Anchor General Insurance Company Reviews (168)
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Anchor General Insurance Company Rating
Description: Insurance - Auto
Address: 10256 Meanley Dr, San Diego, California, United States, 92131
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
This is not was I was tell went I cancel my insurance Anchor General . I never receive any bill of $242.28 . all I receive was a bill of 149.00 because that was the balance of my monthly bill of the premium, went I receive a bill for $172.00 I call on 9/21/14 to ask why my bill was going to be $172.00 of the new policy starting on 10/1/14 , the tell me that I can stay of leave , the reason my premium was going to be more was because everything goes up and that I have until the 10/30/14 to cancel or continue whit this new policy , and I went back to [redacted] insurance and ask for a better insurance and they help me to get Infinity . The $118.28 was the total of my previews insurance before I add the [redacted] 2023 and remove the [redacted] 2011 , and why I receive a bill of 118. 28 6 months after , why I don't received went I cancel my policy on September 2014 and revive a bill on 2/25/15 , just don't understand this is not right
This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated January 7, 2015 received from the BetterBusiness Bureau on your behalf.We reviewed your request and the claim [redacted] regarding your December 1, 2014 loss reported to us onDecember 10,2014 by you.On December 18, 2014, you advised your adjuster [redacted]...
[redacted] that you didnot wish to leave your vehicle at [redacted] (shop of your choice) and would like it moved to[redacted] (nearest PPO Shop).On December 31, 2014, after receiving your final estimate payment was sent to [redacted] in the amount of$1,906.13 ($2,156.13- $250 deductible). In regards to thestorage your shop charged in the amount of $382.00, we paid for $150.00, which is reasonablesince you reported the loss to us 10 days after it occurred. We confirmed today that they are notcharging you for any of them and will absorb them. We also, confinned your vehicle will becompleted January 27, 2015.If you should need additional assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contactthe undersigned at [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]Manager Material Damage Claims
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Dear Ms. [redacted]:This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated May 31, 2016 received from the on your behalf.We reviewed your request and the claim filed regarding your April 5, 2016 loss reported to us on April 5, 2016 by you. On April 28, 2016, we received you repair...
estimate and confirmed your vehicle was in for repairs. At that time we issued payment to Advance Auto Body in the amount of $4,823.58 ($5,823.58 - $1,000 deductible). On May 16, 2016, after receiving your final repair estimate in the amount of $15,064.97 and the Actual Cash Value of your vehicle is $22,794.82; your vehicle was deemed a total loss. On May 20, 2016, Ms. [redacted] spoke with [redacted] at the Law Offices of [redacted] and went over the total loss process. After confirming the mileage on your vehicle, Ms. [redacted] submitted your total loss settlement for approval and advised you that upon approval she will send the total loss documents and contact you since you are no longer represented by an attorney.If you should need additional assistance please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted].Sincerely,Manager Material Damage Claims
Dear Mr. [redacted]:This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated January 26, 2015 received from the on your behalf.We reviewed your request and the claim filed regarding your July 28, 2015 loss reported to us on the same date. At that time, Ms. [redacted] referred your file to...
management for review. After our special investigation unit complete their investigation on October 29, 2015, your file was reassigned to Ms. [redacted].On November 5, 2015, we advised [redacted] that coverage had been confirmed payment was issued to them for the amount of $3,924.45 ($4,424.45 - $500 deductible).We confirmed with the shop that the repairs have been completed along with unrelated damage and that your vehicle is completed at [redacted]. We had a safety inspection completed by the Manufacture's dealership and confirmed that all repairs were within industry standards,If you should need additional assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted].
Dear [redacted]:We are addressing this matter directly with the consumer and the consumer’s sister, [redacted].Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I m not satisfied because anchor general did not include all the damage. the first adjuster left off a lot of the damage and had 2 be called back out 2 re-evaluate the damage they left off. on the second time around they still did not add all of the damage. so I still am unable 2 get my car back. now they have 2 go and add the damage they forgot a third time. this is an inconvience 2 me. anchor general are the ones who said the car goes to [redacted] not me. so they lied about that. and the car was taken 2 [redacted] on dec. 10. 2014. they left it sitting there for 20 days. I reported the accident on dec. 10,2014. they need 2 pay full storage fees also. what they are doing is not right.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide det
Dear Ms. [redacted]:This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated June 22, 2016 received from the on your behalf.We reviewed your request and the claim filed regarding your May 31, 2016 loss reported to us on June 1, 2016 by you. On June 9, 2016, we received your repair...
estimate in the amount of $6,191.43 and the Actual Cash Value of your vehicle is $7,417.31 your vehicle was deemed a total loss. On June 14, 2016, your file was assigned to Ms. [redacted] to handle the total loss. After confirming your vehicle was at Copart and receiving the total loss settlement, Ms. [redacted] called and went over the total loss settlement amount of $7,121.61, after your $1,000 deductible and mailed the offer. We are currently awaiting the completed total loss documents and title from you to issue payment.If you should need additional assistance please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted], wSincerely,[redacted] Manager Material Damage Claims
December 29, 2014Ms. [redacted]Ref: #: [redacted] Claim#: [redacted] Policy#: [redacted] D.O.L:...
[redacted] Insured: [redacted] Complainant: [redacted]Dear M.s [redacted]:This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated October 8, 2014 received from the BetterBusiness Bureau on your behalf.Your vehicle was deemed a total loss on October 28, 2014, and the total loss settlement was sentto you on November 21,2014, in the amount of$10,447.72, which is less your $500 deductible.On December 5, 2014, we received your completed total. loss settlement documents andrequested a pay off from your finance company, Los Angeles Federal Credit Union. OnDecember 23, 2014 we sent a check in the amount of $5,047.90 to Los Angeles Federal CreditUnion and the balance of $5,399.82 to you.If you should need additional assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contactthe undersigned at 1-800-542-6246.Sincerely, [redacted]Manager Material Damage Claims
Mr. [redacted]RE: ANCHOR GENERAL INIURANC! COMPANYlnaured: [redacted] File t: 1 [redacted]Polley 0: [redacted]Dear [redacted]In responee to your Inquiry, be advised that prior to the date of cancellation, you owed atotal of $242.28. Thla Included •...
balance of $70.28 carried over from the prior policyterm (March 21, 2014 to September 21, 2014), aa wellae $172.00 of earned premiumfrom September 28, 2014 to October 30, 2014 and $26 policy fees. A paym.nt of$149.00 was applied on September ~8, 2014, thueleavlng a balance of $118.28.Accordingly, we are unable to the unpaid balance. You may also contact our Cu1tomerService Department at the number referenced above If you wlah to dlacuu this furtheror wish to make payment arrangements.An eccountlng breakdown Ia enclosed for your reference.Please contact us If you have any further questions.
Dear Ms. [redacted]:This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated January 20, 2015 received from the on your behalf.We have carefully reviewed your request and the claim filed with us involving the November 22, 2014 loss. Upon filing this claim with us, you were advised of...
the PPO repair facility closest to your residence. Be advised that the Preferred Provider Organization (“PPO") provision, as contained in your policy with Anchor General Insurance Company was explained to you according to our notes. This provision is also outlined in your insurance application, under the section entitled “COVERAGE RESTRICTIONS", and the contents to this provision are also contained in the acknowledgment letter mailed to you on November 27, 2015. This provision clearly explains that you would be responsible for 20% of the repair estimate if the repair facility chosen is not a PPO.On December 8, 2015, we received your repair estimate. We then called and left a message and sent you a letter as well. On January 5, 2016, we obtained your statement and concluded our investigation. At that time, you informed your adjuster Ms. [redacted] you would be taking your vehicle to RSM Motorsports for the repairs and that you were aware you would be responsible for the 20% NON PPO Penalty and your deductible.On January 19, 2016, confirming your vehicle was at RSM Motorsports and receiving their completed W9 form, payment was issued to them for a total of $175,42 ($1,469.27 - $293.85 20% NON PPO Penalty - $1,000 deductible). On February 1, 2016, after receiving a supplement we issued payment to RSM Motorsports in the amount of $1,747.01 ($3,065.45 - $613.29 less 20% NON PPO Penalty - $293.85 less paid $1,000 less deductible),On February 5, 2016, we called RSM Motorsports and confirmed there was no additional supplement pending and your vehicle would be completed next week. If you should need additional assistance or have any questions regarding the interpretation of your policy, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted] Manager Material Damage Claims
Their client intentionally smashed all of our cars.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
First the policy in which I agree does informed of of the fee that applies if a transaction fail with the bank as mentioned however our dispute is not similar to the describe scenario, as the due was paid before the attempt to Charge my account on the 9th. In addition, the buiness website does informed how all payment are considered received at the time payment are submitted clearly indicating that when I paid on 6th my payment was considered received (their system actually indicates the same) noting provides Information on processing or else.Finally a similar transaction was made the month before at the precise same date and no fee was deducted to my knowledge (and if any I am requesting a reimbursement of that charge as we are now in dispute.)if we follow the logic that the business implies, a 2x charge for the policy would had occurred on the month before on from my check card and one from my now closed account--This was not the case, which we can clearly conclude that once the due is paid, before the deduction or electronic attempt date, no electronic deduction takes place..This is for me a clear attempt to just ignore logic associated with facts and hide behind a policy without even attempting to review the issue. I may be in comparison to your 20+ years customers just a mere beginer with your company but as a customer I had no issue with the company and was actually in great satisfaction until this issue. I had no 2nd doubt of a continously relationship in which you provide me great coverage for an affordable price. However I am now fearing what could had been if the issue was of a more severe gravity..Please review the issue at not only from business perpective (as im sure will show it has nothing to do with a $27 issue but more has to do about enforcing the rules) but also from a customer perspective as it does have do with a $27issue and trust associated with satisfaction.
Thank you again with Regards,
Dear Ms. [redacted]:This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated January 5, 2015 received from the on your behalf.We reviewed your request and the claim filed regarding your December 12, 2015 loss reported to us on December 16, 2015. Since the date of loss was within the first 3 days of the policy inception your claim was assigned to Ms. [redacted] in our coverage investigation unit. On January 4, 2015, Ms. [redacted] spoke with you and advised you that coverage had been cleared and your claim would be reassigned to an adjuster to handle the damages to your vehicle.On January 5, 2106, Mr. [redacted] was assigned to your file and called and obtained your statement and went over the claims process.On January 7, we advised Endless Auto Body that coverage had been confirmed payment was issued to them for the amount of $7,524.85 ($8,024.85 - $500 deductible).We confirmed with the shop that the repairs were completed and you were satisfied with the repairs.If you should need additional assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted],[redacted] Manager Material Damage Claims
Review: On the night of December 23rd 2013, my 2012 Chevrolet Captiva was broken into during a Monday night football game in San Francisco. Ive since called my insurance (Anchor General) so that I may get two windows fixed. I've called two glass companies that were willing to do the work. Both unable to reach my Insurance company for any comment. When I call Anchor General all they tell me is that I must wait until an adjuster calls me about my car but they will not tell me who my adjuster is or their extension so I may call them. I am extremely upset as I am home visiting my family for the holidays and approximately 400 miles away from where I am stationed in the Marine Corps. The job is only 1-3 hours of work and I would like to get it done prior to my drive back home. My complaint is that my Insurance has failed to contact me or the auto glass companies in order to get this resolved even though we have attempted to contact them multiple times.Desired Settlement: I want it known that Anchor General Insurance is not keeping to their advertised "quality of service" and I just want my vehicle fixed
Anchor General
Insurance Company
January 29, 2014
Ref: [redacted]
Dear. Mr. [redacted]:
This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated January 17. 20 14 received from the on your behalf.
We have carefully reviewed your request and the claim filed with us involving the December 23, 2013 loss. We received the initial quote to repair the passenger door and quarter. glass for $475.00, which was less than your $500 deductible. At that time, you were advised to final the repairs and submit the receipt for reimbursement On January 20. 2014, your adjuster Ms. [redacted] called you to inquire about the final cost of repairs, you told her you handled the repairs and no longer wished to pursue your claim. At that time, she sent you a closing letter.
If you did repair your vehicle and the repairs were over your $500 deductible, please submit your receipt alone with the comprehensive loss form we sent you so we can review for reimbursement.
If you should need additional assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at ###-###-####.
Sincerely [redacted]
Manager Material Damage Claims
cc: [redacted], The
[redacted], Anchor General Insurance Company
I have had anchor General for many years and had 2 accidents. The first I waited nearly 4 months to to hear anything back after several phone calls and complaints. This past March I was in a accident and my statement with police and insurance was the same that I wasn't the driver at the time of the accident. After 30 days they called and started harassing me saying I lied and said I was driving. So after losing my car being in the hospital and the insurance saying the how much I am getting back from my car, it turned into I lied and they aren't paying for anything because of it. she said she didn't want to sound disrespectful she said but your On your own. I have always had full coverage but she says I only have liability. This is a predator company and is very deceiving and doesn't care about the consumer at all. You would think they would want to help policy holders to stay with them but it is the opposite.
Review: I have a complain about I paying for full coverage insurance my car is 2013 [redacted] it was hit and run it wasn't my fall the insurance want me to pay the$ 1000.00 dollars deductible plus 25% more and they don't want to pay for the rental car they stated the policy was expired I never made any change in the policy they make all kind of excuses for not to pay I ben having the worse 2 weeks in my life tray to deal with the insurance that don't return you call the I want to know if they can pay for the full estimate to recompose my stress for more than 3 weeks to ben ignore by anchor staff and discriminatedDesired Settlement: I want anchor to pay for the car I still waiting for the car is not fix body shop said one more week
3 weeks to fix a bumper light by a ring and a tired check the suspension plus the rental car they need to be responsible and pay for estimate faster the take to long to send the adjuster more than a week to
ANCHOR GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY OF TEXAS, INC.Authorized representative of ANCHOR GENERAL Insurance CompanyJuly 30, 2015Via Fax: (858) 496-2141Revdex.comAttn: [redacted]4747 Viewridge Ave #200San Diego, CA 92123Re: Insured:Claim Number:Date of Loss:Customer:Revdex.comID##:Dear [redacted]
[redacted]Be advised that Anchor Genet·al Insurance Agency of Texas, Inc. is an authorizedrepresentative of Anchor General Insurance Company.This letter is in response to a complaint made by [redacted] This matter is inreference to a claim for our policyholder [redacted]. The claim was reported to uson 6/18/15. Mr. [redacted]'s vehicle sustained damage in the amount of$2,599.86. He hasa $1,000.00 collision deductible. Mr. [redacted] has never had rental coverage on hispolicy. The check in the amount of $1,599.86 to repair his vehicle was issued on 7/1115.Femanda [redacted] is not the policyholder nor is she a listed ddver on this policy. Our fileIs closed at this time.If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at your convenience.P.O. Box 509020 San Diego, CA 92150-9020 TEL 800.542.6246 FAX 858.527.3740
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide det
Review: I cancelled my policy on October 7, 2013. I have called on multiple occasions inquiring about the status of my refund and am always given the run a round. I was told that it would take 2-3 weeks. Then I was told 3 weeks. I called again on 10-31-13 and was told that I should see it in 2 days. It has officially been a month in business days and NO refund.Desired Settlement: I want a refund in the amount of $176.48 issued back to my credit card.
P.O. Box 509020
San Diego, CA 92150
License #0B67344
November 8, 2013 of San Diego
4747 Vlewridge Avenue, Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92123
VIa Fax: 858-496-2141
Total Pages: 1
lnsured: [redacted]
policy #: [redacted] Complaint# [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
This letter Is In response to your inquiry dated November 5, 2013
On October 9, 2013, our office processed Ms. [redacted]'s request to cancel her policy effective
October 7, 2013, On November 1, 2013, our office mailed a refund check (# [redacted]) In the
amount of $176.48 to Ms. [redacted]
If you should have any additional questions, feel free to contact me.
Anchor General Insurance Agency, Inc
Review: Was involved in a non-fault accident on 6/27/2015. Was cut off by another driver making an illegal left turn at a "no U turn or left turn" intersection, and collided with their rear driver door at approx 30 - 35mph. I was in a completely customized car of mine, with over $15k invested in it, and it was totaled in the wreck. If it weren't for another driver's dashboard camera, Anchor General Insurance would still be claiming that the accident seemed to be mutual fault. Shame.
About a month after the accident, and a week after completely flaking on our initial appointment, the damage appraiser showed up to my house and executed the sorriest excuse of an appraisal humanly possible. Did not pay attention to anything I was trying to show him, took minimal photos, finished his inspection in 5 minutes flat, and was gone.
Another few weeks go by, and I get an offer for my vehicle. $3650. Complete nonsense. The STOCK vehicle cost $3800 plus tax and reg. fees alone, not to mention all the customizations. We go back and forth for months, debating the bogus appraisal of my vehicle. I submit a receipt for the custom paint job, which was done only 2 years prior to the accident. The paint job cost me $4575. The next appraisal I received included an extra $100 to compensate for the custom paintjob! WOW!
I took the time to list every single aftermarket product that I paid to have added to my vehicle, and the total racked up to about $15,000. Anchor General makes me a final offer of $5050 for the car. At this point, I am being forced to hire an independent appraiser to do a PROPER inspection and ACCURATE appraisal of my vehicle, which I will have to pay for out of my own pocket. I will also most likely have to hire my attorney for this case in order to get the proper payout for my vehicle which was totaled by Anchor General's client. Keep in mind, this accident occurred June 27th, 2015. Today is March 9th, 2016.
I PRAY you are never at the mercy of Anchor General Insurance!Desired Settlement: A proper inspection of my vehicle, and a realistic offer to settle the property damage portion of my claim, claim #[redacted]
This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated March 9, 2016 from the regarding status of this case. According to the complaint from the, you contend that the property damage involving your 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88 was not properly inspected and a reasonable settlement offer was not made for the total loss of your vehicle.Your vehicle was deemed a total loss and our initial valuation of your 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88 had an Actual Cash Value (ACV) of $3,655.00. We made a Total Loss offer to you on 7/31/2015 in the amount of $3,670.50 (this offer included taxes/fees and salvage value deduction), You responded to our offer stating that you added customizations to your vehicle and you would forward supporting documentation. You provided us with a paint estimate with a handwritten paid in full date of 4/8/2013 and a stereo invoice dated 07/30/2014,We re-ran the valuation of your vehicle with the updated documents for a third time and used 2 different soureces; Autosource Market-Driven Valuation and Mitchell Workcenter. Autosource provided an ACV of $3.075.00 (not including taxes and fees) and Mitchell Workcenter provided an ACV of $4,575.00. We honored the higher ACV and forwarded a copy of the Mitchell Workcenter Valuation report.We forwarded-the-updated valuation report to you on 3/916 and you responded by filing the complaint.Below is a breakdown of the total loss of your 1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88:$4,575.00 = Actual cash value $457.50+ Sales Tax (10%)$21,00+ DMV Salvage Transfer Fee $15.00 + DMV Application Fee$629.70 + Loss of Use (30 days x $20,99 per day)$350.00 - Salvage allowance (you retain salvage) $35.00 - Salvage sales tax$5,313.20 = Our SettlementWe are issuing a check for in a separate envelope for the undisputed amount. To finalize this settlement it will be necessary for the registered owner to sign and return the enclosed property damage release. For your convenience I have enclosed a self-addressed envelope. As soon as the release is received in our office, a settlement draft in the agreed amount will be issued.This letter is to advise you of your obligation to notify the California Department of Motor Vehicles of the ownership of a total loss salvage vehicle.Section 11515 (c) Californian Vehicle CodeDMV Salvage Retention Certificate: as required by California Vehicle Code 11515 b(If the owner retains salvage, we are required to notify the DMV; you, the vehicle owners are also required to notify the DMV at [redacted] within 10 days of acceptance of our offer. This notice may affect the loss vehicle’s future resale and/or insured value and you have a right to seek a refund of the unused license fees from the DMV.)By copy of this letter, we are advising the of our response to you and our compliance with the Regulations.I trust this is a satisfactory response to your inquiry. However, if you have additional concerns, please contact your claims representative, [redacted].