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Arizona Elite Properties

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Arizona Elite Properties Reviews (25) I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved Regards, [redacted] ***

The tenants for *** *** broke the lease and I had to find a renter quick because I did not want to cause the owner any problems with income So this lady *** *** had been in touch with me I really liked her and it seemed like she would be a good fit So it was the
day she was going to move in Her credit wasn't great and that was a red flag to me (we should still have her credit on file) but I was going to work with her anyways because she seemed like she would be fine and I needed it rented as soon as possibleI asked her if she wanted the keys that day and if she had all the money to move in She said she only had $ That was the second red flag I told her I could not let her move in without all the money She asked if she could put it in the garage I said no She asked if I felt uncomfortable leasing to her I told her I would like to meet her in person and talk about itShe said she is not used to how big cities work and that basically I should trust her on her wordThen she said she could have $and I told her that would be fine and that I would work with her Then she said her daughter would have to meet me and sign the lease I told her I couldn't do that I would need her to meet me personally and sign the lease Then she said this was getting very difficult and maybe its just not meant to be At that point I told her I think its just not meant to be because there were too many issues I was working around and I couldn't do that I have to stick to certain procedures Then she said she would like a refund on the credit app and I said that was fine

We are responding to the complaint filed by *** *** as follows and the information provide is based from the public records and is in no way misleading or deceptive.The tenants broke their lease and according to Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act forfeited their Security Deposits.The reason for
breaking their lease was based on case NoFN2014-Trial Courts of *** ** *** ***The case is based on an Order of Protection filed by the Plaintiff *** *** against defendant *** *** which is Public Record whereby the plaintiff has filed against the defendant and the courts ruled in favor of the plaintiff that there is reasonable cause that the defendant did cause or may cause an act of domestic violence against the plaintiff.Residence: The plaintiff *** *** was granted "exclusive right and possession of the residence" *** *** did not maintain the property and caused severe damage to the home, appliances and pool by moving out of the property without permission and turning off water and electric to the property which caused damageThe itemized list of damages were provided to the responsible party and amounted to $1,and the Security deposits were only $1,which left a shortfall of $in addition to the costs associated with re-renting the property Our company is always sympathetic to situations and always works with our clients however, this is a blatant violation of the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act and the Decision of the court

BEDBUGS! Stay away if you don't want to bring home bed bugs
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

The tenants for [redacted] broke the lease and I had to find a renter quick because I did not want to cause the owner any problems with income.  So this lady [redacted] had been in touch with me.  I really liked her and  it seemed like she would be a good fit.  So it was the...

day she was going to move in.  Her credit wasn't great and that was a red flag to me (we should still have her credit on file) but I was going to work with her anyways because she seemed like she would be fine and I needed it rented as soon as possible. I asked her if she wanted the keys that day and if she had all the money to move in.  She said she only had $400.  That was the second red flag.  I told her I could not let her move in without all the money.  She asked if she could put it in the garage.  I said no.  She asked if I felt uncomfortable leasing to her.  I told her I would like to meet her in person and talk about it. She said she is not used to how big cities work and that basically I should trust her on her word. Then she said she could have $800 and I told her that would be fine and that I would work with her.  Then she said her daughter would have to meet me and sign the lease.  I told her I couldn't do that.  I would need her to meet me personally and sign the lease.  Then she said this was getting very difficult and maybe its just not meant to be.  At that point I told her I think its just not meant to be because there were too many issues I was working around and I couldn't do that.  I have to stick to certain procedures.  Then she said she would like a refund on the credit app and I said that was fine.

We are responding to the complaint filed by [redacted] as follows and the information provide is based from the public records and is in no way misleading or deceptive.The tenants broke their lease and according to Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act forfeited their Security...

Deposits.The reason for breaking their lease was based on case No. FN2014-092539 Trial Courts of [redacted]. The case is based on an  Order of Protection filed by the Plaintiff [redacted] against defendant [redacted] which is Public Record whereby the plaintiff has filed against the defendant and the courts ruled in favor of the plaintiff that there is reasonable cause that the defendant did cause or may cause an act of domestic violence against the plaintiff.Residence: The plaintiff [redacted] was granted "exclusive right and possession of the residence" [redacted] did not maintain the property and caused severe damage to the home, appliances and pool by moving out of the property without permission and turning off water and electric to the property which caused damage. The itemized list of damages were provided to the responsible party and amounted to $1,476.33 and the Security deposits were only $1,395.00 which left a shortfall of $81.33 in addition to the costs associated with re-renting the property.  Our company is always sympathetic to situations and always works with our clients however, this is a blatant violation of the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act and the Decision of the court.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.


The legal documents state that late fees that are collected are retained by the company as additional compensation for collecting overdue rent. In addition according to The Arizona Landlord Tenant Act even if an agreement was signed stating that the late fees were to be retained by the owner that...

would only apply if they were collected.We could not collect the rent or late fees therefore we are not responsible since we are only an agent of the owner.The owner of the property also continuously engaged in sending the tenant late notices prior to the date they were due according to the Arizona Residential Lease Agreement and the tenant was totally confused. According to the Residential Lease Agreement rent is due on the first and considered late on the 5th at which time a 5 day notice is sent to the tenant to cure the default and if they do not cure the default we take them to court and start the eviction process.The owner of the property contacted [redacted] one of our Property Managers for my company and stated that she did not want us to evict the tenant and insisted that we work with the tenant until they could get caught up with their rent.In addition the owner of the property refused to replace a broken refrigerator and according to the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act the broken refrigerator must be replaced and in working condition within 10 days of notification or the tenant can terminate the lease or purchase a refrigerator.The complainants failure to adhere to the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act forced our company to terminate our relationship with the complainant over 5 months ago for non compliance with the law.The complainant also contacted an attorney and I remitted a letter to the attorney in response to the owners concerns and I believe the matter was resolved as no other action or correspondence from the attorney has been received.It is always our intention to work proactively with our clients and customers however we are required by law to adhere to the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act and we cannot deviate from the regulations.[redacted]. [redacted] President

Mike Y[redacted] provided very poor service. On more tan one occasion he would not return our phone calls when we were having issues with our service. We found out that our renter had more dogs than the lease allowed. He said that he contacted the renter and was assured that the extra dogs was a temporary situation. We went to the home in June and there were seven dogs in the house. The renter moved out the end of June without payung the rent for June. She took the keys and left the house damged and dirty. She left junk in the back yard and the back door unlocked. We had to alert Mike about this situation. We live out of state and trusted this company to take care of our home and make sure that the rent was collected. They did not. When we received the balance of the deposit, Mike Y[redacted] had deducted $216 for his commission. That took a lot of nerve. My wife wrote a letter to Robert K[redacted], owner of the company, with her concerns. He replied back but did not address her concerns. He just defended how his company operates. I would never use or recommend this company to anyone.

This client was referee to us by another real estate company and I now understand why. The client living in Florida consistently attempts to micro manage the property and although we have honored her requests we made the decision on January 9th 2015 to terminate our agreement effective January 31,...

2015.This client does not understand the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act rules and regulations and consistently interferes with the "covenant of quiet enjoyment" and expects us to inspect the property on a monthly basis. The complainant also is blaming the tenant for plants that have died although the complainant is responsible for the landscape maintenance. The complainant also is blaming the tenant for breaking the pool sweep and as indicated in the Residential Lease Agreement the complainant is responsible for pool maintenance. The tenant is vacating the property at lease expiration in March 2015 due to harassment by the owner.All monies have been remitted to the client and our check was cashed on January 26th 2015.All statements are available online however the complainant does not understand how to access the information after repeated lessons necessary to educate the complainant. We manage over 1,820 properties and realize we cannot please everyone although we work hard to provide quality service which our clients have enjoyed for the last 23 years that I have been in business.The client plans to manage the property herself and will be violating the law and will subject herself to a $1,000.00 fine plus $100.00 per month until she is in compliance.The complainant was managed by my associate broker who has over 13 years experience and is one of my senior staff members and expert trainer.After numerous e-mails back and forth as well as phone conversations with this individual in her own correspondence she requested that we manage the property up until January 31, 2015 which we refused to do considering she consistently blames the tenant although the tenant pays rent on time and complies with the terms and conditions of the lease.The complainant also filed a complaint with [redacted] which we have responded with all documentation, copies of paid and received check and proof that the landlord was responsible for landscaping and pool service and cannot penalize the tenant for normal wear and tear as well as obsolescence.  Respectfully submitted this 2, day of February in the year 2015

Numerous property managers with Arizona Elite Properties have contracted my company to perform landscape services at their managed homes. Each and every encounter to date with managers, office staff, and owner have been handled with the utmost professionalism. My dealings with this company have been forthright and I look forward to many more years of business.

Review: My wife and I had a major emergency in which we had to move out of the state of [redacted] back to [redacted] (July 14, 2014). We moved into Arizona Elite Properties' managed property, [redacted] on June 3, 2014 and were told by [redacted] that we would receive the deposit of $1395 back as long as a new tenant would be found before August 1st. If a new tenant wasn't found than we would be responsible for the August rent. I understood and agreed (this was July 14th, 2014). A new tenant was found by the end of July (before the August 1st cut off and so [redacted] said she would send us the deposit back. I waited and waited and finally on August 12th a letter came in the mail stating that not only had all of the $1395 of the deposit gone into cleaning fees, having trash, pool cleaning, etc. but that we actually owed them $150.33. This is incredibly dishonest since I have never lived in a home/apartment where I never received at least part of my deposit back. The house was VERY clean since my wife and I cleaned it thoroughly and the trash that was left was largely trash that was there the day we moved in! The day we moved in there was lots of chicken wire and old mildew stained pool floats plus trash in the trash can on the side of our backyard. We've been told that [redacted] and [redacted] Elite Properties are unethical and dishonest and now we've been taken advantage of ourselves and feel that because we are now out of state they don't care

Some further details: We were charged in the initial deposit $150 for a cleaning fee (which they did not have clean at the time of our move in. We were asked to "go get ice cream" while they finished cleaning the house and were standing outside waiting to move into our home after driving 1000 miles. They had to come back the following day to finish cleaning. Lots of trash, as stated above, was left outside in the back yard for us to clean up after we moved in. We asked them to come get the chicken wire, mildew-stained pool items, etc. but they never did). We were also charged a $200 cleaning fee after we moved out from the deposit and the pool was $425 to clean (which is way too high since there is a weekly pool service guy who came to the home as included in rent). The pool was in great condition since my wife and I used it nearly every day and we had weekly pool service. In addition to some of these deductions from our deposit, apparently there is a $500 release fee tacked on. Nothing in the house was broken or needed to be replaced and the pool was in great condition. I have pictures with the dates to show that the pool was very clean.Desired Settlement: $995 - the amount of the initial deposit not including $150 cleaning fee and $250 pet deposit.



We are responding to the complaint filed by [redacted] as follows and the information provide is based from the public records and is in no way misleading or deceptive.The tenants broke their lease and according to Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act forfeited their Security Deposits.The reason for breaking their lease was based on case No. FN2014-092539 Trial Courts of [redacted]. The case is based on an Order of Protection filed by the Plaintiff [redacted] against defendant [redacted] which is Public Record whereby the plaintiff has filed against the defendant and the courts ruled in favor of the plaintiff that there is reasonable cause that the defendant did cause or may cause an act of domestic violence against the plaintiff.Residence: The plaintiff [redacted] was granted "exclusive right and possession of the residence" [redacted] did not maintain the property and caused severe damage to the home, appliances and pool by moving out of the property without permission and turning off water and electric to the property which caused damage. The itemized list of damages were provided to the responsible party and amounted to $1,476.33 and the Security deposits were only $1,395.00 which left a shortfall of $81.33 in addition to the costs associated with re-renting the property. Our company is always sympathetic to situations and always works with our clients however, this is a blatant violation of the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act and the Decision of the court.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.


I have been renting a property from this company for almost 9 months and have been dealing with a terrible property manager asking for multiple repairs to be done since we moved in and nothing had been done I stopped paying rent and they quickly had someone out for repairs. Their property manager wad completely unprofessional and when going to the office to pay the rent the receptionist was yelling through the office to another employee and cursing in front of several customers completely unprofessional. They are just terrible people to deal with.

Worst experience ever! I am in Payson,AZ looking to rent a home. Found a property that I really liked, but when it came down to applying the mobile site didn't work correctly. I waited and waited for a response, never heard anything, so I contacted the company to get an update. I was told that I was rejected for lack of info on the application, which was entirely filled out except for the portion that wouldn't respond. Then, I was told a different reason. From the beginning, dealing with the representative I couldn't get a straightforward answer, always beating around the bush. Now, they won't refund my app fee of $50, mind you is 10x more than anyone else's around here. I would never recommend this service to anyone because of the unprofessionalism and poor customer service.

Review: Property Management Company (Arizona Elite Properties) failed to perform, and failed to fulfill its duties and responsibilities in accordance with a Property Management Agreement entered into with the owner (Complainant) of real property located at [redacted]. (A copy of the Property Management Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit 1). Specifically, Arizona Elite Properties failed to collect late fees from the renter of the property from September 2013 through May 2014, in the total amount of $1,760.00, in accordance with the Residential Lease Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. Complainant sent a certified letter to Arizona Elite Properties concerning the uncollected/unpaid late fees, among other things, on June 5, 2014. A copy of the letter is attached hereto as Exhibit 3. Arizona Elite Properties responded to the letter on or about June 15, 2014. (See Exhibit 4 hereto.) Complainant replied to Arizona Elite's letter on July 2, 2014 (Exhibit 5 hereto), and again on August 12, 2014 (Exhibit 6 hereto). The latter letter included a chart outlining the uncollected/unpaid late fees that were owed to Complainant. (See Exhibit 6.) Additionally, the latter letter addressed the fact that Arizona Elite failed to forward the full refundable security deposit owed to Complainant. Arizona Elite Properties kept $750.00 of the refundable security deposit and gave no explanation as to the reason why or justification for withholding the money from the Complainant. Arizona Elite failed to respond to the July 2 and August 12 letters, and thereafter ignored any further requests by Complainant to resolve the dispute. Throughout the duration of the Property Management Agreement, Arizona Elite failed to communicate and/or consult with Complainant on all issues that arose, failed to fulfill their duty and responsibility to Complainant in managing her property and collecting rents and other fees owed, and failed to pay Complainant the full refundable security deposit due to her by retaining a significant portion of the deposit with no explanation.Desired Settlement: Regarding the uncollected late fees, Complainant requests that she be compensated for the full amount due of $1,760.00. Regarding the portion of the security deposit which was withheld in the amount of $750.00, Complainant requests an explanation as to why that amount was withheld. If no reasonable explanation is forthcoming, than Complainant requests that Arizona Elite Properties forward the sum of $750.00 as and for the remaining security deposit which is owed to Complainant.



The legal documents state that late fees that are collected are retained by the company as additional compensation for collecting overdue rent. In addition according to The Arizona Landlord Tenant Act even if an agreement was signed stating that the late fees were to be retained by the owner that would only apply if they were collected.We could not collect the rent or late fees therefore we are not responsible since we are only an agent of the owner.The owner of the property also continuously engaged in sending the tenant late notices prior to the date they were due according to the Arizona Residential Lease Agreement and the tenant was totally confused. According to the Residential Lease Agreement rent is due on the first and considered late on the 5th at which time a 5 day notice is sent to the tenant to cure the default and if they do not cure the default we take them to court and start the eviction process.The owner of the property contacted [redacted] one of our Property Managers for my company and stated that she did not want us to evict the tenant and insisted that we work with the tenant until they could get caught up with their rent.In addition the owner of the property refused to replace a broken refrigerator and according to the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act the broken refrigerator must be replaced and in working condition within 10 days of notification or the tenant can terminate the lease or purchase a refrigerator.The complainants failure to adhere to the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act forced our company to terminate our relationship with the complainant over 5 months ago for non compliance with the law.The complainant also contacted an attorney and I remitted a letter to the attorney in response to the owners concerns and I believe the matter was resolved as no other action or correspondence from the attorney has been received.It is always our intention to work proactively with our clients and customers however we are required by law to adhere to the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act and we cannot deviate from the regulations.[redacted]. [redacted] President

I have continuously had several rental properties managed by Arizona Elite Properties for the past six (6) years, and have been very satisfied with their service. In that time, I have had one scammer and one eviction, and my property manager handled those situations smooth as glass!

After hastily writing a negative review for Az Elite Properties, I went to their office in Gilbert and asked to see the owner. He promptly met with me, and we were able to resolve the matter in a very short time. They are returning my entire earnest money of $500.00. I retract all that I said in my complaint review, and would recommend this company for customer satisfaction.

Review: In September 2014, we signed an Property Management agreement with Arizona Elite. That agreement stated there was no requirement of advance notice to cancel the agreement. Since Sept. 2013, we have tried to get Arizona Elite to provide us with the account record of income and expenses, as required by law, but they have not. We sent numerous communications but never received any ledgers of our account until we canceled Arizona Elite PM services on 1/9/2015. We were told by Arizona Elite that they were keeping the January PM commission of $159.50 because we needed to give a 30 day notice, which is not what the PM agreement states. We contacted Arizona Elite and said if they are keeping the January service fee, then they need to perform the January property inspection requested on 12/17/14. Arizona Elite has not performed the January property inspection at [redacted] and have not refunded us the $159.50. Also, Arizona Elite required that we provide $200 for a management reserve account to cover repairs on the property. Arizona Elite has also, not refunded us the $200. So right now, Arizona Elite is keeping $359.50 of our money that they did not earn and by law should refund to us in our rental checking account.Desired Settlement: Because Arizona Elite did not fulfill their end of the agreement, they need to refund the January PM expense of $159.50, which they never earned by completing the property inspection. They also need to refund the $200 they initially requested we provide for a management account to cover property repairs. So, they need to refund $359.50 to our [redacted] rental checking account immediately.



This client was referee to us by another real estate company and I now understand why. The client living in Florida consistently attempts to micro manage the property and although we have honored her requests we made the decision on January 9th 2015 to terminate our agreement effective January 31, 2015.This client does not understand the Arizona Landlord and Tenant Act rules and regulations and consistently interferes with the "covenant of quiet enjoyment" and expects us to inspect the property on a monthly basis. The complainant also is blaming the tenant for plants that have died although the complainant is responsible for the landscape maintenance. The complainant also is blaming the tenant for breaking the pool sweep and as indicated in the Residential Lease Agreement the complainant is responsible for pool maintenance. The tenant is vacating the property at lease expiration in March 2015 due to harassment by the owner.All monies have been remitted to the client and our check was cashed on January 26th 2015.All statements are available online however the complainant does not understand how to access the information after repeated lessons necessary to educate the complainant. We manage over 1,820 properties and realize we cannot please everyone although we work hard to provide quality service which our clients have enjoyed for the last 23 years that I have been in business.The client plans to manage the property herself and will be violating the law and will subject herself to a $1,000.00 fine plus $100.00 per month until she is in compliance.The complainant was managed by my associate broker who has over 13 years experience and is one of my senior staff members and expert trainer.After numerous e-mails back and forth as well as phone conversations with this individual in her own correspondence she requested that we manage the property up until January 31, 2015 which we refused to do considering she consistently blames the tenant although the tenant pays rent on time and complies with the terms and conditions of the lease.The complainant also filed a complaint with [redacted] which we have responded with all documentation, copies of paid and received check and proof that the landlord was responsible for landscaping and pool service and cannot penalize the tenant for normal wear and tear as well as obsolescence. Respectfully submitted this 2, day of February in the year 2015

Review: This issue is on a few different issues. Customer, refunds, and value of my time and out of pocket expense do to property managers lack of professionalism, and regard to their job.

in the mid part of July of 2014, I contacted [redacted] of Az Elite Property's in Gilbert Az by text to her cell phone as noted in contact information on a rental property posted on a rental property website featuring the home @ [redacted], I was very excited after she did finally return my text 2 days later. To learn the home was still available. I drove to Mesa apx 80 miles round trip on her word by text.that once I arrived in Mesa and was near the property that I was to again text not call as had previously requested as I explained I did not use a cell ph. That I could only text through WiFi from my laptop. And that I could call much easier from my daughters hone phone which was very close to the property. [redacted] did not seem to care that I did not have a cell phone or that I requested to call instead of text. Or that I was going to have to find a way to text her once I did make the travel. I had to have my daughter down load a program on her kindle that abeled her device to send and receive text. During that time a left 2 voice messages for [redacted] on her cell ph to call me. She did not however return my text once we figured out the new text app. [redacted] did give me a code to gain entrance to the property to show my self. When I entered the smell was horrific. I hurried out of the property quickly. Returned to mesa. Daughters. Sent this text to her"OMG what is that Oder"? She explained that prior tenets left meat in fridge with out electricity for sometime. I told her the smell had gotten into the walls and sheetrock. That the entire house would need to be primed and painted, sealed. She explained the owner did not have a budget for that. And asked how I came to that conclusion. I explained that when I was younger and in good health I would buy and sale houses and had at one time owned several rental homes. And that I done all the up grades and repairs my self. And I also painted homes professional. We agreed that allowing that if I leased the property she would exchange most of the 900.00 deposit and give me access to the property no later than the Friday that was 2days from than. We than discussed my credit and income. I was very honest with her about both. She said she felt I would defiantly qualify. That she could work around my credit score. Since I had no past rental problems or judgments. Friday came and [redacted] did not. I did drive all the way to her office to meet her. Fill out paper work and get keys I thought. I got a phone call from her 3 hrs after I arrived. She explained she would have to meet me the next morning first thing at. The property. I told her I would buy the paint And that I would be on A very tight schedule. That movers were arriving Sunday to load my things from my current residents. And I needed to paint before I could even think about moving in. She promised. She had reviewed my credit.. And assured me I was approved and that she would meet me the next morning with keys and lease. Sat came but [redacted] did not. To date gas to meet [redacted] 60.00. Time 7 hrs driving 12 hrs waiting for [redacted] to return text. Sunday came [redacted] finally text. But to post pone meeting me until after 3pm she lived near property she knew it would take at least 5 hrs for me to drive round trip and meet her. She refused to comprise. Or to come to me. At that point I pulled out of the agreement. Expenses now $45.00 app fee. 208.00 paint and supply's 60.00 gas. 22 wasted hrs. Plus I had to find a new place to Live. Upset I ended up in a hotel for next 5 days waiting for her nose to return my calls. Hoping to get a new agent from his office and into the luthur property. $313.00 plus hotel4 nights 320.00 totaling more than 633.00 .I gave up on [redacted] boss. Went back to text to try to recover some of my loss. Today is August 18th. I have received one unsigned check in the ant of 45.00 [redacted] suggest I drive to the Gilbert office again to request her boss sign the the ant of 45.00Desired Settlement: Full refund for at least the money I spent 633.00 plus that the explain people would prefer dealing with a person especially in real-estate and you should not make promises you can not keep. It wasn't a weekly lunch date with a friend this was a business meeting that I volved my life and my place of residence. Plus very costly. I am disabled and on a fixed income. I have had to impose on my daughters family to recover the money I have lost alone. It will take 2 months before I can afford to once again hire someone to load the rental truck. And unload it into a new home. It has been a bad experience all around.



The tenants for [redacted] broke the lease and I had to find a renter quick because I did not want to cause the owner any problems with income. So this lady [redacted] had been in touch with me. I really liked her and it seemed like she would be a good fit. So it was the day she was going to move in. Her credit wasn't great and that was a red flag to me (we should still have her credit on file) but I was going to work with her anyways because she seemed like she would be fine and I needed it rented as soon as possible. I asked her if she wanted the keys that day and if she had all the money to move in. She said she only had $400. That was the second red flag. I told her I could not let her move in without all the money. She asked if she could put it in the garage. I said no. She asked if I felt uncomfortable leasing to her. I told her I would like to meet her in person and talk about it. She said she is not used to how big cities work and that basically I should trust her on her word. Then she said she could have $800 and I told her that would be fine and that I would work with her. Then she said her daughter would have to meet me and sign the lease. I told her I couldn't do that. I would need her to meet me personally and sign the lease. Then she said this was getting very difficult and maybe its just not meant to be. At that point I told her I think its just not meant to be because there were too many issues I was working around and I couldn't do that. I have to stick to certain procedures. Then she said she would like a refund on the credit app and I said that was fine.

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Description: Real Estate Services, Real Estate - Rentals by Individuals, Real Estate Loans, Oil Land Leases, Business Brokers, Public Relations Counselors, Real Estate, Real Estate Consultants, Property Management, Real Estate Rental Service, Relocation Service

Address: 225 E. Germann Road #110 & #120, Gilbert, Arizona, United States, 85297-2904


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