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WigSis Global Co Ltd

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Reviews WigSis Global Co Ltd

WigSis Global Co Ltd Reviews (35)

Complaint: [redacted]There statement about the cancellation date is inaccurate. 
I am rejecting their response because the cause and the cancellation date is inaccurate.  Again, if you do further investigation from other consumers on [redacted] regarding this company it proves the information I addressed in my complaint is true.  Also check your scam website. I am ejecting this response because:

Hi,Thanks for your concern on the case.The buyer order the wig on Jan 2nd ,2018 and asked to cancel the order on Jan 7th,2018.According to our cancellation policy (please check the attachment), the buyer need to pay the cost fee if she cancel the order now. But she could not understand our policy...

and refused to pay the cost. We are consulting this issue with her and trying to find a best way to solve this case.Please check this case justly.Thanksolivia

Dear [redacted] Sorry to receive the complain from the customer, we accept the return and refund, we are trying to slolve this issue, provide to remake a new one for her,and now we have sent the return address to the customer, here is the e-mail:we can offer you the return address, please send it...

back via usps,Receiver: [redacted] [redacted]Address: Room 1003, Huishang Internati... regards,Candy Regards

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I don't trust a company to reimburse me postage once they have their item back. Keep in mind this is the same company that REFUSED to honor their return policy initially. I was ONLY able to get my funds back by notifying my Credit Card Company. As I stated to the company, send me a self address postage label via email and I will adhere it to the package and send it back to them promptly.This way, I'm not going into my pocket in the HOPES they reimburse me, and I can't do anything with their postage but send their product back to them.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:They keep coming back to me and offering a little more money to accept this extremely bad wig.  I don't trust them after reading the many reviews as they are following the same pattern as the reviews with me. Sending back USPS as they said is a bad choice. They will claim they never received it and I will be out my money. I am fighting cancer and should not have to deal with this fiasco. They offered me $60 and said if I accepted it they would send me the address. Shame on them. Terrible experience. Never been treated like this ever. 

This buyer thought the color was not as described In fact, the colors of wigs are made according to color chart. . We compared the picture of the wig the customer received, we can see the color is the same with image on the site, we can’t see the wig has any quality problem. We agree to exchange or...

remake or refund the wig for her, but she refused. We still wait for her reply and agreement, but she didn’t contact us. Please check it and help us handle this chargeback case justly. Thank you.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:If yoi go to website, they state that their business location is Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A. No where do they mention that they are actually located in China. I NEVER received the mervhandise (wigs) that I ordered,; I ordered a wig that was described as being real human hair. however, I receivex cheap dollar store quality synthetic wogs (i ordered two). The wigs smelled like old cigarette smoke and were 'not new, but previously used.I mediately emailed Wigs.c and was told ' sorry, these wigs were specially made for tou; they would NOT give me an address to return them to. So, I called my Discover card and initiated a dispute. Discover card personell told me they would let me know what to do after they contacted the site. This all took place immediately after I received the wigs.on Jyly 13, 2017, I fimally received an email fr instructing me to send the wigs back to an address in China with spe ific instyctions to send it Via USPS. tge very next dsy, 07/14/17, I did exa tly as they instructed. Thimking I was done, I stopped worrying about rhis matter. Ultately, in midSeptber 2017, I was notified by Discover Dispute Center that WIGSIS CLAIMS NOT to have received my returned package, that the tracking stops in Jaica, NY at the international customs Center for USPS. I called the US Postal inspector offuce; they state that wigsis instructed me to send my paclage usps first class, whichis NOT trackable once rhe package leaces rhe USA and enters Cgona! wigsis knowingly instructed me to return my package in aanner rhat is intrackable/ so rhat I cannot prove they evwr received it. wogsis now has the wigs (no great loss) my $319.00 cost for the wigs and I spent $25.00 to ship the wigs nack to them. paypal is wigsis' method of payment. I uswd my discover card to pay/ order the qigs origonally in april 2017, but paypal is the middleman pwr 'Discover diapute cebter.' I spoke to paypal on sept.  18, 2017 and they stayed they are reporting wigsis for this fraud but that theyregret that they wont reburae me' for tjeir allowing me to be taken advantage of. Paypal is enabling this company to take advabtage of and SCAM American consumers. Soncerely, [redacted]   p.s. the usps inspectors office said that the reason the tracking stops one day after I delivered the package back to wigsis on 07/14/17 is rhat it 'left the US Customs' to go to China, that uf it hadn't gone to Chona, it would have rained trackable back to my address (proof that it never returned to me. I Never received the product I paid $319.00 for; instead I reveived two vwry cheap, pathetic synthetic doll hair used wigs; wigsis got $319.00 of my hard earned money. I am a chemotheraoy patient with no hair! Soncerely, [redacted]

Hello,we had sent the return address to the customer, but got no reply,hope this customer can send the product back, we will full refund the money.

Sorry for this, but we did not get the return parcel, I promise you once we got the return parcel, we will refund the money to your account.

Sorry for te later reply,the complain about the wig's color, but we saw the pictures,the wig the customer received is similar to the image on the site,but the  customer just not satisfied with the item, we offer to refund her $100 to express our apology, hope she can accept it. Vivian

Hi Sir,Thanks for your concerning on this case.We are sorry for that the customer does not satisfy our wigs . After consultant with her, we refused our partial refund and other offers. Now, we have offered her our returning address, she just needs to return the package to our factory according to...

our instructions. When we receive the package , we will refund her order amount.RegardsOlivia

Complaint: 12419112
I am rejecting this response because:
Denise Smith  I will accept $120 and not a penny less.  I am still losing money for wigs that I will never wear due to their poor quality.

Dear [redacted],Could you send us the receiptAs we mentioned before, when we receive the receipt, we'll refund you the postage asap RegardsDaisy

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:To the attention of the hard working employees of the,1) I do not know how to state this fact more clearly. I DID not pay $319.00 for two cheap fake synthetic low quality, previously worn wigs that smelled like old cigarette smoke! I NEVER received the TWO Items that I ordered as pictured, described and guaranteed on the site! 2) I ordered from a website that stated on its' home page that the location of the store was in Fairbanks, Alaska; this is a United States location!3) Nowhere on the site does it state that there is ANY connection to CHINA; Nowhere does it state that ALL RETURNS must be delivered to an address in CHINA! 4) WIGSIS told my Discover Card Dispute Center that 'I didn't return the wigs within their ? Two week time frame; Yet, wigsis NEVER gave me AN Address to send the wigs back to!!! 5) Insteaf, Wigsis instituted stall tactics- even messaging me stupid statements such as 'have you returned the wigs yet? When they knew damn well I had not. Been given a return address!6) When, on July 12, 2017, I FINALLy got an email from with their specific mailing instructions, where they state (thus admit) they will return my $319.00 when I mail the wigs, they neglect to tell me that I wouldn't be able to track my package's tracking numbers once the package left US customs! I paid $24.00 to ship the two wigs (which weighed less than 2 pounds) via usps 1st class tracking... I told my post office employees that this package had to be received in China and I was provided a tracking #(custom # [redacted]); it NEVER occurred to me that this method was only traceable to the US customs depot- which on this case is Jamaixa, NY! Shame on the postal employees for not educating me to this, but SHAME on for pulling a bait and switch that even put me in a situation whereas I Was Never Made Aware on their website or at any time until their July 13, 2017 email telling me to email to a China address! The US postal inspector told me that it would have cost $90.00 to ship this package (that contained two fraud cheap $5.00 valued wigs at best) in a manner that would have proven traceable to this Chinese address! WIGSIS KNOWS this!!! They KNOW the average consumer is NOT aware that the customs tracking # generated on 1st class USPS customs returns do not offer a way to PROVE they received the return on their end!!! I implore the to PLEASE take whatever actions you can to prevent this fraudulent company, as well as PAYPAL, who this company hides behind as their Integmediary' payment method!!! I thought PAYPAL was decent and moral but apparently they are NOT! As I've stated, people who are undergoing chemotherapy and suffer devastating hair loss are being allowed to be SCAMMed by this unethical, crooked lowlife company! Sincerely, [redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Candy at Wigsis only sent the address after I contacted the Prior to that in numerous emails to them I requested the address to return the wig and they would not comply but did always tell me that it may get lost and/or damaged in shipping. I have all my communications to and from them. They also offered me different credits varying from $30 to $60. This company is doing to me what they have done to many, many other customers and several are dealing with cancer and chemo treatment as I am. I do not trust them and will return the wig when I have received a credit. I appreciate your understanding my predicament. I have talked to many people concerning this unscrupulous company and no one has ever come across this kind of issue when trying to return something that was so ridiculously poor quality. I am a reputable Christian woman and would not take advantage of anyone and guarantee that upon a full credit of $149.00 I will be happy to mail this wig back. However, as time goes on, I will be in touch with the other customers who were taken advantage of by this company and will launch a complete and thorough group effort to be sure they cease their bait and switch practices or shut down. I don't think they realize how relentless I can be. [redacted]

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Address: 805A 12th Avenue, Fairbanks, Alaska, United States, 99703


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