Weidner Apartment Homes Reviews (51)
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Address: 4085 Silver Birch, Waterford, Michigan, United States, 48329
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To Whom it may concern,We completely empathize with the resident [redacted] for any inconvenience that might have occurred during the time the gates and pool have been repaired. However, these issues are being worked on by the staff and there is no negligence involved at this time, they are doing...
their due diligence to try and have these amenities available for resident use as soon as possible. In the past 2 years there have been unexpected incidents (minor crashes into the garage by residents, visitors etc.) which require extensive repairs on the garage door itself. The door is unlike a traditional chain-track door, it is a roll-up quick door. Due to this, the door is extremely sensitive and any repairs that need to be made usually require extensive work. When an issue arises, the door does not allow for access in or out of our garage for a window of 4-5 hours as the contractor performs their repairs.In the recent incidence occurring on Wednesday, July 27th, the garage door struck the top of a car which in turn buckled/warped 2 of the bottom panels of the garage door. The repairs were scheduled for Thursday, August 4th, between 10:00am and 2:00pm (4 hour window provided by Overhead Door Co, repair company). The site was advised to limit the use of the garage door in the week between the accident and repairs to ensure that we did not worsen the damage. The door was open during our weekday office hours, and monitored by the staff. A building-wide notice of the time frame of the repairs was sent out via the resident communication page on ActiveBuilding (which also sends a copy of the message via email to all residents).After repairs started yesterday, the site had a small number of residents come down to the office with complaints/concerns that they were not notified of the repairs, they were running late, they forgot about the repairs etc. The community director personally went out to the garage and asked the contractors to open the garage for a 10-minute window from 12:00-12:10pm for anyone that needed to access or exit the garage. In addition to this 10-min window, there were also 4-5 additional times that the garage door was opened for one or two people. As repairs were progressing, the contractors discovered that 2 of our belts on the garage door needed to be replaced to ensure proper functionality going forward. Adding in the minor interruptions for accommodating access and the newly discovered malfunctions, the timeline for repairs was unexpectedly lengthened considerably. Repairs were complete by 4:30pm. During the interim from 2:00pm-4:30pm, it was advised that residents park at Whole Foods, or the Hennepin parking ramp (both ramps are adjacent/contained within our building) or if they needed to leave the ramp,the site ensured compensation for taxis/uber rides to and from their destinations. It was an unfortunate circumstance as it gravely inconvenienced a number of our residents. However, the site was in constant communication through ActiveBuilding and tried to accommodate any complaints we received.In regards to the pool, early on in the summer (May 19th) it was discovered that the pool had major structural failures that dated back to the original installation of the pool 3 years ago by the original contractors, Ryan Companies. Since then, the pool has been closed. The pool does have a number of unique nuances that lengthened not only the repair process, but the original diagnostic/discovery phase of the scope of work. It is situated on our 4th-floor terrace which is above a Whole Foods grocery store. After working with multiple local vendors, including the original contractors, the site found a company that was willing to undertake the challenge of repairs starting on July 1st.The repairs are/have been extensive, and have included the full excavation and refinishing of many of the functions of the pool. It was communicated to residents that repairs would be on a timeline of 4-6 weeks from the July 1st start date. The exact 5-week mark is today,August 5th, and the site has been assured by the contractors that the pool will be completed by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (8/9, 8/10). . Unfortunately, these repairs were not expected nor disclosed when Weidner purchased the building 1.5 years ago. However, the site has done everything in our power to return the amenity back to our residents as soon as possible.Compensation will not be extended to the resident as these incidences are unforeseen circumstances that are being attended to, the gate repairs have been completed, the system is up and running. Security has not been an issue on site, the staff has made sure to monitor and accommodate residents coming in and out of the community and even provided compensation if uber or taxis were required. The pool is currently beinging repaired by contractors, is on a timeline and is expected to be completed by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (8/9, 8/10).Thank you.
No, I have not heard from anyone concerning this issue; the LaCrosse County sheriff's department says it is a civil matter, not criminal, because it is concerning payment for a service. So,...
no, I am not satisfied. I would request the driver either send me the money or send it to Froland, to whom he owed it all along, on the understanding Froland reverses my credit card charge for this amount.
We are in receipt of Mr. [redacted] response. I personally was present for a number of the phone conversations that took place between [redacted] and Mr. [redacted], and unfortunately find several of the accusations to be false. I will however be happy to review Mr. [redacted] concerns with our employee, and offer opportunity for coaching in regard to tone and delivery if we find it to be necessary. We cannot comment any further regarding personnel issues on a venue such as the Revdex.com website for our associate confidentiality. We do certainly want Mr. [redacted] to feel comfortable living in the community, and would be happy to discuss options for terminating his Rental Agreement with us if he would like. Be assured, this concern has been taken under consideration and we believe requires no further response. If you have any further questions I can be reached at ###-###-####.
Due to a fire that was in the boilier room that supplies hot water to approximately 10 buildings.The boiler was replaced however these situations call for city inspections, permits, etc. Sadly these things take some time even in the event of an...
emergency. Pretty miraculously they have been able to get everything complete with the exception of 1 inspection by SW gas in order to turn the boiler on. The 10 buildings effected still have water although the pressure is low, at about half of the normal pressure. They determined this by testing the water in the vacant units of the buildings effected and the water temperature comes out between 79-93 degrees. They have been offering gift cards to offset the cost of upcoming water bills. The gift cards can be either to nearby restaurants, entertainment or a visa gift card.
We completely empathize with the Resident, [redacted] of the inconvenience of temporarily not having water at the temperature that she has become accustomed to. And in recognizing that, [redacted] was given and accepted compensation for loss of hot water by way of a $50.00 restaurant gift card. And I’m happy to report that the hot water in the community has been returned to normal and acceptable shower temperatures. When [redacted]s water was last tested by maintenance staff it was at 105 degrees. The loss of hot water in the community was due to a fire in the boiler room, an unforeseeable accident that staff has worked tirelessly to remedy for residents. Emails were sent out acknowledging the inconvenience and apologizing for the situation (Copies attatched). No other complaints regarding this matter were filed, the staff were only met with resident understanding about the fire.
Additional compensation will not be extended as stated prior this emergency incident was:1. Not due to neglect by the property.2. Residents were notified immediately of the emergency situation.3. The team has been fully transparent and proactive in addressing and rectifying the situation.4. The residents water is currently back to the temperature it was before the fire (105 degrees, picture attached) which is an appropriate temperature to prevent scolding. 5. Compensation has already been provided to the resident in the form of a $50 gift card to offset the water cost.
Thank you
I'll try to remain here as comfortably as I can. The meeting had a total of 5 people. Maria admitted that I was lured out here March 12, 2015 by Bradley and Julie under the pretense they would accept section 8 as La Palma not [redacted]. I feel they are punishing me by removing the weights from their Gym and not replacing their remote control when people walk off with their remote to their flat screen television in their Gym. I was given the option to move out with a large fee and told about compliance as well as, told that if I talk to my neighbor or tap the ceiling lightly with a broom handle to let him know to stop, that I will be in non compliance too. My paper work has my old Fillmore Street address and a non working phone number for 16 months now. There were unresolved issues per the Gym's free weight equipment. I was asked by Maria, if court was an option for me. Maria Te[redacted] wanted me to speak in Spanish regarding a July 5, 2016 complaint against her maintenance men. I was also informed that [redacted] never intended to open the tennis and basketball courts when I moved in April 9, 2016 and that other residents have signed their new leases knowing this addendum. Even though it was not listed as an addendum in my lease per March 12, 2016. I was also informed yesterday that their Recreation Center is unsafe and unavailable for private use and to rent out. Maria informed me that Building 18 shares a water bill and that if I use little or none it is still capped off at $40. I was not offered a new unit and they did not offer to sleep a couple nights in my unit and witness my neighbor's obscene, loud behavior and rough intercourse. They left me hanging and would not give me a direct answer to if they would renew my lease.
There are additional documents to support the disputed move out charges. Please contact [redacted] or [redacted] at the Accolade Leasing office for assistance. They can be reached at ###-###-#### or [redacted].[redacted] or [redacted].[redacted].
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I had talked to Weidner Apartment Homes in [redacted] and they had explained it to me in more detail than [redacted] did. I have also come to terms that the $50 is not going to be refunded. However, I have another problem in regards to the very rude customer service that I had received from [redacted]. I have below a play by play of what she had told me over the phone around 5 pm on 2/4/15. I was offended when [redacted] had said and her tone of voice that " I had told you that for a second time. " I let her know that I was upset with her tone of voice and her choice of words and let her know that it was offensive to my sensibilities in a calm professional manner. Besides, being the position she is in, it shouldn't matter whether it takes 1 time or 100 times to explain something especially since this situation isn't that often. She should have the patience to be able to calmly and collectively explain in a professional, non-sarcastic manner what the process was and she did't. Her response to that was and I quote "your situation really does not matter to me, I really can care less about your input, I am in charge here and you don't threaten me". She continues on by repeating that quote several times over again and was more than proud to let me know that she was in charge and that I couldn't do a single thing about her customer service; we will see about that. In the 4 years that I have lived there, I had never had a problem with anyone or the rent. I have had many problems with [redacted] in this last month. I do not want to undermine or go as far as trying to insult Weidner Homes, but I will conclude with that I think the fact that you [[redacted]] hired someone like her is shocking and appauling and if you have any chance of customer retention, you'll get rid of her. [redacted]'s customer service is great! [redacted], and all of the others are great, not [redacted]. If she is doing this now and she just started recently (I heard from Corporate HQ in [redacted]), I cannot imagine what she will do for this business down the road and to others who simply want to seek information free from sarcasm and verbal theatrics. All I was trying to do is simply get something done and because of [redacted]s quotes combined with her tone of voice, her sarcasm and cynical demeanor, I am appalled and shocked that you have someone like her working for you. I am a man trying to get by and all I want is for this to be resolved and based on my rental history I have been very reliable and I continue to be reliable. I am not ok but have come to terms with $50 loss, I am not comfortable living at [redacted] with [redacted] working there and her being in a position that she is in as it may continue to bother my peace. I am considering moving out, if she continues managing my money and being there. I signed a year longer lease and am now giving my hard earned money to that ([redacted]). I don't feel good about that. Please get rid of the real issue ([redacted]) as everything else is working great,Regards,[redacted]
[redacted] was clearly aware of his total debt of $818.79 as stated on the "Bad Debt Payment Schedule". Which he signed. Also stated on the form below his name reads *$100 Due every month until paid in full.
Our Payment form only allows up to 5 lines which is why this was typed on the form. When [redacted] initialed the Payment plan form and wrote "Paid in Full" she was under the impression that it was for his 5th payment of $100.
When any of our former resident accounts are paid in full, it is dated on the bottom of the form and amounts paid equal the top of the form balance where it reads "Account Satisfied on".
This account balance of $818.79 is not satisfied as you can Clearly see [redacted] made 5 payments of $100.00 I am sure [redacted] is an intelligent person which he can get a calculator out and add the payments he made. This will not equal $818.79 which is what he agreed to.
On a side note [redacted] felt as if [redacted] demanded her to put into writing paid in full when she was providing receipt of only that 1 - $100 payment.
When the Payment Plan was first signed with [redacted] she made [redacted] aware that our payment plans are normally split up in 5 months but, due to his other financial obligations. [redacted] rented to him and felt sorry for his situation.
[redacted] agreed to split the $818.79 balance up into 8 months. As we cannot accept any payments lower than $100. [redacted] still owes our community $318.79.
[redacted] is taking advantage of the staff and he owes it according to his original agreement.
I do not accept this response and I will not pay for water I am not receiving. For the past 4 days I've had to bother family and friends yo shower at their place, I have been unable to wash my clothes or dishes. This company has no problem taking my money every month but does not provide the water I pay for. If I am mandated to pay for services I am not provided with I will obtain an attorney and contact the media. They can take their gift card to their restaurant and shove it; give me the water I pay for!
I have lived at the Reserve at Arrowhead apartments for 5 years. Since Weider took over management, there have been nothing but problems. My utilities (water, sewage, trash) increased to about $15 more per month, without an explanation. I have submitted a complaint and asked for an explanation, however they have failed to provide a response, typical. I requested maintenance to come fix my water as I had no hot water, they didn't respond and had I not kept hounding them, I don't think I would have gotten anything done. They came 3 days later and when they left, they left my storage room door wide open and all my property that was in the storage out and strewn across my patio. I've never had this kind of experience with any management company here. Sadly if they remain the management company, I will not be renewing my lease.
Weidner is awful. They don't care about residents, they just fill units. Once you're in they're no help at all. I would avoid them at all costs.
VistaView apartment Homes on north union & vickers has been charging more rent than they were supposed to be charging me. My lease says 720 per month however they have been charging 730 per month due to someone logging into the computer the incorrect amount. I spoke with the office manager who was very RUDE & not very concerned. I have resided here for over 10 years & have never been treated with such disrespect. I will not be recommending this complex to anyone who wants to live in a clean & caring environment.This property is not well kept compared to their other properties like Windtree & Yorkshire. RENTERS BEWARE!!!!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They insist I owe and I insist it has been paid in full as I made the 5 scheduled payments and because they told me in the beginning that was all the payments I needed to make. then they signed it as paid in full.
We are sorry to hear that Marnie is still not satisfied/happy with what the Community Director has done to help her with her concerns. The office in no way lured her to the property. The site is not punishing Marnie by removing the weights from the gym as they were stolen from the fitness center as well as the remote control. To prevent this from happening in the future the office will be setting the channel on the TV every morning to avoid the remotes being stolen/displaced. As for the paperwork we have double checked and have all her current information up to date that we know of. If she has a new number it is her responsibility to notify the office so they can update the system. Because Marnie is still unsatisfied we feel that is best we release her from her lease with not termination fees so she can find a place where she will be happy. We only ask that she gives a 30 day notice. As for the time when she moved in this property was not accepting section 8 housing. We encourage Marnie to call and speak with Maria at ###-###-#### to let her know if she will be giving her 30 day written notice or staying. The office will need to know this before the 1st of August, 2016.
Here is my response to our customer:Dear [redacted],I received your phone message and returned your call but was unable to reach you so I left a message for you. I have been informed that you are experiencing another roof leak as a result of the current rain. I certainly...
understand that you are frustrated and that this is causing you to be uncomfortable in your home. I can also understand how you might feel like we have not addressed these issues to your satisfaction when they have occurred in the past. However, I have researched your past service requests regarding the roof leaks and have found that our service personnel have repaired any issues that they found at the time. The current issue was found this morning when we went to investigate your report of water coming into your apartment. What we found was that the drain spout that starts on the roof above your apartment was clogged with debris from the trees and was keeping the water from being able to escape through the drain. They were able to remove the debris to clear the line and the water is now able to drain properly.Due to the age of the community, I am not able to promise you that you will never experience an issue like this in the future. Because we value you as a customer and want you to feel at home where you live, I would like to extend the offer for you to transfer on site to another location or give you the option to move without further obligation to your lease agreement. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you further and look forward to your response.Sincerely,[redacted]
We are in receipt of Mr. [redacted] complaint. There are two records of returned funds noted on his account. We assisted Mr. [redacted] per his request, set up his new online payment account. The account information entered was given to our associate by him, as he was sitting at the desk...
during the set up. There was some confusion on his part as to what account number was to be utilized for payments. When the payment was returned, as a courtesy, the fee was waived. We attempted to explain to Mr. [redacted] that he was using his member number and not his account number. He disagreed and used the same number setting up the account the second time. The payment was again returned. Mr. [redacted] was never promised a credit if this happened again. While we are here to answer questions and assist as best we can, he is ultimately responsible for setting up and maintaining his own online account. The fee will not be returned, as we feel we accommodated Mr. [redacted] the first time we waived the fee. We appreciate the compliments Mr. [redacted] has given regarding several associates. In regard to his complaint, [redacted] is doing her job charging what is due. She often times is forced to give residents the answer they do not want to hear, which can understandably cause frustration. Although Mr. [redacted] is frustrated at the fact that [redacted] will not credit his fee, unfortunately there is no legitimate reason supporting a second fee credit. We are sorry to hear that he is unhappy however, in charging what our lease contract outlines; we can ensure consistency in our management practices. Whenever a resident is dissatisfied with the service they receive it is always our priority to rectify. If you have any further questions I can be reached at ###-###-####.
We are in receipt of Mr. [redacted] response. I personally was present for a number of the phone conversations that took place between [redacted] and Mr. [redacted], and unfortunately find several of the accusations to be false. I will however be happy to review Mr. [redacted] concerns with our employee, and offer opportunity for coaching in regard to tone and delivery if we find it to be necessary. We cannot comment any further regarding personnel issues on a venue such as the Revdex.com website for our associate confidentiality. We do certainly want Mr. [redacted] to feel comfortable living in the community, and would be happy to discuss options for terminating his Rental Agreement with us if he would like. Be assured, this concern has been taken under consideration and we believe requires no further response. If you have any further questions I can be reached at ###-###-####.
Due to a fire that was in the boilier room that supplies hot water to approximately 10 buildings.The boiler was replaced however these situations call for city inspections, permits, etc. Sadly these things take some time even in the event of an...
emergency. Pretty miraculously they have been able to get everything complete with the exception of 1 inspection by SW gas in order to turn the boiler on. The 10 buildings effected still have water although the pressure is low, at about half of the normal pressure. They determined this by testing the water in the vacant units of the buildings effected and the water temperature comes out between 79-93 degrees. They have been offering gift cards to offset the cost of upcoming water bills. The gift cards can be either to nearby restaurants, entertainment or a visa gift card.
[redacted] was clearly aware of his total debt of $818.79 as stated on the "Bad Debt Payment Schedule". Also stated on the form below his name reads *$100 Due every month until paid in full. Our Payment form only allows up to 5 lines which is why this was typed on the form. When...
[redacted] initialed the Payment plan form and wrote "Paid in Full" she was under the impression that it was for his 5th payment of $100. When any of our former resident accounts are paid in full, it is dated on the bottom of the form where it reads "Account Satisfied on". When the Payment Plan was first signed I ([redacted]) made [redacted] aware that our payment plans are normally split up in 5 months but, due to his other financial obligations I agreed to split the $818.79 balance up into 8 months. [redacted] still owes our community $318.79.