1&1 Internet, Inc Reviews (1210)
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Description: Internet - Web Hosting, Internet Services
Address: 701 Lee Road, Suite 300, Chesterbrook, Pennsylvania, United States, 19087
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Dear [redacted], (Customer ID
# [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
i[redacted]nvenience associated with your account.
According to our records, this account has been active since 8/22/07. Our
domain renewal system has been the same, and has not changed during the length
of time you have been a customer. At the inception of this account, you agreed
to the General Terms and Conditions for activation of services with our company,
located within was information pertaining to all domain names being set to
automatic renewal, unless otherwise canceled, or by changing the Auto-Renewal
feature to “Off” within the 1&1 Control Panel of your account, prior to the
annual renewal date. Along with that, we send domain renewal notifications at
60, 45, and 30 days preceding the domain renewal(s), in order to provide you
with ample time to cancel, or turn off the auto-renewal, for any domain names
that you are no longer interested in.
Per your request, I have compiled a comprehensive list of
all services/features/domain renewals that currently have a balance due. This
list is in the format of a Microsoft Word document, and contains information
such as the Contract ID number, Invoice number, date generated (for invoices),
the balance owed (per contract), whether there is a late fee added within the
balance given, whether the contract and balance in question are with our
Collections Team, and the type of service and/or domain(s) associated with each
contract as well. This Word document has been emailed to the address on file
of: [redacted].com.
Regarding some of the other concerns mentioned, we do not
sell any of your personal information. We have had previous correspondence with
you in which we explained that the Whois information listed within their
database for all of the domain names registered under your name is set to
public. With this being the case, any person or company that takes a look at
this worldwide database will see your information such as phone number, email
address, mailing address, etc. As the domain owner, it is your responsibility
to make the appropriate changes, such as changing the domain information to
private, if you do not want it easily accessible online. We had previously advised
you of how these changes could be made.
Also, all credit card information contained within your
1&1 account is safe and encrypted. If this was not the case, we would not
be in business. Unfortunately, our billing system does not work with prepaid credit
cards, as there is typically not a personal name associated with them, and they
do not usually allow reoccurring payments, which is how our payments for
services rendered are set up.
When it comes to account ownership, we do have business and
personal account statuses. Any account listed as a “Business” one because there
is a company name associated with it, is just to dictate the level of assistance
that we can provide for a non account holder, since there is more of a chance
that multiple people would be using it, as opposed to a personal account. In
other words, it gives more permissions. However, if at any time there is an
outstanding balance owed, that eventually gets handed to our Collections Team
([redacted] or [redacted]), it would be the responsibility of the physical person
listed as the account holder to resolve the matter. For the record, any balance(s)
handed to collections from us, is not reported to any Credit Reporting Agency,
so your credit score would not be affected by the balance. Along with that,
every account has an email address listed which is used for any and all
notifications that are sent out. You can change this email address at any time.
Currently, the email address on file is: [redacted].com,
which was mentioned above as well. Due to this, you are receiving our
notifications to a personal email address, because you do not have a company/corporate
based email address listed under the contact information within this account.
On the topic of your domain names, if at any time you wish
to transfer them to another provider, you can do so regardless of the payment
status on your account, as they are your domains, and we simply hold them for
you. In order to do so, you would need the Auth Codes which our Tech Team can
help provide you with (###-###-####), and you would initiate the transfer
from the other provider/registrar of your choice.
That being said, we would like to help you with the overall
balance of $2,018.99, which you will see under the Word document that I have
sent. At this time, we are willing to reverse all 25 invoices from August 2015,
each in the amount of $14.99, which comes to a total of: $374.75. On top of
that, we would also pull all balances from collections, and make them payable
to 1&1 again, while waiving all 42 late fees of $18.95, that are associated
with those balances, which comes to a total of $795.90. Overall, we would waive
$1,170.65 of your total balance of $2,018.99, giving you a new balance of
$848.34. We feel that this offer is more than generous, and are trying to work
with you since you are a long time customer.
Moving forward, aside from turning off the auto-renewal
feature in your Control Panel for domain names you no longer want, we would
suggest you contact the Cancellation Team, and immediately cancel any unwanted
domains to avoid any further issues. They can be reached by phone at:
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience that has occurred with the invoice which had generated for your
domain order.
Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing a “Billing Bug”
in our system, that is affecting a certain number of new domain orders to
customers, by not applying the correct promotional rate to the invoice that
generates for the domain order placed. Our System Administrators are working on
having this matter resolved as soon as possible. Due to this inconvenience, we
have cleared the balance of $15.17 so that your first year of registration is
covered free of charge.
My records indicate that one of my colleagues here within
our Domain Administration Team has already reached out to you regarding this
issue. For the records of this complaint, the domain name: [redacted].com
has already been successfully restored into your account. That being said,
please understand that we do not send out or sell any of our customer’s
personal information. However, it is possible for information such as email
addresses and phone numbers to be seen publicly under ICANN’s WhoIS records, if
your domain contact information was set to public registration, instead of
private. This matter can be easily resolved by changing the domain contact
information within the Control Panel of your account, or with the assistance of
our Tech Team agents over the phone per your request.
Regarding the transfer of this domain, there is an initial
60 day ICANN regulated domain registration period that needs to pass before any
transfer to another provider can be processed. In this case, the first
available date that you could initiate the domain transfer would be on 12/30/15.
Once we have reached this date, please contact us via email to: [redacted]@1and1.com, so that we can make sure
there is no longer a domain transfer lock on the account, and provide you with
your domain authorization code (also available within your Control Panel), so
you can move it to a new registrar. Once the domain transfer is complete, per
your request we will immediately cancel this account.
Moving forward, there will be no other invoices generated
during this waiting period, as this domain is the only billable feature, and is
currently covered free of charge up until 10/31/16.
With that matter having been covered, I also apologize for any
lack of contact while trying to reach Sebastian G[redacted]. He is in fact the Head
of Customer Service, however, the email that you received was an automated one,
and any responses to them go into a general work pool that are then handled by specialized
agents. He unfortunately does not have any direct contact information which is
available. Since you had not received a timely response, I will bring this to
the attention of our Quality Assurance Team, so that we can hopefully avoid any
issues associated with this in the future, for any and all customers.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience associated with your account and the domain name: [redacted] Regarding this matter, I see that you were...
contacted by one of my colleagues here in the Solutions Team earlier today (9/21/16) via social media. Unfortunately, just as they had referenced, this domain name is no longer active since it had been canceled back on 7/6/16. Our records indicate that the domain: [redacted] had renewed on 7/2/16, and you then contacted us on 7/3/16 stating that you did not wish to renew the domain. An agent responded to you on 7/6/16 confirming that the cancellation of the domain had been processed, along with issuing a refund of $14.99 for the recent renewal. They also advised you to respond to that email within 24 hours if you changed your mind and wanted to revoke the cancellation. Since no further correspondence was received, the domain cancellation was finalized. At this time, due to how long it has been since the domain was canceled, it cannot be reactivated or repurchased until it finishes going through the end of [redacted] Redemption Process. The domain will be available again shortly for purchase through any and all providers, and it is at that time that you would be able to regain access and ownership of it. Due to [redacted] rules and regulations, there is no way around this, and you will have to check the availability of the domain with the provider of your choice until it is confirmed that it can be purchased again. Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused here. Thank you. David M[redacted] Customer Care 1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
Dear [redacted]Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the billing of this account.
In regard to this particular matter, the cancellation date
set for this account fell on the first day, of the new billing cycle. We are waiving
the 1 day outstanding balance of $ 0.48.
Along with that, we wish to confirm for your records, as
previously stated, that this account has been cancelled. You will no
longer be billed or invoiced for this service in the future.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID #[redacted]), I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience associated with this account, and the balance being sent to collections. Our records indicate that...
this account had been set up on 3/10/16, and was then physically charged on 3/16/16 in the amount of $19.98, which would have been for the initial set up, plus first month of service under the Virtual Private Server that you ordered. Without contacting us, you then disputed the $19.98 charge, on that same day (3/16/16). Due to this, you did not have access to the VPS, as your account was immediately locked down. By disputing this charge, you would have been refunded by PayPal, as the initial payment was taken away from us. This then caused the balance of $19.98 to remain under the account, and eventually incur an $18.95 late fee. That being said, we have no record of being contacted by you under this account via email or over the phone until yesterday (9/6/16). During your conversation with an agent, they had informed you that the account had been canceled due to lack of payment, since the first payment had been disputed, and sat unresolved for an extended amount of time. In order to assist you, we are pulling and waiving the balance of $38.93 from our Collections Team. [redacted] will remove you from any list that they have, and this has not, and will not affect your credit. Moving forward, you will no longer be contacted regarding making any further payment under this canceled account. Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused here. Thank you. David M[redacted] Customer Care 1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the attempted charges in question and claims to
active services.
In regard to this particular matter, what you are explaining
here sounds like fraudulent activity against you, in the way that your credit
card/personal information had been compromised. I have seen similar situations
such as this with our company, along with many others. Through the credit
card/personal information being obtained elsewhere by a hacker or whoever/however
it may have been, online orders and accounts are then placed with 1&1,
[redacted], etc.
After investigating this matter further, I can confirm that
the service had been canceled due to fraudulent activity back on 10/14/15.
Along with that, we are waiving the outstanding balance of $14.99 from under
this account.
Moving forward, there will be no further problems in
reference to you being billed by 1&1 Internet since this account has been
canceled for fraudulent activity.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted], I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience associated with the charges in question and claims to active services. In regard to this...
particular matter, what you are explaining here sounds like fraudulent activity against you, in the way that your credit card/personal information had been compromised. We have seen similar situations such as this with our company, along with many others. Through the credit card/personal information being obtained elsewhere by a hacker or whoever/however it may have been, online orders and accounts are then placed with 1&1, [redacted]. At this time, we cannot find an account associated with this email address, or your first and last name. In order to assist you further, we would appreciate if you sent an email to: [redacted], and reference the Customer ID Number that would be provided on the collection letter. Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused here. Thank you. David M[redacted] Customer Care 1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the cancellation of your account.
According to our records, at your request the account in
question was canceled yesterday, (12/4/14) with our Cancellation Team. They
have also waived the balance of $ 179.88 that was due from the November 2014
In order to assist you further, I am issuing you a refund of
$ 95.88 which was the cost of the invoice you paid in November of 2013. You
will receive this refund to your [redacted] account ([redacted]@[redacted].com)
within 3-5 business days.
Moving forward, you will no longer be billed or invoiced for
any service, since this account is no longer active.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience associated with
the billing and cancellation of the Mailxchange features under your account.
As per our conversation this morning, we have canceled both
of the Mailxchange features, have waived the outstanding balance associated
with them, and are also refunding you in the amount of $29.97, which had been
billed for the other 3 invoices that generated for this particular product.
Moving forward, you will no longer be billed or invoiced for
anything other than your 2 domain names: [redacted], and [redacted].
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the cancellation of your account.
According to our records, at your request the account in
question was canceled yesterday, (11/3/14). Moving forward, you will no longer
be billed or invoiced for any service, since this account is no longer active.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Please remove website domain name and any personal names reflected in 1and1.com response.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience associated with
your account.
Per your request, we are pulling and waiving the overall
balance of $231.77 from our Collections Team. Along with that, I have set this
account to be canceled on 1/31/16. I have done this to make sure that you have
ample time to retrieve any data within this account that you may wish to have
and use moving forward with another provider. Since I am having the balance
cleared for service that already renewed, you will not have to worry about receiving
any other invoice prior to the set cancellation date.
Please allow 2-3 business days for the billing flag to be removed
from your account. Afterwards, there will be no locks or restrictions on your
account which would keep you from transferring your domain names away, you will
just simply need to contact the provider in which you want to move them to, and
initiate the transfers from their side. Once this has started, we will be able
to release the domains via a transfer to that other registrar. The process of
transferring a domain can last between 3-5 days, which is a process that we do
not have the ability to expedite, as it is [redacted] policy that can cause this
waiting time.
For your records, listed below are the authorization codes that you will
also need in order to transfer your domains.
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]
If you end up requiring additional assistance with
transferring your domains away, please contact our Tech Team by phone at:
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience that has occurred here with the domain: [redacted].
As this particular matter is that
of a domain dispute/transfer nature, I will forward the information contained
within your complaint, to my Domain Specialist, in order to investigate the
referenced issue further.
They will be in contact with you shortly, to inform you of
any updates which lead to a possible resolution in regard to this case.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Thank you very much for your help.
Dear [redacted], (Account Holder: [redacted] - Customer
ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience associated with
this account.
In regard to your conversations with my Domain Specialist
Matt, it was confirmed that the issue regarding the name server(s) in question has
been resolved. Everything is working properly at this time, and the domains are
resolving to their correct locations.
That being said, we are issuing you a refund in the amount
of $500.00 due to the inconvenience associated with this matter. Please allow
3-5 business days for this refund to be processed to the credit card on file.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted]
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the billing and cancellation of your account.
In regard to this particular matter, we are completely
waiving the outstanding balance of $ 74.96.
Along with that, we wish to confirm that this account has
since been cancelled. You will no longer be billed or invoiced for this
service in the future.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the transfer of your domains to another provider.
In regard to the voicemail and email that you received from me last week, we have refunded you in the amount of $113.58 (6 months service) earlier this morning. Your bank/financial institution now has those funds, if you do not yet see the refund available within your account, it is because it has to go through any possible holding time that your bank/financial institution has in place.
Aside from that, now that the domains: [redacted].com, and [redacted].com show as being registered with [redacted],Inc. ([redacted]), we have gone ahead with processing your requested cancellation of this account.
Moving forward, you will no longer be billed or invoiced for
these canceled services.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with your account.
Aside from the domain transfer that has already been processed, I have issued a
refund of $34.96, which is the total payment that had been received while this
account was active. Please allow 3-5 business days for this refund to be
received to the credit card ending in “[redacted]”.
If you need any further assistance, please contact me via
email to the address of: [email protected] .
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.http://www.1and1.com
We signed up for hosting and Wordpress on 1and1.com. As soon as we did, we realized they have horrible customer service (on hold forever, untrained people in different countries who don't know what they are doing). So we waited the 60 days we needed before switching to another company. Since switching, 1and1 Internet has repeatedly tried to charge the account for the services we cancelled - REPEATEDLY. We have called them 5 times to cancel the service and were told that it was done, but they keep trying to charge the credit card on the account (Lisa D[redacted]). They are HORRIBLE - this has been going on month after month for over 6 months!
Dear [redacted] (Customer ID # [redacted]),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with your account.
In regard to this matter, this account was set up with 3
different Basic Hosting packages on April 28th, and 29th
of 2014. Each one of those packages was paid for a year in advance, and included
a free annual domain name registration. The domain names included were: [redacted].com,
[redacted].com, and [redacted].com. At the inception of this account, it was
also agreed to that unless first canceled, all services would renew for another
year at a time on the date that they were originally purchased.
Later in the year on 11/24/14, the domain name: [redacted].net
was also purchased and placed under one of the referenced packages as a
separate charge for annual registration as well.
That being said, your hosting packages renewed for another year
of service and 3 new invoices were generated on April 30th, and May
1st 2015. The April 30th invoice was processed from your
PayPal account on 5/2/15, the same day that you then emailed in telling us not
to bill you. We had replied informing you to cancel online, or to contact our
Cancellation Team so that we could assist you with any unwanted services, as
for the security of our customers, we do not process account changes via email.
Afterwards, the 2 invoices from 5/1/15 declined payment, and you disputed the
payment of $71.88 for the 4/30/15 invoice. Our Cancellation Team also attempted
to call you due to the emails that were received, but the phone number on file does
not work. Due to declined payments outstanding within our system for 30+ days,
and the Chargeback that was issued, all services under the account were locked.
In order to assist you with this unfortunate situation, we are
clearing all open balances, and will drop the Chargeback in order for you to
have complete access to your domain names.
At this time, if you wish to transfer any domains that you
still own to another provider, this is an action that you as the domain owner
would have to initiate from the domain registrar of your choice, while they are
still registered under your name. Once the transfers have been completed, if
you do not wish to call our Cancellation Team (###-###-####), please send an
email to: [email protected], and we will
honor your request to cancel the hosting packages so that you are not invoiced again
in 2016.
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here.
Thank you.
David M[redacted]
Customer Care
1&1 Internet Inc.