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Affinion Group, Inc.

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Reviews Affinion Group, Inc.

Affinion Group, Inc. Reviews (1491)

Review: Great Fun offered that when I purchased tickets through [redacted] I would get one ticket free with my subscription to Great Fun. I would also receive one month free to their buyers club. My tickets were purchased March 6th, 2014. I never received the information on how or where to send my receipt for the free ticket and just received my information on the buyers club on March 29th. I was never able to use the buyers club because I did not have the information and cancelled my membership. I called two times requesting that the email be resent because I did not receive the ticket reimbursement information. Both times I was told it would take 72 hours to get the email. I never got the email. They claimed on March 17th they mailed information for the ticket reimbursement...never received it.Desired Settlement: I just want my fifty dollar check that they said I would receive for subscribing to their buyers club and the discounts they said I would get that would save me the other fifty dollars. They also need to give buyer more than a phone number. They would never give me any contract information when I was not receiving the emails. They told me there was no contact information to give out.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Great Fun membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

In order to avail herself of our promotional offer, Ms. [redacted] was required to return the rebate forms that were included in her membership kit or sent to the e-mail provided during the enrollment process along with her corresponding [redacted] receipts. Upon receipt of the completed rebate forms and receipts, Ms. [redacted]’s rebate checks would have been delivered within 4-6 weeks.

We regret that Ms. [redacted] did not receive her rebate forms in a timely manner. In order to uphold our high level of customer satisfaction, Ms. [redacted] may either e-mail ([redacted] or fax (###-###-####) her [redacted] receipts to my attention, and we have her rebates processed by our Claims department.

In addition, Ms. [redacted]’s Great Fun membership was canceled on March 14th, 2014. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: I went to my bank and discussed my bank account transactions. I don't know how I didnt catch on to this earlier. My bank statements don't let me go farther then June 2012 but this company has been taking money out of my account since then. I spoke with a Representative and his name was [redacted] and he said that they offered me a 1 week trial for a dollar then after it was going to be 8 dollars. I never spoke with them. I didnt even know what this company was until I called to discontinue them. [redacted] told me my membership would be canceled and gave me a cancellation number. [redacted] I want to be deleted off there system and I want my money reimbursed. All of my money.

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

My money back and deleted off the system all of my information deleted.



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/07/17) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with Shoppers Advantage, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Shoppers Advantage is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer's account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in Shoppers Advantage. An individual member may join the service in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in Shoppers Advantage on March 21, 2011. On that date, she was asked if she would like to learn about a special offer for a $25 [redacted] gift check when trying the service for a trial period. Mr. [redacted] provided her first and last name, address, and billing information in order to accept the offer in the service.

During the enrollment, Ms. [redacted] was provided with the terms of the membership in Shoppers Advantage. Great care is taken to ensure that the consumer authorizes enrollment in the program. Unless the consumer affirmatively elects to subscribe, they will not be enrolled as a member, nor billed the fees at the end of the trial period. Trial members may cancel at anytime within the trial period by simply calling a toll-free number, which is provided during enrollment and listed on the membership materials and owe nothing further.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in Shoppers Advantage. As such, Ms. [redacted]'s membership was canceled on July 15, 2013, and a full refund of $217.00 will be issued to her debit card account.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: this company has been debiting my accourt for $12.99 twicw monthly for the last few months I have not bought any services from this company I placed a order with harban magazing which likely sold my information and this company used it to charge my account under the guise of a shopping and travel club.

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Not applicable

I would like people to be alerted to this scam so it wont happen to others



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/06/24) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with Shoppers Advantage and Just For Me membership, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Shoppers Advantage and Just For Me are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer's account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Shoppers Advantage and Just For Me in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the names of the service to identify the charges.

After researching her concerns, we found that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in both Shoppers Advantage and Just For Me services on September 21st, 2009. Shoppers Advantage and Just for Me go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the membership. Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in the services after being transferred to one of our representatives by [redacted]. If Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she was charged the monthly membership fees. The terms of the agreement provide that, in order to ensure uninterrupted service, the memberships would be renewed each month at the then current membership fee.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their membership in Shoppers Advantage and Just For Me. As such, Ms. [redacted]'s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on June 18th, 2013, and a $559.57 credit is being issued to her credit or debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees she was charged for the service. Ms. [redacted]'s Just For Me membership was canceled on June 18th, 2013, and a $623.52 is being issued to her account as full refund of the membership fees that were charged for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this matter may have caused Ms. [redacted] and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: While making a purchase at the local FYE store, in December 2012, I was told by an employee that I could get a "store card". There was no fee, it was absolutley free. Since that time, I have had a purchase on my credit card of $11.99 a month. I called the local store the store manager attempted to explain that it was VIP back stage pass that I had signed up for. This never happened. When I signed my credit card, they used that signature to "sign me up" for this bogus VIP card. I NEVER signed, nor did I agree to this. They have fraudulently been charging my card for 5 months.

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

They need to STOP lying to customers! There employees are "trained" to rip people off.



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/05/24) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with her FYE Backstage Pass VIP membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, FYE Backstage Pass VIP is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer's account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in FYE Backstage Pass VIP. An individual member may join the service in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] enrolled in FYE Backstage Pass on December 8, 2012, by purchasing a membership when shopping at an FYE store. We are mailing Ms. [redacted] a copy of her store receipt indicating her agreement to enroll in the service and also detailing the terms and conditions of the enrollment for her to review.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in FYE Backstage Pass VIP. As such, Ms. [redacted]'s membership was canceled on May 23rd, 2013, and a refund of $59.95 is being issued to her credit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: Not only are they pushing to get your card information they are out of line their advertisement claims all you have to do is call and request the 50dollar gift card to [redacted]. You do not have to be a member or sign up what so ever! Until you call the push and push saying you get to try the membership for free then they claim its only for a dollar. Then they say yes you get the gift card but you do it have to be a member Then claim you have to be an member to get the card if you sign up. I went as far as speaking to floor "manager" he was An [redacted] tried to get my card information. The call center is [redacted]

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Not applicable

Give me what the fine print says my free gift card! And shut them down they are on every scam site in the nation stealing money off people's cards and not taking off their membership... Look it up



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/04/30) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

After an initial investigation of our databases, we could not locate a membership for Ms. [redacted] with the information provided in the complaint. It is possible that Ms. [redacted] was not enrolled in one of our services. In order to complete a more thorough search, a service name, service account number (if known), any other related information (previous address, previous name) or a copy of Ms. [redacted]'s statement reflecting a charge from one of our services is requested. Ms. [redacted] may either email ([redacted].com) or fax (XXX-XXX-XXXX) the information to my attention for review and further investigation.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter can be resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Consumer Response /* (3000, 7, 2013/05/02) */

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT ACCEPT the response from the business.)

That is the point they are lairs it says in small print you do not have to be a member to get the 50 dollar [redacted] gift card or even sign up. They also ask for card imformation and scam you out of money they paper clearly says that no addtional action is needed until you call them and they lie lie lie and change the subject. read the report I submited and maybe youll see why their responds makes no sense

Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2013/05/15) */

Thank you for your additional corerespondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

In Ms. [redacted]'s complaint, she references a printed advertisement that states that she does not need to enroll in one of our memberships in order to receive the offered gift card. Please ask Ms. [redacted] to either email ([redacted].com) or fax (XXX-XXX-XXXX) a copy of this offer to my attention for further investigation and research. A service name and any additional information regarding the offer is also requested.


Customer Relations

Review: TLG Great Fun has been charging me for I don't know how long for services rendered or products supposedly bought by me. The charges ranged from $1 to $50.

Account_Number: [redacted]

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

I would like to be reimbursed the money taken from my bank account



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/04/16) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with Great Fun, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Great Fun is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer's account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in Great Fun. An individual member may join the service in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.

Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on February 6th, 2013. On that date, Mr. [redacted] was asked if he would like to learn about a special offer when trying the services for trial periods. The offer for trying Great Fun was $40 worth of Visa gift cards. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was a $25 American Express gift check. Mr. [redacted] provided his first and last name, address, and billing information in order to accept the offers in the services.

Mr. [redacted] was also provided with the terms of the memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. Great care is taken to ensure that the consumer authorizes enrollment in the programs. Unless the consumer affirmatively elects to subscribe, they will not be enrolled as a member, nor billed the fees at the end of the trial periods. Trial members may cancel at anytime within the trial periods by simply calling the toll-free numbers, which are provided during enrollment and listed on the membership materials and owe nothing further.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Mr. [redacted]'s Great Fun membership was canceled on April 15th, 2013, and a refund of $19.99 was issued to his credit or debit card account. Mr. [redacted]'s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on April 6, 2013, and a refund of $8.00 was issued to his credit or debit card account. These refunds represent a credit of the one monthly fee that Mr. [redacted] was charged for each service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: I was a member with this company for about 3 years. I've tried to make a claim and was told it was not sever enough. The insurance policy was to cover any and all accidents that was hospital related. I went to the emergency at a local hospital due to an accident with my foot. Was taken off work and tried to file a claim with The Affinion Benefits Group and claim was denied. I have requested a refund and canceled the policy. The company has had me sign affidavits and still has denied me of a refund. I have requested someone contact me with further information. No response. I have written letters, called and the run around for over 4 months now. I really need some help.

Product_Or_Service: Hospital Accident Insurance Coverage

Account_Number: XXXXXXXXX

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

Im requesting a refund of $770.00 for the following reason as indicated. I paid into this insurance for 25 plus months at a rate of $30.80. I really think Im due back more but I only have records of 25 months.



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/04/09) */

April 9, 2013


Barbara [redacted]

This correspondence is in response to Ms. [redacted]'s compliant, regarding her insurance coverage, filed with your office. Affinion Benefits Group, LLC is the third party adminstrator for the insurance carrier who provides this coverage

As the nature of this inquiry is in regard to insurance we are unable to provide details on this website. The carrier for Ms. [redacted]' coverage [redacted] be providing a detailed response.


Compliance Paraglegal

cc: [redacted]

Review: On july19, 2012, my 15 year old son made a purchase at a FYE store. At that time he was offered a FYE Back Stage Pass card. He was never told there was a fee attached to the membership. FYE has been withdrawing 11.99 from his debit card account every month. It was not until I opened his recent statement that I saw the charge. I have major concerns that a minor was allowed to enter into such an agreement and that the company continued to withdraw from his account even though he never made use of their services.Desired Settlement: I have contacted FYE and requested a refund. I am told that this will take 7 business days. From reading the complaint boards about this company I am not sure that this will actually happen. This company MUST be stopped from this practice. They are preying on minors!



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted] concerns with [redacted] FYE Backstage Pass VIP membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, FYE Backstage Pass VIP is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in FYE Backstage Pass VIP. An individual member may join our services in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.

Our records indicate that [redacted] enrolled on July 18, 2012, by purchasing an FYE Backstage Pass VIP membership when shopping at an FYE store. We are mailing Ms. [redacted] a copy of [redacted] store receipt that indicates his agreement to enroll in the service and also details the terms and conditions of the enrollment for her review. We will also be sending Ms. [redacted] the Date of Birth that was provided to us that indicated that Mr. [redacted] was over eighteen years of age at the time of his enrollment.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in FYE Backstage Pass VIP. As such, Mr. [redacted] membership was canceled on October 27, 2014, and a refund of $311.74 is being issued to his debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that he was charged for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. and Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to their satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: This company adds their service to other services supposedly as a free trial but will not cancel and when you call multiple times they say that you haven't called before a refuse to refund amounts charged. I NEVER asked for this service, I NEVER wanted this service, I NEVER used this service.Desired Settlement: No company should be allowed to start charging your credit card after a supposedly "free" trial service. Instead the consumer should have to fill out something AFTER the "free" trial service time frame if they wish to continue it. No company should be able to ignore multiple request to have a service discontinued when it was never wanted, needed or used.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Shoppers Advantage membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.By way of background, Shoppers Advantage is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on June 17, 2014, after making an online reservation and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate she accepted. The offer for joining Great Fun was two $50.00 rebates for reservations. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $20.00 in gas purchase rebates. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, if Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the current monthly membership fees. Ms. [redacted] was provided a separate phone number for each service to use in order to call and cancel.Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] provided her first and last name, address, and billing information to the representative in order to accept the offers in the services.Please be assured that we make every effort to comply with a member’s request to cancel their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage for any reason. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s Great Fun membership was canceled on July 16, 2014, and she was not charged a monthly fee. Ms. [redacted]’s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on October 28, 2015, and refunds totaling $255.85 are being issued to her credit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for the service. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction. Sincerely,Jason A[redacted]Customer Relations

Review: My member ID is # [redacted]. I don't know when or how did I become Shoppers advantage member, but I never use your service. I got a membership charge of $16.99 on 12/13/2013. I already sent an email to cancel my membership on Jan 10 2014 and I asked for a refund of $16.99.It has been a whole week long that I did not receive any reply from your company. And I had another charge of $16.99 on Jan 14.Desired Settlement: Now I request a total of $33.98 back to my account.



Thank you for [redacted]'s correspondence regarding his concerns with his Shoppers Advantage membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Shoppers Advantage is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in the service. An individual member may join Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.

Our records indicate that Mr. ** was enrolled in both our Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun services on October 29th, 2013 after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, he was presented with the option to enroll in the services, which our records indicate he accepted. According to the terms of the agreement for Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun, if Mr. ** did not inform us that he wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, he would be charged the current monthly membership fees.

Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the membership. Our records indicate that Mr. ** provided his date of birth to the representative confirming his authorization to enroll in the services.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun. As such, Mr. **’s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on January 18th, 2014, and credits totaling $34.98 are being issued to his credit or debit account as full reimbursement of the fees he was charged for the service. Mr. **’s Great Fun membership was canceled on December 29th, 2013 and a credit of $16.99 has been issued to his account as a refund for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this matter may have caused Mr. ** and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction.


Customer Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: We have been getting charges on my credit card that we have been battling for about 3 months now, I signed up for one of their programs,and got charged with four others that spanned off of this. In April we had made contact with this company about their unknown charge because it had unexpectedly shown up and had caused my account to overdraft. So I was told that I was going to be reimbursed the money (which I was) and that my account was going to be removed from their billing list which I had been charged for once again last month. We have had nothing but problems with this company since this had started with the other charges from companies I also did not sign up for. We have no intention of using this service now or ever because all of their "cheaper" products are actually cheaper in the are we live.Desired Settlement: We would like to be refunded a total of $130, this consists of the two payments of $16.99 that we did not authorize and another $96.00 that my account has gone overdraft because of. We would also like to be permanently removed from their mailing list, payment list, and have my account information deleted and removed entirely from their system.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in both Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun on two separate occasions. On January 17, 2014, Ms. [redacted] was asked if she would like to learn about a special offer for when trying the services for trial periods. The offer for trying Shoppers Advantage was a $25 [redacted] gift check. The offer related to Great Fun was $40 worth of [redacted] gift cards. Ms. [redacted] provided her first and last name, address, and billing information in order to accept the offer in the services.

On March 19, 2014, Ms. [redacted] was asked by a different client if she would like to learn about a special offer when trying the services for trial periods. The offer for trying Shoppers Advantage at this time was a $50.00 shopping credit. The offer related to Great Fun was a single $40 [redacted] gift card. Ms. [redacted] again provided her first and last name, address, and billing information in order to accept the offer in the services.

During the enrollments, Ms. [redacted] was provided with the terms of the memberships in Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun. Great care is taken to ensure that the consumer authorizes enrollment in the programs. Unless the consumer affirmatively elects to subscribe, they will not be enrolled as a member, nor billed the fees at the end of the trial periods. Trial members may cancel at anytime within the trial periods by simply calling our toll-free numbers, which are provided during enrollment and listed on the membership materials and owe nothing further.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s first Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on March 21, 2014, and a refund of $1.00 will be issued to her credit or debit card account as reimbursement of the trial fee that she was charged. Ms. [redacted]’s first Great Fun membership was also canceled on March 21, 2014, and an additional $1.00 refund is being issued to her account as reimbursement of the trial fee that she was charged for this service. Ms. [redacted] was not successfully charged a monthly fee for either of these memberships.

Ms. [redacted]’s second Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on June 9, 2014, and a refund totaling $33.98 will be issued to her credit or debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged. Ms. [redacted]’s second Great Fun membership was also canceled on June 9, 2014, and an additional refund of $16.99 is being issued to her account as reimbursement of the fee that she was charged for this service. Ms. [redacted] may also either e-mail ([redacted]) or fax (###-###-####) me a copy of her bank statement depicting any fees or charges that she incurred as a result of the Shoppers Advantage or Great Fun service billings for review and reimbursement.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: Unathorized charges after cancelling subscrition

I was offered a subscription for great fun when I purchased a ticket for [redacted], they were offering 50 dollar rebate so I signed up. Then I looked up the company reviews online and found that theyre reviews were horrible and most people never received their promised 50 dollar rebate. So I called and I spoke to three different people trying to get my subscribtion cancelled. Finally, I was able to speak to an agent who said my subscription was cancelled. This all happened august last year. It wasnt until may of this year that I see a charge from TLG*SHOPPER[redacted]MAY [redacted] CT for 16.99. When I look up the company, I see that the charge is actually from great fun. I started looking at all of my statements and realize that I have been charged 16.99 since september!!! Please refund these charges since I cancelled my subscription the same day I opened it .Desired Settlement: Ten refunds for 16.99 for the months of september 2013 to june 2014



Thank you for [redacted]’s correspondence regarding her concerns with her Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on August 3, 2013, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate she accepted. The offer for joining Great Fun was $50 worth of rebates for purchases from [redacted]. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $20 in rebates for gas purchases. According to the terms of the agreements for the services, if Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the current monthly membership fees.

Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] provided her date of birth to the representative confirming her authorization to enroll in both of the services.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s Great Fun membership was canceled on August 8, 2013, and she was not charged a monthly fee. Ms. [redacted]’s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on June 19, 2014, and a refund of $170.90 will be issued to her credit or debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations



Review: [redacted]

I am rejecting this response because: I did call the same day that I ENROLLED to CANCEL my service and the rep provided me a cancellaton number, but of course it hought it was taken care off so I didnt keep it. Can you please just cancel my subscription and confirm that no more payments will be taken out on the future


Review: I spoke with representatives of this business on 11/1/14, 11/8/14, 11/18/14 and 12/19. On 11/1, I opened an account that allowed the company to charge $2 processing fee for a "free 30-day membership trial" which I authorized. On 11/8, I spoke to a rep regarding rebate procedure. On 11/18, I called to cancel the membership. The rep I spoke to on that day informed me that he would extend my free membership until January 12, 2015. I allowed him to do so. On 12/19, I called to cancel membership and was successful. On 12/21, I checked my credit card balance and found a membership charge on 12/17 for $16.99 from Trilegiant, the same company that charged me the $2 processing fee in November.

I should not have been charged $16.99, as I was under a "free trial" at that time.Desired Settlement: I would like the charge to be refunded in full and for this company to retain record of complaint of unauthorized credit charges.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation. By way of background, Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on November 1, 2014, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate she accepted. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, if Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of their trial periods, she would be charged the current monthly membership fees. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s Great Fun membership was canceled on December 19, 2014, and she was not charged a monthly fee for the service. Ms. [redacted]’s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on December 22, 2014, and a refund of $16.99 will be issued to her credit card account as reimbursement of the monthly fee that she was charged. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction. Sincerely,[redacted]Customer Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: I recently had to take over my mother, [redacted]'s, financial and medical care. I received two bills for "credit card protection" that she had previously been paying.

One bill was from "Privacy Guard", in the amount of $119 per year. A short time later, I received a bill from "[redacted]Hotline" for the same service. That bill was for $129 per year.

The membership number printed on the letters were only a few numbers apart. BOTH letters were signed by the SAME person. I believe this company preys on the vulnerability of senior citizens and bills them for the same service using different letter heads. THIS IS FRAUD!!!

When I received the first letter, I phoned to cancel. Then, in just a few weeks, I received a bill from the "other" company. I emailed a cancellation request, asking them to explain why they were billing my mother using two different business names, both letters being signed by the exact same person. I received a cancellation verification, but no explanation regarding the double billing. [redacted]Desired Settlement: I am demanding a refund for ALL charges made to her credit card by BOTH companies, as I believe them to be fraudulent. I also believe there were NO services rendered under either company name on my mothers' behalf. I further demand that her credit card number be permanently removed from all records held by both companies.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with [redacted]’s PrivacyGuard and Hot-Line memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation. By way of background, PrivacyGuard and Hot-Line are part of an established membership-based service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join PrivacyGuard and Hot-Line in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges. After researching [redacted]’s concerns, we found that [redacted] was enrolled in both our PrivacyGuard and Hot-Line services on September 23, 2009, after being transferred to one of our representatives by her credit card company. PrivacyGuard and Hot-Line go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. If Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel her memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the yearly membership fees. The terms of the agreements provided that, in order to ensure uninterrupted service, the memberships would be renewed each year at the then current membership fees. As a member of the PrivacyGuard service, members have access to a variety of benefits including Triple Bureau Credit Reports along with Triple Bureau Daily Credit Monitoring. Please note that the Hot-Line program offers members a different set of benefits including our Credit Card Registry and our Lost or Stolen Credit Card Hotline services. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in PrivacyGuard and Hot-Line. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s PrivacyGuard membership was canceled on November 19, 2014, and a full refund of $650.95 has been issued to her credit card account. Ms. [redacted]’s Hot-Line membership was canceled on October 27, 2014, and an additional refund of $599.95 has been issued to her account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for this service. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction. Sincerely, [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: I purchased concert tickets on line from [redacted] and unknowingly started getting billed for unwanted services. I went to my credit union and canceled my debit card and called the 800 numbers my credit union gave me, ###-###-#### and ###-###-####. Great fun says they will send me a refund form to fill out to get a $50.00 refund back. People say you never get it. The other one, TLG Shoppers will not issue any refunds. I do not understand why [redacted] allows these companies to ride coattail on them and scam people and think they are untouchable. Is there any resolution in this matter?Desired Settlement: Confirmation #'s [redacted] and [redacted] $127.96 not just $50.00.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on October 4th, 2013, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate she accepted. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, if Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the current monthly membership fees.

Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] provided her date of birth to the representative confirming her authorization to enroll in the services.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s Great Fun membership was canceled on April 2nd, 2014, and a full refund of $68.96 will be issued to her debit card account. Ms. [redacted]’s Shoppers Advantage membership was also canceled on April 2nd, 2014, and an additional refund totaling $85.95 will be issued to her account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: I have never dealt with this company, and suddenly they took money from my checking account. I stopped that, and now they are sending invoices to my parents in another state. I wrote to them and they sent the letter back, claiming they received it "in error." I am not their customer. Product_Or_Service: noneDesired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation) DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation) I want them to have to leave me alone!!



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted] concerns with services provided by Trilegiant Corporation. By way of background, Trilegiant Corporation is an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join our programs in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge. After an initial investigation of our databases, we could not locate a membership for [redacted] in any of our programs with the information provided in her complaint. In order to complete a more thorough search, a service name, service account number (if known), any other related information (other names or other addresses) or a copy of [redacted] statement reflecting one of our charges is requested. [redacted] may either e-mail ([redacted]) or fax ([redacted]) the information to my attention for review and further investigation. We apologize for any inconvenience that [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter will be resolved to her satisfaction. Sincerely, [redacted]Customer Relations

Review: Billing of monthly charges

Member #XXXXXXXX. This company is choosing to deny monthly billing on an issue that has, since has been resolved, and is in good standing with the credit card issuer. The reasoning is based solely on a mechanical issue within the said company, and refusal to verify billing with credit card issuer.

Desired Settlement: To continue to allow me to use services provided by said company, which has indeed saved me hundreds of dollars in travel expenses over the years. I have not been able to find another company that provides the same level of service as said business has. I have a strong desire to continue to patronize said business, assuming current issue can be resolved



Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2013/06/04) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding Mr. [redacted]'s concerns with his Travelers Advantage membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

Our records indicate that, in April, we were unable to successfully charge our monthly membership fee to the credit card account that Mr. [redacted] had selected for his payment. Mr. [redacted]'s Travelers Advantage membership remained active, though, and we again attempted to charge the monthly fee to Mr. [redacted]'s account. This time, our records show that the charge was successful. Mr. [redacted]'s Travelers Advantage membership will remain active at this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: I signed up on a call that originated claiming I could get $25 off my airline ticket from [redacted] Airlines and when I called they wanted $1 on my credit card, I then proceded and a month later they charged me $16.99 and I never recieved any $25 discount on my ticket, so I cancelled it , then the next month I get charged again $16.99 still nothing in return, I feel that it is frudulent what they claim and turn around and charge you.Desired Settlement: They claim I do not get any refund due to thier policies. So they lead me to believe I would save $25 on an airline ticket, and ended up charging me $34 and I got nothing in return.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with his Great Fun membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation. By way of background, Great Fun is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Great Fun in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] was enrolled in our Great Fun service on April 13, 2014, after making a purchase from[redacted] Airlines and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Mr. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in Great Fun which our records indicate he accepted. According to the terms of the agreement for Great Fun, if Mr.[redacted] did not inform us that he wished to cancel the membership at the end of the trial period, he would be charged the current monthly membership fee.Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in Great Fun. As such, Mr. [redacted]’s membership was canceled on January 13, 2015, and a refund of $102.94 will be issued to his credit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that he was charged for the service. Sincerely,

Review: On April 5th 2013, I was sent a letter by my bank; [redacted]. That I had a overdraft on my account. I followed the tail back to Affinion group. This people allowed some person to sign my name to open a rewards account for my checkinmg account. The person signed my name [redacted]. I never sign my name this way!! then to me that I had to close out an account that I didn't open in the first place!! My account was charged 8.95 for a service I didn't agree to in any way!! I never leave money in my account, so this is were the overdraft came from. Then they business have the nerve to tell me that they would return the 8.95 but, was not responseable for any overdrafts that was made!!!!! My bank said that they did not give the tjhey my imformation, yet there are doing business with them. I smell a rat!!!!! I had to fight with the bank and this service to get my account right. They had NO RIGHT to my imformation at all. Two week it took to get this matter right, just to day the manager at [redacted] on greenfield in Southfield fixed my account. I want , INEED for someone to do something about thje company letting other people sign my name and get gift cards on me. They keep asking have I talked to walmart about this; what walmart, there is not a walmart any where around me, that I know of! PLEASE check thjis matter and call me as sooon as you can. XXX-XXX-XXXX!!!!!!!!!!!

Account_Number: rewards services

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

I want them to pay both the overdraft charges for my account; 37.00 each I don't want them with my imformattion ever!!!!!!!! I want them to explain who this happen and then make sure that it doesn't happen to anyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MADD



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/05/09) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with her Savers Rewards membership, a service provided by Affinion Benefits Group.

By way of background, the Savers Rewards program is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer's account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in the Savers Rewards program. An individual member may join the service in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the checking account statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.

Ms. [redacted] received a solicitation to join Savers Rewards which was mailed to select [redacted] customers. The solicitation piece fully and clearly discloses the terms of the offer. Unless the customer affirmatively elects to subscribe by returning the signed and completed order card, the customer [redacted] not be enrolled as a member, nor billed the monthly fee. For offers with a trial period, members may cancel at any time within the trial period by simply calling a toll-free number, which is listed in the membership materials.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in Savers Rewards on April 1st, 2013, after we received her signed and completed order card. We are mailing Ms. [redacted] a copy of the order card for her to review.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in the Savers Rewards program. As such, Ms. [redacted]'s membership was canceled on April 11th, 2013, and a refund of $8.95 was issued to her checking account as reimbursement of the monthly fee that she was charged.

Please ask Ms. [redacted] to provide us copies of her bank statements depicting any overdraft fees that she incurred as a result of the Savers Rewards membership fee and that have not already been refunded by her financial institution. She may either email ([redacted].com) or fax (XXX-XXX-XXXX) the statements to my attention for review.

We have also have taken immediate steps to remove Ms. [redacted]'s name and address from our future mailing lists. However, in some cases, the process to ensure that a name is removed from all mailing lists may take several weeks to complete.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: My debit card was chaged twice $16.99. I did not sign up for any service by this company which also goes under the name TLG SHOPPERS. The company refuses to refund money.Desired Settlement: Refund $33.98



Thank you for [redacted]'s correspondence regarding his concerns with his Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in the services. An individual member may join Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.

Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on July 1st, 2013, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, he was presented with the option to enroll in the services, which our records indicate he accepted. According to the terms of the agreement for Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, if he did not inform us that he wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, he would be charged the current monthly membership fees.

Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the membership. Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] provided his date of birth to the representative confirming his authorization to enroll in the services.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Mr. [redacted]’s Great Fun membership was canceled on August 1st, 2013, and he was not charged a monthly membership fee for the service. Mr. [redacted]’s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on January 13th, 2014, and credits totaling $102.94 are being issued to his credit or debit card account as a full refund for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction.


Customer Relations

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Description: Buying Clubs & Group Purchasing Service, Marketing Consultants

Address: 313 Talbot Blvd, Chestertown, Maryland, United States, 21620-1016


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