Accredited Debt Relief Reviews (32)
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Address: 591 Camino De La Reina #818, San Diego, California, United States, 92108
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Hello,I sincerely apologize for any unpleasant experience you may have had with a company in which we work withOur inside office manager [redacted] left you a voicemail and tried to call you last Wednesday to talk to you about your complaint and help answer any of your questionsHe said he didn't receive a call back from your but did exchange some emails with you that I have attached belowIf you are still needing assistance or have any concerns feel free to reach out to me directly as I am the owner of Accredited Debt Relief and want to make sure you are taken care ofHer is my direct office line [redacted] Again I am truly sorry for any inconvenience you may have had Regards, [redacted] From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, October 29, 12:PM To: ' [redacted] ' Subject: RE: [redacted] : Recent voicemail left for you from [redacted] @ Accredited Debt Relief Hi [redacted] , Good question When you call in on the main line here at Accredited Debt Relief the Sales Representatives that pick up don’t have any access with currently enrolled clients with the company’s they were enrolled with, such as *** Especially if it was enrolled by another rep in the office that no longer works here I am a [redacted] and can help with more difficult situations such as yours I thought you would have emailed us/me back from our previous email chain if the email option I provided last time didn’t work I know we were corresponding via email before and it was difficult for you to speak on the phone Again, I apologize for what took place with *** [redacted] | Sales Manager ACCREDITEDDEBT RELIEF Direct: [redacted] | Personal Fax: [redacted] | [redacted] This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual namedIf you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this emailPlease notify the sender immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your systemFinally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of virusesThe company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, October 29, 12:PM To: [redacted] Subject: RE: [redacted] : Recent voicemail left for you from [redacted] @ Accredited Debt Relief I did call Acredited yesterday prior to speaking with ***I was told that nothing from your end could be done, so what would have been the point to speak to you yesterday prior to filing the complaint? Just curious? Sent via the [redacted] *, an [redacted] smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: [redacted] < [redacted] > Date:10/29/1:PM (GMT-06:00) To: ' [redacted] ' < [redacted] > Subject: RE: [redacted] : Recent voicemail left for you from [redacted] @ Accredited Debt Relief Hi [redacted] , Thanks for the quick reply back and specific details I hear and understand your frustration The lack of communication and clarity on ***’s part is unfortunate and I have provided the Owner here at Accredited Debt Relief with your feedback and experience with ***( [redacted] ***) Any bit of information helps us here at Accredited Debt Relief to align ourselves with other companies we help enroll clients into based upon their specific financial situation We obviously wish it hadn’t gotten to the point where you filled a complaint against us over here at Accredited instead of just *** I am not aware if you did file a complaint against them, but can only assume you did In my responses to you via email here at Accredited Debt Relief I was trying to do everything in our power and scope to provide you with an alternate option to receive updates from *** I wish you would have reached out to me again prior to filing the complaint with the against us at Accredited Debt Relief [redacted] may have changed policies or maybe a rep over there was providing info for clients via email when they were not supposed to Again, we apologize for what took place with *** Let me know if I can be of further assistance, [redacted] | [redacted] ACCREDITEDDEBT RELIEF Direct: [redacted] | Personal Fax: [redacted] | [redacted] This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual namedIf you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this emailPlease notify the sender immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your systemFinally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of virusesThe company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, October 29, 11:AM To: [redacted] Subject: RE: [redacted] : Recent voicemail left for you from [redacted] @ Accredited Debt Relief Hi [redacted] , I did email to receive updatesI was told I could not receive info via emailI also called in several times and was not assisted nor was my calls returnedAs I stated in the complaint, I have settled two of my cases alone with out the help of ***They have not contacted me and they could not provide information regarding the "work" they had been doing on my caseThey have had my contract for almost months and they had not contacted me, nor have they had anything to show for contacting my creditorsIn these months I myself have settled two of my accounts and am now working to settle a third account with another creditor [redacted] , whom I spoke to yesterday, said I should've had a settlement by now and that they hadn't been able to settle due to missing info on my part.....if they were missing info they should've contacted meThen she said that I should be able to settle soon, but she had already told me with the info missing they hadn't been able to contact anyone, so how can she say it would be soon, if no had even spoken with a [redacted] rep? The whole conversation was not adding upShe was contridicting everything she said Sent via the [redacted] *, an [redacted] smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: [redacted] < [redacted] > Date:10/29/12:PM (GMT-06:00) To: [redacted] Subject: [redacted] : Recent voicemail left for you from [redacted] @ Accredited Debt Relief Hi [redacted] , My name is [redacted] and I am a [redacted] at Accredited Debt Relief I just left you a message requesting you call back to discuss your recent complaint against us at Accredited Debt Relief and to answer your questions I was the one responding to your previous emails letting you know [redacted] no longer works here at Accredited and we are unable to see your client information regarding your program I know you mentioned it is difficult with your schedule to call over to [redacted] due to your work schedule In our last email correspondence on 8/27/I recommend you email over to [redacted] to request an update I never heard back after that Unfortunately we are unable to see into your personal program details as we are an enrollment center for different programs You are enrolled with ***( [redacted] ) We have different programs we help enroll clients into depending on their specific financial situation We are extremely apologetic that it has been difficult for you to receive updates from *** I was previously trying to provide you with a different avenue to receive your updates in our last email correspondence Clients with your similar busy schedule simply email over and receive updates Please call back at your earliest convenience to discuss and so that I can apologize over the phone as well My contact info is listed below Kind regards, [redacted] | [redacted] ACCREDITEDDEBT RELIEF Direct: [redacted] | Personal Fax: [redacted] | [redacted] This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual namedIf you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this emailPlease notify the sender immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your systemFinally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of virusesThe company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email From: ADR_Management [mailto: [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, August 27, 4:PM To: ' [redacted] ' Subject: RE: [redacted] - Debt Resolution Agreement Hi [redacted] , Unfortunately [redacted] no longer works here at Accredited She gives all her clients her best You can send an email to [redacted] support to request an update if you would like Make sure to put your name and phone number on file in the subject line of the email with your request for an update in the body of the paragraph [redacted] Support – Email: [redacted] Regards, accredited DEBT RELIEF | [redacted] | [redacted] This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual namedIf you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate,distribute or copy this emailPlease notify the sender immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your systemFinally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of virusesThe company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, August 27, 5:AM To: [redacted] Subject: Re: [redacted] - Debt Resolution Agreement Cam you please give me an update on my settlements via email? I've tried calling, but the hours I work and your open are not meshing well and I haven't been able to reach anyone / [redacted] Style Definitions */ / [redacted] Style Definitions */
We appreciate the feedback because we are always looking to improve the customer experience You are correct that we have established partnerships with top rated companies within their industry As a company, we want to deliver the highest quality of service therefore we utilize companies that specialize in certain areas Moving forward, we will have agents confirm the best method of communication to ensure we are not missing the mark with our clients There is a process to follow when canceling the program however we are willing to take a more unconventional approach for you We value ALL our clients and thank you for the feedback because feedback is truly a gift We wish you well on your path to becoming debt free!
Hello, we we are so sorry you had this experience and would love to talk to you about this [redacted] from our office tried and called on 7/at 09:44am and lefta Voice Mail and called again this morning 08/at 8:53am and left aVoice MailAgain so sorry for any inconvenience or bad customer experience you may have had as this is not something we stand forIf you have time and would like to discuss this further please reach out to [redacted] directly at his below email or number [redacted] | Sales ManagerACCREDITED DEBT RELIEFDirect: [redacted] | Personal Fax: [redacted] |
Accredited Debt Relief respectfully disagrees with Ms [redacted] erroneous conclusions regarding the services she received and further disputes the links she has provideAccredited Debt Relief, a reputable, compliant and bonded debt relief provider, assisted Ms [redacted] with her unsustainable unsecured debt obligations by assessing her situation and in doing so assisted her in enrolling into Freedom Debt Relief’s (also a reputable, compliant and bonded debt relief provider) debt resolution programResponsive to Ms [redacted] statements, she was receiving letters from her creditors upon her enrolling into FDR’s program in March and shortly thereafter, because she was already past due in paying her creditors when she enrolled All terms and conditions of Ms [redacted] program were clearly explained to her both verbally and within the agreement itself, including the fact that she would need to save enough funds prior to her debt relief provider’s reaching out to her creditors to obtain less than full balance settlement offers on her behalfAs such we do not understand why Ms [redacted] was surprised that none of her creditors had been paid shortly after she enrolled for her debt relief services Among other disclosures Ms [redacted] agreed to, she agreed to the following in her agreement “It is often the case that creditors will not want to spend time negotiating with FDR until you have saved enough funds to make a reasonable initial offerDepending on the size and distribution of your accounts this can be to months (or more in some cases) after enrolling in FDR’s program.” Contrary to Ms [redacted] statements the $that was withdrawn (the majority of which was placed into her dedicated account minus minimal fees from her dedicated account provider) and placed into her dedicated savings account was not nearly enough for FDR to begin settlement negotiations with her creditorsFurther, representatives continually attempted to contact her, however such attempts were unsuccessfulFurther its been Accredited Debt Relief and FDR’s experience that all major creditors have worked with them in the past to settle debts at a less than full balanceHowever these very creditors often advice their debtors just the opposite because such creditors do not want it known to their debtors that they will accept a less than the full balance of the debt such debtors owe Contrary to Ms [redacted] statements she did sign an agreement with FDR which clearly listed all fees and when her account would be debitedSuch agreement also contained an independent agreement allowing the establishment of a dedicated account provider, such provider being [redacted] TechnologiesNo funds were taken from Ms [redacted] account without her approvalAnd any funds that were taken were placed into a dedicated account that she maintained complete control overFurther no fees were taken from Ms [redacted] by her debt relief provider as no settlements were obtained on her behalf due to the short period of time she remained in her debt relief programThe only fees that were taken from Ms [redacted] were those very minimal fees charged by her dedicated account provider whom she authorized to do per the agreement she entered intoGiven Ms [redacted] concerns the funds she had managed to save during her brief participation in her debt relief program have been refunded to her as well as the minimal fees she paid for her dedicated account services Ms [redacted] received her funds back into her checking account on April 20th, Further Ms [redacted] debt relief program has been cancelled with no further obligation from her or her debt relief providerIf Ms [redacted] has any further questions we encourage her to contact her debt relief provider at [800-655-6303]
Hi ***,So sorry to hear about your experience with [redacted] in our officeI'm not sure where the disconnect is but he has been calling and emailing you as I have personally been making sure and monitoring the status of your complaint as we never want a customer to be unhappy [redacted] my name is *** and I am the owner of accredited debt relief and here is my personal line that you can feel free to call me at to discuss this matter if you choose [redacted] or via email at [redacted] .When it comes to your request about your inquiry you reached out to us via our online form at on 3/23/see snap shot belowThat form on the website that you filled out if you look only collects your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Debt amount and the State in which you resideAt no time or point does it collect your social security number, address and or date of birth etcThe only way [redacted] or us at Accredited Debt Relief could obtain this information such as your SSN, DOB and address which is required to run a copy of someones credit report is if you personally gave it to us via email or over the phone which you did over the phone when we asked you if it was ok to run a copy of your report to go over all the options with you and see what types of debts you have and how we might be able to help you consolidate themSo we cannot personally remove this item from your reportHowever if you still disagree you may send a dispute to all three of the credit bureaus requesting it to be removed [redacted] below said he will send you that information on how to do soAgain sorry for any inconvenience this may have cause you and feel free to reach out to me at [redacted] or [redacted] .Regards, [redacted] From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, August 04, 10:AM To: ' [redacted] ' Subject: FW: Re: ***, when you can please give me a call So when I called [redacted] earlier and emailed you the screen shot he called me back and it went to voicemail The below email is what I got back from him in the span of maybe minutesJust wanted to give you a heads up I did just speak with him and called through [redacted] I told him how to contact the credit bureaus to dispute the inquiry I did tell him I would email him the numbers to all to make it easier on himI will forward that email to you as well He stated he wanted to be able to email the bureaus as he does not like to be on the phones I told him I would see if this is an option when I looked up the numbersNothing else was said [redacted] | Sales Manager ACCREDITEDDEBT RELIEF Direct: [redacted] | Personal Fax: [redacted] | This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual namedIf you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this emailPlease notify the sender immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your systemFinally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of virusesThe company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email From: [redacted] [ [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, August 04, 9:AM To: [redacted] Cc: [redacted] Subject: Fwd: Re: ***, when you can please give me a call Please refer to case# [redacted] Business Name: Accredited Debt Relief Address: [redacted] Phone: [redacted] Name: [redacted] Address: [redacted] Daytime Phone: [redacted] Evening Phone: [redacted] Fax: [redacted] Email: [redacted] ----- Forwarded message from [redacted] ----- Date: Thu, Aug 16:52:+Subject: Re: ***, when you can please give me a callTo: " [redacted] " < [redacted] > I called the first time around 12:pm but you did not pick upI called a second time and left a message around 12:pmAfter I left the message, you sent me this emailI called as of 12:pm EST but you did not answer the phoneEach time I called [redacted] I will let the know that you do not answer the phone in contrast to your suggestions that you're available by phoneOn 8/4/at 12:PM, " [redacted] " < [redacted] > wrote: Good morning ***, When you can today could you give me a call so we could discuss the credit inquiry and your request to remove it? Thank you so much [redacted] | Sales Manager ACCREDITEDDEBT RELIEF Direct: [redacted] | Personal Fax: [redacted] | This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual namedIf you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this emailPlease notify the sender immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your systemFinally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of virusesThe company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, August 04, 9:AM To: ' [redacted] ' Subject: RE: Complaint that went in this Morning ***, I called him Wednesday at 9am when I first got inI am calling him right now as wellI will screen shot that and send it in just a minute [redacted] | Sales Manager ACCREDITEDDEBT RELIEF Direct: [redacted] | Personal Fax: [redacted] | This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual namedIf you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this emailPlease notify the sender immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your systemFinally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of virusesThe company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ] Sent: Thursday, August 04, 9:AM To: ' [redacted] ' Subject: RE: Complaint that went in this Morning Can you send me time stamps of exactly when you did so that I can send them? [redacted] Accredited Debt Relief Direct: [redacted] | Fax: [redacted] | This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual namedIf you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this emailPlease notify the sender immediately if you have received this email by mistake and delete this email from your systemFinally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of virusesThe company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email of today, 3/14/2018, the business has not completed the closing of the escrow account nor the customer file it said it had done two days agoMy concern is that I agree with this and they fail to hold up what they claimed via an email I received two days ago! I have attached that supporting email as referenceThank you I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved Regards, [redacted] ***
Thank you for forwarding this consumer’s inquiry to our attention We have added this consumer to our No-Contact list, and will not send any further emails to their attentionWe will completely adhere to this consumer’s request for no further contact Kindly indicate in your files satisfactory resolution of this consumer’s concerns / [redacted] Style Definitions */
At Accredited Debt Relief we take issues like this very seriouslyUnfortunately sometimes people steal/illegally use our email graphics and send them out as spamThese emails appear to be from us but are not as we are 100% CAN-SPAM compliantAlso we do not and have never sent deceptive emails, we always send email advertisements as Accredited Debt ReliefAdditionally I see that you are having difficulty forwarding the emails that you are receiving to usIt is very important we get the actual email/code so that we can try to figure out who is illegally sending out emails with our graphicsCan you please try forwarding the emails again to the following email addresses? *** and customerservice@acrelief.comWe apologize for the inconvenience and we are doing everything in our power to make the email stop asap
Thank you for forwarding this consumer’s inquiry to our attention. We have added this consumer to our No-Contact list, and will not send any further emails to their attentionWe will completely adhere to this consumer’s request for no further contact. Kindly indicate in your files
satisfactory resolution of this consumer’s concerns
Hello and sorry for any misunderstanding you may have hadIt appears you enrolled in a month debt resolution program of $per month in October to get $12,in debt resolved through *** *** Services, who we here at Accredited Debt Relief are affiliated with. After you
spoke to a manager here yesterday, it was confirmed that you have received at least one successful settlement in this program (with just your last two accounts remaining). We understand that one has to have a measure of patience transitioning through this process - and that this is more of a marathon of months, not a sprint. But when you ultimately see your remaining enrolled debts dissolve, this process will all be worth it, we assure you Also, there may have been some miscommunication with the sales representative in question, but it appears that he initially told you that the settlements typically start coming through in month to of the program onwards (which is what has happened) - not that you’d have all your debt paid off in a few months (in specific reference to your complaint). Congratulations on making headway here in getting your debt resolved - and our negotiation team, *** *** Services, looks forward to your continued success in settling your remaining accountsPlease feel free to let us know if there is anything else we can help you withYou can reach *** *** one of our managers directly at Direct: *** or email at *** Again sorry for any miscommunication and we look forward to continuing to work with you!
Hello,I'm sorry to hear about you not being able to be removed from an emailI have placed your email on our internal Opt out listWe as Accredited have marketing partners who send out emails from time to time so this must be from one of them as we do not have you or your information in any of our
systems.Can you please do me a favor and forward the email to me directly that you are having the issue with so that we can look into it furtherPlease email it to me at ***You can also reach me at ***Thanks***
I have forwarded the email and it has been returned by the server times The email it was sent to was ***
At Accredited Debt Relief we take issues like this very seriouslyUnfortunately sometimes people steal/illegally use our email graphics and send them out as spamThese emails appear to be from us but are not as we are 100% CAN-SPAM compliantAlso we do not and have never sent deceptive emails, we
always send email advertisements as Accredited Debt ReliefAdditionally I see that you are having difficulty forwarding the emails that you are receiving to usIt is very important we get the actual email/code so that we can try to figure out who is illegally sending out emails with our graphicsCan you please try forwarding the emails again to the following email addresses? ***@***.com and ***@***.comWe apologize for the inconvenience and we are doing everything in our power to make the email stop asap
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. THE EMAIL IS RETURNING AS UNDELIVERABLE: *** ** ** *** *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** *** * *** *** *** ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** * ** *** *** *** ** ** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** *** ***
E ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
***, ***, and the auditing department evaded the substantive issue: They provide no evidence I ever consented to a hard pull and yet they ran a hard pull. I expect they remove the hard pull from my credit reportThey continue to evade this issue, bringing up unnecessary distractionsThere is a difference between a hard pull and a soft pullAgain, they provide no evidence that I ever agreed to a hard pullThey misrepresent their business practices
*** ***
Hi ***,Again I am sorry for any inconvenience you may have hadHere is my direct line again that you can try to call me and address anything you need ***Unfortunately you are not a client of Accredited Debt Relief and there is only so much I can hep you with. We have contacted the company that you enrolled with and told them about your concerns but we cannot see anything on your file as you are enrolled with a different companyI am sorry that *** didn't provide you with the proper care and attention you deserveAgain sorry for any inconvenience they may have caused you and feel free to give me a call with any questions you may have.Regards,*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to
complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action
would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the
offer I reviewed appear below
I have reviewed the response, and I thank you for your time, but I
am not satisfied that nothing could have been done and that *** and
Accredited have not made an attempt to correct the issues at hand
*** ***
Hello,We attempted to reach out to you on Thursday 10/at 9:26am PST*** *** one of the managers left you a message requesting a call back and we have yet to hear from youIt appears you applied for a loan with a bank and a completely different company and website than usYou
unfortunately were turned down for the loans and the bank referred you to us to see if there was anyway we might be able to help you out. Unfortunately we were unable to help you at all eitherAt no time were we ever proved your SSN, DOB or any personal financial information. The company you need to contact is *** as they are the ones who you filled out an application with etcIf you could please redact this complaint that would be greatly appreciated as it appears this was a misunderstanding and a mix up of companies. I can be reached at *** with any further questions. Thanks *** *** Provided basic info on the vm stating that there may have been some confusion regarding the company who assisted her previously, that they are not from our company, they are the ones who took her information and were unable to assist her. At that point that company through *** transferred ONLY her basic info over to us at Accredited for assistance as that company could help. Reaffirmed we do not have any of her personal info at our company and only the basics from the lead. I provided my direct phone number and requested she call me back to confirm and clarify. I will call later today as well if I don’t hear from her first. *** *** | Sales ManagerACCREDITEDDEBT RELIEF Direct: *** | Personal Fax: ***|
Dear,After filing my complaint, I realized that "Accredited Debt Relief" with the A+ rating was the only honest statement that anyone from this organization had ever made. I started to receive letters and bills from the very companies that "Accredited" was supposed to be paying; they had already taken $706.00 from my bank account. But according to these letters, Accredited had not paid any of my creditors.In fact, I determined that among the companies [redacted] of Accredited assured me they worked with, none of these companies worked with "Debt Relief" programs, and [redacted] assured me they would not and did not have any contact from Accredited, Freedom [redacted], or [redacted]. I looked into these companies and as far as corporations, they seemed to be either defunct or non-existant. I never heard of [redacted], and neither had any of my creditors. When I discovered that [redacted] among others, had not received a payment since 12/17, and none of my creditors had any record of any recent payments, I realized I'd been ripped off.One specific assurance made to me by [redacted] of "Accredited" was that they would not take any money until I had approved the settlement or deal they had reached with my creditors. But they did take money - a lot of money - and never contacted me to get my approval of any deal they were going to make after obtaining my approval. One need only look at Ripoff Report for complaints about [redacted] - 2 complaints each similar to mine. Money was taken from their bank accounts, and disappeared. While some companies' reviews can be bought and paid for, the Consumer [redacted] Protection Bureau filed a class-action suit against Freedom Debt Relief in November 2017. "Company Deceives Consumers About Its Negotiating Power, the Reach of Its Services, Its Fees, and Consumers’ Rights to Their Own Funds". That is succinctly stated as that is exactly what they did to me. You can see it for yourself at this link https://[redacted]I have not received any attempts by any representative of this company to "reach out" to me and I'm not hard to reach. No mail (usps), no calls, nothing. They are masterful at manipulation and deception and they're not alone.I was absolutely 100% assured by [redacted] that while my credit union and other debtors worked with Accredited and Freedom, the truth is quite the opposite. In fact, none of my creditors ever deal with Debt Relief services and I am now advocating for myself. And I've also discovered how easy it is to do - if you're the consumer.To further muddy the water, [redacted] Technologies comes in as the actual company who debits your bank account. I had no idea who [redacted] was, but after researching them, they're as bad or worse than the others. It's a scam, Accredited is the only one of at least three (3) companies who "partner". It was explained in an email from [redacted] like this: "Your Debt Settlement Partner, Freedom Debt Relief, has created a new client account for you at [redacted] Technologies on Mon, Mar 12, 2018." I didn't sign an Agreement with Freedom Debt Relief and I certainly did not sign anything authorizing "[redacted] Technologies" to access my bank account. Their email was about setting up an account or me and ends with " [redacted] Technologies, LLC. - Your Special Purpose Account provider." It should say "Your Special Purpose Account Deleter". Because Accredited had ALL of my bank account information, I was forced to close my account completely and open a new account. The delays in Direct Deposits from SSDI, among others, have caused me a lot of stress. I couldn't find one single company that had been paid anything. I would think $706 would be enough to start making payments - if they had my approval for the settlement; which they did not, to at least a couple of creditors.And frankly, I'm at a loss to understand how makes it clear that [redacted] is NOT Accredited yet they have a no-review rating of A+. Ripoff Report has a few complaints by "Taken to the Cleaners" and others. Check out [redacted] Technologies reviews by employees at This is a huge scam using the only company that actually has a Accreditation then turns to Freedom [redacted] - currently being sued by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau for doing to others exactly what they did to me and top it off with [redacted] Technologies, which has an A+ rating with the despite no positive reviews and a complaint. I intend to see this through, although I'm concerned that might be perpetuating the problem by giving A+ ratings to companies under investigation, etc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
We appreciate the feedback because we are always looking to improve the customer experience. You are correct that we have established partnerships with top rated companies within their industry. As a company, we want to deliver the highest quality of service therefore we utilize...
companies that specialize in certain areas. Moving forward, we will have agents confirm the best method of communication to ensure we are not missing the mark with our clients. There is a process to follow when canceling the program however we are willing to take a more unconventional approach for you. We value ALL our clients and thank you for the feedback because feedback is truly a gift. We wish you well on your path to becoming debt free!
Accredited Debt Relief respectfully disagrees with Ms. [redacted] erroneous conclusions regarding the services she received and further disputes the links she has provide. Accredited Debt Relief, a reputable, compliant and bonded debt relief provider, assisted Ms. [redacted] with her unsustainable unsecured debt obligations by assessing her situation and in doing so assisted her in enrolling into Freedom Debt Relief’s (also a reputable, compliant and bonded debt relief provider) debt resolution program. Responsive to Ms. [redacted] statements, she was receiving letters from her creditors upon her enrolling into FDR’s program in March 2018 and shortly thereafter, because she was already past due in paying her creditors when she enrolled. All terms and conditions of Ms. [redacted] program were clearly explained to her both verbally and within the agreement itself, including the fact that she would need to save enough funds prior to her debt relief provider’s reaching out to her creditors to obtain less than full balance settlement offers on her behalf. As such we do not understand why Ms. [redacted] was surprised that none of her creditors had been paid shortly after she enrolled for her debt relief services. Among other disclosures Ms. [redacted] agreed to, she agreed to the following in her agreement “It is often the case that creditors will not want to spend time negotiating with FDR until you have saved enough funds to make a reasonable initial offer. Depending on the size and distribution of your accounts this can be 3 to 6 months (or more in some cases) after enrolling in FDR’s program.” Contrary to Ms. [redacted] statements the $706.00 that was withdrawn (the majority of which was placed into her dedicated account minus minimal fees from her dedicated account provider) and placed into her dedicated savings account was not nearly enough for FDR to begin settlement negotiations with her creditors. Further, representatives continually attempted to contact her, however such attempts were unsuccessful. Further its been Accredited Debt Relief and FDR’s experience that all major creditors have worked with them in the past to settle debts at a less than full balance. However these very creditors often advice their debtors just the opposite because such creditors do not want it known to their debtors that they will accept a less than the full balance of the debt such debtors owe. Contrary to Ms. [redacted] statements she did sign an agreement with FDR which clearly listed all fees and when her account would be debited. Such agreement also contained an independent agreement allowing the establishment of a dedicated account provider, such provider being [redacted] Technologies. No funds were taken from Ms. [redacted] account without her approval. And any funds that were taken were placed into a dedicated account that she maintained complete control over. Further no fees were taken from Ms. [redacted] by her debt relief provider as no settlements were obtained on her behalf due to the short period of time she remained in her debt relief program. The only fees that were taken from Ms. [redacted] were those very minimal fees charged by her dedicated account provider whom she authorized to do per the agreement she entered into. Given Ms. [redacted] concerns the funds she had managed to save during her brief participation in her debt relief program have been refunded to her as well as the minimal fees she paid for her dedicated account services. Ms. [redacted] received her funds back into her checking account on April 20th, 2018. Further Ms. [redacted] debt relief program has been cancelled with no further obligation from her or her debt relief provider. If Ms. [redacted] has any further questions we encourage her to contact her debt relief provider at [800-655-6303].