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Wright Weber Management

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Reviews Apartments, Property Management Wright Weber Management

Wright Weber Management Reviews (19)

Don't Rent From This Company
Do not rent from this company. They don't fix anything in a timely manner, they illegally hand out eviction notices for mundane things like putting a plant or a grill by your garage, and other ridiculous things. You'll come home to a 5 day notice to vacate on your door for things they deem 'infractions' even though they're not in stipulated in the lease. They will bully you, try to intimidate you, and harass you. I reported them too the Housing Authority for intimidation and harassment. You also cannot put up Christmas lights ( I'm talking about one string on a deck), or make your apartment feel like home. You'll be constantly reminded that YOU don't own the property, and THEY believe they can evict you at any time for any reason they want. The on-site managers are extremely rude, and will not communicate on a professional level. We always paid rent on time, were quiet, responsible tenants. 3 appliances broke within a year of me moving in. At one point someone sold drugs out of their garage, the cops were called constantly about on-site violence, and they do nothing about it. One of the managers lived in the same building at which all of this occured. I didn't read reviews before I moved in, and I deeply regret it. Please heed my warning. The rent here is not cheap, and the units are run down, the grounds aren't maintained, and the ridiculous mind games they play to assert their 'power' aren't worth any of the positive aspects.

Manager of Wright Weber Property
For four months I have managing a "luxury" apartment complex. My experience is that Wright Weber has told me to go above and beyond to make the units nice NEVER once denying me! My experience with tenants is they are abusive, entitled, mean, disprespectful and unkind! I have never been treated with such unkindness as from the tenants! Not the owners!


Wright Weber Manager of Luxury Apt
As a manager of four months I was supported and encouraged by the company. No matter what expense I was approved. What did happen was total, abusive, threatening , disgusting, disrespect by the tentants. I managed a 80 unit complex with my boyfriend They wanted you to take care of their issues no matter how small ( lightbulb) in minutes but were quick to abuse you. I had one tenant threaten to KILL MY DOG if he ever saw him again. I would definatelty way your decisions based on the source. I have never in my life been so mistreated then by the TENANTS! NOT the company!

When I first moved in the guy below me was selling drugs coming and going during the early morning hours midnight to 2,3,4 a.m.
When I told the manager he said I should call the police.
I'm paying for a safe place to live why is this my responsibility to take care of the drug dealer.
The manager will be sleeping like a baby a hundred yards away in his building instead of being out there video showing in filming all of this going on I'm calling the police himself.
The lease is finally up and they put one entry notice on my door with 7 hours a day and a 12-day window.
I called them and told them look you need to put a notice each and every time you enter this apartment.
They want me to move out early even though I paid till the end of the month and they stipulate in Great Lengths in the lease and on their move out sheet that you need to pay the utilities till the end of the month even if you leave early.
So do you want my free rent that I paid they're not giving me the back if I move early and pay the utilities while I'm not living there for the remainder of the month.
Very dishonest people they don't do their job they don't return phone calls they don't respond the best thing to do is talk to a lawyer that's what I did and they're going to get sued just the way they like to sue people.


They put a eviction notice on the door and when I got back Cory the manager walked in and said we had to leave because he was evicting us over a $50.00 late charge I knew nothing about. We left and the next day Cory took everything we own out of the apartment and still to this day we are fighting to get are things back so I just want to let everyone know I have the attorney and if anyone wants help with what they did. Feel free to leave me a comment if anyone wants help


I was actually a resident manager for this company until the regional supervisor coordinated a scummy attack on me after failing to pay me for my work for several months. These people neglect their property and allow narcissistic supervisors to wreak havoc on their tenants. Floors are buckling, mice invade the building yearly. When the mice came I told the supervisor about pulling 28 out of a single apartment in one day, and he told me to tell the tenants it was their duty to get rid of rodents. These were deer mice known to carry the deadly hanta virus as well. Frequently the management company would coordinate “crackdowns” which were just to assert power by humiliating one or multiple tenants in vicious, and illegal evictions, or self help lockouts which are extremely illegal in Wisconsin. The amount of lies I’ve heard are baffling, the negligence to a level of extremity I cannot describe. To all residents please remember you have more rights than the company. Refer to Wisconsin tenant resources, as Wright Weber management is horrified by any authoritative agency and will jump hoops to stop you from contacting them. It’s a catch 22 because they’ll try to evict you, but legally they cannot. Please tenants remember you have rights!


Manager has broken in to apartments on more than one occasion in the Denmark- Ravens Ridge Apartments! Roaming around, creeping. Always drunk! Personal items missing!
Work orders take WEEKS to be viewed, let alone dealt with!
Do NOT rent!


anyone considering a wright weber managed building DON'T DO IT! i've been a good tennant for over 2 years and see what can happen to you. I was given a 28 day termination of tennancy notice. when I called my manager to ask why since no one has ever complained about me that I know of. after alot of back and forth manager said it was all the noise complaints. what noise complaints. the mangers hid them from me and never told me I had complaints which is their job when someone complains about another tennant. they just kept track of the number and turned me into management or in other words set me up. in talking to the supervisor he said it was noise complaints and I had been served a 5 day notice. NO NO NO.I never ever received any since I moved in here. a lie told by someone.this is what the basis of my termination notice was. i've been disabled since 2007 and have had 6 back surgeries and 1 fusion that left me with permanent nerve damage and nerve pain every day for 16 years and i'm expected to pack up a 2 bedroom apt. by myself violating doctors orders of 20 lb.max lifting and find a apartment that takes my dog. impossible. I want to ask for a 30 day extension but no one answers their phone or returns phone messages so where do I go to ask for the extension when even my own managers won't answer their phones either. and the supervisor has failed to return 4 phone messages I left so I haven't heard from him since I told him I never received any 5 day warning. no one from wright weber will answer the phone or return my calls.


Wright Weber management runs the property like slum lords. They allow dogs and very few people put leashes on or pick up after their dogs. There is dog feces everywhere. Broken vehicles in parking lots for weeks for people that are not even tenants! Tenants have several people living wirh them who are not on the lease. widows have broken seals and allow excessive moisture/frost / dripping water and mold to grow around window sills. The fans in bathroom and kitchen are not ventilated. The children play IN the parking lot and IN the underground parking around your vehicles and with the garage door. Police here quite often as the quality of tenants has declined as it has awful management. Hallways not regularly cleaned dirty and smelly.They will not fix anything but yet continue to raise the rent and have excessive late fees and won't be reasonable.


Wright Weber rents apartments in Appleton WI on Easthaven, that has electricity billed to tenant and does not disclose that there is at least 1 hallway light in common area on 24/7 365 billed to tenant. According to state law 134.05 WI Landlord Tenant Way they are to disclose how tenant will be reimbursed since it is not wired/metered separately, they were found to be doing this in 2011 and continue to this day, even though the building inspector confirmed that the lights are all on different breakers in various apartments. They do not run an honest business and they have 1741 cases in small claims court against various tenants in 5-6 counties. Wright Weber is a slum lord and should not be in business. They only fix what they are forced to and don't care about their tenants only collecting money, there is no help from local offices in Neenah or building managers (upper management won't let them do anything)


My experience with Wright Weber Management have been 95% negative and I would like to share it in order to prevent other hard working, honest individuals being scammed by this ruthless, money hungry management company which tries to make money out of you even after you move out. I wish I had done my research before I moved in their properties- that would have prevented me wasting my time, money and efforts and concentrate on something more productive.
I moved in one of Wright Weber Management properties back in 2004, which was called Thomas Wright investments back then. To give them credit, the apartments are located right by Fox River Trail, they look clean and well maintained on the outside, the neighborhood looks safe( although my car was broken in twice, but it was more like some kids being bored than anything else).
Through the years, the property saw quite a few managers, most of them were pretty good until the last manager came. This person agrees with everything you say, plays nice but we moved out after he offered my girlfriend $1000 for sex favors???? She declined and one week later we received a note saying we had to move out because our lease was up and they are not renewing it. Either way we were planning on relocating so we packed up and moved. We cleaned the apartment for 2 weeks- ovens, drawers, washed the walls, cleaned the ceiling fans, basically went through their list and cleaned everything on it. Anyway, back to management-one of the reasons you should stay away from this place is because managers, who are everywhere , constantly watch what you do, never talk to you but send you these eviction notes saying do this or you are evicted. I probably went through 3-4 of those in the last 2 years and was getting sick of it. You have no personal space, no privacy, no rights. It is pretty much their way or the highway. Communication is through notes and letters although you might be passing by the person in the hallway. This experience is not only mine, my neighbors through the years all moved because of the way this company treats their tenants.( doing some post research seems this is the experience in their properties in Milwaukee, Appleton etc). They will breathe in your neck constantly but when you really need them they are hard to find, the phone of my building manager was constantly off and you might get your phone call returned in the next couple of days/ or not. The lady in the main office told me that I should have sent official request in writing when I had issues in stead of calling- sorry I was busy trying to make money in order to pay your rent! The place seems cheap, around 650 but do not fall for this- electricity, with no air conditioning will run you around 70-80/mo, because they have the water heater and everything else electric, water is about 60/mo .Washer and dryer in the unit are nice to have, but they are old, not energy efficient and add to the bill a lot.
After I paid my rent on time every time for 10 years , you would think that I will get a thank you letter, for paying off more than double what the apartment is actually worth if you buy it, right? Not really, instead I got a bill for 2600 in damage, could not believe it. Some of it- $1600 for a burn mark on their marble imitation counter( remember these are “luxurious” apartments), right by the oven too, $400 for replacing drawers because of water damage through the years. Sorry, when you leave in a place there is this thing called amortization, you have way more than enough implemented in your rent. Needles to say everything that we cleaned we got charged for- oven, refrigerator, walls, did not miss a single item. I wrote official letter to the main office in Brookfield saying they should reconsider their charges, never got a response back. I will be going to court, and I am not the only one, did some research and found they have more than 2500 cases in small claims court!!! What they hope for is you do not go to court and then you get your wages garnished! I am sorry but I work hard for my money and do not plan on giving it away to unethical business owners trying to make a quick buck.
The F rating here is for a reason- this rating is consistent in all the apartment rating websites
To be fair I did have a cat , which did have some accidents on the carpet. By law they could not charge me for changing the carpet- I lived there too long, they did charge me a couple of hundred for something that stays underneath the carpet, which is fair and I did not dispute that charge. I even offered to give them a little extra for some amortization, but the lady in Appleton office is stubborn on the 2600, probably hoping that I will not go to court. They have lawyers , I do not ,so they might win but I will not go without a fight.
Please spread the word to families and friends, do not fall for this company otherwise your privacy and your money will be taken away!!! Check their ratings, check the court system, check the if you do not trust me-their negative ratings are out there for a reason!!! Companies like this should be closed and not allowed to do business, period, wondering who is protecting them.
Hope this review was helpful for those that had the time to read it and good luck with your move.


My review for Wright Weber Management is nothing but negative. They are completely unprofessional, do not follow thru, only care about your money and not yours nor your children's health. I have paid them over $30,000.00 in rent but they could not fix the mold and rotting drywall.


Review: I was renting from Wright Weber Management for 3 1/2 years and was a good tenant. I was "late" once with rent but only due to fact that they increased rent and I forgot to pay the increased difference. I was told to pay $50 late fee or be evicted. I paid the amount. They raised rent 2-3 more times after that. I paid them on time. Paint was bubbling and chipping off the walls. Linoleum was old and ripped. Carpets were stained. Food was left in cupboards from previous tenants. Hair was left in drawers from previous tenants. Mold was growing in my children's bedroom. I sent the mold off for testing (it came back positive) There was also a baseboard that fell off in their bathroom, rotted drywall and mushrooms growing out of the wall (pictures were taken by building manager), all due to a twice leaky hot water heater. I told building management about it. Her and her boyfriend came and assessed the situation. I called and talked to [redacted]. She seemed as though she had no idea it happened and said I would be contacted back. I was called by the Neenah manager ([redacted]), on a Friday, who stated that [redacted] would call me that Monday night to fix the mold/rotting drywall. He never called. I contacted my building manager again. She also was trying to get some return phones calls from Wright Weber..........and did not. The building manager then call me stating that she just heard from [redacted] who stated that he just heard from [redacted] (week later) that he needed to come out. He finally showed up 2-3 days later, for 5 min, to look at the damage. Then another guy came to look at the damage the next day. What the final result was that they spackled over the rotting drywall, cauked on the same warped baseboard, cauked over the base heater (why would put caulk on a heater?) I moved my children into the livingroom, to sleep, due to their health issues. They never fixed the bubbling paint or water damage to the other bathroom. I have sent them 2 letters stating my disgust for their company and how my children's allergies have worsen due to the obvious mold growth in the apartment. They raised my rent after I notified them of the mold. [redacted] was even by my apartment building but NEVER had the decency to stop and look at the mold himself nor even act like he cared. It took this business 2 weeks to get me a stove that worked. The dishwasher was broken for a month. I cleaned the apartment and left it cleaner than it was when I moved in but they charged me 3-4 hours of labor for them to clean it. Obsurd. I sent them results of the mold and still no response of how sorry they should be. They should be shut down and not allowed to own a business. During the time I lived there they went through 3 managers. That has to say something about a company. After I moved out they still did not replace the carpet even though I know there's mold under it (from the leaky dishwasher and leaky hot water heater not did they replace the defective dishwasher. They replaced the aged linoleum though. After receiving a monthly earnings of over $70,000.00, you would think they could have up-to-standards apartments.Desired Settlement: I expect an apology for the stress they put my children and I under. I want them to absorb the costs for "cleaning" the apartment after I was gone. I will not pay last months rent since they evicted me and I was out on the 18th of the month. They already have my security deposit. After reading the other complaints......I'm not surprised.


I wanted to warn anyone in Oak Creek or South Milwaukee that may be thinking of renting from [redacted] or any of the Wright Weber Management apartments.
No matter what you do, do not rent from Wright Weber Management in Wisconsin. It's not even worth trying. In June, my husband requested to move out before the end of our lease which was on July 1st,2015, so he could move to California to be out here with me because I'm in the military and in training out here. Our building manager said he couldn't get out of the contract, but that she wanted him to pay the rent and move out prior to July 1st. Which didn't make sense, (it turned out she had people she wanted to move into the unit by the first) but he came to the agreement with her that he was moving to California on the 10th of June and that my husband's brother would finalize the property for us before the end of the lease on JULY 1 2015. Towards the middle of June the building manager continued to harass my husbands brother saying he needed to get our stuff out of the apartment. My brother in law continued to go to the apartment every day to feed our bunny and care for him and change out his bedding and continued to get furniture out and sell the last of what was left after my husband packed and moved a lot of it out. Then on Tuesday, June 23rd, the building manager, her name is Chris, broke into our apartment and surrendered our rabbit to the police department of south Milwaukee claiming animal abuse. Not only that, but after the break in my digital camera that was tucked away in a camera bag, went missing. After attempting to find out from her what happened and where my camera was she hung up on my husband. She continued to illegally enter our apartment multiple times before the end of our lease, move things around, left stains on the living room carpet, and posted notices after her entries attempting to cover her butt saying they were posted much earlier. The field manager, Angel, didn't help us at all over the phone saying Chris was "too old" and "sweet" to do anything like that. We then contacted the owners of the company and got no response from them, except for Angel calling me telling us not to leave them messages. And now today they send us a security deposit check of a mere $23 of the $675 claiming multiple false charges and saying the place was left a mess. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm so frustrated. But I hope no one rents from them at all. Wright Weber Management is an absolutely unprofessional, untrustworthy, horrible company that allows their managers to commit crimes and do nothing to help their tenants. It's sad that they're even allowed to operate with the type of conduct their employees have.


I would not suggest people move into any property owned by this company. Unless you like a business that is poorly run by people who have no clue on what they are doing. No one is ever on the same page. They want the rent paid on the first of every month otherwise you are charged $50.00. WOW. But they are never on time to fix anything. We had some tile and the soap holder break apart from the wall in our shower which hit the top of my foot (small fracture I'm sure) and it took them more than a month to fix it. I forgot to mention that there was BLACK MOLD under the tiles. But yet they are so strict. Our apartment was not move in ready. The walls were dirty, small spots in the carpet, grease and other stains on the stove, there was NO shower curtain rod (we purchased our own), no keys were made for the apartment(we were asked to make copies for us and for the property managers and they would return our money with a reciept. They NEVER gave us the money and fought us for it.) The apartment smelled like it was dry rotted. We bought 2 air conditionors in the time frame of one weekend because the outlet blew both of them. Management sent out an electrician who said that someone put on the wrong outlet cover for the wattage. He comfired it was heir fault and they didnt want to refund our money. Theres many more things that this company has done thats just sad.


Review: I recently moved out of my apartment with Wright Weber Management LLC in Green Bay, WI and did not receive my security deposit back. I was unable to do a final walk through with the building manager because I was in North Carolina for work. I left the Apartment spotless and have pictures to prove it. When I went to talk to the Manager about the deductions they took off my security deposit, he had no answers for me besides that his guys have pictures of everything. I was told I could see the pictures the next day. So, I returned the next day with the pictures that I had and the Building manager was no where to be found. I left the pictures I had of the clean stove, microwave, refrigerator, carpets, and cabinets with a note stating for him to call me. I have called the building manager many times and have not received one call back. I don't understand how if I have pictures proving that the items they claim to be dirty were in fact clean when I left them isn't justifiable for a full refund of my security deposit. I called Dawn Weber to ask her about reversing the deductions and received no help from her only rudeness.Desired Settlement: 350.00


This company is threatening to sue me for a months rent (July) because they claimed I did not give them a 60 day notice. The apartment building changed management while we were living there and the notice was given to the previous company. It's not our fault the information wasn't passed along and I certainly cannot afford to pay the $800 they are saying we owe. Also, I was supposed to receive a $200 credit for June because we referred someone to them which they will not give to us so now they are saying we owe money for June's rent as well as a $50 late fee. They need to issue the referral credit I was told I was receiving which will make June's rent paid in full, take away the $50 late fee and stop threatening to sue us. We turned in our notice. If they are allowed to say they never received a notice they can get away with doing this to everyone who moves out.


These people are money hungry and very low down. Do not rent from them because you will regret it! Renter Beware!!


I rented with Wright-Weber because the price was low and I needed a place quick. After moving in, I soon realized I had made a huge mistake. The complex was well maintained, but the tenants living there were pretty sketchy. There was always fighting inside and outside of the building, garbage left in the hallways, pot-smoke clouding the hallway, etc. It was a small complex so I was afraid to complain. I never left my apartment because the neighborhood seemed dangerous. Cops were always patrolling the area but I did not feel safe. There were a few other tenants that would yell things at me or just stare when I walked to and from my car. My doors were hollow and had lightweight locks on them. There was no security door. I had been broken into twice in 2 weeks. The managers and cops were sure of who had done it, but did not have any proof. The on-site manager said I could break my lease after all I had been through, so I did. However, this began a back-and-forth fight between the corporate office and I about whether I owed them rent or not from months I did not live there. I received a rude phone call from the owner that made me feel worse about the situation. The city police department even contacted the corporate office on my behalf, but the struggle continued.

I do not recommend that anyone rent from this company. After reading reviews, I see other people have had similar negative experiences. Please rent elsewhere!

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Description: Property Management, Apartments

Address: 12545 W. Burleigh Road, Suite 10, Brookfield, Wisconsin, United States, 53005


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