Hello, thanks for wor[redacted] on my complaint. Since sending the email I have received a call from Guardsman Revdex.com customer service rep Joyce. I had placed a call to her before the email and got nothing but a voicemail so I proceeded with the complaint. In the phone call she said that she is contacting Steinhafels to have them replace the couch with a new one, but if anything happens to this couch it will not be covered. I little scary but understandable. So, in short I believe I am getting the resolution I asked for, but if possible please don't close this just yet. I haven't received any confirmations or anything, I just want to make sure to let you know that they are actually doing something. I will message you with the final resolution good or bad.Thanks again for your help. [redacted]
We have our upholstery technician scheduled to go to this customer's home on January 4th to inspect the chair. At that point we will determine the best solution to this customer's complaint. We will do everything possible to make sure she is satisfied with her chair. If our tech determines that the...
chair needs to be re-ordered, we will certainly do that. We would at least like an opportunity to see what the problem is.
We apologize for your experience and should not have asked you for another delivery fee to exchange damaged or faulty merchandise. We again apologize for the inconvenience this experience caused you. We are refunding your delivery fee of 29.95 plus applicable sales tax.Sincerely,Steinhafels
Regarding the amount of the refund on the return of the first mattress, the $107.20 was the amount of sales tax you paid on your VISA. The balance of $1949.00 was financed through Wells Fargo. Please check your Wells Fargo statement to see any credits applied for the return of that mattress....
Regarding your request to return your second mattress for a refund, we will allow you to do this in order to resolve your complaint. We have put in the return, and have scheduled our truck to pick up at your home on Tues Jan 9. You will receive a notification in your email two days prior with your two hour time frame for pick up. Please be aware you are being charged a $149 restocking fee in accordance with our policy on returned mattresses. The balance will be refunded to you on the original forms of payment. Again, Please keep in mind that you originally financed this purchase, so the credit will go back to your Wells Fargo Account. Any sales taxes paid on your Visa account will be refunded back to that account. If Jan 9 is not a good day for us to pick up your mattress, you may call us to re-schedule the pick up to a different day.
The company, Steinhafels, failed to tell the customer that this delivery schedule was an approximate date and that it might be later than that. Had I know that I wouldn't have purchased the products at all. This significantly puts that customer at disadvantage when planning their use for the product. In addition, once do they do receive the product it takes them at least 7 days to schedule the delivery. If they tell customers it going to be in on the July 10....it truly can't even be delivered until July 17th. They should be honest with their customers and give them proper expectations on delivery times so they can't make a decision on whether or not the product it something they would like purchase.
We acknowledge this customer's complaint and concerns. The sofa has been in the customers home over 4 years. It was purchased for $359 on April 21, 2013. The customer also pruchased a Guardsman protection plan. The plan covered agains accidental occurrences such a rips, tears, and stains from...
huosehold food and beverage items. It does not cover an accumulation of wear and tear.to the fabric and or frame. The attached photo shows the overall condition of the sofa. Guardsman would not cover this condition. The manufacturer, Simmons, offered a one year warranty on the sofa. That warranty would have expired at the end of April 2014. We apologize, but the sofa is over 3 years out of warranty.Unfortunately, we are unable to repair or replace this item due to the age and overall condition of it.
To settle this customer's complaint, we can offer a $500 refund on the sectional to keep it as-is and a full refund of 301.21 on the Guardsman Protection Plan for a total of $801.21. We can no longer get any repair parts for this furniture and its out of warranty. We realize the customer started...
their repair requests at the end of the first year warranty, however at this point two and a half years after the original delivery, we no longer order from this manufacturer and they will not ship us any parts.
We are issuing a store credit to this customer. We will allow a return on the sleeper sofa and she can re-select new merchandise with the credit. Her total credit is 953.45 including sales tax. She can come to our store to re-select and mention the credit. We will deliver her re-selection to her and pick up the sleeper at the same time. We will call her to advise.
This customer purchased Tempupedic products which are subject to the Tempurpedic manufacturer's restricted price policy. They require anyone who carries their products to sell them at or above their minimum advertised prices (MAP). Steinhafels always sells Tempurpedic at the the lowest price allowed...
by the manufacturer. When we advertised 35 - 60% savings store-wide for our Employee Family Price Sale, it didn't mean that everything in the store was at these discounts. It means we are featuring many products throughout our different departments at these discounts. All our print advertising as well as our website states that manufacturer's restricted prices are excluded from further discounts. This customer also signed a sales agreement and was given a receipt that states these terms. This customer can also check other retailers as well as the Tempurpedic Company website and they will find that they can't buy their bed for less money than what they paid at Steinhafels.
In reference to customer order 0814617TIEH & Revdex.com complaint. Steinhafels has picked up all merchandise the customer purchased on 8/14/16. We have also refunded all the Visa charges & Wells Fargo charges in full.Here are the specifics which customer can verify on both Visa & Wells...
Fargo Statements:Charges:Visa (1290) charge of $264.93 on 8/14/16 (this was done at our Appleton location)Visa (1290) charge of $791.94 on 8/28/16 (this was done by customer via our website)Wells Fargo charge of $2356.22 on 11/14/16Wells Fargo charge of $1538.19 on 11/14/16Total charges = $4951.28Steinhafels picked up all merchandise from customer on Feb 27, 2017Refunds are as follows:Visa (1290) refund of $86.96 on 2/28/17Visa (1290) refund of $791.94 on 2/28/17Visa (1290) refund of $177.97 pm 2/28/17Wells Fargo refund of $2356.22 on 2/28/17Wells Fargo refund of $1538.19 on 2/28/17Total refunds = $4951.28In the customer letter to Revdex.com they state the total amount of their order is $5563.47. This was the amount of the order BEFORE we applied further sale discounts on 8/28/16. The total sale (including tax) at time of delivery is $4951.28. As you can verify above, the order was paid for with Visa totaling $1056.87 & Wells Fargo financing totaling $3894.41.Please let us know if you need any further information to help the customer.
We apologize to this customer for the long wait on receiving his repair part. We are refunding his $21.02 for his inconvenience. We are also working with the mfr to get this shipped out as soon as possible.
We apologize to this customer if we have caused her any inconvenience. This customer's box springs are still under warranty. If there is a defect, we can replace them or have her upgrade to better ones. We will need to send a service tech to evaluate if they are defective. We have opened up a...
service order for her and all she has to do is call us at ###-###-#### to get it scheduled for inspection. Regarding her request for $300, we will not be able to accommodate that.
We understand your concerns, and we don't want to leave you,with an impression of brushing you off. We are only interested in resolving the issue. We again apologize if that's the impression we gave with our last response. We have spoken to our contact at the [redacted] company and she has advised us that your parts are scheduled to ship from their factory the week of 11/27. We expect them to arrive to us sometime during the week of 12/4. As soon as we get them in, we will be sending you a notification.
We again apologize for the inconvenience we have caused this customer with her purchases from our store. We always collect the delivery fee and sales tax up front on orders that are going to be financed since only the cost of the furniture can be financed. We apologize for the lengthy delay on her orders. We have been experiencing manufacturing, shipping and receiving delays due to a number of circumstances that are beyond our control. We appreciate all customer feedback and will make every attempt to improve our order expediting where we can. We again deeply apologize for the frustration and unhappiness that caused our customer to cancel her orders. As stated earlier, all her refunds have been issued and she has no open or active orders with us at this time.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
To the Revdex.com: We can consider this matter closed and the customer dissatisfied because Steinhafel’s has acted in bad faith throughout these negotiations. There is one thing I have asked for numerous times and in the plainest English I can use; to provide me with proof that the original couch I had was new when Steinhafel’s took possession of it and what state of use it was in while in Steinhafels’ possession. The man who told me on the phone that he had such proof is the same man who, in the last two answers I received, has not only failed to provide what I asked for, he has completely ignored the fact that I am even asking for it. Therefore, judging by the evidence presented, which is only mine, I think there’s little doubt that Steinhafels sold me a used couch and are working hard to hide that fact. Below I will list the Revdex.com Code of Business Practices that I feel Steinhafels has either broken or ignored in the course of my doing business with them in regards only to the issue of the used sofa. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Avoid misleading customers by creating the false impression of sponsorship, endorsement, popularity, TRUSTWORTHINESS, PRODUCT QUALITY or business size through the misuse of logos, trustmarks, pictures, testimonials, OR OTHER MEANS.A. Make known all material facts in both written and verbal representations, remembering that misrepresentation may result not only from direct statements but by omitting or obscuring relevant facts.B. Ensure that any written materials are readily available, clear, accurate and complete.
Bill [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I have received the refund of the delivery charge. Thank you
We acknowledge this customer's complaint and apologize for the inconvenience this situation caused. We do have a strict policy on checking ID in order to prevent fraud and to verify that the person picking up is the person who actually made the purchase. We understand such a policy could...
inconvenience someone who is not carrying ID, however we want to be consistent and avoid loss. The order for this customer is still open and if the customer still wants the items, we would be willing to give him an additional 10% off for his inconvenience.
We apologize for this customer not having a good experience. We will be refunding the 71.88 for the Guardsman Protection plan they referenced on their complaint.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. We just received the replacement couch this past Tuesday, so I was reluctant to respond until they delivered. The new couch seems better than the last one, I do beleive now the first couch was a defect. If it is ok I would still like to leave reviews for the two companies, I feel that nothing wouldve happened had I not gone through the Revdex.com, so that is not good customer service.
We acknowledge this customer's complaint and apologize for their experience. We take every measure possible to prevent damage to furniture while in transit. When issues occur such as what happened with this customer's nightstand, dresser and bed we will either provide a service technician to repair,...
exchange the items, or offer to return the damaged items for a refund. In this customer's case we sent our service tech to their home on June 8th and he installed a new support leg for the bed and filled and sealed the dent in their dresser. We also delivered them a new nightstand on June 8th. On June 20th we refunded them the delivery charge of $116. We are not able to refund them 45% - 50% of the price of the bedroom set as they are requesting, so we apologize again. We can however send them either a $100 courtesy voucher good on merchandise in our store or just refund that amount to them if they do not wish to receive a voucher from us.
Hello, thanks for wor[redacted] on my complaint. Since sending the email I have received a call from Guardsman Revdex.com customer service rep Joyce. I had placed a call to her before the email and got nothing but a voicemail so I proceeded with the complaint. In the phone call she said that she is contacting Steinhafels to have them replace the couch with a new one, but if anything happens to this couch it will not be covered. I little scary but understandable. So, in short I believe I am getting the resolution I asked for, but if possible please don't close this just yet. I haven't received any confirmations or anything, I just want to make sure to let you know that they are actually doing something. I will message you with the final resolution good or bad.Thanks again for your help. [redacted]
We have our upholstery technician scheduled to go to this customer's home on January 4th to inspect the chair. At that point we will determine the best solution to this customer's complaint. We will do everything possible to make sure she is satisfied with her chair. If our tech determines that the...
chair needs to be re-ordered, we will certainly do that. We would at least like an opportunity to see what the problem is.
We apologize for your experience and should not have asked you for another delivery fee to exchange damaged or faulty merchandise. We again apologize for the inconvenience this experience caused you. We are refunding your delivery fee of 29.95 plus applicable sales tax.Sincerely,Steinhafels
Regarding the amount of the refund on the return of the first mattress, the $107.20 was the amount of sales tax you paid on your VISA. The balance of $1949.00 was financed through Wells Fargo. Please check your Wells Fargo statement to see any credits applied for the return of that mattress....
Regarding your request to return your second mattress for a refund, we will allow you to do this in order to resolve your complaint. We have put in the return, and have scheduled our truck to pick up at your home on Tues Jan 9. You will receive a notification in your email two days prior with your two hour time frame for pick up. Please be aware you are being charged a $149 restocking fee in accordance with our policy on returned mattresses. The balance will be refunded to you on the original forms of payment. Again, Please keep in mind that you originally financed this purchase, so the credit will go back to your Wells Fargo Account. Any sales taxes paid on your Visa account will be refunded back to that account. If Jan 9 is not a good day for us to pick up your mattress, you may call us to re-schedule the pick up to a different day.
The company, Steinhafels, failed to tell the customer that this delivery schedule was an approximate date and that it might be later than that. Had I know that I wouldn't have purchased the products at all. This significantly puts that customer at disadvantage when planning their use for the product. In addition, once do they do receive the product it takes them at least 7 days to schedule the delivery. If they tell customers it going to be in on the July 10....it truly can't even be delivered until July 17th. They should be honest with their customers and give them proper expectations on delivery times so they can't make a decision on whether or not the product it something they would like purchase.
We acknowledge this customer's complaint and concerns. The sofa has been in the customers home over 4 years. It was purchased for $359 on April 21, 2013. The customer also pruchased a Guardsman protection plan. The plan covered agains accidental occurrences such a rips, tears, and stains from...
huosehold food and beverage items. It does not cover an accumulation of wear and tear.to the fabric and or frame. The attached photo shows the overall condition of the sofa. Guardsman would not cover this condition. The manufacturer, Simmons, offered a one year warranty on the sofa. That warranty would have expired at the end of April 2014. We apologize, but the sofa is over 3 years out of warranty.Unfortunately, we are unable to repair or replace this item due to the age and overall condition of it.
To settle this customer's complaint, we can offer a $500 refund on the sectional to keep it as-is and a full refund of 301.21 on the Guardsman Protection Plan for a total of $801.21. We can no longer get any repair parts for this furniture and its out of warranty. We realize the customer started...
their repair requests at the end of the first year warranty, however at this point two and a half years after the original delivery, we no longer order from this manufacturer and they will not ship us any parts.
We are issuing a store credit to this customer. We will allow a return on the sleeper sofa and she can re-select new merchandise with the credit. Her total credit is 953.45 including sales tax. She can come to our store to re-select and mention the credit. We will deliver her re-selection to her and pick up the sleeper at the same time. We will call her to advise.
This customer purchased Tempupedic products which are subject to the Tempurpedic manufacturer's restricted price policy. They require anyone who carries their products to sell them at or above their minimum advertised prices (MAP). Steinhafels always sells Tempurpedic at the the lowest price allowed...
by the manufacturer. When we advertised 35 - 60% savings store-wide for our Employee Family Price Sale, it didn't mean that everything in the store was at these discounts. It means we are featuring many products throughout our different departments at these discounts. All our print advertising as well as our website states that manufacturer's restricted prices are excluded from further discounts. This customer also signed a sales agreement and was given a receipt that states these terms. This customer can also check other retailers as well as the Tempurpedic Company website and they will find that they can't buy their bed for less money than what they paid at Steinhafels.
In reference to customer order 0814617TIEH & Revdex.com complaint. Steinhafels has picked up all merchandise the customer purchased on 8/14/16. We have also refunded all the Visa charges & Wells Fargo charges in full.Here are the specifics which customer can verify on both Visa & Wells...
Fargo Statements:Charges:Visa (1290) charge of $264.93 on 8/14/16 (this was done at our Appleton location)Visa (1290) charge of $791.94 on 8/28/16 (this was done by customer via our website)Wells Fargo charge of $2356.22 on 11/14/16Wells Fargo charge of $1538.19 on 11/14/16Total charges = $4951.28Steinhafels picked up all merchandise from customer on Feb 27, 2017Refunds are as follows:Visa (1290) refund of $86.96 on 2/28/17Visa (1290) refund of $791.94 on 2/28/17Visa (1290) refund of $177.97 pm 2/28/17Wells Fargo refund of $2356.22 on 2/28/17Wells Fargo refund of $1538.19 on 2/28/17Total refunds = $4951.28In the customer letter to Revdex.com they state the total amount of their order is $5563.47. This was the amount of the order BEFORE we applied further sale discounts on 8/28/16. The total sale (including tax) at time of delivery is $4951.28. As you can verify above, the order was paid for with Visa totaling $1056.87 & Wells Fargo financing totaling $3894.41.Please let us know if you need any further information to help the customer.
We apologize to this customer for the long wait on receiving his repair part. We are refunding his $21.02 for his inconvenience. We are also working with the mfr to get this shipped out as soon as possible.
We apologize to this customer if we have caused her any inconvenience. This customer's box springs are still under warranty. If there is a defect, we can replace them or have her upgrade to better ones. We will need to send a service tech to evaluate if they are defective. We have opened up a...
service order for her and all she has to do is call us at ###-###-#### to get it scheduled for inspection. Regarding her request for $300, we will not be able to accommodate that.
We understand your concerns, and we don't want to leave you,with an impression of brushing you off. We are only interested in resolving the issue. We again apologize if that's the impression we gave with our last response. We have spoken to our contact at the [redacted] company and she has advised us that your parts are scheduled to ship from their factory the week of 11/27. We expect them to arrive to us sometime during the week of 12/4. As soon as we get them in, we will be sending you a notification.
We again apologize for the inconvenience we have caused this customer with her purchases from our store. We always collect the delivery fee and sales tax up front on orders that are going to be financed since only the cost of the furniture can be financed. We apologize for the lengthy delay on her orders. We have been experiencing manufacturing, shipping and receiving delays due to a number of circumstances that are beyond our control. We appreciate all customer feedback and will make every attempt to improve our order expediting where we can. We again deeply apologize for the frustration and unhappiness that caused our customer to cancel her orders. As stated earlier, all her refunds have been issued and she has no open or active orders with us at this time.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
To the Revdex.com: We can consider this matter closed and the customer dissatisfied because Steinhafel’s has acted in bad faith throughout these negotiations. There is one thing I have asked for numerous times and in the plainest English I can use; to provide me with proof that the original couch I had was new when Steinhafel’s took possession of it and what state of use it was in while in Steinhafels’ possession. The man who told me on the phone that he had such proof is the same man who, in the last two answers I received, has not only failed to provide what I asked for, he has completely ignored the fact that I am even asking for it. Therefore, judging by the evidence presented, which is only mine, I think there’s little doubt that Steinhafels sold me a used couch and are working hard to hide that fact. Below I will list the Revdex.com Code of Business Practices that I feel Steinhafels has either broken or ignored in the course of my doing business with them in regards only to the issue of the used sofa. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Avoid misleading customers by creating the false impression of sponsorship, endorsement, popularity, TRUSTWORTHINESS, PRODUCT QUALITY or business size through the misuse of logos, trustmarks, pictures, testimonials, OR OTHER MEANS.A. Make known all material facts in both written and verbal representations, remembering that misrepresentation may result not only from direct statements but by omitting or obscuring relevant facts.B. Ensure that any written materials are readily available, clear, accurate and complete.
Bill [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I have received the refund of the delivery charge. Thank you
We acknowledge this customer's complaint and apologize for the inconvenience this situation caused. We do have a strict policy on checking ID in order to prevent fraud and to verify that the person picking up is the person who actually made the purchase. We understand such a policy could...
inconvenience someone who is not carrying ID, however we want to be consistent and avoid loss. The order for this customer is still open and if the customer still wants the items, we would be willing to give him an additional 10% off for his inconvenience.
We apologize for this customer not having a good experience. We will be refunding the 71.88 for the Guardsman Protection plan they referenced on their complaint.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. We just received the replacement couch this past Tuesday, so I was reluctant to respond until they delivered. The new couch seems better than the last one, I do beleive now the first couch was a defect. If it is ok I would still like to leave reviews for the two companies, I feel that nothing wouldve happened had I not gone through the Revdex.com, so that is not good customer service.
We acknowledge this customer's complaint and apologize for their experience. We take every measure possible to prevent damage to furniture while in transit. When issues occur such as what happened with this customer's nightstand, dresser and bed we will either provide a service technician to repair,...
exchange the items, or offer to return the damaged items for a refund. In this customer's case we sent our service tech to their home on June 8th and he installed a new support leg for the bed and filled and sealed the dent in their dresser. We also delivered them a new nightstand on June 8th. On June 20th we refunded them the delivery charge of $116. We are not able to refund them 45% - 50% of the price of the bedroom set as they are requesting, so we apologize again. We can however send them either a $100 courtesy voucher good on merchandise in our store or just refund that amount to them if they do not wish to receive a voucher from us.