Aptive Environmental, LLC Reviews (606)
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Address: 109 Space Park S, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 37211-3114
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To whom it may concern:[redacted] signed up for service August 19, 2016 where he started a 12 month agreement. We provided all services. At which time he wanted to cancel service before the year was up. If a customer cancels prior to their agreement being up there is a cancellation fee of 229. We...
have already canceled the account and have remove the fee. We did not charge the cancellation fee associated with [redacted] not fulfilling The year agreement.
Our records do indicate that the customer called in prior to their service on 8/24/2017 to cancel their account. The service on 8/24/2017 should not have been performed. It was a mistake on our part. The service charge for that service has been refunded and the customers account is...
now closed. The Branch Manager left a voicemail with the customer on 8/29/2017 informing them of the mistake and the action taken to rectify. The customer may return the call if they have further questions.
I had been noticing lots of black widow webs on the patio furniture and it made me nervous every time my toddler would be out there playing. Jesus R. came by and treated my house today. He was very fast and had great customer service.
Revdex.com,I Have looked into the account and the situation at hand. I see that we serviced Jenek B[redacted] on February 18 2017 for a total of 109. We sent bills and called regrading the balance but never heard anything back. We then serviced the home again 5/9/2017. A check was sent in a applied to the...
account 5/10/2017 for 109. The account was still past due for the balance in February and in result was sent to collections. A fee of $150 was added to the account as well due to not fulfilling the one year agreement. The account is frozen and remains in collections.
To whom it may concern:We were contracted for a general quarterly pest service with this customer on 9/2/2017. We began service on 9/5/2017 but at that time the customer rescheduled service for 9/9/2017. During this treatment we were made aware of a yellow jacket issue near the shed in the back of...
this home. Upon inspection these nests were found to be located underground. In our agreement that was signed prior to our inspection it clearly states under wasp coverage:"WASP COVERAGE: Wasp coverage is for visible exterior nests only (up to 20 feet above ground). It does not include wasps/bees nests inside walls or soffit areas, and also does not include removal of bee hive"Regardless of this and in an effort to provide quality customer service we used treatments to help with this specific issue. When it comes to the treatment of wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets the best way handle the issue is to remove the nest, in this case if we do not have access to the nest we can not fully warranty the complete control of the nestThe customer called in continuing to see yellow jackets around her home so we explained again the process for successful removal of the issue, but again in an effort to provide quality service we returned for a free re service on 9/20/2017 and treated the areas the best that we could without access to the nest that was underground. Immediately the customer called in demanding a better solution, after discussing it for a third time we set up a time for another free re service the following day to try and physically remove the nest while wearing a bee suit in an effort to go above and beyond for this customer. The customer requested a 30 min call ahead before we arrived for the service and when that call was made they felt like it was to late in the day for it to be serviced and refused to let us try and take care of the issue. Immediately following that phone call our service professional proceeded to a different customer and performed the same service that this customer denied with more then enough light to complete the job. The obvious solution is to reschedule a time to have us come out again for another free re service and to put in effort to remove that nest even though it is outside of our service warranty. As soon as the customer is willing we are ready to take care of this issue . Currently they are refusing this service. If this customer wants to change their mind please call us and we can set that up as soon as possible!
Our sales reps (independent contractors), knock in neighborhoods where we have many customers and have a history of pest problems, in an effort to offer neighborhood discounts and to more effectively treat those areas. After our home owner tells one of our sales reps that they are not...
interested, our sale reps mark that home as a "not interested" in our company app so they do not return and re-know the same home later. Unfortunately, it appears that the specific rep in this neighborhood forgot to do that. We will NEVER encourage our teach our reps to return more than once to any home that was not interested. We apologize about this and will investigate who the sales rep was and speak to them directly about it to ensure it doesn't happen again. Willard W[redacted]Branch Manager--Las Vegas
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I refuse to pay the business anymore fees. I refuse to pay for their treatment of a residence I was not living at and I refuse to pay their bogus "discount fee". I paid in full the original treatment fee that was requested on that date. The business claims no payment was received for the last treatment but my bank statements show a fee paid on 02-01-18 for $123.09. It is not clear if this was for a service or for ending the contract. The company still continued to service the residence on 02-15-18 and tried to charge my account again for that amount on 02-16-18. They admit to trying to clear that additional payment. They continuously send auto payments. I refuse to authorize anymore auto payments to this company.
Great thorough and complete service by the tech Chad. This is our first service with Aptive and would completely recommend it. Cant beat the price for the service!
My name is Mike and I am the Branch Manager of the Nashville location. As soon as this issue was brought to my attention, I reached out personally to Mr. [redacted]. There had been several misunderstandings from the different points of communications and I am happy to say that we were able to reach a...
satisfactory outcome with the customer. I am always available if further action is needed. I've left Mr. [redacted] with my information to contact me personally should anything else arise. From my conversation with Mr. [redacted], we both feel the issue is resolved to our mutual satisfaction.
A check will be sent to Mr. [redacted], there was a data entry error on the services preformed that resulted in the double charge.
On May 20th, 2016 one of our sales representatives contacted Mrs. [redacted] offering our Seasonal Pest Control Service. Our initial service is typically priced at $229 and we extended an offer to perform an initial pest control service for just $69 on condition that the customer...
receives an additional 4 quarterly pest control services at $99 each. We return approximately 30 days later for our first seasonal service. One of the goals of our Service Agreement is to clearly provide not only the schedule for future services but to clarify what happens if the agreement is terminated early. When we returned for the first seasonal service the customer would not allow us to perform services. Someone was home but told our Service Professional to leave. We reached out to the customer again to schedule another appointment and again services were refused. We attempted one more time to provide services and again the customer refused services. Mrs. [redacted] refused services and requested to terminate the contract. We offered to provide a complimentary service and push her first service back a few weeks. We dispatched our Service Manager on 7/27 and the customer refused services again. When we reminded Mrs. [redacted] of the $160 reimbursement of the discount she told our office staff that she “is not paying for it because it didn’t work the first time.” We do our best to keep our customers happy and pest free. We also try to be transparent and upfront with the terms of our Service Agreement. As a courtesy I have attached the signed Service Agreement. We are eager to get this situation resolved. Sincerely, Jared D[redacted] 262-478-7378 Branch Manager Milwaukee, Wisconsin
To whom it May Concern:[redacted] signed up for service and agreed to the prices of 89 dollars a Quarter. He completed a total of 5 services and was cancelled out after fulfilling his agreement and was not charged a cancellation fee. He did have one reservice when he was a customer which are free of charge at any time while a customer. The agreement has been cancelled.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Coming back out will not change the fact that I was misled and lied to multiple times
On 5/4/2017 our service professional did arrived for the scheduled 2:30 PM-4:30 PM appointment at 4:26 PM. As the customer stated they were not able to be there at that time. The service professional proceed to treat the front yard only, because there was no access to the back yard....
This is in keeping with our typical company policy when there is no back yard access. We offer free re-services at a time when the customer is able to meet us for an appointment. The offer for the us to return and service the entire home still stands. The branch manager attempted to contact the customer on 7/11/2017, but had to leave a voicemail. We will continue to attempt to contact the customer to get this matter resolved.
For this customer here we did actually mist a service on 10 August. The service procalled out sick.. It looks like we received a call on the 10th and the 11th saying that he wants to cancel his service this is is the reason why we did not show up on the 12th because of the note saying that he wanted...
to cancel the service. His account shows that it's been canceled since August 11. Will be more than happy to resume the agreement and wave the cancellation fee and continue service. The bill has been receiving is for the cancellation fee you agreement that he sign up is for a full year and if he chooses to void the agreement that he pay the difference of the first service that he had.
The service and quality of products are great and they really do a thorough job! But I have to say that Benjamin the service technician was very knowledgeable and helpful with advice to keep the pest away!
Your account is discontinued. You have a 0.00 balance and you are taken off the mailing list per requested.
The refund to the account happened yesterday and like all banks it takes a couple days in order to see the funds return to the account. We try and communicate all aspects of the sale and agreement with all customers and that is the purpose of going over a Welcome letter explaining the Agreement. With the situation at hand we want to make it right and that is why we have refunded the account and would love to continue services and show the customer we are here for our customers and don't try and get one over or mislead anyone.
Customer made a payment on July 7th through our customer portal. Our customer portal did not transfer the payment to our routing software. We confirmed with our credit card processing company that she did make a payment on her account on July 7th and we worked with our routing software company to...
apply the payment to her account. Her account is now closed with a $0 balance.
Hello [redacted],I'm sorry to hear that you had pneumonia and I sure hope you are feeling better!! I have reviewed your account and it looks like we have called you without response. I sincerely wish you had contacted our office regarding this because we could have easily helped to have resolved this...
with you. I see that you contacted our office on 8/16 requesting to cancel the appointment 8/17. That appointment was cancelled however it looks like there was technical error and the appointment was rescheduled for 8/19 and notifications for that service were sent out 8/17. I apologize for this mistake! I will gladly remove the balance for this service and we can reschedule the appointment for a time and day in the next week or two that would be convenient for you. Again, I wish you had contacted us so that we could have been made aware of the error and corrected it right away for you. The service you have with us is a General Pest service and we do not treat for nor handle reptiles. I'm sure that was scary to find that snake! Please contact our office to schedule the service that is due and I will make the adjustment and on the account. We will talk to you soon!