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Worldstrides Reviews (325)

Review: The company asserts that their adhesion contract regarding refund which results in an unconsionable fee to the customer is an appropriate fee. They unilaterally assert that their 25% loss of monies paid is appropriate. I could not find the agreement in any of the materials I received in an orientation meeting. Their materials indicate that there is a $49.00 non-refundable deposit leading the consumer to believe that this is the only risk to entering into the agreement. Later when our circumstances dicated that we cancel over 4 months prior to the trip they indicate that we will suffer the loss of over $600. This is an unconsionable fee and unjustly enriches the company for performing purely ministerial functions at an outrageous cost. I indicated I had a good faith dispute with them about this unreasonable fee and they insisted it was appropriate as they had presented the adhesion contract on-line when I signed up. I was in no position to bargain at that time, they knew that and took advantage through their deceptive practice of indicating on their primary enlistement papers that there is a $49 non-refundable deposit. They assert that this is not the case. Then why would they indicate that is the issue unless they wanted to take advantage of those whose misfortune requires they cancel the trip. I wrote repeatedly insisting I receive my refund and they eventually stopped responding.Desired Settlement: I should be refunded all but the $49.00 "non-refundable deposit" listed in their advertised materials. I paid $1747.00 They refunded $1035.00. I should be refunded $1698.00 in total.



Dear [redacted]:Thank you for contacting WorldStrides regarding your Son’saccount. It is my understanding that [redacted] was scheduled to accompany [redacted] on their upcoming trip to Florida. However, you recentlycancelled his account and continue to have some concerns regarding the amountof your refund.On May 27, 2014, when you registered online, you werepresented with and agreed to the [redacted] terms and Conditions. These terms andConditions provided a detailed explanation of the cancellation and refundpolicies. During the enrollment process, you chose not to enroll in the FullRefund Program which “protects your payments and provides a refund* minus FRPfee if you, the Program Leaders, school, or school’s administration needs tocancel at any time prior to departure for any reason.”Since you chose not to enroll in the Full refund Program, arefund in this instance would be processed according to the StandardCancellation Policy, which states:“This policy applies to participants who choose not to be enrolledin the Full Refund Program. Within seven calendar days following receipt ofyour registration confirmation or initial payment invoice (which is receivedfirst), you may cancel your WolrdStrides program and receive a full refund. Beyondthe seven day grace period, if you, the Program Leader, school, or schooladministration cancel, WorldStrides will retain 25% of the base trip price*(minimum charge of $120 if base trip price is $400 or more) if yourcancellation letter is postmarked more than 75 days prior to the group’sdeparture, 50% of the base trip price* if your cancellation letter ispostmarked 45 to 74 days prior to group’s departure, or 100% of the base tripprice* if your cancellation letter is postmarked 44 days or less prior to group’sdeparture.”The trip price is for this program after your SpringDiscount, was $2649. Cancellation notice was received on December 13, 2014,which was beyond the seven day grace period, but more than 75 days prior to thegroup’s departure date. Therefore, pursuant to the Terms and Conditions,WolrdStirdes retains 25% of the base trip price, which in this case would be$622.25. Payments received on the account total $1,783.00. This amount minusthe $49.00 non-refundable deposit, cancellation and handling fees, results in arefund in the amount of $1,035.75.I am very sorry for the inconvenience and dissatisfactionthis situation has caused you. However, I do hope this explanation helps toanswer your questions regarding your refund amount.Should you have any further questions or concerns, pleasefeel free to contact me directly at [redacted]. We will be providing a copy ofthis correspondence as part of our response to the recent filing your made withthe (Case#:[redacted]) in Richmond.Sincerely,[redacted]



Good Afternoon, [redacted]. Thanks for your candid response. Please let me assure you that we are not intentionally being unfair or deceptive. I do understand your position and I am sorry for your confusion regarding our Terms & Conditions. Although, I believe that the Terms & Conditions you were presented with upon registration (copy[redacted]) clearly explain the cancellation and refund policies, I have discuss this matter further with the [redacted] and he has authorized an additional refund on your account. WorldStrides is proud to be the oldest, largest, and most trusted educational student travel organization in the nation. We maintain an A+ rating with the because we review and respond to every customer complaint with compassion and understanding. We will provide you with a refund of all monies paid with the exception of the $49.00 non-refundable deposit. I will speak with the [redacted] today and ask that this refund be rushed to you. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thanks so much. Have a great day. [redacted]

Review: My husband and I paid for a trip to Washing DC this past November (11/9/15). Around March they said they would have to double the price of the trip due to lack of interest. We could not afford to pay the extra money so we requested a refund. They did grant us a refund but took 215 dollars claiming fees they ensued. It seems to me to be a scam where they charge you money then up the price out of your reach so they can take more of your money. It's a rip off scam. In addition to the 215 they took a 99 dollar nonrefundable deposit. I feel they should only be entitled to that amount. If there were other nonrefundable fees that should be addressed before the trip was paid for not after. After we paid for the trip they sent us an offer to pay an additional 99 dollar full refund guarantee offer. They are misleading the public and taking advantage of families that want the best for their children.Desired Settlement: I want my 215 dollars back. I also think they they should have to request all possible fees up front so that people are aware. Thirdly I don't think they should be able to change the price of the trip after the fact. Once the trip price is set it should have to be honored. My granddaughter was so disappointed that she was not going. She had been looking forward to going the whole year.



Dear Ms. [redacted], Thank you for contacting WorldStrides regarding your daughter's account. It is my understanding that [redacted] was scheduled to accompany [redacted] on their upcoming trip to Washington DC in June of 2017, but .you cancelled the account on May 23rd, 2016 . Upon review of your account there was a change of travel date for this trip and as such we are honoring your request for full refund minus the deposit on your account. The total refund due to you is $234.50, which we will process next Tuesday back to your Visa card on file. I hope this satisfies your outstanding concerns and thank you for working with us to resolve this matter. I hope that [redacted] is able to travel with WorldStrides in the future. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at [redacted]. We will be providing a copy of this correspondence as part of our response to the recent filing you made with the (Case #: [redacted]) in Richmond. Sincerely, Jessica S[redacted] VP Customer Service

Review: My daughter planned on going on a trip with her school, I sent twenty dollars towards my daughters trip to World Strides. She has since decided not to go on the trip and I have tried contacting World Strides numerous time for the refund. To which they never returned the money or respond to a email. I also had paid $50.00 for a full refund option....if my child at any time chooses not to go on the trip they would refund the whole amount that was paid. The fifty dollars is non-refundable.

02/10/2016 WORLDSTRIDES [redacted] PPD 20.00 this is when they took out the twenty dollars

This is the worst business I have ever dealt with I just want my money backDesired Settlement: I want a full refund, it is why a paid the nonrefundable 50.00 dollars I can get my money back if my daughter changed her mind.




Ms. [redacted]Thank

you for contacting WorldStrides regarding your daughter’s accounts. I

am glad you were able to speak directly with our Customer Service Manager, Cindy

S[redacted]. I was pleased to hear we were

able to work together to help clear up any confusion regarding the

account. The original $50 paid towards

the account was not for the purchase of the Full Refund Program, but the

non-refundable deposit for the account. Although

under the standard cancellation policy the additional $20 payment would

normally be retained by WorldStrides we are going to make an exception and

refund you the $20 in full.I

hope that [redacted] is able to travel with WorldStrides in the future. Should you have any further questions or

concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at [redacted] We will be providing a copy of this

correspondence as part of our response to the recent filing you made with the (Case #: [redacted])

in Richmond.Sincerely, Jessica


Review: I registered my child and myself for 8th grade class trip to Washington DC, through Worldstrides. I paid the initial deposit of $200, which was $99 for my child and $99 for myself. I also enrolled in the Full Refund Program at $129 per account totaling $258. I chose not to sign up for Automatic withdraws because I did not want them withdrawing from my bank account twice a month. I then find out when I called in on 2/25 that because I did not have Automatic Withdraws on my account they were charging me $6 per month, PER Account. I also found out they were charging me$15 per month in late fees because I was not making monthly payments. I HAD NO IDEA I was being charged additional monies NOTHING, indicated that I would be charged LATE fees if I did not make monthly payments. And I made my payments online. Furthermore, I was not getting any invoices detailing any of this information so I was completely unaware. [redacted] at this time waived my late fees which I was appreciative of. In February 2015, I paid $1400, $700 on my child’s account and $700 on my account. On March 16, I find that we cannot attend this trip, therefore on 3/16 I sent an email advising to cancel both accounts (my account and my child’s account). I then followed that email up with a call on the same day. I again spoke to [redacted] and he advised that he will put my account in a PE status and my refund will take 4-6 weeks (this is entirely too long for a refund when paying by credit/debit card). According to [redacted] he waived $75 on my account and $90 on my child’s account. I got an email advising me they have received my request for cancellation. I emailed the person back asking how much would my refund be and no reply. Today, April 27th, 2015 I called because I had not yet received my refund. I spoke to a [redacted], [redacted] she advised that a refund was processed today on my child’s account for $621, but the refund on my account had not been processed, however advised me that only $547 would beDesired Settlement: I want be refunded all but the $99.00(x2) "non-refundable deposit" listed in their advertised materials. I paid $1,856. And they want refunded $1,168.00. I should be refunded $1658.00 in total, which includes the bogus $6 fees on both accounts, the bogus late fees charged to both accounts, and the cost of the Full Refund program of $258 on both accounts.



Dear Ms. [redacted]:Thank you for contacting WoridStrides regarding your accounts. It is my understanding that youand [redacted] were scheduled to accompany [redacted] on their upcoming trip toWashington, D.C. However, you recently cancelled your accounts and have some concernsregarding your refund.On September 23 , 2014, when you registered online, you were presented with and agreed tocertain Terms & Conditions. Those Terms & Conditions provided a detailed explanation of the$99 non-refundable deposit, as well as the Full Refund Program Fee. Pursuant to the Terms &Conditions, the Full Refund Program Fee for this trip was $129.The Terms & Conditions further explain payment plan options, handling fees and late fees whichmay be associated with your account. You chose to spread your payments out into installmentsrather than enroll in the EZ Pay program for payment. As explained in the Terms & Conditions,"If you choose to follow the installment payment plan, WoridStrides charges a $6 nonrefundablehandling fee on each installment payment following your registration, except theinitial deposit and the final payment. There are NO HANDLING FEES associated with paymentsmade through the EZPay program."In reviewing your account I found the following: Payments received total $799. You werecharged $15 in late fees and $24 handling fees. Our Customer Service Representative waived$75 in fees on your account as of March 17,2015. On April 30, 2015 , a refund in the amount of$607 was processed. The amount refunded on your account was actually $36 in excess of whatyou should have been refunded as $799 minus the $99 non-refundable deposit and $129 FullRefund Program Fee would result in a refund in the amount of$571.In reviewing [redacted] account I found the following: Payments received total $879. You werecharged $90 in late fees and $30 in handling fees. Our Customer Service Representative waived$90 in late fees on this account as of March 17,2015. On April 27, 2015 a refund in the amountof $621 was processed. This amount was the appropriate amount to be refunded as $879 minusthe $99 non-refundable deposit and the $129 Full Refund Program Fee would result in a refundin the amount of $621. However, given the circumstances, we have made an exception to ourTerms & Conditions and have provided you with an additional $30 refund for the handling feesassociated with [redacted] account as a good faith measure. This refund has been credited to thecredit card used to make payment on this account.I apologize for the inconvenience and frustration this situation has caused you and do hope thatyou and [redacted] are in a position to travel with WorldStrides in the future.Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at[redacted] We will be providing a copy of this correspondence as part of our response tothe recent filing you made with the (Case #: [redacted]) in Richmond.



I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

I am NOT satisfied with this. I paid a TOTAL OF $1856; first account $700 + $99 + $129 = $928; second account $700 + $99 + $129 = $928. If you waived all these fees then you would have AT LEAST given back $1400. You issued me a refund thus far of $1258, $621 posted 4/28 on my daughters account + $30 you just sent on 5/20 = $651; on my account you issued $607. These totals in NO WAY says all the fees were waived or a full refund was issued. Furthermore NOTHING indicated or explained about a $15 per month LATE fee nor a $6 per month fee for not allowing you to draft from my account. I didn't even get billing notices. Your company has issued complete refunds to others with this same complaint. This practice of yours is criminal. My next stop is the news station with facts of the other complaints. You have completely wasted my time and taken my hard earned money. I am requesting a refund of the remainder of my $1400 plus my 2 $99 deposits which is $142 + $99 + $99 = $340.

Review: My daughter is participating in a travel program to [redacted] with her class. Worldstrides is the company the school chose to organize this trip. The school provided information to sign up for the trip. To register, $99 deposit is required. The total cost of the trip is $999 for 3 days. I went back to the Worldstrides site to pay the remaining $900 but found that they were charging me $109 for trip insurance and a $6 handling fee (none of these were previously mentioned) I tried countless times to contact the company to clarify but cannot reach them, either get put on interminable hold or get a busy signal. I have also tried email but haven't received a reply from that either. I then noticed I was being charged a late fee of $15 in addition to the other fees they added on but you cannot actually talk to anyone to fix the problem so the charges keep accruing. I called the school and they couldn't reach them either. So frustrating and unfair! They trip was very expensive anyway on top of having 7 children to provide for, ridiculous.Desired Settlement: I would like to pay in full the amount of the original contract which would make it $900 that I owe ($999 minus $99 deposit) and possibly a phone call or email



Dear [redacted]Thank you for contacting WorldStrides regarding your daughter's account. It is my understanding that[redacted] is scheduled to accompany [redacted] on their upcoming trip to [redacted] andthat you have some concerns regarding the fees associated with her account.On November 19, 2014, when you registered online, you were presented with and agreed to certain Terms & Conditions. Those Terms & Conditions provided a detailed explanation of the Full Refund Program, which protects your payments and provides a refund minus the Full Refund Program fee and nonrefundabledeposit if you, the Program Leader. school. or school's administration needed to cancel at any time prior to departure for any reason, as well as the fees associated with this program.The Terms & Conditions further explain payment plan options, handling fees and [ate fees which may be associated with your account. You chose to spread your payments out into instillments rather than enroll in the EZ Pay program for payment. As explained in the Terms & Conditions and noted on your invoices, "Ifyou choose to follow the installment payment plan, WorldStrides charges a $6 non-refundable handling fee on each installment payment following your registration, except the initial deposit and the final payment.,However,pursuant to your conversation with our Customer Service Department on January, 19, 2015, wehave made an exception on the account and waived all handling and late fees. Further, as directed, wehave removed the Full Refund Program and associated fees. Total payment has been received and [redacted]'saccount is paid in full.I apologize for the inconvenience and dissatisfaction this situation has caused you. However, I amconfident that [redacted] will have an extraordinary experience on her upcoming trip,Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at [redacted]We will be providing a copy of this correspondence as part of our response to the recent filing youmade with the [redacted] in Richmond.



[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's offer. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID[redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. If the company does not perform as promised I can get back to you at: [redacted]


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Description: Travel Clubs, Travel Agencies & Bureaus, Travel & Tourism Development and Education, Tours - Operators & Promoters

Address: 218 W Water Street  #400, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 22902


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