Anchor General Insurance Company Reviews (168)
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Anchor General Insurance Company Rating
Description: Insurance - Auto
Address: 10256 Meanley Dr, San Diego, California, United States, 92131
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Ref: No: [redacted]Clahn #: [redacted]Policy 'H: [redacted]D.O.L: [redacted]Insured: [redacted]Complainant: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:This will acknowledae receipt of an inquiry dated February 23,2015 received from the BetterBusiness Bureau on your behalf.We have carefully reviewed your...
request and the claim filed with us involving the February 6,2015 loss. Upon filing this claim with us, you were advised of the PPO repair facility closest toyour residence. Be advised that the Preferred Provider Orianization ("PPO'') provision_ ascontained in your policy with Anchor General Insurance Company was explained to youaccording to our notes. This provision is also outlined in your insurance application, under thesection entitled "COVERAGE RESTRICTIONS", and the contents to this provision are alsocontained in the acknowledgment letter mailed to you on February 11, 2015. This provisionclearly explains that you would be responsible for 30% of the repair estimate if the repair facilitychosen is not a PPO.We confinned your vehicle was at [redacted] (PPO Shop) on February 11, 2015.We received and reviewed your repair estimate on February 23,2015 and payment was issued to[redacted] on February 27. 2015 for a total of $5,523.68 ($6,194.41 .. $500deductible -S 170.73 betterment).On March 6, 2015, due to the amount of damages to your vehicle it will take time to completethe repairs correctly an4 the shop anticipates the repairs to be completed by April 17, 201 S,We have assianed your file to [redacted] to keep in contact with the shop to makesure there are no delays on the repairs. If you have any questions, please call her at [redacted] ext. [redacted].If you should need additional assistance or have any questions regarding the interpretation ofyour policy, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted];This letter is in regards to your complaint addressed to the On March 4, 2016, we received your request to cancel your policy, however, in order to process this request we responded that we needed a “signed" request to cancel as your email did not show a...
signature,Based on your letter to the we will cancel your policy effective February 28, 2016, I have included a copy of the cancellation declaration page noting the effective date of you cancellation, Your refund will be sent within 30 days.We will retain a copy of your complaint to the as evidence of your request to cancel this policy,If you should have any additional questions, feel free to contact me,
Dear [redacted]:Anchor Claims Services, Inc is an authorized claim representative ofT[redacted] Company. This willacknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated May 29, 215 received from the Revdex.comon your behal£We spoke with your attorney [redacted] on Aprll22 and 23,2015 and advised...
we needed a statementfrom you to assist with our investigation. At that tjme, he advised you were waiting to hear from theclaimant carrier, [redacted], to see if they would handle your damages.On April 29, 2015, your adjuster [redacted] spoke with [redacted] at your shop of choice[redacted] who said they had heard from Infinity Insurance and they have a limits issue. Wecalled your attorney [redacted] and left a mossaae to discuss the repairs to your vehicle due to theUmjts issue Infinity Insurance had.On May 4, 2015, [redacted] left a meuage for your attorney. Your car's actual cash was$15,719.16 and the total repair estimate was $10t376.85. Your vehicle was, therefore, deemed a total lossand we notified your attorney of this on May 6, 2015. We called and left a detailed message with yourattorney indicating that your vehiote•s sta1lls and explained that we needed for you to release your vehicleto us. We received a oall back from your attorney on May 11,2015 confirming your vehicle was releasedand we dispatched Copart Salvage (storage free facility) to pick up your vehicle.On May 12, 2015, a message wu left for your attorney to discuss the storage fees. On May 13t 2015, wereooived a call fioom your attomey, [redacted], and we discussed the storage charges that had accnJedsince your vehicle was at a non-PPO shop. [redacted] told us to have your vehicle moved to Copartand to deduct any charges not covered :&om your total loss settlement.On May 18, 2015, after the coverage investigation wu completed and we oonftnned your vehicle was atCopan, your file was reassigned to [redacted] for handling of your total loss settlement. On May27, 2015, the total loss settlement was approved and we sent your attorney the total lou settlement offerof$13,944.16, which is after your $500 deductible.We are owrently pending your completed settlement documents. Once receive~ we will contact yourlienholder [redacted] to obtain the payoff amount and finalize your claim.Please contact your adjuster [redacted] with any questions you have at (800) 542-6246[redacted]If you should need additional assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contactthe undersigned at [redacted]Sincerely,[redacted]Manager Material Damage Claimscc.: [redacted], The Revdex.comP.
In accordance with your request of October 10, 2017 please find enclosed a copy of our response to [redacted]. A claim was filed for a loss that occurred August 26, 2017. Coverage was reviewed under a reservation of rights. Based on records through our Underwriting Department, the policy cancelled...
prior to the date of loss therefore no coverage was available under thispolicy.If you should need additional assistance or have any questions and or concerns please contact
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12489212, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I can not help the their policy holder is not being cooperative. She has already admitted that they hit my car. I want my bumper fixed. I should not have to file it with my insurance. Nor should I be out any money.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I still have not received my complete policy as required. Please have anchor General Insurance send my complete insurance policy. I need to read my policy. That is all I am asking.
I have tried logging in with my email address and it does not recognize it. I wouldn't have used another one. So I am unsure if I am a policy holder, though I should be since they are still charging me.
This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated January 20, 2015 received from the on your behalf.We have carefully reviewed your request and the claim filed with us involving the November 22, 2014 loss. Upon filing this claim with us, you were advised of the PPO repair facility closest to your residence, Be advised that the Preferred Provider Organization (“PPO") provision, as contained in your policy with Anchor General Insurance Company was explained to you according to our notes. This provision is also outlined in your insurance application, under the section entitled “COVERAGE RESTRICTIONS", and the contents to this provision are also contained in the acknowledgment letter mailed to you on November 27, 2015. This provision clearly explains that you would be responsible for 20% of the repair estimate if the repair facility chosen is not a PPO,On December 8, 2015, we received your repair estimate and called and left a message as well as sent you a letter. On January 5, 2016, we obtained your statement and concluded our investigation. At that time, you informed your adjuster Ms. [redacted] you would be taking your vehicle to RSM Motorsports for the repairs and you were aware you would be responsible for the 20% NON PPO Penalty and your deductible.On January 19, 2016, confirming your vehicle was at RSM Motorsports and receiving their completed W9 form, payment was issued to them for a total of $175,42 ($1,469.27 - $293.85 20% NON PPO Penalty - $1,000 deductible). On February 1, 2016, after receiving a supplement we issued payment to RSM Motorsports in the amount of $1,747.01 ($3,065.45 - $613.29 less 20% NONPPO Penalty - $293.85 less paid $1,000 less deductible),On February 5, 2016, we called RSM Motorsports and confirmed there was no additional supplement pending and your vehicle would be completed next week.If you should need additional assistance or have any questions regarding the interpretation of your policy, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted].
This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry from your office requesting a response to the issues raised in the complaint.On April 4, 2016 our insured reported that he struck the complainant’s parked and unoccupied vehicle. The handling examiner spoke with the complainant on April 13, 2016 and...
confirmed he was handling his repairs thru his owner carrier, [redacted]. On April 21, 2016 we issued the complainant a check in the amount of $50.00 to cover his dedtuctible. Once we receive their subrogation demand we will issue a check for 100% of the repairs and issue a check directly to the complainant for any out of pocket rental expenses he may have incurred.Anchor General Insurance strives for excellent customer service. We believe this file was handled promptly and professionally.
Dear Mr. [redacted]:This letter is in response to your complaint filed with the find enclosed a copy of the requested policy contract. This contract includes allendorsements listed on the declaration pages that have been mailed to you previously.I trust this responds to the...
concerns outlined in your complaint.Sincerely,[redacted]Manger Internal AuditAnchor General Insurance Agency, San Diego
RE: ANCHOR GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANYInsured: [redacted] File#: [redacted]Policy #: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:The has advised Anchor General Insurance Agency that youhave filed a complaint in regards to your insurance policy. Please find below ourresponse to your...
inquiry.From our review of your policy, we verified that a $27.00 returned check fee wascharged correctly. It is our standard procedure in for any NSF and this was explained toyou by our customer service. Per the EFT Agreement you signed, Anchor should benotified in advance (15 days prior to next scheduled payment) to stop automaticpayment. Because this was not done, the payment was effected and it resulted in theNSF fee charged.If you should have any additional questions, feel free to contact Revdex.comFax (858) 496-2141
I was insured by them, at the time of the accident. I just recently canceled them now because of the difficulty and unprofessional service they provide.
Dear Mr. [redacted]:This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated February 12, 2016 received from the on your behalf.You reported this claim to us on January 26, 2016. We sent an acknowledgment letter to you, notifying you of...
our coverage investigation. After concluding our investigation it was determined that the policy of insurance for [redacted] cancelled prior to this accident. Therefore, no coverage was available for this loss. A coverage denial letter was sent to you on February 15, 2016.If you should need additional assistance or have any questions regarding this claim please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted].
This letter is in response to a complaint made by [redacted]. This claim wasreported to us by [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] advised she was in an accident with avehicle insured under our policy. The driver of Ms. [redacted]'s vehicle advised that hecould not confirm the name or identity of the man that...
was driving our policyholder'svehicle. There was no police report written and there were no independent witnesses.We have spoken with our policyholder, who claims she was driving the vehicle and thather brother was a passenger at the time.There are restricted driver endorsements on [redacted]'s policy. Therefore, we needindependent confirmation that [redacted] was the driver involved in this accident inorder to confirm that coverage will be afforded. We have hired an investigator to meetwith Ms. [redacted] and her brother in person and secure detailed statements from both ofthem. We are still pending the investigative report back from our investigator.If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at your convenience.[redacted]Claims Manager
Ref: Claim#: 15257062Policy#: [redacted]D.O.L: [redacted]Insured: [redacted]Complainant: [redacted] #: [redacted]This will acknowledge receipt of an inquiry dated March 27,2015 received from the BetterBusiness Bureau on your behalf.We roviewed your...
request and the claim ftled roprding your March 9, 2015 lou reported to us on March19, 2015 by you.On March 24,2015 your adjuster, [redacted] called you and left a voice mail tocontact her to discuss your claim. On April15, 2015, your adjuster left voice mall messages foryou to call her. On April16, 2015, we received status from the ~ppraisal company, ** *Appraisal Services that you were withdrawini yom claim with us and were not allowina us toinspect your vehicle. Please contact your adjuster, [redacted] at [redacted], soyou can discuss this claim with her.If you should need additional assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contactthe undersigned at [redacted]Sincerely,~~Manager Material Damage Claimscc.: [redacted], The Better Business
ANCHOR GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANYSeptember 9, 2015[redacted]Ref: Clainn #: [redacted]Policy #: [redacted] D.O.L.: [redacted] Insured: [redacted] Complainant: [redacted] #: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:This will acknowledge receipt of an...
inquiry dated August 14, 2015 received from the on your behalf.We have carefully reviewed your request and the claim filed with us involving the July 17, 2015 loss. Upon filing this claim with us, you were advised of the PPO repair facility closest to your residence, Be advised that the Preferred Provider Organization (“PPO") provision, as contained in your policy with Anchor General Insurance Company was explained to you according to our notes. This provision is also outlined in your insurance application, under the section entitled "COVERAGE RESTRICTIONS”. This provision clearly explains that you would be responsible for 20% of the repair estimate if the repair facility chosen is not a PPO,On July 21, 2015, your adjuster [redacted] who obtained your statement and advise you you're your estimate was received we would contact you to discuss your loss further. On August 14, 2014, you spoke with [redacted] who obtained additional information and advised you that your file was being referred to our Special Investigation Unit, due to the fact this was a recently purchased policy and the loss occurred 6 days after it was purchased. After their investigation was completed on August 17, 2015 your file was referred back to [redacted] to conclude your loss -On August 24, 2015, after no response from you we issued the undisputed amount of $1,623.90 ($2,123.90 - $500 deductible) to you and [redacted]., your finance company,Your file has now been referred to our subrogation department and they will attempt to recover the money paid out on your claim.If you should need additional assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted] Manager Material Damage ClaimsCC.: [redacted] The[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. Id: [redacted] my name is [redacted]. I got your email thanks for answering me. The reason I complained was because my policy wasn’t expired. Even when I called they give me a response and gave me a confirmation number. After one month later they said we cancel your insurance because we don’t have picture of Toyota Corolla. Said we didn’t find you by your address that’s why we cancelled it. I went to San Leandro office and they showed me a picture at the office of the Toyota Corolla. Even if they needed to find me they can call the post office and see I changed my address. Even if they sent any mail to me to my old address it would be sent to new address. If my policy is expired they are in the right but this very serious the reason to cancel the insurance is not valid. I can fax any paperwork to you can you please send a fax number. They made me drive without insurance one month if I hurt somebody who would be responsible. Nobody told me I was without insurance no paperwork or call was given. What they are saying I don’t agree with can you please fix the problem. They keep saying they will fix the problem but they haven’t done anything. Thank you for you help it’s very appreciated.
January 12, 2015[redacted]RE: ANCHOR GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED: [redacted] POLICY#: [redacted] CLAIM#: [redacted] DATE OF LOSS: 10-11-14 ID #: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:The bas advised Anchor General Insurance Company that...
you have filed acomplaint in regards to this automobile insurance policy. Below, you will find our response to yourinquiry.We have carefully reviewed your complaint which was submitted on 12-8-14 and your main concern wasthat you had not received payment for your damaged vehicle. As you are aware, I spoke to you on 12-8-14 and advised that we were issuing payment to you in the amount of $315.22 for the damage to yourvehicle. The check was issued that same day for the full amount of your estimate.I regret that our actions did not meet your expectations. In the future if you have questions please call medirectly. Sincerely, [redacted]Anchor General Insurance Agency CC: [redacted] of San Diego & Imperial Counties
March 26, 2015[redacted]Anchor General InsuranceANcHoR e G ENERALINSURANCE COMPANY[redacted]Re: File #Insured· Policy#Claim#Date of LossComplainantDear [redacted]1/26/15[redacted]No. 4912 P. 2/2This will acknowledge receipt ofan inquiry...
dated March 13, 2015, from the Better BusinessBureau on your behalf. You reported to us on January 27, 2015 that your vehicle was stolen onor about January 26, 2015, and was recovered on February 2, 2015.According to the complaint from the you alleged that the handling ofthis clafm was being delayed by the carrier and has not been paid to date. After careful revfewof the claim It was determined that your claim was approved for settlement on February 25,2015. At that tlme your vehicle· was brought to the repair shop. Initially It was determined thatthe damages caused when· your·vehfcle was stolen were repairable. There were addltfonal ·· :: - ·damages that appeared to be a. Mechanical issue with your car. By March 10, 2015 It wasdetermined that all the damages to your vehlde-were a result of your vehicle being stolen andyour vehicle was deemed·a total less. At this time the total loss settlement Is In process. Perour knowledge your are content with the claim being resolved as a total loss.We are advising the of our response to you, and of our compliance withthe California Department of Insurance Regulations on this claim.I trust this is a satisfactory response to your Inquiry as the property damage portion of thisclaim as been resolved. However, should you have additional questions please contact theundersig!)ed.[redacted]Anchor General InsuranceCC: [redacted] - of Imperial COunties[redacted]
Dear be advised that Anchor General Insurance Agency of [redacted] is an authorizedrepresentative of Anchor General Insurance Company.We are in receipt of the request for assistance that was submitted to The by[redacted]. [redacted] is...
pursuing a claim for property damage due to an accident whichoccurred on December 24, 2014.We contacted [redacted] on May 28lh and reissued his check for the full amount of his propertydamage. Therefore. this issue is already resolved.If you have any questions, you may contact me at [redacted]Sincerely,[redacted]Claims Manager