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Zoll Lifecor Corporation

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Zoll Lifecor Corporation Reviews (54)

• Jun 25, 2024

I really give Zoll a 0 rating. After my father had CHF, the cardiologist said he could try Zoll Life Vest. His insurance pays for it, and it could be returned any time without question. It seemed risk free, so we agreed to try it. My father wore it for 10 minutes and took it off. It is way too bulky. Since I was told I could return it anytime, I kept the vest for 3 more days before returning it. Two months later, my father received a bill for $560. I called Zoll thinking there was some simple mistake. Their rep told me they billed Aetna Medicare over $2000 for 5 days, and the $560 was my father’s 20% share of the bill. I said that was crazy. The woman started scolding me for not confirming his share before we received the vest. I said this is crazy and hung up. I never bought a product, returned it completely new in only 5 days and then received a bill for $560. Furthermore, the company already received at least $1500 from Medicare for nothing. I will pursue reporting this as Medicare fraud. Have nothing to do with Zoll Life Vest.


One day later sent back - ZOLL bill was $4,720
Worst experience of my life! Lady storms in my hospital room and tells me she is here to put on my life vest my dr ordered. I told her she was mistaken my dr never told me about a life vest! Called the nurse station but no one came! I had been there for 7 days and they always came within a minute or less! They knew she was there and wanted no part of it! Told me that later! I asked her how much did this cost and why I needed it! She said she didn’t know how much it cost but if I didn’t wear it I would die! I was in tears and after several minutes of arguing with her I was exhausted from all the meds I was on. The next thing I knew she had my breasts in her hand’s putting this ridiculous thing on me! She had me sign a form saying that she had reviewed how to use the vest! I keep telling her I could not afford anything and she said don’t worry already checked and your insurance will cover all the expenses.
The next day I came home and found a red itchy rash all over my back and stomach! I went through the paperwork in the box and found the rate and almost fainted! I called the company and told them I was shipping it back and why! They said ok and not to worry about it. That was in December before Christmas and today I received a bill for $602.82 so I called Humana and asked them if they had payed the bill and they had after I called them twice not to do it! I filed a grievance concerning the matter telling them I sent it back and not to pay it. At the time of my call they said the dr. Had not sent in an approval request yet so I told them to deny it! I’m filing an appeal now to Humana, found a new dr. And will be contacting my attorney! Do not hesitate to insist on the salesperson to leave your hospital room! Read the reviews! There are way more extremely unsatisfied patients than you would ever imagine!


Discomfort repeated alarms poor, cheap vest & monitor design
Having been “fitted” for a vest including instructions I negatively commented on the size & weight of monitor-battery pack, only to be told you’ll get used to it. After a few days of frequent warnings and supposed acclimation to the size/weight (this latter issue has resulted in severe lower right. Changes were made to reduce sensitivity of warning alarms which appeared ok during daytime, however during sleeping hours had some issues with electrodes located in vest not having contact with body. For the first few days I used support strap around my waist because of back pain &nightly alarms elected to carry monitor/battery pack over shoulder this caused the number of warning alarms to go up. I was prescribed this by cardiology, for sure at my next appointment this will be forefront in my discussion…alternatives etc. etc.
I’m truly amazed that a Japanese owned corporation, who from previous personal dealings tended to err in favor of design, quality & customer experience which, sadly I find lacking in ZOLL LIFEVEST


No Doctor Ordered Zoll Lifevest
After my mother had an emergent quadruple heart bypass, she was forced to wear a Zoll lifevest prior to discharge. The discomfort made this device was unbearable for her to wear and caused burns on her. During her follow up visits with 6 different cardiac "specialists" not one of them said they ordered this device. How did this device get placed on her if no one ordered it? Of course, the hospital would not offer any information either and referred us back to the doctors. Apart from the devices malfunctions and inability to wear the device, Zoll sent her a bill for $560 coinsurance for one month. She was to wear this for 6 months which would have been a final cost of $3360.00. The device was returned after 2 weeks, and she received another bill the following month. When I contacted Zoll I was told they were right to bill her because SHE agreed to wear the device for the 6-month period. Fortunately, I submitted an appeal to the insurance carrier, and she was not billed by Zoll for the third month and the insurance carrier denied further claims. Had I not submitted the insurance appeal the insurance carrier would have continued to pay without knowing the device had been returned. This device is EXTREMELY dangerous and has zero efficacy according to independent studies. How did the FDA approve this device and why are so many patients suffering. Not only are patients under a lot of stress and anxiety while trying to recover from a major surgery, but they are also now under financial stress and are in tremendous discomfort. I hope Zoll loses every lawsuit that has been filed against them.


Death of cousin, lack of followup
My cousin was shocked on 10/8/22 at 8pm. No follow-up phone call to anyone but him UNTIL THE NEXT DAY at 10:45am, again at 11:30am and 1pm. They FINALLY called his Dr's on 10/11/22 at 1:45pm because they could not get ahold of him and wanted to tell him to go to ER.
when I contacted them about protocol, they could only be non- specific due to HIPPA. I was told they continue to call after a patient is shocked. LIES! THEY WAITED OVER 14 HOURS! TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!
I hope this doesn't happen frequently. Terrible terrible terrible.
I threw away the vest with electrodes, due to being used. Called for a pick up, told they lady that I threw them away. She said they are recyclable. I said they are gone, she said ok and scheduled a pick up. I have the receipt that box was picked up. Since, USP has been here 3 times to pick up the already picked up box, I have been contacted 2 times, a lady has been to my house as requested by company. Today, I received a box to send stuff back. I SENT IT BACK A MONTH AGO! LEAVE ME ALONE. MY COUSIN HAS DIED, I SENT BACK WHAT I HAD.
Training definitely needs to be given somewhere.


Awful experience
Was told by doctor that I have to wear it! But it gave me rashes and discomfort, can’t sleep well at night and heavy to carry around. Causing shoulder and back aches. When representative came, she assured me that it’s been approved by my insurance. Yesterday received a bill from Zoll for $3265.81!


Awful experience
Was told by doctor to wear it. But it gave me rashes and discomfort. Sleeping with it was horrible. When representative came I asked her if my insurance will pay for it and she assured me it’s been approved if not they would not have sent her with equipment. Then I received a bill from Zoll for $3265.81.


Did you sign while still under drugs.
I did. I had gone to hospital for an angioplasty. When I awoke my doctor was there and said he was unable to complete the procedure and was referring me to a surgeon for bypass surgery. Zoll stated they had me sign the forms at the hospital, (while I was still partially under general anesthesia.) I know I was still drugged as, my wife had to assist in me getting dressed. I believe if enough of us get together we would classify for a class action lawsuit. Best shot I can see to recoup some of our money. I have requested a copy of said document to verify it disclosed costs and that it was signed by me.


Deceitful "Sales Presentation" tells you that your insurance will cover it.
Just completed my second rodeo with this stbag company. They are masters at using fear to keep you using this product AFTER you realize that you are paying crazy money to rent this device. My wife called to cancel because she didn't want me to say anything rash. They had the nerve te tell her, "Well, you can't put a price on your husband's life." I just thought I was mad. Try to play mind games with a woman with a Master's Degree in Psychology and you REALLY piss her off. If you're watching, and I know you are... tell that pretty Russian bh in your best Tom Petty voice, "Don't come around here no more..."

Oh... one minor detail. I give them a five out of five on the fitting of the jump start equipment. They have improved the fit tremendously from the first time I was sentenced to their torture.

Hospital told us I could not leave the hospital unless I wore this useless piece of crap. Never signed any agreement or told how much it cost or how they bill. I don't know what cut the Doctor and Hospital get but my tax dollars that I paid into Medicare all my life are going to pay for something I didn't even want in the first place. It is like a bad high school science experiment. Call customer service and the person on the other end has obviously dealt with too many unhappy people because very defensive. Why am I being billed for something I didn't want or use. Sent it back and they still want to rip me off.


Useless Product
Hospital and Doctor told us it was good alternative to the defib being inside my father. We decided as a family not to cut open my father have him wear this vest, hence decided to go with this crappy product. Not only this crappy product didn't work but NO ONE in the hospital (including doctors and nurses) even knew how to use it and configure it. The worst of all even the Zoll representative didn't know, so they had some lady name Jennifer contact me and she scheduled the appointment with the me to show me how to use it. Lady I DON'T GIVE TWO CENTS HOW TO USE IT AND DON'T CARE TO LEARN. TRAIN THE DOCTOR'S AND NURSES, NOT ME FOOL. Anyway, first appointment was a dud, she never showed up - second appointment was also a dud and she never showed up.

Bad experience, Bad product, Bad company, Bad employee


Billing is based on 30 days
If you have the vest for 31 days, you will be billed for 60 days. The first vest failed, on May 08. I was not able to get another vest until May 10. I returned the vest to Zoll on June 14. My insurance was billed $4075.00, for 22 days in May, my co-payment was $586.29. My insurance was billed for 13 days in June $4075.00, and my co0-payment was $626.40. No one can explain why my co-payment was higher for fewer days.


Refund is so slow they want their money right them but expect you to wait
I been waiting on a refund since April 12 2021 and was told last week the check was cut then was told Monday it was processed on June 7 2021 I paid by money order so how hard is it to get me my money


Those aes WILL turn your case over to a collection agency. They threatened to do it to me. Consider your doctor's advice when they recommend this vest to you. But quiz your doctor when he/she tells you that you need this. Find out how much he/she really knows about the product and its owners. Present them with some feedback. They have me HOT! I am going to make sure that my doctor knows that I think these people are a bunch of bandits.

I will make sure I ye everyone I know that is thinking about using them not to

How it should fit
Somewhere in your patient teaching (and to the nurses) you really need to include how the vest should fit. My nurse had mine so snug all the leads and paddles were digging into my skin and leaving red imprints. At one point one of the leads started leaking. (It's be interesting to know what is in the gel because my skin from the gel looked like blood was being pulled to the surface of my skin - like a hickie). Both have been resolved, and when I asked someone there I learned that it should not be as snug as mine was. It needs to lay against your skin, not press into your skin. I loosened the straps some and used the outer hooks and, other than being hot (summer), it feels much better.
But please add this to your teaching - I looked everywhere and could never find anything.
How it should fit
How it should fit


Skin Irritation and Burns
I wore the Zoll live vest for 3 months. I never once experienced a shock treatment. However, the longer I wore the vest the more irritated my skin became beneath the three treatment pads, two on my back and one on my left breast. I developed three large (2inches x 4 inches) red inflamed areas. These areas itched, burned, and hurt. My wife had to rub lidocaine, hydrocortisone, or triple antibiotic on these three inflamed areas two times a day. Over time the skin became tender, leathery, red and more inflamed, and developed small blisters. I call the ZOLL company costumer response line two times. Once in April and again on 18 May 2020. Representative said they could not give medical advice and that I should contact my Primary Care Physician. I stated that the wiring harness might be defective and oozing something from the treatment pads that I was allergic to and may need to be replaced. She said to check with my doctor. These three inflamed areas were like first degree burns, but didn't have a chance to heal and kept getting worse the longer I wore the vest. The irritation was so intense that it would interfere with my sleep at night and my normal functions during the day. As directed by the instructions from Zoll, I changed and washed the vest every two days (I have three vests) and I washed the four contact pads and the three treatment pads with alcohol each day, nothing I did seem to reduce the irritation.

+6 I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, [redacted] ***


Complaint ID: *** Dear Ms***:ZOLL is responding to the letter received 12/24/for the above ID number ***.The consumer feels deceived and is unhappy with the practices of the agent representing ZOLLThe consumer feels ZOLL LifeVest did not function as he was informed and
malfunctioned on numerous occasions, with what he deemed to be, alarmsThe consumer stated he called on several occasions and was able to receive help with his financial obligation associated with the LifeVest, but now feels he should not be held responsible for malfunctioning equipmentAdditionally, the insurance claim submitted by ZOLL was processed by the carrier to the patient.ZOLL has taken the consumers concerns seriouslyZOLL has completed their investigation of the concerns outlined in the consumer’s statementPart of the investigation involved a detailed review of internal account memos, listening to call recordings and written correspondence from his Insurance Carrier.ZOLL could not definitively validate the contents of the verbal conversation, with the ZOLL representative, misleading him to feel he would not have to worry about his financial obligationHowever, after reviewing the consumers account, ZOLL feels the representative who handled the consumers account did not provide the customer service ZOLL strives to deliver.Due to the consumer's negative experience, ZOLL has adjusted the account to reflect a $balance, as a courtesy to the consumer.Sincerely,Paul C***ZOLL


Is there a class action suit active yet, or not?

Yes I have something to say to zoll life vest! Thanks for nothing! This is a joke not only did my husband have to get this but he had to have the 1st one replaced because of a default but this second device failed him in the most terrible way the device did not go off! My husband passed away jan.16,2019.
Heartbroken wife,tiffany taylor-parnell


I'm so sorry.

Complaint ID: *** - *** ***Dear Ms. ***We are responding to the letter we received dated 12/31/for the above ID number.Mr*** feels our ZOLL representative did not provide sufficient information regarding potential financial obligation he may incur while
being protected by the life vestHe also stressed concern he was under the influence of medication when he signed the patient agreementMr*** is asking ZOLL to accept his insurance carrier’s payment, as payment in full; and discount his out of pocket expense of $867.46.After a thorough account review, Mr*** has contacted ZOLL on three separate occasions to discuss his outstanding balance; and advised he wore the vest for days and we billed his insurance for a full month.At no time during his phone conversations did he mention being under the influence of medication when asked to sign the patient agreementIn addition, we provided Mr*** with information regarding our patient assistance program during all three discussionsHe refused to fill out the application each time.ZOLL cannot agree to Mr***’s resolution for the following reasons:• Mr*** should know what his insurance deductible and co-insurance obligations are under his insurance policyDue to the time frame in which a medical order is submitted and received by ZOLL, we verify benefits and the patient is fit, time does not permit ZOLL to inform patients’ of their out-of-pocket expense.• Mr*** used the vest for the period he is being billed.• Mr*** signed a patient agreement which includes the following, “I have been provided, had the opportunity to ask questions about, and therefore understand the agreement between ZOLL and me, which includes consent to use device, training and data use, patient responsibilities and financial assignment of benefits.”If his obligation is a financial hardship, we can send him an application for assistance to see if ZOLL can help him with his financial obligation.Sincerely, *** ***ZOLL


The lifevest is a defibrillator, is only effective for two arrythmias, V-tach and V-fib..will not restart your heart if it stops. If you have not had any of these arrythmias while in the hospital, the chances of the vest being covered are pretty much nill...because you probably dont need the vest, what you need is medication to help strengthen your heart which the vest certainly does not do. Studies show that the vest is also not worn as prescribed because frankly, its uncomfortable. AND keep in mind, these are RE the research, try to find a study not done by or funded by will be difficult...Zoll uses high pressure sales in situations that leave the patients at a significant disadvantage. They say, you NEED this or you could DIE...who wouldn't want one, right? But the truth is probably dont NEED one and probably wont wear it all the time. Frankly, doctors are afraid to not order it to prevent lawsuits. I repeat...its your money, its your the research and ask a lot of questions


Doctors will pay more attention if lawsuits start flying. I suspect you are correct on some aspects...MAINLY that I'm not sure doctors prescribing it know anything more about it other than the mechanics of how it works.

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Address: 121 Gamma Dr., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15238


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