Attached is an application, which clearly states app fee's are nonrefundableAs per the credit score, most people tell me they have bad scoresI have no way of knowing how bad until I run the creditAs for the applicant in question, her score was
underline;">way below what is requiredAs for the cash acceptance, we do not accept large amounts of cash for rentHowever, we do for the small amount of the application feeAfter app fees paid for in check, and bounced, the boss has informed me to take cash for the app fee OR money orderThis was clearly explained to the applicant if she did not want to pay cast is their choicePeople have a tendency to stop payment on checks if they do not get approveRather than send them to court, he has authorized me to take cash for this.
I have been here years and would not risk my job over $I like my job and plan on stayingIf my boss did not trust me, I would not be here this longAttached is a copy of the deposit slip for your referenceIf you have any question please call my cell at 812-344-I am in and out of the office a lotI call back all numbers that call inI have a ongoing notepad for all incoming callsI don't know how we missed one for you unless, it may have been busy or we left a message for someone to call back
Thank you,
Linda J***
Property Manager
I don't know where people get the idea that rent stops the day you moveWe have a lease with *** ***, on a month to month dated 11/17/to 12/16/She is responsible for days under the contract, regardless of when she movedI told her she would be charged for days when she came into
the office with the checkShe did not want to change it or write anotherI took the $Check and deducted days as requires per the contractThat left her with a credit of 192.32.I then took the deposit of $and deducted damages, (including curtains she had removed and stuffed in a bag.) They put up patio blinds in the living room windowOur contract clearly states that you can't install blinds due to wall damage causedI did not charge her for the wall damage we repairedI charged her for cleaning the wrinkled curtains that needed washed prior to the new rentalI deducted damages of $from her security deposit, leaving her In creditThis $credit (bal from dep) plus the credit (balance from rent) of $This Lefther with a credit of $This check has been mailed to her homeIf you have any questions, please call me at the number listed above
Thank you,
Linda J***
Property Manager
This couple is 1 week away from the end of her contract. We have already sent 2 notices that her contract would be ending on 7/29/16. We get no response from either notice. A 30 day notice is required and they ignored our notices.
[redacted] contacted me on 7/13/16 by phone and said she got...
bedbugs from a friend of hers. After dropping a notice in the drop box the night before. She said that her boyfriend laid down on the couch and got bit and sent me pictures on the cell phone. She said ha was not bitten the previous night.I scheduled with a pest control company to do an inspection and schedule treatment. The pest inspection was done on Friday the 15th. We scheduled a treatment a treatment on Monday the 18th. I left a notice in the front door of the things she would need to do in order to have a successful outcome.
Upon entering the home on Monday, we saw that she was not prepared for treatment.. Baby stuff, toys, Clothes, ect. were still on the floor, nothing had been move away from the walls, and the vacuum was full of dirt. The pest control company helped me move things away from the walls (partially). We were only able to do a partial treatment. Her boyfriend called me on Monday and said if he knew that stuff had to be done, he would have done it. I asked him where the list was and said she put it on the desk somewhere.
Only one invoice is paid per apartment. I don't know where she is getting her information but she should make sure they are facts, not gossip.
While waiting for the pest Co., she asked me if he was going to treat with bombs from Walmart. I just laughed at her and told her something like that will not work.
As you can see by the invoice, there was a professional there to treat, and she failed to take pictures of the comment section which shows she was not prepared. Both apartments Next to hers have been inspected. These pest can just by being in an area with a person that has them. They left witout leaving a forwarding address to send the balance of her deposit.
L. J[redacted]
Property Mgr.
Attached is an application, which clearly states app fee's are nonrefundableAs per the credit score, most people tell me they have bad scoresI have no way of knowing how bad until I run the creditAs for the applicant in question, her score was
t is their choicePeople have a tendency to stop payment on checks if they do not get approveRather than send them to court, he has authorized me to take cash for this.
underline;">way below what is requiredAs for the cash acceptance, we do not accept large amounts of cash for rentHowever, we do for the small amount of the application feeAfter app fees paid for in check, and bounced, the boss has informed me to take cash for the app fee OR money orderThis was clearly explained to the applicant if she did not want to pay cas
I have been here years and would not risk my job over $I like my job and plan on stayingIf my boss did not trust me, I would not be here this longAttached is a copy of the deposit slip for your referenceIf you have any question please call my cell at 812-344-I am in and out of the office a lotI call back all numbers that call inI have a ongoing notepad for all incoming callsI don't know how we missed one for you unless, it may have been busy or we left a message for someone to call back
Thank you,
Linda J***
Property Manager
I don't know where people get the idea that rent stops the day you moveWe have a lease with *** ***, on a month to month dated 11/17/to 12/16/She is responsible for days under the contract, regardless of when she movedI told her she would be charged for days when she came into
the office with the checkShe did not want to change it or write anotherI took the $Check and deducted days as requires per the contractThat left her with a credit of 192.32.I then took the deposit of $and deducted damages, (including curtains she had removed and stuffed in a bag.) They put up patio blinds in the living room windowOur contract clearly states that you can't install blinds due to wall damage causedI did not charge her for the wall damage we repairedI charged her for cleaning the wrinkled curtains that needed washed prior to the new rentalI deducted damages of $from her security deposit, leaving her In creditThis $credit (bal from dep) plus the credit (balance from rent) of $This Lefther with a credit of $This check has been mailed to her homeIf you have any questions, please call me at the number listed above
Thank you,
Linda J***
Property Manager
This couple is 1 week away from the end of her contract. We have already sent 2 notices that her contract would be ending on 7/29/16. We get no response from either notice. A 30 day notice is required and they ignored our notices.
[redacted] contacted me on 7/13/16 by phone and said she got...
bedbugs from a friend of hers. After dropping a notice in the drop box the night before. She said that her boyfriend laid down on the couch and got bit and sent me pictures on the cell phone. She said ha was not bitten the previous night.I scheduled with a pest control company to do an inspection and schedule treatment. The pest inspection was done on Friday the 15th. We scheduled a treatment a treatment on Monday the 18th. I left a notice in the front door of the things she would need to do in order to have a successful outcome.
Upon entering the home on Monday, we saw that she was not prepared for treatment.. Baby stuff, toys, Clothes, ect. were still on the floor, nothing had been move away from the walls, and the vacuum was full of dirt. The pest control company helped me move things away from the walls (partially). We were only able to do a partial treatment. Her boyfriend called me on Monday and said if he knew that stuff had to be done, he would have done it. I asked him where the list was and said she put it on the desk somewhere.
Only one invoice is paid per apartment. I don't know where she is getting her information but she should make sure they are facts, not gossip.
While waiting for the pest Co., she asked me if he was going to treat with bombs from Walmart. I just laughed at her and told her something like that will not work.
As you can see by the invoice, there was a professional there to treat, and she failed to take pictures of the comment section which shows she was not prepared. Both apartments Next to hers have been inspected. These pest can just by being in an area with a person that has them. They left witout leaving a forwarding address to send the balance of her deposit.
L. J[redacted]
Property Mgr.