So, a few days ago, my garage roof started leakingNeedless to say, it was a panic moment for me because I was away on vacation with my boyfriend and our kids
Kurt Spizawka had re-roofed my house two years ago, and called me back within half an hour of me texting him, saying that he was already on his way to my house to check it outI got a call an hour later to give me an update and to let me know what he discoveredI also got a text that night at 11:30pm telling me he was just leaving the house and that he had put fans and a dehumidifier in the garage attic to make sure it would be all dried outDuring ALL communications, Kurt took the time to explain the situation, answer any questions I had, and to make sure that I was kept in the loop
I knew when I hired Kurt to do all the work on my house, I was in good hands...but after this episode with that darn valley where the garage meets the roof, I know my home is in the *best* hands I've had so many companies pass the buck when it comes to problems even months down the road, and here I am, two years later and Kurt is an absolute pleasure to work with
Kurt demolished and re-constructed a concrete step for us. He followed through on his quoted price and timeline. He cleaned up the work area each day and was open to any questions/concerns. He was professional and easy to work with. Thanks Kurt!
So, a few days ago, my garage roof started leakingNeedless to say, it was a panic moment for me because I was away on vacation with my boyfriend and our kids
Kurt Spizawka had re-roofed my house two years ago, and called me back within half an hour of me texting him, saying that he was already on his way to my house to check it outI got a call an hour later to give me an update and to let me know what he discoveredI also got a text that night at 11:30pm telling me he was just leaving the house and that he had put fans and a dehumidifier in the garage attic to make sure it would be all dried outDuring ALL communications, Kurt took the time to explain the situation, answer any questions I had, and to make sure that I was kept in the loop
I knew when I hired Kurt to do all the work on my house, I was in good hands...but after this episode with that darn valley where the garage meets the roof, I know my home is in the *best* hands I've had so many companies pass the buck when it comes to problems even months down the road, and here I am, two years later and Kurt is an absolute pleasure to work with
Kurt demolished and re-constructed a concrete step for us. He followed through on his quoted price and timeline. He cleaned up the work area each day and was open to any questions/concerns. He was professional and easy to work with. Thanks Kurt!