Aptive Environmental, LLC Reviews (606)
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Address: 109 Space Park S, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 37211-3114
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On Friday the 15th Micheal W [redacted] went out and inspected the home to see what was going on, we are currently working with Mr [redacted] on getting this issue resolvedWe have been working on resolving thisWe are currently waiting for the pressure washing company to give us the quote needed to proceed
I today called left a voicemail with my personal cell phone wanting to resolve the miscommunication that has taken placeI have per protocol place a pending cancel on the account and I will call again to discuss making this right
We have received very professional and friendly service from Joshua W
Hello Mrs [redacted] ,While is it only company policy and extra precaution we take to advise children under months and woman who may be pregnant to leave the home for hours after treating inside the home it is not a regulation for use on the labelWe take these extra measures to ensure the safety of our customers and their childrenI apologize for any alarm that this situation may have caused you to feel for yourself or your childI see that we have reached out to you twice on 9/and 9/to discuss this situation without a responseYou account has been cancelled and I removed the Initial Discount Reimbursement feeIf you would like any further information about the service that was provided or have any other questions please reach out to our office, 512-290-2847.Thank you,Kristen Q [redacted]
For this customer here we did actually mist a service on AugustThe service procalled out sickIt looks like we received a call on the 10th and the 11th saying that he wants to cancel his service this is is the reason why we did not show up on the 12th because of the note saying that he wanted to cancel the serviceHis account shows that it's been canceled since August Will be more than happy to resume the agreement and wave the cancellation fee and continue serviceThe bill has been receiving is for the cancellation fee you agreement that he sign up is for a full year and if he chooses to void the agreement that he pay the difference of the first service that he had
On 6/1/17, [redacted] had entered into an agreement with our company for a total of services which typically consists of a year's time to completeHer first service was on 6/2/17, it was for a discounted rate of $The first service is typically for $The discount is given for customers that fulfill a year long agreement with us, consisting of a total of servicesThe remaining services are each at $119, generally occurring every three monthsThe second of the follow up services is the only one that occurs on a different schedule, it is about a month after the initial service.On 6/1/17, [redacted] had reviewed and signed the agreement with the Sales RepIt is attachedOn 6/2/17, our Service Technician went over a welcome letter before he started the service as a sort of checks and balances to make sure we are working with a person who is fully aware of what the agreement is for and the expectations are set for the future services [redacted] again had signed off on that document as well and the technician proceeded to perform the service, thus starting the year agreementBoth of these documents are attached.After the initial service was completed, there had been no correspondence with [redacted] until the notification was sent out for her first of remaining services on 6/27/for the service on 6/28/It is our practice to send at least one form of notification, whether it is voice, email, or text, before we show up to perform a serviceThis is to give the customer the opportunity to reschedule, or include any additional notes for the technician before he shows up to perform the serviceFrom that point on, we had only been informed that [redacted] did in fact have some concern over the automated scheduling of the remaining servicesWe addressed that concern by including notes in her account to work with her in providing more time than usual to schedule an appointmentShe left us with the impression that she would be calling us back to set up the time and day that would work for her.When we did not receive correspondence back from ***, we proceeded to send out another notification that we would be coming out to perform her second service on 7/14/The remaining services are mandatory, per the agreementIf the customer fails to fulfill their end of the agreement, then the customer is charged the remainder of the full price for the first serviceSince she was discounted from $to $49, that would come to $In an effort to avoid charging that $180, we sent the notification for the next service so we could keep the warranty with the customer and on schedule.When we tried the second time, on 7/13/17, to inform [redacted] that we were to come out on 7/to perform that second service, [redacted] called in asking for a Manager to speak withThe girl who had answered the phone, Kailey, checked to see if a manager was available, but subsequently the manager was not at that timeKailey proceeded to ask [redacted] if she could help in the meantime [redacted] proceeded to give Kailey the address to look up the account and advised her that "the service is terminated, can you just pass that on, and I do not want to speak with anyoneThe service is terminatedI do not want to hear from you people again." He promptly hung up at that point.We proceeded to close the account for ***, which attaches that $to the account and at that point invoices are sent by automatic voice calls, email, and in some cases text messages.Once the notification of the balance had been made to ***, [redacted] proceeded to call in again and advise us that the "Services are teminatedPlease make sure to pass that on." He abruptly hung up after that.We had never had the opportunity to hear the concerns of the customerIt was made clear that [redacted] did not want anyone to call him back to discuss the situation or be given an opportunity to address any concernsWe are always more than happy to work with any customer to tailor the service, or make right any wrongsOur phone calls are all recordedThe two calls that [redacted] had made were listened to for accuracy before responding to his complaintWe would be happy to have the opportunity to work with [redacted] and [redacted] to make things right and come to a resolution
Mr [redacted] ** [redacted] signed a year agreement for pest control service with Aptive Environmental with the first service being done on 6/6/The agreement stipulates us performing the initial service, approximately days later performing the first quarterly service and then a quarterly service every days after the first quarterly serviceA welcome letter was signed before the first service was done letting the customer know of the conditions of the agreement including an initial discount reimbursement for the discount that was given on the first service if the agreement is not fulfilledA $discount was given to them on the first serviceThe welcome letter also lets the customer know that they may have free re-services if problems persistThe initial service was done on 6/6/The first quarterly service was done on 7/12/On 10/5/2017, we notified the customer of an upcoming service scheduled for 10/7/with both an automated call and an emailShortly after the notifications, Me [redacted] ** [redacted] called and requested to cancel his serviceMy customer service agent explained the initial discount reimbursement (IDR) with the cancelling of the agreement before it was fulfilledHe must have indicated that there was a problem with the previous service since she offered to perform a re-service for themRe-services are done free of chargeThe note by my customer service agent on 10/5/states “Customer called to cancel his serviceI explained the IDR and offered a re-serviceHe said he will talk to his wife and call us back.” We do not have any record of a return call from him so the service was again scheduled for 10/30/with an automated voice call as well as an email being sent on 10/24/We received no response so our service technician went to service the home on 10/30/The customer told him not to service the homeThe service technicians note states “customer asked that we not service right nowplz call them before rescheduling” The service was then scheduled again for 11/7/and notifications were sent on 11/2/Both our vehicle gps tracking and our database tracking systems show that our service technician was at the home that day at 4:pm On 11/8/2017, Mr [redacted] ** [redacted] called again stating that he wanted to cancel serviceHe was accusing us of not returning calls, however we cannot find where he called us in our call systemI then authorized my customer service agent to go ahead and let him cancel his account and we waived the $IDR We then received this Revdex.com complaint and so in good faith, I have refunded his $charge today (11/14/which will take a few days to be returned to him by the banks involved) for the service that was performed on 11/7/since he claims that he was home and nobody ever cameI believe that we have been more than fair with Mr [redacted] ** [redacted] by waiving his $IDR and refunding the $for the last service done even though he did not notify us of any continuing issue and by failing to call us after he spoke to his wife regarding the re-service that was offered Thank you Alan B [redacted] Aptive Branch Manager
To Whom it May Concern, [redacted] signed a One Year Agreement with Aptive Environmental and in doing so received a discount off her Initial Service originally she received the Initial at just stating she would try us out for a year..If the customer cancels before the year has ended all we ask for the the Initial Discount on the Initial Service rendered Customer was set for Service at for the Initial Visit and for each quarterly visitCustomer had her Initial service rendered on 08/01/for the discounted amount of 49.00, Customer had her first quarterly visit on 9-13-for the amount of The was paid with the credit card provided by the customer, but the attempt for the did not go through so my office staff called to notify of the balanceCustomer made of aware of her situation and I made the decision to help out because what was owed after her cancelling and the Initial Discount Fee was Qtly and Initial Discount was We offered to waive the fee for the Qtly service rendered on 9/13/and just pay the Initial discount of in order to help out in the situation the best way I couldAfter paying sales reps, techs, material supplies, I am still not making money on the situation just trying to help her because of the financial situation she is in
We apologize to hear about the experience you had with one of our Route Managers In the Houston area we have thousands of positive interactions a day and it is extremely rare that we get complaints about one of our interactions We can easily look up which Route Manager was in the area based on the address provided, and we will follow up regarding this matter with the appropriate manager
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:There has been no return call made to me until today where I got a message on my voicemailI do not want to continue this contract as it is not working and the company is a scamI am not sure they have been here except the first initial visit as I was home thenWhat legitimate company would not leave something showing they had been at your residence when no one is home? Sincerely, [redacted]
We do sincerely apologize for the interaction that occurred between this individual and our sales representative We do hope that all of our door-to-door interactions are positive We do have 1000+ sales representatives that knock 100,000+ doors everyday Negative instances like the one described are very uncommon, however when they do occur we take them very seriously and always investigate We will follow up with the sales rep directly regarding this interaction It is common for our sales reps to quickly glance at people's yards for ant mounds and eaves for spiders and wasp activity Since we are a pest control company we look for possible pest activity before we knock on the door Again, we sincerely apologize for the interaction that occurred with our sales representative and we wish you the best
To whom it may concernUpon my first conversation with Mrs [redacted] she revealed that she had never actually looked at a copy of the contract that her husband had signedI guided her towards that contract and directed her attention to the clearly visible calendar that states the months of the year in order and shows the price to be paid under each prospective month included in the contractNot only is it stated at that point but before her service my service professional went over what we call our "Welcome Letter to Aptive" In that letter it also states that the quarterly payments would be $129.00.Before my conversation with Mrs [redacted] she called my office twice asking when her future services were and how much they areAfter receiving all of that information she stated that "that sounds good for now" we tried to update her payment type on file to pay for her initial service, she stated that she would send in a checkAt this point in an act of good faith and to fulfill our side of the contract we are more then willing to remove the cancellation status and fulfill her remaining services at the price of $per service after the [redacted] 's have paid for the services already completed.Once again I will include a copy of the signed contract with the service calendar and prices clearly visible
aptive was very responsive when I placed a call to notify them that I was having a problem with ants They sent someone out the next day to spray the rear of the house Since then I have not had the problem
Complaint: I am rejecting this response because:It is inaccurateWhen we were sold this service originally we were told that the deal was a "special deal" for us, the guy made a big point of emphasizing that we were not to tell our neighbors that he had charged us $as they would have been charged moreAt no time was $mentioned It's a classic bait and switch(They also conveniently avoid the subject of the fact that they had no right to be soliciting in this community in the first place).My wife was absolutely clear that we would only do business if they would make appointments at times she agreed to and stuck to themThey did not do thisThey made a big deal about how the treatment was to the edge of the property yet when I inspected I found cobwebs and insects in evidence all around the exterior of the house.I am rejecting this response because it is disingenuous, they failed to perform to the agreement, they misrepresented themselves to us at the initial meeting, they were soliciting illegally and their work was not up to standard Our local Nextdoor network is full of complaints about Aptive.Sincerely, [redacted]
Hello ***,I am sorry to hear your account of the service providedLooking over your account, I do not see any notes of previous dissatisfaction with the service and none of us being contacted regarding the guinea pigThe record of contact on the account shows rescheduling the service in August for another day, a text in Nov confirming the appointment time for the 3-window on 11/21, and then several attempts to contact you regarding the balance due on the accountSince November, we have attempted to contact you times via telephone and times via emailNone of those calls or emails were returned and none of these issues have been expressed to usNo contact occurred until 2/when a call was made requesting to cancel serviceThe service you entered into is a month service contract including an initial service and four quarterly treatmentsThere is one quarterly treatment remaining that will fall in MayI am willing to discount the initial reimbursement discount of $plus tax to the cost of one quarterly service at $plus tax ($117.99)Given the issues you've expressed I'm highly surprised our office was not contacted to discuss and and remedy the situationI will close the account and apply the final discounted chargeWish you well in the futureKristen M***Branch Manager
Hello ***,Fire ants are warranted and covered under Aptive's service but you are correct, we do not have the license to use the restricted use products geared specifically for an annual fire ant treatment on the yardWe do have products designed to treat for fire ants thoughOur guarantee to our customers is that we will return and treat any time you have a problem pop up, whether that be a fire ant mound or wasp nest in the eavesI am very sorry to hear that your wife and children were bitten by fire antsWe are more than happy to credit your account for the cost of the fire ant product you purchasedTalk to you soon!Kristen
This is only my first service, but Roger Mwas polite, speedy, informative, and professionalHe made sure to remember all the important detailsThank you
Response to Complaint ID [redacted] To his point, the issue has been resolved with the account holder, [redacted] *** The complaint, however, was issued by customer’s wife *** This is being written in response to her complaint regarding excess and continued problems with spiders On July 25, [redacted] was approached by one of Aptive’s Route Managers and agreed to sign up for our four seasons protection program This was a service agreement for a minimum of months and covers a variety of pests such as spiders, which he was having a problem with The service agreement provided all the pertinent information regarding the account, such as the discounted initial price, the quarterly pricing, the service schedule and which services they would be responsible to pay, and our free reservice program This program is for customers who have continued problems with warrantied pests in between our quarterly visits and states that any customer can schedule as many reservices as necessary to get their pest problems under control, and we will come out at no extra charge for those services Also, it discusses the added pest activity that may come out after the initial treatment due to pests being flushed out of their homes and asks the customer to call to schedule a reservice if the activity continues after 10-days Of course, this just helps to set customer expectations of how to properly utilize Aptive’s service On July 28, 2017, a full days after signing up for our service and plenty of time to review the Service Agreement, our Service Professional came to their home to performed their scheduled Initial Treatment Prior to performing this service our service pro presented and went over a “Welcome Letter” from our company which again presented all of the key points of the service agreement and what the ***’s would be getting with the service This document includes the length of the agreement, discounted pricing of the initial and regular quarterly price, the first quarterly service would be performed approximately days after the initial treatment to break up the pest egg cycle that would be hatching out, and our free reservices offered at any time in between quarters in case any pests come back or there is continued activity This checklist was then signed by [redacted] stating he understood the terms The reason we go over all of this information twice, with separate people is for the sake of transparency as well as to make sure our customers understand our agreement and what we offer Our first contact with Mr [redacted] was on August 21, when he brought it to our attention that they still had spider problems, which again is not uncommon between the initial and first quarterly service, and he asked our office staff to call his wife to set that up We called and were only able to leave a voicemail asking for her to call us back to set that up and confirm a date We never received a call back from her [redacted] stated in her complaint that we came back for a free reservice but this is untrue If she had called us back to schedule with us, her spider problems would be one step closer to being under controlAptive then scheduled customer’s first quarterly visit for 8/28/17, a month after the initial and exactly on schedule per the service agreement, but the customer stated they needed to reschedule and did not provide a new service date The service was finally scheduled for 9/9/and notifications via email and voice call two days prior We then were able to successfully complete the service almost a full weeks after the original scheduled date The fact that this was pushed back so far could only lend to pests having an advantage to flourish and the entire reason Aptive comes back for the first quarterly within that first days is because after the initial flushing treatment, there are pest eggs which are impenetrable to pesticide that hatch out The follow up treatment will take care of these young pests and any other adults which try to reestablish themselves around the home Also, depending on where the home is located and the home itself, our customers are encouraged to use our free reservices as needed We understand that some homes may have conducive conditions present with may make them more habitable inside and out This is generally how all pest problems are gotten under control There is usually no quick one time fix but through the process we offer, we can lower pest populations enough to keep them out of our customer’s home Without the service, they are sure to come back After the first quarterly treatment, we heard from ***, who complained about still having spider problems, being double billed, which they were not, and not understanding the first quarterly was days after the initial Our office staff explained the service schedule to him once again as well as offered to schedule a free reservice for the continued activity He stated they wanted to cancel the service and asked us to call his wife We called and left a voicemail for ***, asking her to call us back to discuss the cancellation The same day [redacted] called us back told us we keep calling her and to take them off the list and cancel the account because they were unhappy with the service We then tried to offer to get a service professional out to treat as soon as possible but she hung up without letting us take care of the problem Obviously, this was an unreasonable response to our customer service when we were clearly trying to take care of their spider problem They just needed to let us do our jobs and what they contracted us for The ***’s account was then cancelled with the first quarterly service balance as well as the initial discount fee added per the original agreement and welcome letter and then billed to them To this point, Aptive has only ever received payment for the very first initial service I have since reached out and spoke to ***, who seemed reasonable when explaining his issues with the service He first explained he didn’t understand the agreement was for months and that we would be back in days for the first quarterly This after the agreement and welcome letter was gone over by two separate people at different times to ensure this was made clear He also told me his daughter has really bad arachnophobia and just can’t handle seeing any spiders I was able to set his expectations regarding the service, stating there was no such thing as pest “elimination”, but pest “control” is possible I offered to get someone out there again to help with the spiders and reiterated that if they were having continued problems, only more service was going to get them under control He refused but seemed like he understood the service better and how the residuals are designed to work over time [redacted] ***’s account remains closed at this time but the offer still stands for Aptive to come back out any time before the next quarterly service to prove we can definitely handle such a common problem pest such as spiders We have many customers who have utilized our service correctly and are extremely happy with the results Craig R [redacted] Aptive Branch ManagerCincinnati, OH
As I already stated, the contract was signed only after their employee lied, which makes it fraudulent I have reservations speaking to these folks on the phone, as it is not recordable whereas email isThey have already proved to be untrustworthy why would I trust them nowThey have my email and they know how to contact me They choose not to because they don't want what is said to be recordedI exchanged several emails and they offered nothing not even to say they would look into itWhich is very telling and how they conduct their businessThey prey on people who will concede to their fraudulent practices, but I will notThis is not a service that I needed, I switch from somebody else and have proof of thatWhy would I switch from a company to another one that charges me more? Obviously they promised they charge me the same price which they did not I'll pay for the one service they came out for and that isn't not a penny more.Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:Sincerely, [redacted] Phillip
Dear Revdex.com,Our customer [redacted] did indeed request her account be cancelled Upon review of the account it appears that we did send someone out to service the home in error, though because it was a scheduling error on our part the customer was never charged for this service The account is indeed closed and the customer has a zero balance They should not expect any further or billing from Aptive and their account will remain closed until/if/when the customer decides they need further services We are sad to lose any customer and would love the opportunity to service Mrs***'s home again in the future should she ever need our services Thank you for your time and consideration