1&1 Internet, Inc Reviews (1210)
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1&1 Internet, Inc Rating
Description: Internet - Web Hosting, Internet Services
Address: 701 Lee Road, Suite 300, Chesterbrook, Pennsylvania, United States, 19087
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Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the domain renewals and balance being sent to
In regard to our automatic renewal feature, this information
had been mentioned and was agreed to through our General Terms and Conditions at
the inception of this account. Aside from that, emails are sent out at 60, 45,
and 30 days prior to any and all domain renewals in order to give you ample
time to process a cancellation if certain domains are no longer required. These
notifications are sent to the email address which you had provided to us, in this
case they were sent to: [redacted].
According to our records, the domains under your account had
renewed back on 1/30/14, and were not canceled until 6/13/14, due to the
account having a past due balance for an extended amount of time. There was no
online cancellation issued before that, there was a “Change Of Provider”
attempt online, which is not a cancellation, but an action issued on domains
that the customer plans on transferring to another provider.
That being said, in order to assist you with this, at your
request we are refunding you in the amount of $100.00. This will be paid to you
via check, and sent out by the end of the business day to the address in which
you referenced: [redacted] [redacted], MA [redacted].
Moving forward, you will no longer be billed or invoiced
since this account is no longer active.
We apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused
Thank you.
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Good afternoon,
I have spent the past half hour trying to get in touch with someone at your corporate office located in Chesterbrook, PA, USA; but, everyone I speak with says they do not have the telephone number to speak with a member of management. Furthermore, no supervisors are available and no one can transfer me to a phone line associated with the corporate office. I've been hung up on twice and I simply wanted to ask the best way to report a website (myfidgetcube.com), hosted through 1and1.com, that is stealing money from consumers as well as collecting credit card information. Everyone I've spoken to has stated I need to be a customer in order to address the matter. If accurate, this allows a fairly large exploit for people who do business through your servers to engage in illegal activity. I attempted to call the Care Taker team at the number provided in this profile and it stated I have called outside of normal business hours of 8:00am - 8:00pm, Monday through Friday. It is currently within those times from Pacific time all the way to Eastern time.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience
associated with this account.
As per our Case History listed under this account, an agent
you spoke with earlier today has confirmed, just as I previously had, that the
account has in fact been canceled, and there is a $0.00 balance, since I have
waived the past invoice that was due.
Once an account has been canceled, it usually takes 7-10
days for the login functionality to no longer work. The reason that occurs, is
so that a customer who may have canceled their account, but still has an open
balance, can login, and update the credit card information to make their final payment,
or in fact to receive a pro-rated refund. I apologize if this is an
inconvenience, as it is a system limitation and process that I cannot override
or physically manipulate.
In regard to the domain: [redacted], it
is not 1&1 Internet Inc. which is not allowing you to transfer the name to
another provider until 60 days past the initial registration date. That
particular matter and regulation, is held and maintained by ICANN, the over
governing company of all domains. Due to it being an ICANN rule and regulation,
not one implemented by 1&1 Internet Inc., we do not have the ability to move
around it, in order to facilitate the transfer to another provider at this
time. I am sincerely sorry for that being the case, but it is something that we
do not have the authority to process. Now that your domain has been set to
close immediately, as per your request earlier today, you may purchase it with
another provider once it goes through the ICANN Redemption process.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:
WHEN I FIRST CONTACTED them to purchase a domain name, Realtor-roy.com and the other one, I was told that my contact information would bee confidential
SHortly after the purchase of their product that by the way NEVER worked
I began getting multiple emails from many different companies
calling me| at a NON published phone number, emaikling me at a email address I only gave to them
AND every company that contacted me MENTIONED [redacted]
AND several of the people I talked to TOLD me that they recievced my contact information form these jerks that I TRUSTED
I EVEN FORWARDED THEIR mEAILS TO YOUR COMPANY so you can see I WAS telling the truth
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with this account.
In regard to the voicemail that I left, our records indicate that the unwanted MyWebsite
Package has already been canceled, and a refund associated with this in the
amount of $51.96 was processed on 2/15/16. You will be able to confirm this
refund with your bank/financial institution.
In order to assist you further with this matter, I have
issued an additional refund in the amount of $239.79, which will be processed
to the credit card ending in “[redacted]” within 3-5 business days. Once you have
received this refund, all payments that you had made under Contract ID #[redacted] between
February of 2014 to February of 2016 for a total amount of $291.75, will have
been returned to you.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience
associated with the cancellation of this account.
As per the email notification that I sent you yesterday
(5/5/15), in regard to this particular matter, we are clearing the due balance
of $20.97 that was associated with the disputed charge so that you are no
longer responsible for any payment being made to 1&1 Internet.
That being said, we have also issued the immediate
cancellation of this account per your request.
Moving forward, you will no longer be invoiced for any services under
this account since it has been canceled.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with this account while it was active.
In regard to the $0.99 charge that you saw on your credit
card shortly after ordering the domain: [redacted], that was a test
charge that processes through our system to check the validity of the payment
method that had been submitted with the order you placed. It does not actually
count or go against the overall balance due for the order itself. Unfortunately,
as mentioned by yourself and previous agents, there was a billing bug that
affected some of our customers in relation to receiving the promotional rate of
$0.99 for new domain orders, instead of the regular $14.99 domain charge. Our
records indicate that the initial charge attempt of $14.99 was declined before a
credit of $14.00 was applied to the account, in order to adjust the balance to
the correct amount of $0.99. Due to the inconvenience, one of my colleagues had
the $0.99 promo balance cleared, so that the $14.00 credit was actually
processed to your credit card on 10/31/14 as a refund. Aside from that, there
had been a free 30 Day Trial for an Online Store Plus feature which was billed
in the amount of $49.99 after the trial was finished. This $49.99 invoice was
never physically debited from your credit card, and a member of our Solutions
Team waived that balance, along with completely canceling this account when you
called in on 12/23/14. I apologize if you were not aware or properly informed
of this feature, as it was listed under the account. To date, we never received
a payment, we have only processed to you a refund of $14.00. Your bank or
financial institution would be able to confirm this information with you.
That being said, the domain: [redacted] is still
registered in your name, up until 10/22/15. This domain does not belong to us,
it belongs to you, it just happens to be sitting under a canceled account.
Currently, if you do not wish to keep it or do business with 1&1 Internet
Inc. any longer, you simply need to transfer the domain to another provider.
This is an action that you as the domain owner would have to initiate from the
domain registrar of your choice.
Moving forward, you will no longer be billed or invoiced for
any service, since this account is no longer active.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the cancellation of your account, and the balance
being sent to collections.
In order to assist you with this, we are removing this
account from collections. [redacted] will remove you from any list that they
have, and this will not, and has not, affected your credit. As well, we
are wiping clean the outstanding balance of $ 78.92 ($59.97+$18.95 Late Fee)
that you have with either [redacted] or 1&1 Internet. No more money will be
owed on this account and you will no longer be required to contact [redacted] or
1&1 Internet regarding this unfortunate situation.
That being said, for your records, this account has been
canceled. Moving forward, you will no longer be billed or invoiced for this
service in the future.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that has occurred here in regard to switching packages.The previous refund of $70.89 has since been processed and you should see this on your current method of payment. Our records show...
that the Billing Agent you spoke with today, 05/16/14, issued an additional refund of £7.47 on your account. However, in addition to this, we are issuing a further refund of $88.38. You should see these recent refunds on your current method of payment within fifteen (15) days. While it usually sooner, refunds can take up to fifteen (15) days to process. I hope that this helps alleviate some of the frustration that has been caused here.Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that you have experienced.[redacted]Customer Care1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the billing under this canceled account.
According to our records, you canceled this account over the
phone with a Cancellation Agent on 5/7/14, but at that time, a new 3 month
invoice had already generated, and was in the middle of being processed, since
the billing cycle renewal date occurred on 5/3/14. Due to this, your [redacted] was
charged in the amount of $149.97 on 5/8/14.
However, that being said, with the cancellation of your
account having been done, on 5/12/14 we sent you a credit invoice stating that
we would be issuing you a pro-rated refund of $140.29, which you physically
received back to your [redacted] account on 5/19/14. Even though we sent you that
confirmation, in the process of refunding you for the canceled account, you
still filed a [redacted] dispute against the initial invoice, that as referenced, was
in the process of being refunded. Due to this action and our process, the
balance of $149.97 was reapplied to your account.
In order to assist you with this particular matter, we will
waive the disputed balance of $149.97. There will be no further invoices
generated for this account, since it is no longer active.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted], (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience caused here with the functionality of the E-Commerce package due
to a bug we are currently experiencing.
Regarding your request, the domain information is now
showing as “Public” within the WhoIs records, so you would be able to initiate
a transfer to another provider at any time.
Due to the inconvenience associated with this, we are
refunding the one invoice that had been generated under this account.
Please allow 3-5 business days for this refund of $9.99 to be processed
to your credit card.
Moving forward, once you have completed your domain
transfer, please confirm that the account is ready to be canceled by email to: cares@1and1.com . We have issued free time
under the account to make sure that you are not invoiced again between the time
of the transfer being completed and the account cancellation taking place.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience associated with
the billing and cancellation of your account.
In regard to this particular matter, we are clearing the due
balance of $14.99 (the only 2014 invoice) from under this account for the
domain: [redacted], so that you are no longer responsible for any payment
being made to 1&1 Internet. That being said, we will also refund all 3
invoices that were charged to you in 2013, in the amount of $134.93. Please allow
3-5 business days for this refund to be processed to your [redacted] account under
the email address of: [redacted].
Along with that, we wish to confirm that this account has
been canceled. You will no longer be
billed or invoiced for this service in the future, and we have added you to our Do Not Contact List.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience that has occurred with your account and the downtime of the
domain: [redacted].
Unfortunately, the situation at hand that brought down your
website/email was a very unique matter, one that does not typically occur. We
do in fact offer and have 24/7 Technical Support, however, due to the severity
of your issue, it was something that could not be handled or resolved by the 1st
Level Tech Agents, as they did not have the tools or ability to take on what
happened. Once again, this is because your problem was a rare case.
At the time that you filed this Revdex.com Complaint, the Solutions
Team was looking into how this matter could be resolved for you. It was going
through the appropriate channels, in order to get to the bottom of the problem
and fix it. This particular problem may have been resolved sooner if it had not
occurred during a holiday, which is unfortunate.
That being said, I can only apologize for some of the wait
times which you experienced while calling in, as we have recently switched over
to a completely new calling system, and as with anything new, there are some
bugs to work out. Whether your wait time was due to the phone bugs, or the
Agents you spoke with looking to see if they could assist or not, I am sorry,
really, I am. Between that and the above listed matter, this was the reason
that we refunded you the last 2 invoices from July and October. Our Solutions Team
agent personally wanted to offer something more in an attempt to show you that
we are making a good faith effort on our side to make up for what happened in
one way or another.
I greatly apologize that the mentioned issue took extra time
in order to be fixed, and that you feel our 24/7 Technical Support is not up to
par at times, however, this is something that I cannot single handedly fix. I
will make sure to file an internal complaint within the company, with regard to
the referenced Technical Support issues, so that moving forward, we can offer
something better than what you have experienced.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the billing and cancellation of your account.
In regard to this particular matter, our system is in the
process of refunding you the invoice in the amount of $0.99. Please allow 3-7
business days for the refund to be completely processed to the credit card. We
will also make sure to remove you from any mailing list that we have.
Along with that, we wish to confirm for your records, as
previously stated by our agents, that this account has been cancelled.
You will no longer be billed or invoiced for this service in the future.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC<info@myRevdex.com.org>Date: Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 8:55 AMSubject: Fwd: You have a new message from the Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint #[redacted].To: [redacted] <[redacted]>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [redacted] <[redacted]>
Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: You have a new message from the Revdex.com of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint #[redacted].
To: "info@myRevdex.com.org" <info@myRevdex.com.org>
Hi Guys, I finally spoke with someone at 1&1 who was helpful. It is my belief that they have cancelled the account and removed me from collections. Finally, yesterday, someone told me it was "non-reporting" collections- and that makes a difference. I have exceptionally good credit; to feel threatened by this company for this reason really set me off. They emailed with a cancellation notice yesterday, and I tried to login to the account today. It says it was deleted, so I hope everything is taken care of now.
Thanks for your help.
This company refuses to provide BASIC, common-sense customer service. I'm not surprised by the customer rating here and that's what's most important. You may want to ask yourself how a company has an A+ rating and an F from it's actual clients.
I think I'm going to dedicate a good amount of time next year warning people about this company. It's not as if I asked complicated questions or wanted special services. My 5 year old knows how to work on resolutions. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY.
Basics. Common-sense basics.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID
# [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the cancellation of your account, and the balance
being sent to collections.
In regard to the notification you received about the payment, this was an
automated message which was generated while the system was in the process of
clearing the balance due under this account. The information provided within
the previous email as well as this one can be printed out if for any reason you
need a physical copy.
That being said, there is no credit bureau that would have
any record of this, nor would it show up on any other Collection Agency
records, as the notifications sent out by them for us, are to instill a sense
of urgency in order for outstanding balances to be rectified, there is no
actual mark or record of this reported by them onto your credit score/report.
In other words, if you had not contacted anyone in regard to this matter, and
the balance remained outstanding, it would never be reflected on your credit
report being pulled. All this would have done, is stop you from ordering any
new services through 1&1 Internet later on down the line, until the balance
was resolved.
As previously mentioned, this account has been canceled, and
the balance of $57.23 has been completely cleared from the records of [redacted] and
1&1 Internet. This balance having been owed at one point or another, whether
accurate or incorrect, does not physically show up on any records.
We apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the accessibility of your server.
We just received this rejection notification yesterday
(10/22/15), but I know that since the time this rejection was filed after I had
sent my initial response (10/8/15), you and I have worked together in order to
reach a resolution. The following information listed is for the records kept
and handled by the Revdex.com.
I had consulted my System Administrators and worked with
them in order to regain server accessibility, so that you once again had access
to all of your data, which you have confirmed with me. I offered you 12 free
months of service for any server of your choice, which you accepted, and as per
our most recent correspondence on 10/15/15, you ordered a new Cloud Server, and
I informed you of the free credits which I have applied to your account for
that particular contract.
That being said, there is no outstanding issue at this time
that requires further resolution.
Moving forward, you can continue to email me with any
questions or concerns to: cares@1and1.com.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with this account.
I am very sorry that you received these additional charges associated with the Virus
Scanner feature, and I will bring this to the attention of our Quality
Assurance Team, so that we can hopefully avoid any issues associated with this
in the future, for any and all customers.
In order to assist you, we are refunding the charge of $23.88
that is associated with these features, along with issuing a refund of $11.88 which
had been invoiced for the first 12 months of service under the Unlimited Hosting
package. Please allow 3-5 business days for a total refund in the amount of $35.76
to be processed to the credit card ending in “[redacted]”. This means that your
Unlimited package is currently covered free of charge up until 12/31/16.
Due to this unfortunate situation, I have also applied a
credit to your account in the amount of $79.60, which will cover the Virus
Scanner features free of charge up until 12/31/16. Once this date occurs, and
the credits have been used, these features will be canceled off of the account
so that you are no longer billed for them. However, your Unlimited Hosting
package will remain active until whenever you decide to close the account.
Moving forward, if you require an additional assistance with
your hosting/email features, please contact our Tech Team by phone at: ###-###-####.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com