American Disposal Services, Inc Reviews (227)
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American Disposal Services, Inc Rating
Description: Waste Reduction, Disposal, Recycle Equipment, Rubbish & Garbage Removal
Address: 10370 Central Park Dr, Manassas, Virginia, United States, 20110-4196
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Review: On 20 May 2013, I contacted American Disposal Services (ADS) to request a quote on the "Removal of a demolished shed and associated materials from a pile in my yard". The demolished shed materials (henceforth Construction Waste) consisted of a demolished shed (plastic), associated materials from the assembled structure (steel beams, screws, bolts nuts), and foundation (brick paving stones, metal track, concrete anchors). The Construction Waste was placed in front of my home in a consolidated pile. All items from the demolished shed were visibly sorted by material type with the exception of small pieces of assembled structure material (screws, bolts, nuts). ADS ([redacted] ext. [redacted]) indicated they would provide a quote for the service following an inspection by an ADS Supervisor. The Supervisor arrived on 21 May 2013, but did not make direct contract with myself or my wife. ADS ([redacted]) contacted my wife (assumed) following the notification of the inspection by the Supervisor and quoted a price of $80 for the removal of the construction material located in front of our home. Following this quote, we accepted the contract verbally and provided payment via Credit Card (+$5 fee) through the telephone to ADS [redacted] (ext [redacted]). ADS ([redacted]) indicated we were to have our materials collected on Friday 24 May 2013 by ADS. We discussed requirements for removal, which included the location of the haul away materials. I was informed that the materials needed to be on or near the curb in order for ADS to remove them as they are not allowed to enter personal property. I discussed the fact that the materials were located just beyond the sidewalk (the same location the ADS Supervisor first observed) and was subsequently informed the location was acceptable for ADS.
1) On 24 May 2013 at approximately 0830 ET ADS arrived to remove the Construction Materials. Upon arrival, they encountered cars in front of the waste blocking removal of the construction materials. The ADS Team took a picture of the obstruction and of the pile, and sent this picture to ADS ([redacted]) who then informed my wife that the pile would have to be moved into the street. My wife notified me of this issue, so I promptly left work, returned home, and moved the pile into my empty parking space in the street.
2) Around 1000 ET, ADS returned to my home to remove the construction materials. However, they did not remove any of the foundation materials in the street. ADS ([redacted]) informed my wife via telephone that ADS would not haul brick materials as policy. Upon hearing of this, I contacted ADS ([redacted]) to inquire about the issues we experienced and the nature of our contract.
During this conversation with ADS ([redacted]) I inquired as to why we were not informed about the brick policy, and were not sufficiently told about the correct location for our haul away following a physical inspection by an ADS Supervisor, nor physical observation by the ADS Team and remote observation by [redacted]. I was informed about the picture that was taken earlier that day showing the construction pile and the obstruction of cars. [redacted] informed me that the cars were an unexpected variable, and I therefore accepted the issue as a non-fault. However, [redacted] was able to inform me that the brick foundation materials were visible from the picture taken, just as it was during the Supervisor's visit and ADS Team visit. ADS could not provide me an explanation with why I was never informed of this brick policy during the contract negotiations occurring throughout the week. Therefore, I was mistakenly led to believe all Construction Waste was to be removed from my property.
ADS has denied fault, and will not remove the remainder of the Construction Materials now in the middle of my street. As such, I will have to find another company to remove the brick foundation. I am also subjected to HOA fines for leaving construction materials in a common area.Desired Settlement: I believe the contract I have with ADS was not satisfied as the services rendered in agreement of the $85 exchanged were incomplete. The offer and acceptance of $85 for "Removal of demolished shed and associated materials from the pile in my yard" constitutes consent to remove of all materials in this pile.
Justification for the credit:
1) Materials were not removed from my yard, but from my street
2) Materials were not removed in totality
3) I must remove the remaining materials and move them myself to the [redacted] Landfill for a minimum payment f $57.50 or face,
4) HOA violations and fees
[redacted] HOA
I have reveiwed the complaint.
Attached is a photo taken by our field supervisor for the requested construction material removal. At the time of the assessment, the brick appears to be pieces of wood material. Had the field supervisor known these items were brick, the amount of $85.00 would still remain considering the amount of debris that was out. Bricks are something we are unable to take. These items will cause damage to our trucks. Since there was a large amount of debris, and we took all of it except the brick items, we will not be issuing a credit for this removal.
Review: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
The attached item in it's .msg format cannot be verified, and
therefore I cannot dismiss nor validate the statement made prior by the
I have evidence to the contrary, noting ADS breach of contract.
1: A Personal Photo of the Construction Waste taken prior to the
Supervisor appointment with ADS on 20 May 2013 (attached). This
picture clearly shows brick foundation blocks at the front of the pile
on the street side. The picture was posted to [redacted] as an official
record and is time and date stamped for evidence purposes. The photo shows bricks attached to a metal frame. In no way could a trained supervisor misunderstand this observation.
Item 2: A phone call with [redacted] - ADS ext 223 following a Supervisor Inspection
on 20 May 2013 arranging payment for removal of the Construction Waste
for $85. No exception in regards to the bricks were made during this
Item 3: The photo of the bricks taken by ADS
On-Site Waste Removal Team on 24 May 2013 (~[redacted]). The picture was
taken to show that the Construction Waste was blocked by parked cars.
[redacted] (ext [redacted]) indicated the picture clearly shows bricks in the front of
the pile on the street side. When I was contacted by [redacted]-ADS
following this incident, I was instructed to move the pile into the
street so ADS could access it. At no point was I informed of the brick
exception. I believe this to be the photo that was sent in the response, but cannot verify.
Item 4: Upon arrival of ADS On-Site Waste Removal Team
on 24 May 2013 (~[redacted]) I was not informed of the brick exception prior
to ADS departing the location.
Item 5: ADS failed to remove
additional materials, beyond the disputed bricks, in the street of the
designated pick-up location. Items included parts of the plastic shed,
wood, metal, and cardboard all of which are not excluded by ADS policy.
Item 6: No indication of the brick exception are made on the ADS Construction Waste webpage (attached).
We continue to go back and
forth on this complaint without making any progress. I have supplied a photo that showed the amount of items that were taken by us. The customer feels we should refund his payment despite the fact we took over a pickup load of heavy construction material. The $85.00 charge was a very generous charge for the amount of construction debris that was picked up. We will not be able to refund his payment since the service was provided except for the bricks that we could not take.
I am afraid this
issue will go unresolved.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Review: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
ADS fails to recognize that the contractual agreement was to remove all debris from the construction pile. Since ADS inspected the pile prior to price negotiation, and after an initial attempt to remove it, it can only be assumed that ADS was aware of all materials that needed to be removed.
If ADS had intended to not remove 100% of the construction waste, it would have been necessary for ADS to inform me as the customer so that I could have made an informed decision. Had ADS provided this awareness prior to contractual agreement, I would NOT have hired ADS for this service and instead hired the previous contractor who agreed to remove the entire waste pile (same as observed) for $128. Now I've had to pay $85 + $95.50 for the job making it more expensive than just hiring the first vendor.
Please refer to Virginia Code § 59.1-507.1. Breach of contract; material
breach vice the previously stated Title 11. You'll find that ADS
unequivocally violated the contractual agreement made in regards to this
formal complaint.
"A breach occurs if a party without legal excuse fails to perform an obligation in a timely manner,repudiates a contract, or exceeds a contractual use term, or otherwise is not in compliance with an obligation placed on it by this chapter or the agreement. A breach, whether or not material, entitles the aggrieved party to its remedies".
am planning on requesting Fairfax County Fraud Department and VISA Card Services investigate
the case further if resolution to my request in not received. Fraud is
being questioned based on the ADS claim that, "Had we known you had
bricks for removal we would have notified you that we couldn't remove
Based on the photographic evidence time-stamped prior to
the inspection and delivered to ADS prior to removal, I have drawn a
conclusion that ADS either:
a) Falsely claimed to have inspected the Construction Waste on site as indicated in the terms of the estimate, or
Knowingly avoiding acknowledgement of the bricks when inspection occurred in order to collect the arranged $85 for the remainder of the
At this time, ADS has also not acknowledged why other
materials (plastic shed pieces, cardboard, wood) were also left behind.
The remaining materials constituted ~200 lbs of material including wood, plastic, and stone.
A full refund of $85 is being demanded as:
1) Remedy to the breach under the terms of the Virginia Law
2) Reimbursement for the cost incurred to remove the Construction Waste left by ADS in my street ($95.50)
From: [redacted]
Date: Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint [redacted] - not resolved by / this complaint was resolved with the consumer.
To: [redacted]
Cc: [redacted]
Yes Ma'am. After I reached out to [redacted] directly she agreed ADS would provide partial reimbursement for the assessed value of the trash left at my property. This amount of $35 was negotiated for reimbursement, and is considered satisfactory to the resolution of my original complaint. Please consider the complaint closed with assistance.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thank you for your help.
Review: The company apparently sent me to collections for failing to return merchandize. I have never been a customer of theirs. When I saw their company name appear on my credit report I was confused because I live in a community that our Home Owner's Association fee covers disposal services. The first time I called American Disposal Services they indeed clarified that my address and phone number did not match the address being billed in their system. I have never lived at that address nor received any of the American Disposal Services. They told me I needed to speak with [redacted] , the collection agency, in order for it to be cleared. Once I was able to speak with a manager at the collection agency they made me aware that American Disposal Services are the only ones who can clear my collection. I have tried numerous times to clarify this with the company- their supervisor [redacted] refuses to directly communicate with me to resolve the issue. The receptionist are the "middle men" and say that the only thing I can do is contact the collection agency for them to clear it. It is unethical to falsely send an individual into collections and then refuse to resolve the issue. You should not claim to provide excellent service when you are not even willing to speak to someone.Desired Settlement: I understand that mistakes happen but this is completely unacceptable and has negatively effected my credit score. American Disposal Services needs to take accountability and fix the problem. They need to contact the collection agency and confirm that they sent the wrong person into collections.
Response to complaint.Our records show and exact name located on [redacted] In the Lake Ridge area of [redacted] County. How long has complainant been living in her current home? As a courtesy, we have removed the charge for the unreturned cart. We are in contact right now with [redacted] to have them adjust her information. Brenda
Review: A person from this company came to collect yard debris this morning. He kicked one of my 55-gallon thick [redacted] cans and put a big boot-sized hole in it along with a crack up the entire length of the side. It can no longer be used as a container. I contacted ADS by phone and was told by a phone agent and a supervisor who identified herself as "[redacted]." Both told me that the can would not be replaced nor would I be reimbursed, also it was implicated that I was lucky they bothered to pick up my debris at all despite the fact that it hadn't been picked up in 3 weeks due to the previous holidays. I was told that they were not responsible for my personal waste containers (which are routinely strewn about my front yard when collected) or any damage to them. This information was never told to us nor is it available on their website F.A.Q. instead we mistakenly took them for professionals. They also do not offer a can for yard debris, only ones for trash and recycling. I simply wanted a new can or the money for the can's value removed from my bill. It is a 55-gallon thick [redacted] can. It runs about $20-25. I'm not asking for a lot. I just want their employees to accept that they made a mistake and own up to it rather than trying to blame it on the cold weather. They should be treating their customers better than this. Have someone contact me via e-mail and I will provide pictures of how the cans were left and the damage to the can where a clean boot hole is visible.Desired Settlement: I am open to a few options, all of which American Disposal had refused. I would like the damaged trash can to be replaced with one of identical quality and capacity. I would also be willing to have the value of the 55-gallon trash can ($25) refunded via check or cash, or just simply being deducted from my bill. It's not like I didn't give them options, they just simply refused to accept any responsibility for the actions of their employees. I would also like for their trash collectors to please stop throwing my cans all over the front of my yard once they have emptied them.
[redacted] -
Good Afternoon - '
I have e-mail the customer asking for a photo of the damaged cart since they said they would send it. Once I receive the photo, we can review the picture and make the necessary judgment on the can damage. I have also advised them I am currently working with our field crews to ensure carts are getting put back where found.
Review: When I asked for trash collection over the phone, there was no disclosure that if I cancel, there would be a $20 cancellation fee. Twenty dollars is more than a month's service in the [redacted] area.
When I cancelled my service with them today, they told me there would be a $20 fee if I cancelled. When I asked how they justify that when no other company in the area has that practice, they said it covers the cleaning of the can and administrative costs. I offered to scrub and disinfect the trash can with bleach, but she says the $20 also covers their cost to redraw their route. I'm not their only customer in this
neighborhood, so why would they need to redraw their route? Even if that were the case, isn't that the cost of doing business?
Since no other collection company in this area charges a cancellation fee (I've used other services in [redacted], and she couldn't name one other company that charges a cancellation fee),
it seems apparent that the $20 fee is a way to financially bully a customer into not switching to another company that charges less.
Their drivers are often late, I've had to call them to not leave the trash can in the street, and yet they raised the price on us.
So, when I called to cancel, they said there's a fee to cancel.
This may seem a gray area, but when you consider normal business practices of collection companies in [redacted], this is not normal.
No trash company has ever charged me to cancel.
When I objected to the fee, the customer service representative said that the fee is described on the back of the bill.
I responded that after a customer gets his first bill, it's too late to avoid the fee.
I'm very careful when I query a potential service company to ask about "any other fees we haven't talked about yet".
To not disclose this over the phone when you first call to inquire about pricing as a potential customer, is unethical.Desired Settlement: I don't want to be charged $20 for exercising my right as a customer to cease doing business with them.
We agreed on the phone that my bill is paid up in full through today, and that no further trash pickups are desired.
She said I would receive a bill for the $20 cancellation fee.
I told here that if she persisted in insisting on charging a cancellation fee, I would file a complaint.
She was not deterred.
This information is on all of our billing invoices, statement of service and on our web site. I will in good faith, remove this charge.
Review: I have not had consistent service. I signed up for trash and recycling with American Disposal because a rep came to my door with a lower price than what I currently had at the time, and provided recycling which I did not have at the time. The first week nothing was picked up, the second week both trash and recycling was picked up, but it has now been three weeks since recycling has been picked up. I have called numerous times, and I was told each time that the driver has listed this as not able to pick up because it was not at the curb. This is a total LIE. I KEEP both my containers at the curb at all times! The phone rep keeps asking about my address, and street. weather it is on a dead end street or cul-de-sac. I have explained that my home is in a large subdivision with only one way in/out. The driver found it once, so why not again?? My home is only a few steps form the street, and I can see and hear when the trucks come by. I'm homebound, so I ALWAYS know when they are here and the recycling truck has not come by at all in three weeks.Desired Settlement: I would like my trash and recycling picked up on the agreed upon day of the week. If I did not pay on time my service would stop, but yet I still have to pay even if service is not being completed? I would like a credit to my account, and I do not want anymore issues. If the company can not find my home use a map search!! google maps has a complete image of my home and you can see my containers at the curb!
[redacted] - Good Morning,I will be working with our operations team and supervisor to ensure collection on Tuesdays. I have issued a credit on the account for the service related issues. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Please keep us posted if any issues continue. Thank you, Brenda
Review: We switched trash removal services to American Disposal a couple of years ago. American Disposal provided us with one trash can and one recycle can, but we were also allowed to put a lot of additional trash out that is not collected in the cans. At the time we switched to this company, we still had a trash can from our previous trash company. So, in order to keep stray animals from tearing up trash bags, we used our old trash can and we bought an additional can for the extra recycle materials. We used these cans fine up until the beginning of the year, when our trash can mysteriously just disappeard after Am. Disposal picked up our trash. My husband spoke to them and was told that they didn't take it and that the other trash company must have taken it. I called to speak to a manager about the situation and was told that she was busy by an employee with a serious attitude. I left a voicemail for the manager but no one ever contacted me back. All we want is for them to provide us with the can that they removed, but they do not seem to care. They have the attitude that they don't need our business and they don't plan to do anything about taking our can.Desired Settlement: Provide us with a trash can to replace the one that was taken.
[redacted] We have reviewed the complaint in question. We received a call on 1/7/14 stating their trash cart went missing on 1/2/14. We check with our field crew and were advised we did not take the cart in question. We will not replacing a cart we did not take. This is an unfortunate issue however we will not be responsible. [redacted]
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Review: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:There is no resolution. We are just supposed to accept that the driver said they didn't take it. People lie all of the time. The fact is that our trash can went missing on the same day that American Disposal picked up our trash. We do not believe that it is just a coincidence.
[redacted] -
We have reviewed the complaint in question. We received a call on
1/7/14 stating their trash cart went missing on 1/2/14. We check with our
field crew and were advised we did not take the cart in question. We will
not replacing a cart we did not take. This is an unfortunate issue
however we will not be responsible. This complaint will go unresolved. We did not take the cart. Again, we checked with our crews and were informed we did not take it.[redacted]
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Review: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:They didn't offer a resolution. Shame on them.
Review: American Disposal Services did not disclose to me their CANCELLATION POLICY CHARGE when I ordered their service... even though I asked about fees and contracts. When I cancelled the service, they said I would be charged $20 CANCELLATION FEE, and refused to remove it.Desired Settlement: $20 cancellation Fee removed.. Cancellation Policy devulged up front.
[redacted] - I just pulled the phone call taken on 3/31/14 @ 12.17 PM, call lasted over 8 minutes - After reviewing the call, [redacted] had questions about her monthly billing and bulk items charges which is what she had directly asked about. In the conversation, she was also advised to review the back of her billing invoice in regards to our policies and procedures. She was also advised to review the cancellation policy. We will not be removing the admin / ops processing fee - this information was listed on the back of the billing / located on our website also.Brenda C[redacted]
Review: They failed to pick up trash on several occasions and when the services was canceled they charged $38.79 for services they did not provide plus a $20.00 cancellation fee.Desired Settlement: Would like a full refund and have the report removed from Credit rating.
[redacted] -
Review: I did not have a contract with the company. But I was told that the company would charge me $20.00 if I cancel their service.
I was not aware of this policy when I agreed to accept their service. Besides, the attitude of the customer service on the phone was very aggravating.Desired Settlement: I want to make sure that I won't be charged for cancellation fee if I decide to cancel their service in the future.
Good Morning,
If customer chooses to cancel service, we will not charge the cancellation fee. The account has already been documented.
Review: *We were solicited within our neighborhood on 8/24 for trash services by American Disposal*The young man stated he could save us $30 dollars a pay cycle vs. our current*We stated can American Disposal provide us the same "recycling" process & size container ?*He stated he would need to coordinate a call back for that following Monday on "recycling"*He stated to have the $30 dollar savings, we need to go ahead and sign up with him that day*We were told if we didn't like their "recycling" process that we could cancel at any time*The young man stated by providing him cash or check, we could start the service immediately*We stated that we don't use checks hardly anymore so can we pay on-line or over the phone*He stated sure, no problem but fill out his form and sign it, we did ...*He stated that he would coordinate a call back for the following Monday to pay/start service*Monday rolls around but no callback so we at that point just decided to stay with our current*3- weeks later we receive a thrash container from them*At first it took us a few days to realize the container was for our condo and not our neighbors*No ticket attached to container, nothing in mailbox, nothing in our door or front porch*We decided to call them*The lady I spoke to said that was our container, they started our service w/o any form of payment*I explained that we never committed to switching to them, she says well we have a signed contract*I stated the circumstances to her but she didn't want to hear it*She said "WE DON"T DO CALL BACKS" *I was pretty mad at this point and just demanded that they come pick up their container*The lady says ok but you will be billed regardless + suffer a $35 termination fee*YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME !!!*They came and picked up the trash container back on 9/15 but we have been billed for $140
r [redacted]Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)
Product_Or_Service: Trash service but nothing was purchased
Account_Number: C
We feel this bill is completely improper and should be VOIDED - by using intimidation tactics to force/scare people into committing to their service is totally unethical and should be investigated
[redacted] -
Review: I complained to American Disposal Services that for several times after my trash had been picked up, the large container was left blocking my driveway (I always place it in front of my house at the curb as the company instructs)The next service on November 3rd, after the complaint, took out three bags of dog poop and placed it in front of my drivewayI called the company and immediately proceeded to explain to them the situation to which they barely offered any sympathy forClearly the driver had gotten the message and was now retaliating towards me asking for him/her to do their jobPlease note that I observed before complaining that they did not block the driveway for any of my neighbors whose trash they were picking upClearly I was singled out
I cancelled my service, for which American Disposal Services told me it would cost an additional $20, even though I have never signed a contract for themThis is supposedly an administrative feeConsidering how unprofessional their trash pick up was, this charge is HIGHLY inapropriateThey did not offer any reimbursement for bad service and did not even apologize.Desired Settlement: The company should not charge me a $"admin fee" for cancelling due to subpar serviceThey should also discount the past month as their service has been subpar
I do not expect an apology as that is clearly not their priority
[redacted] - First and foremost we have apologized to the customer for the ongoing service issueI wish we would have known about this sooner, so we could have taken action soonerMy records show we were notified on 10/31/of the problemWe were working with our operations team to get this situation corrected in a timely fashion when we received a photo on 11/3/that showed the cart was placed back where found, however a tire was left and not disposed ofUnfortunately we do not take these type of itemsWe have removed the administrative / operations fee of $Thank you,Brenda
Review: I used to be a customer of American Disposal when I lived in an area they served. Over the summer I moved to a town that provided its own trash pickup services, and so ended my American Disposal service at the old house. I scheduled a trashcan pickup, and on that day took the cans to the curb. American Disposal came and picked up the cans that day. However, they then said that I had not returned the cans, and are charging me $200 ($100 per can). I have spoken with customer service who say that they never did pick up the cans and that they will not remove the charge.Desired Settlement: I'd like the $200 charge removed from my bill.
[redacted] - We have removed the charges. The account has a zero balance. Brenda C[redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: We signed up for service and prepayed for the first 3 months in May 2012. We have never received the service and continue to receive statements. We have called multiple times and sent letters but still cannot get this issue resolved. Our phone calls result in only comments that we wait too long between complaints. They do agree that we have called and written letters but still will not agree to stop sending us statements and sending automated collection calls daily. We I have been told that a supervisor will call but have not received any calls in return.Desired Settlement: After this long we have accepted the fact that we will never get the refund we have requested but want to have our name cleared from owing their company money.
Can I get the resident to verify address?? - Driver is stating there is no [redacted] the address is
supposed to be [redacted].
Please let me know so I can finalize this dispute -
Clarification on my address as requested. My street address is [redacted]. My mailbox is not located on the street as required by the USPS it is located in a side driveway.
Review: [redacted]
Review: Our trash can was broken by the trashmen, and when we called in to ask for reimbursement we were told we had to purchase a new can using our own resources.
My wife set trash can out front and took our son to the bus stop. The can was in proper working condition and not broken. The trashmen were already in the neighborhood. When my wife came back she noticed a 2-3 foot crack in the front of the can. She also noticed the trashman slam the can to the ground. As she got closer to bring the can in, she noticed the crack. She called June 2nd, 3rd, 9th and the 18th. Each time she called the lines were busy and no one picked up. She finally got through today (18th) and the woman on the phone explained it was not their fault and they would not be providing and funds for reimbursment of a new trash can.Desired Settlement: We would like the company to purchase us the same trash can, but new without any defects.
Good Afternoon,After reviewing the complaint, I have attempted to contact **. [redacted] for further information. The agreement we have with the community **. [redacted] resides in states that equipment is to be provided by the homeowners, or bags may be placed curbside for collection. We do not require a particular type of equipment or container is used for service. Because these containers are the property of the homeowners, we would not be responsible for the upkeep or maintenance of these carts.The purchase date of the container is stated as June 2, 2014. It is also stated that the damage occurred on the same date. We have not had any prior contact from **. [redacted] regarding damaged containers. We understand that cans may become damaged during service due to the frequent use of the equipment, recurring changes in temperature effecting the plastic material the cans are made from, and the actual servicing done by our crews. With that being said, we understand that **. [redacted] purchased this container recently, and would like to investigate this matter further. If he would be able to provide the receipt showing the purchase date and value of the can, and pictures reflecting the damage, we will certainly work towards reaching a satisfactory resolution.Sincerely,[redacted]###-###-####
Review: I have NEVER had an account with American Disposal, yet billing errors have caused me to be reported to a collection agency and hurt my credit.
I have NEVER had an account with American Disposal. I was a customer of a trash company that sold my already long CLOSED account to American. My account was closed with the other company because they failed to ever pick-up my trash, after taking my money as well as several of my neighbors. Long after my account was closed with the other company, I started to receive bills from American, who also never picked up my trash, nor did I ask them to. After calling American they were very nice and agreed to not send further bills and would take care of the error. Months later I began receiving calls and bills from a collection agency for the outstanding bill with American. I fully explained the scenario to the collection company and asked them to please get with American about the error. I again called American and they again said they would take care of the matter. I stopped receiving calls and bills for months thinking the problem had been resolved. However, checking my credit report I am now seeing a collection from American Disposal from the collection agency [redacted]. The recent collection from a company that I have never done business with has drastically lowered my credit score. American Disposal needs to correct this error with the credit bureaus immediately.Desired Settlement: American Disposal needs to get with the collection company, [redacted] as well as all 3 of the credit bureaus and verify that the account was reported to collections in error.
[redacted] -
Review: I mailed a cancellation notice to the company in the middle of December 2012 to cancel service at the end of year. Business claims that it must have taken a month for the US postal Service to deliver the mail. The written cancellation was ignored and a bill was issued for two weeks of service in 2013.I had already obtained and had been receiving service for 2013 from a different companyDesired Settlement: $14.23 overcharge
Review: They refused to pick up our trash because there was a small teddybear and a little pillow were in the trash. We were told by their door to door sales rep when we signed up that things of that sort would not be a problem, but it was and they said we would have to pay extra to have our trash picked up. I told them to forget it and to close my account. American Disposal then told us we had to pay a $20 cancellation fee and I refused. I called back repeatedly daily until I got someone who said our account would be closed and the trash cans would be picked up the next week. Not right again and 2 months later after calls to american disposal about the cans still not being picked up, my neighbors started complaining about the cans sitting at the road. We brought the cans down the drivway and tried to get someone again to pick them up but we were told by american disposal that they could not set an appointmet to come and pick them up and we had to pay a $200 fine for not returning them. To this day they are still sitting in my yard. and now they are sending a bill for a whole years worth of service and a $200 bill for not returning the trash cans to collections.Desired Settlement: To actually close our account and show we owe nothing & for them to come pick up their trash cans. We are willing to pay the $20 cancellation fee if we have to but we want to be done with the company and never see them in our neighborhood again all the neighbors complain about how bad the customer service is at American Disposal, WE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO THE NEIGHBORS ON THIS ONE!
[redacted] -
I have made arrangements for us to remove our equipment on 5/31/13, a Friday. Please have the carts out at curbside empty by 6:00 AM on this day. Once we remove the carts, I will adjust the account to a zero balance.
Review: We recently moved from our previous address at [redacted], VA [redacted]. When we canceled our trash service with American Disposal Services at that address we were advised to leave our trash and recycle containers for roadside pickup. We moved out on Wed., 3/26/2014, and left said containers out at the roadside on that date. They were scheduled to pick up the containers on the following Monday, 3/31/14. We have since received We moved out of this residence on 3/26/14 and left the containers out for roadside pickup on that date. We have since received several notices by mail to leave the containers out by the road as they had not been picked up. We have contacted the new residents at our old address who state that the containers are no longer there, presumably being picked up by the trash company. Now, we have received a bill for $199.06 as compensation for having not returned the "toters". I have called their customer service each time I received one of their notices, explained the situation and the fact that I NO LONGER LIVE THERE, so there's little more I can do. I have to believe if the containers are no longer there, they would've been picked up. Otherwise, they simply vanished into thin air, which I seriously doubt to be the case. To date, I have never been given a satisfactory answer as to why their records show I did not return the "toters". They will say they are researching it and will follow up with me, but have yet to do so. At this point, I have no intention of paying for their inept record keeping or whatever it is that occurred. I think their practices in this case are shady at best, and their customer service non-existent.Desired Settlement: First, the company will remove the charges they have assessed me in the amount of $199.06. Secondly, the company will stop sending me notices that I have not returned their "toters". Third, the company will note their records that this matter is now closed. Thank you for your time in assisting with this matter.
[redacted] - We have removed the cart charges. Nothing is owed. [redacted]
From: [redacted]
Date: Thu, May 15, 2014 at 8:41 AM
Subject: Case ID [redacted]
To: [email protected]
Please cancel this claim, business has effectively addressed my grievance. Thanks
Review: American Disposal is a residential trash collection service I had used for several years. On August 13, 2012 the dumpster they provided was taken from the end of my drive way by the road. I contacted American Disposal and inquired if they had picked up the dumpster. They denied taking the dumpster. I then filed a theft by taking report with [redacted] County Sheriff's (report #[redacted]). I contacted American Disposal to inquire about a new dumpster and let them know I had filed a police report. At that time they advised me I would have to pay $100.00 IF I wanted them to provide another dumpster. I declined and provided my own dumpster, at no time did they indicated I was to pay for the stolen dumpster. I understood that providing them with the police report information resolved the matter. In March 2013 I changed trash disposal services. When I contacted American Disposal that I no longer needed their service they indicated I owed them for the stolen dumpster, I gave them the report information again and pointed out that during our communication at the time of the theft they indicate I was to pay if I wanted them to provide another dumpster which I declined. I recently received a billing statement for the stolen dumpster. I do not owe them for the stolen dumpster. If they filed the loss with their insurance and send me a bill for it in the U.S. mail as well , is that mail and insurance fraud. How would that be investigated?Desired Settlement: For American Disposal to remove the charge against me for the stolen dumpster and a document sent to me with a balance owed of $0.
I have remvoed the cart charges off the account. Nothing is owed.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Please return the check (# [redacted]) I sent in the amount of $97.81 for the stolen trash tote to prevent from incuring additional late charges while awaiting your response.
Review: 10/19/2007, I entered into a 5 year contract with American Disposal.
8/1/2012, I mailed a letter to American Disposal requesting to terminate service, giving 90 days notice as per the contract, effective 10/31/2012.
American Disposal ignored the request to terminate and continued to bill me for service.
All invoices were paid ON TIME even though I the contract term had expired.
Continued efforts were made by telephone to reach ANYONE at American Disposal to terminate the contract. Our efforts failed. We were ignored.
5/10/2013, [redacted]. [redacted] - aka [redacted], Territory Manager at American Disposal came by my office. He stated that he was unable to terminate the agreement and that because our company had not followed the terms of the contract, we were obligated for another 5 years! It was also at this time that he indicated that he had not returned any of my phone calls due to the fact that his father had been ill and had recently died.
We continued to request termination of the contract based upon the fact that we HAD followed the terms of the contract and had requested termination at the end of the contract term. American Disposal ignored EVERY request to terminate and continued to bill for service.
American Disposal FINALLY came and retrieved their dumpster on or about 10/17/2013 after we sent a 3rd letter stating that we would no longer pay future invoices.
We paid all invoices ON TIME with the exception of the final invoice. The final invoice included a line item, "6 MONTHS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES" in the amount of $588.00 We inquired as to what this meant and were not given any definition except to say that we were in breach of contract.
We are now being pursued, harassed, and threatened by aggressive Lawyer Collection type - [redacted] & Joseph, [redacted] as well as The Law Offices of [redacted] - both located in Illinois in the amount of $605.40.Desired Settlement: Removal of all charges;
Removal of any negative credit bureau actions;
[redacted] Good Morning,We will be removing these charges.Thank you,[redacted]