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Affinion Group, Inc.

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Reviews Affinion Group, Inc.

Affinion Group, Inc. Reviews (1491)

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** *** concerns with his *** *** *** a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation
Our records indicate that Mr*** was enrolled in our Great Fun service on August 18, 2015, after making a purchase from Ticketmaster and then
responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Mr*** was presented with the option to enroll in Great Fun, which our records indicate he accepted. The offer for joining Great Fun was two $rebates for purchases from *** In order to avail himself of our promotional offer, Mr*** was required to return the rebate forms that were included in his membership kit or sent to the e-mail provided during the enrollment process. On September 9, 2015, we received a call from Mr***, and he indicated to our representative that he had changed addresses and that there had been a delay in receiving his membership materials. At that time, our representative verified Mr***’ address and requested for the membership material to be sent to him again, including additional rebate forms. We also requested for a thirty day extension of Mr***’ trial period. However, our representative did not indicate to Mr*** that he would be eligible to redeem more than the two $rebates that he was originally offered for joining the service. Please ask Mr*** to contact me at ###-###-#### if he would like to review a recording of that call
According to our records, we have paid Mr*** a total of $in rebates. As he was originally offered only $worth of rebates as an incentive to join Great Fun, Mr*** would not be eligible to redeem any additional rebates. We apologize for any misunderstanding concerning the terms of our promotional offer
Mr***’ Great Fun membership was canceled on October 23, 2015, and he was not charged a monthly fee for the service. We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr*** may have experienced
Jason An***
Customer Relations

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** ***’s concerns with her Great Fun membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation
As an incentive for joining Great Fun, Ms*** was offered two $rebates toward her cell phone billsIn order to
avail herself of the promotional offer, Ms*** was required to return the rebate forms that were included in her membership kit or sent to the e-mail provided during the enrollment process along with two separate cell phone billsUpon receipt of the completed rebate forms and cell phone bills, the rebate checks would have been delivered within 4-weeks
We regret that there was any misunderstanding concerning the terms of our offerIn order to uphold our high level of customer satisfaction, Ms*** can either fax (###-###-####) or email (***) me a copy of one of her cell phone bills, and we will have a $rebate processed by our Claims department
Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in Great FunAs such, Ms***’s membership was canceled on January 28th, 2014, and she was not charged a monthly membership fee for the service
We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction
*** ***
Customer Relations

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** ***’s concerns with his Netmarket membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation
By way of background, Netmarket is part of an established membership-based discount service companyWe jointly market our
memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in the service. An individual member may join Netmarket in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the checking account statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge
After researching his concerns, we found that Mr*** was enrolled in our Netmarket service on January 1st, 2002. Netmarket goes to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the membership If Mr*** did not inform us that he wished to cancel the membership at the end of the trial period, he was charged the annual membership fee. The terms of the agreement provide that, in order to ensure uninterrupted service, the membership would be renewed each year at the then current membership fee
Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in Netmarket As such, Mr***’s membership was canceled on March 22nd, 2014, and a refund of $1,is being issued to his checking account as reimbursement of previous fees that he was charged for the service
We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction
*** ***
Customer Relations

March 31, ID#: *** ("")Dear Madam or Sir:This is in response to the above referenced inquiry filed with your office.Please be advised that as the nature of this inquiry pertains to insurance, we are unable to
provide details on this website for privacy reasons. Please be assured a response has been sent directly to the complainant, addressing the concerns, via overnight mail.We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.Sincerely,Third Party AdministratorCC: Carrier the business is neglecting one of the initial $'holding' fees assessed, I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** ***’s concerns with his Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation
By way of background, Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based
discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in any of our services. An individual member may join Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the names of the services to identify the charges
Our records indicate that Mr*** was enrolled in our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on February 6th, 2014, after making a purchase from *** and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Mr*** was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate he accepted. The offer for joining Great Fun was $in rebates for purchases from ***. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $in rebates for gas purchases. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, if Mr*** did not inform us that he wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, he would be charged the current monthly membership fees
Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the membershipsOur records indicate that Mr*** provided his date of birth to the representative confirming his authorization to enroll in the services
Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Mr***’s Great Fun membership was canceled on March 10th, 2014, and he was not charged a monthly fee for the service. Mr***’s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on March 28th, 2014, and a refund totaling $is being issued to his credit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that he was charged for the service
We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction
*** ***
Customer Relations

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
Sincerely,*** ***I did not receive any paper work pretaining a policy.....ive stated this over and over again so how do the cancellation process pretain to me when,like I stated never knew this was in process until October 2014...I've tried to reach out to this company after receiving a package from,***,was unsuccessful at reachin *** *** customer Relations manger to again,explain to him that I have never received paper work on this policy......please help me im a single mom of four husband is currently deceased I need all my hard working monies I have sick,children autistic boys and I just found out today my daughter has a heart mumer with doctors visits and prescription cost I have to pay out of pocket,I can use my funds,that I work hard for,by the way I have paperwork regarding my childrens status as far as heath papper work available upon request thanks in,advance,,and enjoy the holidays

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** ***’s concerns with her Buyers Advantage membership, a service
provided by Trilegiant Corporation
By way of background, Buyers Advantage is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join our programs in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge Our records indicate that Ms*** was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Buyers Advantage services on May 13, 2014, after making an online travel reservation and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent reservation by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms*** was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Buyers Advantage, which our records indicate she accepted. The offer for joining Great Fun was two (2) $reservation rebates. The offer related to Buyers Advantage was $in rebates for gas purchases. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Buyers Advantage, if Ms*** did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the current monthly membership fees. Ms*** was provided a separate phone number for each service to call to cancel.Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Buyers Advantage. As such, Ms***’s Great Fun membership was canceled on July 23, 2014, and she was not charged a monthly fee. Ms***’s Buyers Advantage membership was canceled on January 4, 2017, and refunds totaling $will be issued to her credit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for the service
We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction
Jason A***
Customer Relations

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** ***’s concerns with his Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation
By way of background, Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established
membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges
Our records indicate that Mr*** was enrolled in both our Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage services on September 30, 2014, after making a purchase from *** *** and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Mr*** was presented with the option to enroll in both Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate he accepted The offer for joining Travelers Advantage was $worth of rebates for *** *** reservations. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $in gas purchase rebates. According to the terms of the agreements for Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage, if Mr*** did not inform us that he wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, he would be charged the current monthly membership fees
Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the membershipsOur records indicate that Mr*** provided his date of birth to the representative confirming his authorization to enroll in the services
Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage As such, Mr***’s Travelers Advantage membership was canceled on October 27, 2014, and he will not be charged a monthly fee. Mr***’s Shoppers Advantage membership was also canceled on October 27, 2014, and a $refund will be issued to his credit card account as reimbursement of the trial fee that he was charged for the service
We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction
*** ***
Customer Relations
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meI will reopen the claim if the described refund has not been delivered in a timely fashion I sincerely thank you for your assistance in this matter Thank you very much!
*** ***

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** *** concerns with *** *** ***, a service provided by *** * *** ** ***, Inc We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post
charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in *** *** ***. An individual member may join *** *** *** after placing an online order at *** ***, and the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge. Our records indicate that Mr*** was enrolled in the *** *** *** service on February 28, 2014, after placing an online order on the *** *** website. The *** *** *** membership was described to Mr*** at the time of the enrollment, including billing and cancellation terms. Mr*** accepted the offer by clicking the “Yes” button, indicating his agreement to enroll in the service. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in *** *** ***. As such, Mr*** membership was canceled on September 4, 2014. According to our records, Mr*** was successfully billed three $fees to his *** account. If Mr*** has his *** account linked to his checking account, it is possible that our transactions reflected on his *** statement before the actual funds were withdrawn from his checking account. Please ask Mr*** to contact *** customer service to confirm if this is what has occurred. Refunds totaling $were issued to Mr*** *** account as full reimbursement of the fees that he was charged for the service, but we believe that only one credit of $successfully posted to his account. A refund check of $was mailed to Mr*** as reimbursement of the remaining two fees We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction. Sincerely,
*** ***Customer Relations

April 2,
VIA ONLINE SUBMISSION (“”) Complaint Department
RE: File #: ***
Dear Sir or Madam:
This correspondence is in regard to the above referenced complaint
filed with your office
Due to Privacy, we are not able to provide specific information
regarding insurance related matters on this websitePlease be assured that a
written response addressing all issues raised by the complainant will be sent
directly to the Primary Insured under separate cover within the next seven (7)
to ten (10) business days
We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter
Third Party Administrator
cc: carrier

Thank you for *** ***'s correspondence regarding her concerns with her Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation
By way of background, Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount
service companyWe jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customersWe always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in the servicesAn individual member may join Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billedTo ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges
Our records indicate that Ms*** was enrolled in our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on February 5th, 2014, after making a purchase from *** and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free numberUpon calling the toll free number, Ms*** was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate she acceptedThe offer related to the Great Fun membership was $in rebates for purchases from ***The offer for enrolling in Shoppers Advantage was $in gas purchase rebatesAccording to the terms of the agreements for the services, if Ms*** did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the current monthly membership fees
Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the membershipOur records indicate that Ms*** provided her date of birth to the representative confirming her authorization to enroll in the Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services
Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Ms***’s Great Fun membership was canceled on March 21st, 2014, and she was not charged a monthly feeAdditionally, Ms***’s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on March 21st, 2014, and credits totaling $were issued to her debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees she was charged for the service
We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction
*** ***Customer Relations

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: At no time did I agree to participate in the Shoppers Advantage program either verbally or in written form Until noticing the recurring charges on my *** Card I had never heard of Shoppers Advantage This is the type of business practice that has contributed to the giving Affion Group a "D" rating I am basing that on what I have read about Affion Group on the website
*** ***

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** ***’s concerns with her *** *** and *** *** memberships, services provided by *** CorporationBy way of background, *** *** and *** *** are part of an established membership-based
discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join *** *** and *** *** in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the chargesAfter researching her concerns, we found that *** *** enrolled in both our *** *** and *** *** services on March 31, 2016, after being transferred to one of our representatives by *** ***. During that call, *** *** was told about special offers for trying the services for trial periods. The offer for joining *** *** was two (2) $rebates for *** *** reservations. The offer related to *** *** was $in gas purchase rebates*** *** and *** *** go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. If *** *** did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the monthly membership fees. Trial members could cancel at any time within the trial periods by simply calling the toll-free numbers which are provided during enrollment and listed on the membership materials and owe nothing further. A separate phone number to call to cancel each service was provided to *** *** during the enrollment process. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in *** *** and *** *** As such, *** ***’s *** *** membership was canceled on April 26, 2016, and she was not charged a monthly fee. *** ***’s *** *** membership was canceled on May 14, 2016, and refunds totaling $are being issued to her debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for this service We apologize for any inconvenience that *** *** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfactionSincerely, Jason A*** Customer Relations

Thank you for your correspondence regarding *** ***’s concerns with his Great Fun membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.By way of background, Great Fun is part of an established membership-based discount service companyWe jointly market our memberships with our clients to
their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Great Fun in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.Our records indicate that Mr*** was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on October 8, 2014, after making a reservation from *** Airlines and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Mr*** was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate he accepted. The offer for joining Great Fun was two (2) $rebates for *** Airlines reservations. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $in gas purchase rebates. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, if Mr*** did not inform us that he wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, he would be charged the current monthly membership fees.Please be assured that we make every effort to comply with a member’s request to cancel their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage for any reason. As such, Mr***’s Great Fun membership was canceled on November 3, 2015, and refunds totaling $will be issued his credit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that he was charged for the service. Mr***’s Shoppers Advantage membership was previously canceled on February 5, We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction.Sincerely,Jason A***Customer Relations


Thank you for Ms*** additional correspondence. Using this information, we were able to locate a membership for Ms*** in our *** *** program. Our records indicate that Ms*** was enrolled in the *** *** service after receiving a solicitation which was mailed to select *** customers. A consumer who received the solicitation was invited to cash a check for $to activate their membership. If the check was cashed, the consumer would have received the membership free for a trial periodTrial members could cancel at anytime within the trial period by simply calling a toll-free number, which was listed on the membership materials and owe nothing. Otherwise, their membership continued and the semi-annual membership fee was charged to their credit card. The solicitation piece fully disclosed the terms of the offer. The front and back of the check stated that cashing the check activated the *** *** membership. Furthermore, the letter that enclosed the check also stated, on the front and the back, that cashing or depositing the check automatically enrolled the consumer in the service. Our records indicate that Ms*** was enrolled in *** *** on January 28, 2008, after she cashed the check for $9.25. We are mailing Ms*** a copy of the check for her review. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in *** ***. As such, Ms*** membership was canceled on May 18, 2015, and a refund of $was issued to her credit card account. An additional refund of $is being issued to her account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for the service. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved her satisfaction. Sincerely, *** ***Customer Relations

Thank you for your letter of correspondence regarding *** *** concerns with her *** Gold membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation By way of background, *** Gold is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly
market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join *** Gold in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card or checking account statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge. Ms*** received a solicitation to join *** Gold which was mailed to select *** Bank customers. The solicitation piece fully and clearly disclosed the terms of the offer. Unless the customer affirmatively elected to subscribe by returning the signed and completed order card, the customer would not be enrolled as a member, nor billed the monthly fee. For offers with a trial period, members could cancel at any time within the trial period by simply calling a toll-free number which was listed in the membership materials. Our records indicate that Ms*** was enrolled in *** Gold on August 27, 2012, after we received her signed and completed order card. We have attached a copy of Ms*** order card for your review. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in *** Gold. As such, Ms*** membership was canceled on June 30, 2015, and refunds totaling $will be issued to her checking account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for the service We have also have taken immediate steps to remove Ms*** name and address from our future mailing lists. However, in some cases, the process to ensure that a name is removed from all mailing lists may take several weeks to complete. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms*** may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction. Sincerely, *** ***Customer Relations
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** *** this is the account number that they gave me when the money was removed from my card a second time when it should have already been cancelled

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Description: Buying Clubs & Group Purchasing Service, Marketing Consultants

Address: 313 Talbot Blvd, Chestertown, Maryland, United States, 21620-1016


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