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1&1 Internet, Inc

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1&1 Internet, Inc Reviews (1210)

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:***,
I keep being told that notes are being added to my account but this process is just not ending as your company is challenging my *** dispute!!! I had a case opened a while ago and it should never have been challenged with *** but the nightmare is continuing.
I would like a resolution on all counts as this is a plain and simple case of fraud which is your problem as you do not have any security measures in place to avoid it*** ***

Didn't use the website hosting nor the website, so 1&Internet was supposed to refund me close to $200, but I never obtained what was promised last yearThis was a message that was sent to the last year with someone working for the business saying I would get the refund mentioned above, but this never occurred yet

This is the most dishonest company I have ever had to deal with I paid for this service upfront I did not use it or publish a web site My loss Before the end of the paid one year term, they notified me that they were about to bill me for the next year I cancelled the domain name and made sure the reoccurring billing was checked NO They billed me anyway Thank goodness the bank had changed my account number When they contacted me, I told them that I did not want their service and they should not have billed me I was told they wanted a $cancellation fee I have not intention of paying this fee In Texas this is called "Deceptive Trade Practices" They are now trying to bill me for a service that I do not use, do not want, and will never use There are now complaints against this company I guess Germans cannot figure out how to earn money the honest way

I attempted to transfer a domain to a colleagueWhen the process of doing this did not work, I contacted 1&customer service by phone January 24, They claimed it was on my colleagues endWhen I verified that this was not the case, I attempted to resolve this through email on January 24, with 1&customer service
On January 27, 1&informed me via email that someone had placed "A transfer of provider/change of ownership request"This was a third party unknown to me
On January 27, I replied via email stating:
"This request appears to be fraudulent
***DO NOT TRANSFER*** this domain to:" [contact information of third party unknown to me]
I also gave them very specific customer information for the transfer I was trying to initiate with my colleagues
On January 28, I received an email from 1&stating
" We have received your approval for a transfer of provider/change of
ownership for the domain"
I had not

they are a domain and hosting companyi purchased several domain packages and cancelled the auto renew option as well as cancelled the contract months before it was set to auto renew and they keep billing me for the packagesin order to cancel a package you have to enter your customer id and password three different times, they don't make it easywhen I finally got a customer service rep to address the issue their statement verbatim was ( of course they do not provide names or id #'s) " Dear *** *** (Customer ID: ***),
Thank you for contacting us
If you use the online cancellation feature, it asks you to call in to confirm it or contact us in some wayThis is for security reasons to verify it was you who wishes to cancelIf you do not contact us, it assumes it was either a wrong action or someone else who was in your account tried to cancel it, and no further action is taken
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at ###-###-####
Sin initiated this complaint as I received a notice of outstanding balance on approximately 8/14/and feared that my previous responses were being ignored.
Based on the reply to this complaint, 1&cancelled the outstanding balance on 8/7/and the letter I received was dated 8/06/So assuming this letter was sent just prior to the cancellation and no further requests for payment will be forth-coming from 1&Internet, I find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, re: complaint ID ***
*** ***

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:There was no fraudulent activity.I repeat. There was no fraudelent activity. I provided valid street address, mailing address, billing address, telephone number. I provided valid credit card details I did not dispute a transaction.After having received zero responses to multiple written letters delivered certified mail to 1&1's published address for several months I tried to transfer the domain before it expired but the new registrar notified me that 1&canceled the transfer.1&now has control of the DNS records, my service is down, and I am losing money as a result of 1&1's error.I thank 1&for their acknowledgment of and apology for the rudeness of the telephone guy. I'm still waiting for 1&to acknowledge and apologize for their other mistakes and to compensate me for my losses arising from their error and their negligence to act in a timely manner. Their mistakes include: failing to process valid and authorized credit card payments correctly; accusing me of fraud; closing my service without notification (I did not know it was canceled in March); failure to respond to official written correspondence.Please tell me how I can file a complaint with *** about 1&
*** ***

Dear *** *** (Customer ID # ***),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the charge for the Mailxchange features
In regard to our conversation earlier, this email confirms
that we have canceled the Mailxchange features which you were charged for in
the amount of $You will receive this refund to your credit card within
3-business days
Moving forward, the only feature active under your account will
be the domain name: ***
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here
Thank you
David M***
Customer Care
1&Internet Inc

Informed company that I wanted to cancel services, due to ongoing user experience and customer service issues, had pre-paid for term in full at beginning, was in fact owned a balance back from companyCompany did not process cancellation, continuing to attempt to bill, now indicating I have a past due balance on accountReceived a call from a collection agent today regarding account after speaking with company directly

Dear *** *** (Customer ID # ***),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with the transfer of your domain
It is not our intention to confuse our customers in regard
to the information conveyed to them via email referencing the process followed
in order to initiate a transfer/unlock a domainWe appreciate your feedback,
and I will pass it on to our executives to let them know this is a potential
issue that could be easily resolved
That being said, our records indicate that the domain: ***
is no longer registered here at 1&Internet Inc., it has been successfully
transferred to ***, and the *** records have been updated to confirm this
actionAs far as the billing goes, the last time you were invoiced was on
2/19/14, and we will not be billing you for another year of this domain’s
registration, as the transfer had been completed prior to its renewal date of 2/19/
Moving forward, you will no longer have any active services,
as your account is being canceled per your request
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here
Thank you
David M***
Customer Care
1&Internet Inc

Dear *** *** (Customer ID: ***), I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience associated with your account Our records indicate that one of my colleagues named Tim, here in the Solutions Team had reached out to you on 5/6/16, and you both came
to an agreement and resolution for you regarding this matterAt this time, he has added a credit of $to the account, in order for you to purchase a new SSL Certificate, and the domain names *** and ***, free of charge Moving forward, if you require any additional assistance, please feel free to contact us here in the Solutions Team with the contact information that Tim has provided Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been caused here Thank you David M*** Customer Care 1&Internet Inc.

This company has consistently delivered substandard service, which also involved an extraordinary amount of time to correct (my website was down and it took them multiple days to restore it)
The most recent issue has involved an unauthorized recurring chargeI tried to contact them by phone and they make themselves inaccessible!

This is a harassment complaint Someone named Mike L*** opened an internet account with this company I do not have an account with them, nor have I ever contacted this company Somehow my email address is on this account and I keep getting emails to Mike L*** asking for payments I don't think it is fraud related because apparently his invoices get paid at some point I feel it is just an error that needs to be corrected I keep calling the company and they keep telling me stupid stuff like sign in (which I can't) to change it, contact him (which I can't), email him (which I can't) I need the emails to stop

I cancelled my services with these people back in march and received confirmation that my account was cancelled and then I'm April they banged my credit card for which I was not aware of until I started getting collection agency calls concerning my credit card balance which because I thought my account was a t zero balance and *** *** was contacting me I was ignoring them with all the fraud going on with the interest charges accursed due to 1&is my credit card is up to over $from the $originally illegally charged by 1&and my credit report is now been hit for the 1st time in years - not to mention I have thought about a lawsuit but rather see what these is will do 1st to rectify this situation

1andhas consistently tried to bill me for multiple domains I've declined to renew
As a result, I've spent hours trying work out what was going on with my invoices from 1andTheir website does not have any indication of a current total balance1andgave me different balances, each rep gave me a different number, and their automated system gave me yet another number
They have stated that there invoices due that are not visible in their online system, and I never received for domains I declined to renew
1andalso locks all other domains on a contract with a late bill, preventing you from managing or removing them from an automatic rebilling status

In July of 2015, I purchased one year of hosting and a domain from 1&Internet, Inc(hereon referred to as "1&1")This payment was made in full for a projectIt is important to note that at no point was I notified I would be billed again at the end of the term unless I took action
On July 22nd of 2016, at 3:AM, I received an invoice via in the amount of $98.87, being told that my long-dormant hosting had just renewed and I would soon be hit by the charge in the form of a *** withdrawalHoping to avoid any conflict, I contacted the listed email address immediately upon reading this email at 9:AM of the same day, informing them that I received no notice of an upcoming renewal (and thereby no chance to cancel in advance) and had no desire to renew this packageI received no response, and was charged that $on July 24th at 9:PM

As is the resounding theme of the over complaints about this company, I too have become a victim of their predatory/dubious business methods
I have bought and owned numerous domain names over the last years, and one thing I never fail to do is uncheck "auto-renew." From all indications with my experience, and as reported by others, doing that with 1and is a waste of timeThey will reverse it and attempt to bill you
I registered domains for year with 1and 1, and selected auto-renew right awayFast forward, and I get a notice telling me about an upcoming renewalThat made no sense, since I opted out of a renewalI go in the account and cancel whatever was left of itIt said it had been canceleda few weeks later, and sent a "failed payment" email indicating they still tried to charge my card without express consent
I call and let the agent know I opted out of any auto-renew, as I only needed the two domains for year, and also canceled the account/co

Dear *** *** (Customer ID # ***, and # ***),
I sincerely apologize for any
inconvenience associated with these accounts having been set up, and the
balances being sent to collections
In regard to this particular matter, we are removing both of
these accounts from collections. *** *** will remove you from any
list that they have. As well, we are wiping clean the outstanding balance
of $ and $ that you have with either *** or 1&Internet.
No more money will be owed on either of these accounts and you will no longer
be required to contact *** or 1&Internet regarding this unfortunate situation
That being said, both of the accounts have been canceledMoving
forward, you will no longer be billed or invoiced for this service in the
Also, we are going to take the appropriate actions
necessary, once the call has been monitored, to ensure that other
people/potential customers do not experience this problem as well
Once more, we apologize for any inconvenience that has been
caused here
Thank you
David M***
Customer Care
1&Internet Inc

1andadvertises a year deal at a low price for web domain hosting but actually auto-renews payments at the end of the year without notifying the customer of itThere was no way to cancel my contract before the payments hit, so I took my card information off of their websiteThey responded by cutting all of my services and charging me for the service that I did not receive and did not want I was met with multiple calls throughout each day and they have threatened to sell my information to a debt collection agencyCompletely terrible and unexcusable behavior

I purchased their service (domain registration) in April for $not realizing I was put on auto renewal until my credit card was charged without my authorization in April for a much larger amount ($83.88) than it was charged in I disputed the charge with my credit card company and made a recorded three way calling to 1ANDin May 1ANDlocked my account but would not refund me the charge
On July 11th, 2016, after my credit card company closed my dispute and recharged my account, we made another three way call to 1ANDto request cancellation to prevent future charges1ANDrefused to cancel my auto renewal stating they cannot cancel a locked account

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Description: Internet - Web Hosting, Internet Services

Address: 701 Lee Road, Suite 300, Chesterbrook, Pennsylvania, United States, 19087


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