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I am rejecting this response because: I am rejecting this response because: I was partially admittedI did not receive any study materials from the schoolWhen I discussed with the person who was following me up, she did not tell me the procedure for withdrawalI was told still by her that I am suppose to pay all courses up front and so which course did I do and how without paying upfront?
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issuesThe student has expressed concerns regarding the outstanding balance on her student accountShe alleges that a series of personal issues caused her to lose her financial aid which in turn caused her to be unable to pay her tuitionShe further claims that Walden has denied her petition to reinstate her financial aidThe student lost her financial aid due to her failure to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standardsWalden University's (SAP) requirements to receive Title IV student financial aid comply with U.SDepartment of Education regulationsThese standards are intended to establish minimum, reasonable levels of advancement toward degree completion, and to guard against abuse of federal financial aid programsThe student was initially placed on SAP warning for the Summer term as graduate students must maintain a minimum GPAThe student did not regain SAP compliance when the warning period ended at the end of the Summer termShe filed an appeal in October seeking to gain an extension of financial aid following her probationary term, but the appeal was denied shortly thereafterThe student provided additional supporting documentation for her appeal, but it was denied a second time as she had again received unsuccessful grades in the Fall termWalden followed the policies it has put in place to maintain compliance with Federal law The student currently has an outstanding balance on her student accountIf she wishes to discuss her outstanding account balance, she should contact the Walden University Financial Account Management Office (previously Collections Office) at ###-###-#### Finally, if the student has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact Robert [redacted] , University OmbudspersonMr [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the UniversityMr [redacted] can be reached at ###-###-#### or robert[redacted] @waldenu.edu
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issuesThe student has expressed concerns regarding his withdrawal for courses at WaldenThe student claims that he withdrew from his courses at Walden but still received a failing grade for the courseThe student enrolled in two courses in the Spring term, and withdrew from one of the courses prior to the scheduled end dateThe course from which he withdrew ran from March 6, to April 30, The student requested a withdrawal from Walden on April 16, His withdrawal was approved by Walden on April 17, The last day for a student to withdraw and still receive a “W” grade was April 9, This information is available online to all students in the Walden University Student Handbook (http://catalog.waldenu.edu/index.php)Walden, through its Student Handbook, encourages students to speak with an Academic Advisor to ensure they are aware of the possible consequences of a withdrawalFinally, the withdrawal form asks if the student has discussed the withdrawal with an Academic AdvisorThe student indicated on the form that he had notAn Academic Advisor could have answered any questions related to the withdrawal, including whether the student would earn a grade or have any financial consequencesIn the end, students are responsible for understanding the impact of a withdrawal If the student has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, he has the option to contact Robert [redacted] , University OmbudspersonMr [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the UniversityMr [redacted] can be reached at ###-###-#### or robert[redacted] @waldenu.edu
The student has raised concerns regarding her dismissal from Walden University Shortly before the student filed this complaint with the Revdex.com, she began working with Walden to file an appeal using the internal grievance and appeal processes available to all students We appreciate the student using Walden processes to address her concerns and we ask that she complete the filing of her appeal and allow that appeal to be reviewed by appropriate university staff and administered through the university processes
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/11/10) */ The student has raised a concern that while she was awarded financial aid by Walden University the financial aid has not been released to herShe was conditionally admitted to Walden based on her unofficial undergraduate transcripts and she began her coursework at Walden in the Fall TermPer University admission policy, she was given until the end of the term to provide Walden with an official copy of her transcriptThe student was also able to apply for financial aid which was awarded to her on November 2, 2015; however, because the student has not provided an official transcript to Walden, the University is unable to certify and disburse the loan to the student's accountUniversity policies for admission are different than policies for the disbursement of financial aid Information regarding the status of the student's financial aid is available on the student's myFinAid page (in her student portal)The message there explains that Walden cannot certify and disburse the student's financial aid until the contingency is clearedThe contingency in this case is that the student has not provided Walden with an official copy of her transcriptThis policy is also explained on page of the 2015-Walden University Student Handbook (Sept2015) (attached)The Handbook states: "New students: Award notifications will be made to admitted students with completed financial aid filesHowever, financial aid cannot be disbursed until all official transcripts are received by the Office of Admissions." The Student Handbook is available to all students on the Walden University webpage The student's financial aid will be disbursed to her as soon as she provides an official transcript to Walden Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/11/11) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) This is advertising as Walden was not forthcoming with all of the factsThe admissions office and the financial aid office are not institutions within Walden that are totally separate from each other Students apply for admission based on their financial aid package so they are closely linked together It is advertising to pursue students, get them to apply, tell them about grants/financial aid that they can apply for, have all of these conversations verbally, but bury the practice of not dispersing aid on page one hundred and in a booklet No one directed me to this booklet when I applied and no one told me about this policy over the phone This is advertising in a nutshell and not releasing my aid is illegalIt is against the law not to give aid that I signed up for with the federal governmentI have reviewed the Minnesota and Ohio statutes which shows that Walden has no legal grounds for not dispersing my aidMy next step is to report this illegal practice to the local and federal attorney general's office I do not accept this response and I am requesting my financial aid
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/09/18) */ The student has raised concerns that her tuition waiver petition and appeal were wrongfully denied by Walden UniversityWalden University maintains extensive internal grievance and appeal processes available to all studentsThese processes are designed to address the concerns raised by the studentThe student took one course in the Spring term which ran from March 2, to June 22, and she later raised concerns about her ability to participate in the courseShe submitted a tuition waiver petition on August 11, seeking the waiver of her tuition for the Spring termAfter a review by the appropriate Walden personnel, the petition was denied on the grounds that the student did not submit sufficient documentation of events that occurred during the time period for which she was seeking a tuition waiver The student was informed of the denial of her petition on September 4, Students are permitted to appeal a denial of a petition and must submit their appeal within daysThe student did not submit an appeal within days but requested an opportunity file an appeal lateOn August 25, 2015, nearly a year after her original petition was filed, the student was permitted to appeal the denial of her petitionShe submitted the same documentation as her original petition and was denied a second time on September 8, Walden is sympathetic to the issues raised by the student, but she was twice asked to submit documentation covering the time period for which she was seeking a tuition waiverShe neglected to do so either time At this time, the student has an outstanding balance on her student accountAfter repeated attempts to work with the student over the past year, Walden sent the account to a 3rd party collection agency on July 28, If the student wishes to discuss her outstanding account balance, she should contact the Walden University Collections Office at X-XXX-XXX-XXXX and they can direct her to the third party collection agency to discuss her outstanding balance Finally, if the student has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact Robert [redacted] , University OmbudspersonMr [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the UniversityMr [redacted] can be reached at XXX-XXX-XXXX or [redacted] @waldenu.edu Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2015/09/27) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) During my time after I withdrew from the course on May I was in constant communication with my academic advisor and she informed me that I would be re-enrolled in the course on June That never happened even though I followed the proper protocol according to my advisorI then submitted a tuition waiver with documentation based on what my advisor informed meI submitted the required paperwork that my advisor informed me to submitI had a doctor's letter that said no progressFor what I was being treated for, I thought that was sufficient informationThe medical team had the contact information of the doctor that was treating me The reason I didn't appeal right after the decision is because I was recovering from medical issues I spoke of in my first complaintI even contacted the University Ombudsperson on June In between that year, I was in constant communication with my advisor and the bursar's office, but no resolution or appropriate level of help was provided When I contacted my advisor in August to check on the status of my appeal, I was first ignored for a few days, then later told I had a new advisor When my account was sent to a 3rd party, I didn't know until I received a letter in the mailI was under the impression that I was working with the bursar's office to try to get re-enrolled in schoolThey allowed me to do that once before because I was eligible for financial aidThe bursar's office allowed me to pay $to temporarily lift my hold so I could get enrolled and start my financial aid again To date, I still have not heard back from anyone concerning this matter My final resolution still stands; I feel I did everything within my control to submit the correct paperwork
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 6, 2015/12/10) */ Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issuesMr [redacted] has expressed concerns regarding the outstanding balance on his student accountHe enrolled at Walden in two courses in the Fall term and withdrew from the two courses prior to the end of the termAccording to federal financial aid regulations, when a student is dropped or withdraws from a course within a pre-determined time period, the financial aid funds must be returned to the financial aid provider (Return to Title IV or "R2T4")In accordance with those federal regulations, part of the student's financial aid funds were sent back to the student's financial aid lender as required, leaving a balance due on the student's accountWhile the student may disagree with the amount he owes Walden, the calculations were done in accordance with federal regulations and Walden policy (see the Walden University Student Handbook at pages 160-161) The student's account was sent to a 3rd party collection agency after Walden communicated with the student numerous times from February to November The student did not accept the payment options provided to him nor did he make any payments on his outstanding balanceAfter being given a final notice, the account was sent to the 3rd party collection agencyIf the student wishes to discuss his outstanding account balance, he should contact the Walden University Financial Account Management Office (previously Collections Office) at [redacted] They can provide him with contact information for the 3rd party collection agency Finally, if the student has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact Robert [redacted] , University OmbudspersonMr [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the UniversityMr [redacted] can be reached at [redacted] or [redacted] @waldenu.edu Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 8, 2015/12/10) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) Walden states that I withdrew from two classes, this is falseThe first course was a hour mandatory prep course, which I completedThe second course I did in fact withdraw fromWalden is in a position to satisfy this matter on a win-win basis to request $for a course, I spent less than three weeks in isoutrageousThe financial aid rep told me that I dropped a day or two earlier this balance would not be as high I understand that Walden sent my aid back in accordance to federal regulations, I propose that the Department of Education investigate why any student would be required to pay a college $for a class he/she spent less than three weeks inWalden's practice of referring students to a relentless unaccomodating ombudsperson is equally disgusting not to mention the fact that they sent me to a collection agencyAlso, I am a manDo not refer to me as she Final Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 12, 2015/12/28) */ Mr [redacted] has again expressed concerns regarding the outstanding balance on his student accountWhile the student may disagree with the amount he owes Walden, the calculations were done in accordance with federal regulations and Walden policy (see the Walden University Student Handbook at pages 160-161)The Student Handbook, which is available to all students, explains the tuition refund schedule for when a student withdraws from a course and Mr [redacted] withdrew after the date to receive any refundStudents also have the ability to speak with financial aid and academic advisors at Walden to discuss the ramifications of a withdrawalMr [redacted] spoke with an advisor and was told he would receive no tuition refund if he withdrew at the time of his callHe chose to withdraw knowing he would not receive any tuition refundThe student has an outstanding balance and should contact the Walden University Financial Account Management Office (previously Collections Office) at [redacted] They can provide him with contact information for the 3rd party collection agency
Walden takes all student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues We have reviewed the student’s concerns regarding an expected financial aid refund Our records indicate that the student withdrew from the university effective December 15, At that time, Walden canceled her classes and applied a tuition refund to her account, resulting in a credit balance of $1, However, the student is currently receiving federal financial aid for her tuition When a student leaves the university, federal regulations require that the university calculate how much financial aid was actually earned in the term they withdrew Any unearned aid must be returned to the federal government At this time, Walden is performing that calculation and once it is complete, any credit balance may be adjusted by the amount of aid that is returned Once the process is complete, the student will be notified of the result.If the student has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact Robert [redacted] , University OmbudspersonMr [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the UniversityMr [redacted] can be reached at ###-###-#### or robert[redacted] @waldenu.edu
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issuesThe student has expressed concerns regarding the timing of the release of her financial aid refundThe student has accused Walden of inconsistent and abusive financial aid practices and of stealing from herThese claims are not trueThe student has also accused Walden of posting her funds to a third partyIt is not clear what the student means by this assertion, but funds are posted in accordance to the written instructions of the studentThis student requested that funds be posted via direct deposit to her account, and Walden is complying with her requestThe student’s financial aid was processed in accordance with longstanding Walden financial aid policiesHer student loan disbursed to Walden as scheduled on June 8th (which is the disbursement date for summer term for all students)The student is aware that student financial aid refunds can take up to days to be processed and her federal financial aid refund was processed on June 16, (days after disbursement)The refund will be direct deposited to the student’s bank account on June 20, Walden considers this matter closed
Walden appreciates Ms [redacted] 's position but must refer her to the university's policies and procedures The university has no records to support her position If she has evidence to support those allegations, we urge her to use Walden’s established processes to have her claims reviewed in accordance with University policies Ms [redacted] should contact an Academic Advisor at ###-###-#### to discuss how to proceed with her petitionAs stated before, if the student has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact Robert [redacted] , University OmbudspersonMr [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the UniversityMr [redacted] can be reached at ###-###-#### or [redacted]
Mr [redacted] has responded to Walden with continuing concerns regarding the issues he initially raisedMr [redacted] was contacted by the Associate Bursar on October 11, to inform him that the discount he requested was retroactively applied to his account on October 10thIt may have taken a few days for this to be reflected in the university systems, but the change has been approved and madeIf he has continuing concerns, we ask that he contact the Associate Bursar to discuss those concernsWe also appreciate Mr***’s concerns regarding the university’s book policiesAs stated in the Student Handbook, all university fees, tuition, and charges, are subject to change as situations arise that warrant such a changeIn this case, a federal regulation required Walden to alter its book policy and Walden was required to alter its previous policy to comply We are happy to hear that Mr [redacted] and his fellow students are resolving their issue regarding gradesHowever, Mr [redacted] always has the option to file a grade appeal with his programHe can find information about how to do so in the Student Handbook As stated previously, Mr [redacted] also has the option to contact Robert [redacted] , University OmbudspersonMr [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the UniversityMr [redacted] can be reached at ###-###-#### or [redacted]
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2016/03/03) */ The student makes numerous allegations of fraud concerning the program he attended at Walden University from the Winter term to the Summer termIn total, he enrolled in classes and attended one residency, but he withdrew prior to completing his third class which resulted in funds having to be returned to the federal government, which is known as Return to Title IV or R2TIf a student does not attend greater than 60% of their class, then they do not earn 100% of their federal financial aid, and a proportionate amount of monies will be returned to the federal government based on the amount of time that the student actually attended classHe withdrew from Walden effective July 1, 2008, and thus was billed for a percentage of the time he attended He was informed that he was beyond the time to seek a tuition refund which ended on June 23, 2008, but given instructions on how to proceed, if he desired to petition for a waiverThe student never submitted anythingAt no time did Walden commit fraud against the student in his enrollment, programs, financial aid, or billingThe student attended Walden courses and paid for those courses using federal financial aidOf the federal financial aid loans that he took out, he received refunds back for his personal use totaling $4081, and Walden refunded him in full for his 6-day Ph.DSummer Session residency in Minneapolis, MNWhen the student withdrew from Walden and transferred to another institution of higher learning, his status as an actively enrolled student likely resulted in an automatic deferment of payment on the student loan debt he incurredThe student must repay those federal student loans to his lender, not Walden, and he should contact his lender directly to discuss his loans
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issuesThe student has expressed concerns regarding and incident that occurred during her counseling field experience at Walden Walden’s Mental Health Counseling program has both a classroom and a field experience component Students who participate in field experience must follow the guidelines and procedures established by the university and prescribed by our accreditor, the Council of Accreditation for Counseling and Educational Related Programs (CACREP) If a student does not follow either of these requirements, they will not receive a passing grade for the course and must retake the course in order to graduate In cases where this occurs, Walden University allows a student to appeal that determination In the appeal, a separate appeals committee will consider any evidence submitted by the student in support of their position Any determination made by the appeals committee can be further appealed to the Dean of the School of Counseling Walden considers this student’s complaint both academic and disciplinary in nature, thus making the Revdex.com not a proper place to discuss specific student issues However, we will say that in this case the student violated two specific conditions of her field experience and is required to repeat the internship as a result She was granted an appeal as was her right and an independent committee upheld the decision The determination made in this situation was based on program and accreditation guidelines, as well as professional standards Finally, if the student has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact Robert [redacted] , University OmbudspersonMr [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the UniversityMr [redacted] can be reached at ###-###-#### or [redacted]
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 7, 2015/07/30) */ This student alleges that due to family issues she was unable to complete her course and she now has an outstanding balance on her student accountShe is seeking a cancellation of the balance on her student accountStudents have a responsibility to bring their concerns to Walden University in a timely manner so they may be addressed promptly and in accordance with the policies and procedures Walden has established to address those concerns The balance on the student's account is from the Summer termThe student spoke with an Academic Advisor about filing a tuition waiver petition in January and was sent the forms necessary to file a petition the same dayAn Academic Advisor followed up with the student in February inquiring about her petition which had not yet been filedTo date, the student has not filed a petition and Walden cannot address her concerns until she does soIf the student wishes to petition for a tuition waiver, she may do so by contacting an Academic Advisor at 866-492-to assist in filing the appropriate petition, which she will need to submit along with any supporting documentation Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 9, 2015/08/07) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) n my last correspondance, I was told that it was to late for me to file a petition according to their policyI am unsure of why it is being stated that I am now able to do this Final Business Response / [redacted] (4000, 11, 2015/08/14) */ Walden policy requires petitions to be filed no later than days after the end of the termIn this instance, however, the student was provided with the information necessary to file a petition in January She did not follow through and actually submit the petition for reviewWalden is simply offering the student the opportunity to complete the process she started, and submit a petition for review by the appropriate personnel at Walden
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2016/03/11) */ The student has raised concerns about the tuition waiver petition process at Walden UniversityThe tuition waiver petition process at Walden is designed to allow student concerns to be addressed, in a timely manner, by the appropriate departments at Walden so they may determine if an exception should be made to University policiesThe tuition waiver petition process does not guarantee the student a favorable response Tuition waiver petitions are required to be filed within days after the term ends for which the student is requesting an exception to University policyThe student claims she did not know the policy existed, but it is a student's responsibility to understand University policiesThose policies can be found in the Walden University Student Handbook which is available to students on the Walden web page (http://catalog.waldenu.edu/content.php?catoid=137&navoid=43026)The student also had access to Academic Advisors who could assist the student in seeking guidance on Walden policies and proceduresWhen the student called Academic Advising to discuss a tuition waiver petition in November 2015, she was told she was not eligible to file a petition due to the length of time that had elapsed since the term endedThe student said she would file a petition regardless The student filed a tuition waiver on December 10, for the Spring Term of which ran from January 7, to April 28, While Walden may consider a petition filed beyond the day period, the student must show a valid reason for filing lateThe student's petition was considered and denied on the grounds that she did not show a valid reason for filing almost years after the proper time period to fileShe was informed of her right to appeal the denial and the student did in fact file an appealThe appeal was reviewed by the Bursar Petition Committee and denied on multiple grounds, including the fact that the student actively participated in the course, and received a financial aid refund in MarchThe student's initial petition and appeal were fully considered by the appropriate departments at Walden and denied both times, based on a complete and fair consideration of the issues presented Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (3000, 7, 2016/03/17) */ (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.) True to form Walden is a FRAUDDoes anyone find it interesting that this response fails to address my concerns? The respondent states, "When the student called Academic Advising to discuss a tuition waiver petition in November 2015, she was told she was not eligible to file a petition due to the length of time that had elapsed since the term endedThe student said she would file a petition regardless." This conversation never took placeMy communications took place via email The respondent also stated, "The student's petition was considered and denied on the grounds that she did not show a valid reason for filing almost years after the proper time period to file." However, this is the response I was given: Our Petition Review Committee has reviewed your tuition waiver requestWe regret to inform you that your petition has been deniedPetitions must be submitted within days of the end of the term in questionAs the term in question was several years ago, you are not eligible for a tuition waiverWe apologize this is not the outcome requested however a tuition waiver cannot be extended." However the form states: "In accordance with the Walden University Catalog, petitions must be submitted no later than calendar days from the last day of the term/course in questionPetitions submitted after calendar days MAY BE declined." I asked for clarification and was told students may still submit a request with proper documentation The appeal outcome stated: "Our Petition Review Committee has reviewed your tuition waiver requestWe regret to inform you that your petition has been deniedYour course ran from January to March and according to your documentation you had ample time to drop the course without penaltyYou actively participated and received a financial aid refund in MarchAdditionally we have no record that you informed the university in January that your child was ill and you needed to take a leave of absenceWe apologize this is not the outcome requested however a tuition waiver cannot be extended." This is was an interesting response considering the medical documentation submitted started on Jan 29th and beyond, well beyond the course drop periodAdditionally, I was not aware that students needed to inform a school they were attending of their family member's healthNot to mention, I had almost no communication from whomever my advisor was The respondent failed to address the lack of communication from staffThe respondent failed to address the subjectivity in petition review or the fact that the appeal decision is not wholly accurateFor the decision to state what someone could or should have done is subjectiveAnd the fact that the course drop period is only week and the course was already in progress for nearly weeks when my child initially became illMy chief complaint is the lack of ACCURACY & OBJECTIVITY in the process One assumes that when you apply for something of this nature that there are certain criterion and objectives that must be met to qualify and those that qualify would be granted approvalGiven the information on the petition application, one would assume that if he or she meets those criteria that they would be approvedBut despite the fact that I have provided the necessary documentation that met the criterion my petition is still denied based on outside factors not even discussed in the application Ultimately, I do not accept this response because it fails to specifically address the concerns of my complaintThe respondent just regurgitated the information read in emailsHow is this actively addressing my complaint?
Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 5, 2015/09/25) */ Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issuesThe student has expressed concerns regarding the amount of tuition she was refunded after withdrawing from a course in the Fall Term Walden University regrets any miscommunication with regard to the amount of the student's refundAt the time of her withdrawal, Walden University was required to utilize a refund schedule mandated by the state of Tennessee, the student's state of residence, for this student which differed from Walden's general policyWhile the student filed a petition for a tuition waiver seeking to adjust her refund, she did not wait for a response before filing with the Revdex.comHowever, the Walden's waiver review committee has since had the opportunity to review her petition and her refund has been adjusted accordinglyWalden University considers this matter closed
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: that is in accurate due to I was in the process of completing a class and was informed that I would need to pass the class to retain my financial aid I passed the class and was not made aware that the financial aid had been removed until after the deadline to drop the class I was informed that this would happen but not given a definite date that it would take place Had that happened I would have withdrawn from school due to informing them I am only able to attend with assistance Sincerely, [redacted] ***
Walden University’s position remains that Mr. ***’s loans have been reported as being in deferment. As stated before, if he wishes to provide Walden with a copy of his credit report and the bills he is receiving, the university will be glad to investigate. Walden has attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] twice in the past week to assist him and he has not responded. He may reach the Office of Financial Aid by contacting Walden at ###-###-#### and asking for Financial Aid.
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meHowever, I would like to make a few correctionsThe registar at Tri County Community College contacted me immediately uon reciept of my transcript information and had reported destroying the information on my behalfThis was done before Walden was made aware of their mistake and therefore it was not the result of their attempts to correct the situationTheir statement is misleading in their responseI have a voicemail to prove this from Tri-County Community CollegeThe fact that Walden would try to BLAME me for including my social security number which was requested if the former school identification number was not known is absurbI had not attended the former college in yrs so I had no choice but to include my social security number to provide my identificationAdditionally, my ss# is not the ONLY sensitive inforation on this form; full name, address, phone numbers, email, etcare providedDan [redacted] left me a voicemail stating that he wished to discuss my admission status which I had deniedHe did not mention in the voicemail that he was calling in reference to my complaint against the collegeHowever, I did call him backAt the time, he was unavaluable and I had left a voice mail requesting a return callI was not contacted againThe university seems to sKew the details to appear as in their favor but they are misrepresenting themselvesRegardless, I will accept their offer to resolve this issue with clarification of the issuesThank you, [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I don't know why they are calling me a studentI never attended this schoolI am NOT one of their studentsI'm starting to think that this is an "imaginary school" and that they are in on the scamMaybe Walden University stole my identity and they are trying to steal money from me by making up a pretend school and saying I went thereThis is the creepiest response ever!!!