat was on Our direct neighbor's bill (same layout, same age of heater) was 1/of my bill They are going to 'check the meter'That may resolve the problem, but to date no reasonable solution I very much appreciate the, how quickly they responded and how quickly AC electric has responded
*** ***
spoke w/ mr *** apologized for long wait times to reach customer service is frustrated because he is trying to pay his bill but has dyslexia and is upset that he has to enter his account # to access payment optionssays he can't do this advised of online option so he can click and pay on
the computer but doesn't want to do this either (he could also set up autopay and not have to call or logon to pay each month) says he is going to our payment office in *** *** *** *** 3/& will pay the bill
May 30th, 2018
Re Accts 5500 7691 599 & 5500 5065 127
Our company owns 6 restaurants and has an office. We pay our bills on time. In an instance in January 2018, we paid for three invoices on one check. Two of the invoices were credited, and the third (first account noted above, was not). Upon calling them to find out, they asked us to send a copy of the cancelled check, wherein was noted the three accounts. Simply stated, they misappropriated, mishandled, or somehow lost track of what they did with the money ($3640.69). Once they saw the proof they had received the money, did they say they would take care of the situation? No, they acted as though we did not pay them, and took no responsibility for the missing funds (the funds certainly came out our bank and into their coffers).
In February, we faxed them copies of the cancelled check, front and back. We also noted that the other two businesses were credited for their portion of the check. Their initial response from the February 14th fax was to do nothing. We called, and they suggested that they didn’t get the fax. We sent it again on February 26th. Their response to that was to misplace the fax (we were told months later).
Meanwhile, rather than simply credit our account, since we had already proved we had made the payment and that they had our money…they sent the next bill with that same amount showing as “past due”…followed by a letter dated March 27th, a FINAL NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE…and demanded that we immediately pay $1592.37. Someone actually came to our office to get the check.
Again, rather than admit they had our money and that they needed to find it…in a letter dated April 19th, they slapped a deposit on our account of $3585.00 due to our failure to pay for the $3640.69 which they already had. And because we didn’t volunteer to come to their offices and help them find the money we already paid them, we would have let them keep that deposit for two years.
Our bookkeeper was at her wits end, and then I started to call customer service. May 10th, after being on hold for 80 of the 90 minutes I was on the phone, I spoke to a Latasha McKindra (located in Texas), and she supposedly worked on fixing the situation. I was quite upset, but not mean. By the end of the conversation, she promised that she would find the missing money, she would remove the “deposit” from our account, and stop all negative reflections on our account. And, that she would get back to me. She had not only my email address, but also my cell phone. When I heard nothing back after a week, I tried calling the direct number she gave me. It was bogus. I tried emailing her direct email…it came back with issues and was not delivered each time I resent it.
Now it’s May 23rd, and I decide to start over again and end up speaking to Kim in Delaware. We go over the whole situation, again. She assures me that the $3640.69 supposedly due in the one account will be fixed and that the “deposit” charge has been removed. And to prove it, she faxes me the most current statement reflecting that. She also gives me her direct phone number so we can discuss any issues stemming from the new adjusted bill. I think I have finally gotten somewhere and then I see the bill.
The bill dated May 21.2018 shows the new electric charges for $1578.24, and the new Constellation supply charges for $2210.00 (the two charges I would be expecting)…and a “balance forward” charge of $1992.63. I had no idea why we would have that so I called Kim’s phone, and left a message, including a request that she call me back on my cell phone. The problem, after doing a little deeper dig, is that balance was the difference between the extra $1592.37 we were forced to pay and the $3585.00 Deposit charge which was supposedly removed. So, the deposit was NOT removed.
But wait, if you hand on for one more paragraph, there’s more. The $3640.69 that was credited back to the account ending in 599 was charged to the account ending in 127 on May 15, 2018 invoice…so NOTHING was FIXED.
We need a letter explaining that the $3640.69 has been actually credited to the account ending in 599, removed from the account ending in 127. We need the “required deposit” to be removed, and the $1592.37 credited back to the account ending in 599. And finally, an APOLOGY for the hours of time your company’s mistakes have cost our company and for the INSULTS directed at us with your threats to shut off our power. And we need this NOW!