Wolf Creek Holdings of Spokane LLC Reviews (139)
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Address: 1801 West Bay Dr NW Ste 206, Olympia, Washington, United States, 98502
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I am in receipt of the complaint being filed by Mr***. Mr*** purchased a 12' wide, 21' long, 6' tall regular style carport on January 29th, from an independent dealer, *** *** ***Carolina Carports was not involved in the discussions during the initial purchase. CCI
received the signed contract from *** *** *** and proceeded to manufacture the exact unit as orderedAdditionally, CCI confirmed the size of the structure at the time of scheduling. When the contractor arrived on site, Mr*** only has 10' of workable space, the 12' wide unit is too big and will not fitMr*** was advised, per the terms of his contract, that a return trip fee of $would apply. It is the customer's responsibility to measure their area and provide adequate, level space for installationThese discussions should have taken place between Mr*** and the independent dealer who sold him the unitCCI is the manufacturer, not the salesperson. Although CCI has zero responsibility in this matter, we will waive the $return trip fee. Sincerely,Heather ***CCI - General Manager
I am in receipt of the complaint being filed by Mr***. Mr*** had a unit installed on 9/19/On 9/21/he reported concerns and issues regarding the construction itself and the work ethic of the contractorHe was advised to provide photos for our review in order to issue a
service order and that we would address the concerns with the contractor. We subsequently received sets of photos regarding the concernsOn 10/4/we spoke with Mr*** and explained that we would in fact issue a service orderOur customer service manager handling the concern spoke with our division manager in GA and together had determined it would be best to send a contractor to inspect the site and provide a list of necessary materials that needed replacementMr*** was advised that a contractor would be available on Oct16th/17th or Oct23rd/24th and he would receive a call 2-days in advance to advise of the exact date. We do agree that this construction was not completed to CCI standardsCurrently, we are scheduled to have a contractor in the area on the 23rd/24thCCI intends to replace materials as necessary and correct all matters concerning the construction as it is within the workmanship warranty period. With regard to the ruts in the yard, CCI would be unable to compensate for that issue as the gentlemen on site were independent contractorsIf the customer would like to submit a quote for the damages, we will speak with the contractor and attempt to mediate that situation on behalf of each partyThe contractor does have general liability insurance to address this type of concern as wellWe certainly apologize for the trash on site as well as the conduct, this will be handled as a disciplinary matter with the contractorMr*** does mention "permanent marker lines" which are actually chalk linesCCI will replace all damaged materials, the chalk lines will easily wash away. Once we are able to make contact with Mr***, we will confirm the scheduling for the service orderIt is always CCI's goal to provide the highest quality productWe will certainly make sure that Mr***'s unit is no exception to that. Sincerely,Heather ***CCI General Manager
I am in receipt of the complaint being filed by Mrs*** and have taken the opportunity to review the circumstances in order to respond. On August 23rd Mrs*** purchased a structure from RHIThe unit was for a 24x31xUtility structure with a 7' enclosure for storageThe unit also
included a 12' Wide by 8' Tall header bar. CCI confirmed the order with Mrs*** prior to shipmentThe contractors arrived on site on October 17th to installUpon arrival, the customer inquired about "leg" posts for the end wallThere are no legs posts included for open end wallsIt was explained to Mrs*** that "legs" or uprights for the end would need to be purchased separatelyThe contractor left the site and Mrs*** began working with Katie. Katie provided Mrs*** with an estimate to provide the end closed without sheet metal which would accomplish the "legs" she wantedKatie proposed that since this appeared to be a misunderstanding between Mrs*** and the dealer, that price difference be split ways, making it fair for everyone involved. At this pointMrs*** stated that she may want to completely change the orderShe was interested in having a larger header bar so that later on, she could fit her truck and a small car in the unitKatie then priced the unit with a 20' wide header barA 20' wide header bar requires double tubing which impacts the height of the opening so Katie explained that this would bring the height of the opening down to 7'The customer stated that her contractor advised that her truck would not fit in an 8' tall unitKatie suggested separate header bars which would allow for openings and maintain the 8' opening heightThe customer was open to that optionKatie agreed to still split the costs of the end wall ways and the customer would only be 100% responsible for the changes she requested to the unit. The unit priced and provided was based on the original requests of the customerThe revisions and change in pricing only reflects the new requests of the customerCCI is still very much committed to providing the unit for Mrs***We will honor the discount we have offered and expedite a redelivery should she choose to move forward. Sincerely,Heather ***CCI-General Manager
I am in receipt of the complaint being filed by Mr***Mr*** was scheduled for the late afternoon of April 19th or early morning of April 20thThe contractor notified CCI that they would in fact arrive on the 20th which was relayed to Mr***Immediately upon arrival, the contractor
noted that there was an issue with the foundation that would support the right side lean tooThe foundation had been adjusted for a storm drain and severely off level. The contractor attempted to explain this to Mr***, but Mr*** was adamant that the land was "not that far off"The contractor was advised by CCI to pull a strong level in order to visually demonstrate that the land was in fact off levelThe contractor pulled a string level which demonstrated that the land was 10'' off at one end and 7'' off at the other. The customer was offered a number of optionsWe offered to install the main unit and left side lean too only, removing the cost of the right side lean too and leaving it off the structureWe offered to install the main unit and left side lean too only, dropping off the right side lean too for self install with a discountThe customer refused both options, so the crew returned to CCI with the structure. CCI would be unable to provide a refund of the down payment to the customer as the down payment is the dealer's commission, CCI does not receive those fundsIn addition, the customer is in breach of contract by not having the foundation level upon arrival. CCI will maintain it's offer as referenced aboveIf the customer would like to level their foundation, CCI will gladly come back and install the structure with both lean toos. Sincerely,Heather ***CCI General Manager
I am in receipt of the complaint being filed by Mr*** I was able to confirm that customer service did have a last minute opening on a truck in August which needed to be filled immediately in order for the contractor to loadUnfortunately, with a last minute opening, it becomes a first
contact availability. We have spoken with Mr*** and have him on schedule for October 5th or 6thThe customer was pleased with being given a date for delivery. Sincerely, Heather ***CCI - General Manager
I apologize for the delayed responseDue to the time that has passed, it took a little longer to research this issue. CCI originally received notice of the repair on 6/2/We issued a service order and proceeded with schedulingWhen dispatched, the contractor encountered an issue on a
earlier job site which presented a delayThe customer was unable to take the rescheduled dateIt would appear that the customer service representative that was in charge of this area at the time failed to note and pull the repair to be resent which made it appear in the system that the repair was completed. Our management team was not aware that the repair had not been completed until we were attempting to collect the BalanceWe have re-issued the repair order and attempted to expedite to resolve this issueWe contacted the the customer in July to repair but there were conflicts with the schedule date. We were able to schedule the customer in AugustThe repair crew noted additional issues contributing to the door problem and a new service repair has been issued with the complete list of materials neededWe are continuing to work with the customer on a date as their schedule requires specific dates/days for availability. Sincerely, Heather ***CCI General Manager
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
I am rejecting this response because:
Carol ***
I am rejecting this response because:I'm not satisfied with the response. The story keeps changing. I want my deposit refunded. I don't care who has it--whether it's the dealer representing the company or the Corporate headquarters. I don't care whose fault it was that the delivery of the product was misrepresented. As a customer, I was not fully informed of the policies regarding delivery, communication with the company was very poor, and I provided a 10% deposit under the expectation that I would receive my product based on what I was told--not in the Spring.
*** ***
I am in receipt of the complaint being filed on behalf if Laurens County 911. Based on the information available in our system, this customer has been scheduled twiceThe original schedule date was shifted when the crew was running behindWe were notified on Monday that the contractor did not
meet his obligation over the weekend when our office was closedWe did speak with the contractor and reinforced the protocol that we have in place for notifying CCI and the customer of any additional delaysThe second schedule was interrupted by rainstorms which prevented many of our contractors from workingThe customer was promptly notified prior to the delivery dateThis order is currently on schedule for tomorrow, May 1st. CCI will maintain contact with the contractor throughout his route today and tomorrow, updating the customer should anything change during route. Sincerely,Heather ***CCI - General Manager
We are in receipt of the complaint being filed by Mr*** Mr*** was originally scheduled for Aug7thCCI had numerous reschedules during these dates due to a massive weather system throughout the majority of our service areaMr*** was notified of the need to reschedule due to
weatherHe was rescheduled for Aug10th. On Aug10th in the morning hours, Mr*** was called to let him know the crews were still running behind due to weather and we would update him in the afternoonMr*** was called again in the afternoon with an update that the crew would arrive first thing on Aug11thMr*** became irateHe began screaming very loudly and therefore was transferred to a CS managerMr*** did not allow the CS manager to speak, he screamed and degraded her for an extended amount of time, stated he did not want the crew on his property and hung upWe attempted to call him back twice after he hung up with no answerCCI notified the contractor that Mr*** did not want him to deliver the unit. On the morning of Aug11th, Mr*** called in stating that he did in fact want the crew to deliverWe explained to Mr*** that based on his previous request, we had already advised the crew not to comeThe crew had continued his routeWe would attempt to contact the contractor to see if he could return to the locationWe did touch base with the contractor and he had proceeded well past Mr*** locationHe stated that he would attempt to go back to this location at the end of his route, assuming he had time and rain did not set in. We have committed to providing Mr*** with his buildingIf it is unable to be delivered today due to his previous request to cancel, we will expedite a new schedule date. Sincerely,Heather ***General Manager
I am in receipt of the complaint being filed by MrSteven ***Mr*** has been speaking with one of the GM's at CCI, Manny *** Initially Mr*** was given a $discount due to delayed deliveryManny worked with Mr*** and increased that discount to $150.00. Mr*** received
delivery on Oct31st, The crew finished the job on Nov1st, 2017. We understand Mr***' concerns and have acknowledged those with the discounts applied. Sincerely, Heather ***CCI General Manager
CCI has not in any way lied or falsified informationCCI scheduled delivery and maintained contact regarding delivery delaysCCI acted on the customer's request to cancel his delivery and then acted on his request to re-activate the deliveryWe explained that the contractor would attempt to come back by at the end of his route with no guarantee due to time constraintsIf the contractor was unable to complete, we would expedite re-deliveryMr*** order was immediately placed back in rotation which was also communicated to himHe has been given a window for delivery of the 21st/22nd, which is what he requested but is still not satisfactoryAfter fulfilling his requests, he then states that it still isn't satisfactoryCCI has spoken with the dealerMr*** had just spoken with the dealer about minutes prior to our callThe dealer is not of the opinions stated by Mr*** and as of now, has not refunded Mr*** We are asking that the Revdex.com step in to administratively resolve this complaintIt is more than evident that this is out of handCCI has met both it's contractual obligations as well as each demand made by Mr*** through the Revdex.com complaints, none of which have been satisfactory and have only led to further demands. CCI has left yet another message to speak directly with Mr*** We are still willing to deliver his product on the 21st/22nd, we will need him to confirm this delivery. Sincerely, Heather ***CCI General Manager
I am in receipt of the complaint being filed by Mrs*** Mrs*** has been scheduled multiple times which is unacceptableAt each schedule date, the delivery has been interrupted by weather situations, some in her area and some in other areas which have delayed our contractors. We
have been in contact with Mrs*** and she is allowing CCI to deliver on Jan18thWe have arranged the route so that she is the first stop on the scheduleWe are also providing additional panels at no charge per her request. Sincerely,Heather ***CCI - General Manager
We are in receipt of the additional comments by Mr***It would appear that Mr*** has a grave misunderstanding of our pricing structure. All newly constructed units are installed "FREE" on a customer's level lotThis does not apply to additions, drop off's or anything other than new constructionAll drop offs, additions or any other service has a minimal $Return Trip fee that is required to be paidThat fee is simply to make the trip and does not include installationThe labor to install any miscellaneous piece is based on the amount of time a contractor will be on the job siteMr***'s order, at the time that he originally submitted his Revdex.com complaint, was already priced as a drop off, he was not priced for installationHis request for CCI to reduce that amount was invalid as it was already reducedCCI cannot waive the $trip fee as that is a direct contractor fee and is not charged by CCIIf the fee is removed, the crew will refuse the order. CCI explained to Mr*** that we could certainly install the door but he would have to pay the installation fee as all he was currently charged for was the drop off feeCCI is still willing to send a contractor to Mr***'s property to install the dropped off doorMr*** would need to pay another $trip fee and the $to installWe offered to install the door at the time of scheduling but Mr*** refusedPlease note that CCI does not receive any portion of the labor or trip fees, this is a direct charge from the contractorIt is not to CCI's benefit in any way to charge this customer the required fees If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, Heather ***CCI General Manager
I have taken the opportunity to research the issues regarding this complaint in order to respond in an accurate and complete manner. Mr*** originally contracted with *** ***, an independent CCI dealership, on Oct21, for a 24x31, Fully Enclosed, Fully Vertical (roof, sides
and ends), Garage unitThis unit was installed on Jan22, 2015. On Feb26, 2016, Mr*** returned to the same dealership to place an addition order to his existing structure, adding 2-Fully Enclosed lean toosMr*** signed the contract with the dealership acknowledging term/condition #which states "CCI shall have the right to correct any errors made by dealer concerning pricing or taxes." Upon receipt of the addition order, CCI pulled Mr***'s original contractIt was immediately noted that the original building was "Fully Vertical" and the addition order placed would not be compatible with his existing structure unless the addition was upgraded to "Fully Vertical"Mr*** was notified of the additional costsMr*** also requested to upgrade the size of his garage doorHe was advised of the additional costs of the vertical upgrade and the door upgrade which is $982.00, including tax. Mr***'s addition was delivered on April 14, At the time of delivery, Mr*** refused to pay for the vertical upgrade or the door upgradeCCI attempted to collect the balance through our in house collections department with no successCCI has now forwarded Mr***'s account to a collections agency who has spoken with Mr***It is our understanding that Mr*** has made an attempt to settle the account for $CCI has not authorized that settlement due to the fact that Mr*** has acknowledged and approved the changes that were necessary to have the addition constructed and based on term/condition #of the contract signed by Mr***Mr*** has also expressed interest in purchasing another CCI structure. Should additional information be required, please feel free to contact me direct. Sincerely,Heather S*** CCI General Manager
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
I am rejecting this response because: As I stated this issue needs to be resolved and I should not have to wait months, repair my yard at my own expense, or pick up your independent contractors trash and beer bottles! I do not feel there is any confusion or misunderstanding regarding your process. The problem is your process appears to change along with your responses . You stated on your 10//response that it was my assumption of an inspector. I did not assume you stated this 10/response where you advise together with the CS manager in GA you "determined it would be best to send a contractor to inspect the site and provide a list of necessary materials that needed replacement." you continue saying someone would come out Oct 16/or 23/and someone would call ahead and advise of date. " (Just as I stated on my last response) . You also changed to the contractor would bring enough material to correct all concerns(so nw no inspection just repairs) This is great if it is true. As I reported no one called to come on Oct 16/or Oct 23/Instead called on October for Oct and I was working. What am I misunderstanding if it is in your responses? ( as shown below ) In this same response, you also admit construction was not completed to CCI standards in this same response.... and advise of the independent contractors and would mediate .... and claim to know my marker lines were chalk and wash away... "We do agree that this construction was not completed to CCI standardsCurrently, we are scheduled to have a contractor in the area on the 23rd/24thCCI intends to replace materials as necessary and correct all matters concerning the construction as it is within the workmanship warranty period. With regard to the ruts in the yard, CCI would be unable to compensate for that issue as the gentlemen on site were independent contractorsIf the customer would like to submit a quote for the damages, we will speak with the contractor and attempt to mediate that situation on behalf of each partyThe contractor does have general liability insurance to address this type of concern as wellWe certainly apologize for the trash on site as well as the conduct, this will be handled as a disciplinary matter with the contractorMr*** does mention "permanent marker lines" which are actually chalk linesCCI will replace all damaged materials, the chalk lines will easily wash away. " You state the materials and labor have to be reimbursed but takes place between CCI and the contractor. Did you ask the contractor to reimburse for me having to fix the ruts and pick up his trash ? is this amount removed from my bill since you can seek reimbursement ? You also stated "CCI intends to replace materials as necessary and correct all matters concerning the construction as it is within the workmanship warranty period." What exactly is this period? I was verbally told one year but the website says differently and I do not want any misunderstanding or confusion. Please clarify what my warranty is As I have stated the issue needs to be resolved in a timely manner!!!
Logan ***
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12571412, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Bruce ***
I am in receipt of the complaint being filed by Mrs*** Carolina Carports Incwas only made aware of this situation on 9/25/when Mrs*** spoke with Josh in our collections department. Josh has removed the charge from J-Trim from the order and sent a revised invoice to the
customer by mailThe resolution she is requesting has been accommodatedWe kindly asked that CCI has fulfilled her request that this matter be closed. Sincerely, Heather ***CCI-General Manager
I am rejecting this response because: It is not trueThe delays in delivery was completely in the company's controlI missed multiple days of work and also missed participating in my county Christmas parade due to the incompetence of the companyI want to be compensated for the days of work I missed and the 5% discount that was provided did not cover thatI am wanting a partial discount to be refunded.
*** ***
I am in receipt of the revised concern from Mr*** Mr*** did contact CCI regarding a leak concernThe concern was brought to our attention in JanuaryThis is an area which we do not frequent during the winter monthsMr*** called just as spring broke regarding a a progress
updateCCI is currently on an week time frame in this area. We do have Mr*** set for inspection and repair for the week of April 30th, weather permittingA CCI representative will contact Mr*** 2-days in advance for scheduling. Sincerely,Heather ***CCI-General Manager