Walden University, LLC Reviews (264)
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I am rejecting this response because:
I understand the university response but I keep informing the university that I did not drop any of my courses.. The courses were indeed dropped but I did not drop them.. I contacted the university about my course being dropped in they told me I dropped it automatically because of attendance and I told them that I did not have attendance issues.. Even when I explain this the university refused to reinstate those classes. The only reason I did not get to attend the university for 100 percent of the semester was due to the university.. It is not my fault that I did not attend past the 60 percent. I received my funds expected to attend the full semester and I was unable to because the university drop my coarse and refused to let be back into my course. This is why it is not my negligence that caused this issue in the first place. I was try trying to remediate this issue between the school and I without court involvement and this is the last effort before I file legal documents against the university. It is incomprehensible to be treated like this and I can believe this takes place in our country...
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues. The student has expressed concerns regarding an outstanding balance on his student account. The student files a request with the university to have the charge removed. While the university was...
reviewing the request, the student also filed this complaint. Walden approved the request to remove the charges and the student no longer has a balance with the university. The student was informed on this by an email from the Bursar’s Office on March 3, 2017. Walden considers this matter closed.
Walden University takes claims of identity theft very seriously. We have reviewed our records and did not find any evidence to support this student’s claim. The complainant has not been able to provide any evidence to support the claim the he was not in fact a student at the university. Additionally, our records (including mailing address and email account) match the information provided to the Revdex.com. If the individual still believes that he was the victim of identity theft, he may submit a complaint to his student loan servicer or to the Department of Education Office of Inspector General at 1-800-MIS-USED.
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues. The student claims that she was entitled to a $2,500 scholarship when she enrolled in Walden in 2014. The university has confirmed that the scholarship was never applied to her account. On April...
28, 2016, Walden approved a tuition waiver for the student in the amount of $2,500 to correct the mistake. Walden apologizes for the error in not applying the scholarship in 2014.
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues. After reviewing the student’s account, and taking into consideration all factors surrounding the student’s claim, Walden University has determined to waive the outstanding balance on the...
student’s account. If the student has any questions or desires a copy of his account statement that reflects a zero balance, then he should e-mail: [email protected], and they will send him an updated account statement. Walden considers this matter closed.
I am rejecting this response because:
I just received the latest notice from SLM stating that my student loan has reached maturity as a final notice and a scan copy is attached to this message.
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues. Ms. [redacted] states that Walden is charging her for a course that she did not take. At this time the University is unclear as to what course or charges she is referring to, as she has not...
provided any details on the course or the charges, the term in which it occurred or any information regarding her concerns. However, our records do show that the student has an outstanding balance with the university due to the fact that, per federal guidelines, Walden returned financial aid to the student’s lender on her behalf in 2015 when she dropped below the minimum acceptable completion rate to qualify for financial aid. The student was informed that if she failed to raise her completion rate that she would be financially responsible for any classes not covered by financial aid. Despite being warned, the student still chose to take two additional classes and then withdrew past the time when a refund would be available. The student was informed at the time of her withdrawal what her financial obligation would be and she still chose to withdraw. Subsequently, the student offered to enter into a payment plan to pay her balance, but payments were never made. The student was also offered a chance to appeal the decision and no appeal was made. Based upon this information, the balance owed by the student is correct. Any concerns regarding past-due balances or billing should be directed to the Walden University Bursar’s office at ###-###-####. The Bursar’s office can further explain the charges and explain why they are owed.
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues. Our Ed.D. student has expressed concerns regarding her experience completing her doctoral study research. Walden University has provided our student with an unprecedented amount of time and...
attention, as well as University and human resources to help move her forward. The committee, academic leadership, and academic support teams have held numerous meetings with this student and answered all of her numerous emails, in an effort to help her complete her doctoral study.
For approximately the last six months, our student has constantly pressured her committee members and academic leadership to accept her doctoral study as submitted, and move it forward so she can attend the January 2017 commencement, although her document did not meet University standards, and contained what her committee believed were instances of improperly cited sources. On November 18, 2016, the academic leadership concluded another chair change was necessary. As with her previous Chair, the academic leadership believed the relationship between the student and her current Chair had become too strained due to the student’s constant pressure to make the deadline for commencement, her stated unwillingness to follow her Chair’s instructions, and the Chair’s rightful and expected duty to uphold academic and university standards. With the Chair’s consent, the Program Director and Dean changed the committee Chair.
This student’s current semester began October 24, 2016 and ends February 12, 2017, and it is difficult to predict whether another semester will be required for her to complete her program. On November 21, 2016, this student’s study was approved by her committee and University Research Reviewer so she appears to be making good progress. Walden, however, makes no guarantee about progress, completion, and approval of the doctoral study. Walden University understands our student’s desire to attend commencement in January 2017, but the University will not compromise academic standards and/or university protocol so she can attend commencement activities by a certain date.
Walden University would like to request an extension of time to May 27, 2016 to respond to complaint filed by our student Ms. [redacted]. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues. The student has expressed concerns regarding his withdrawal from a course during the 2016 Summer Term. Mr. [redacted] claims he withdrew from his course during the first week and months later was...
informed that he was financially suspended for non-payment and had an outstanding balance on his student account. Mr. [redacted] raised his concern to Academic Advising and they researched his concern. It was determined that he participated in his course by submitting a semester plan and posting a comment in the online course classroom. Academic Advising could not locate an email or any other request from Mr. [redacted] asking to be withdrawn from his course. If Mr. [redacted] has a copy of an email asking to be withdrawn from his course or any other documentation, Walden would appreciate a copy. The student can use extensive internal grievance and appeal processes Walden makes available to all students to bring any additional information to the proper people at Walden. Outside of his conversations with Academic Advising, he has not used these more formal processes to address his concern and he should contact Academic Advising at ###-###-#### to determine the best path forward to address those concerns.
Finally, Mr. [redacted] has the option to contact Robert [redacted], University Ombudsperson. Mr. [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the University. Mr. [redacted] can be reached at ###-###-#### or robert.[redacted]@waldenu.edu.
The student has raised concerns regarding her dismissal from Walden University. Shortly before the student filed this complaint with the Revdex.com, she began working with Walden to file an appeal using the internal grievance and appeal processes available to all students. We...
appreciate the student using Walden processes to address her concerns and we ask that she complete the filing of her appeal and allow that appeal to be reviewed by appropriate university staff and administered through the university processes.
As stated previously, the student was dismissed for violation of the university's Code of Conduct. Walden takes matters of student discipline seriously. As afforded in Walden's policy and procedures, the student was allowed to appeal and the appeal was denied. The university does not discuss disciplinary matters in a public forum.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/19) */
The student has raised the concern that she has an outstanding balance on her student account and that Walden University has sent the debt to a 3rd party collection agency. The student attended Walden for two terms in 2013. She currently has...
an outstanding balance on her student account from the 2013 Fall Term. The student attended 29.1% of the course in the 2013 Fall Term and her failure to participate in more than 60% of the term resulted in her financial aid being returned to her lender.
According to federal financial aid regulations, when a student is dropped or withdraws from a course within a pre-determined time period or fails a course, the financial aid funds must be returned to the financial aid provider (Return to Title IV or "R2T4"). In accordance with those federal regulations, part of the student's financial aid funds were sent back to the student's financial aid lender as required, leaving a balance due on the student's account. Walden's Collections office has been in communication with the student regarding her outstanding debt since November 2013. Walden offered the student a payment plan in January 2014. The student rejected Walden's payment plan and proposed a different payment plan in April 2014. Walden accepted the student's offer but the student has not made any payments pursuant to the payment plan. Walden sent the debt to a 3rd party collection agency on June 23, 2015 and it remains unpaid at this time. If the student wishes to discuss the outstanding debt she should contact the 3rd party collection agency.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/08/19) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
o Please see attached e-mails from 4/03/2014. Correspondence between myself and Anges Caldwell. Ms. Caldwell DID NOT agree to the proposed $100 dollar payment proposal. (Attachment Walden #2 pdf)
o Please see attached e-mails from 5/09/2014. Correspondence between myself and Michele Brown. Ms Brown advised me that my payment plan was not acceptable.
As I stated on prior occasions there is a breakdown in communication. At no time was I told my proposed payment plan was accepted. Also when I attempted to work with college to pay the balance that I disputed I was told it wasn't acceptable.
I have no itemized statement to show me how they arrived at the balance that they say I owe. Also I have no evidence that the funds were actually returned to the lender.
Walden's response is not acceptable.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/08/27) */
The student claims that Walden would not accept her proposed payment plan and that she has had difficulties in communications with Walden. While Walden regrets any failure to communicate clearly with the student, she was told by Walden's Collections Office that Walden would accept any payment made by the student whether part of a payment plan or not. Payments made by the student would either be credited to her outstanding past due balance at Walden or at a third party collection agency if her account was placed there. As of today, the student has not made any payments to either Walden or the 3rd party collection agency and she remains responsible for her debt.
If the student wishes to obtain additional information on her outstanding balance, she should contact the 3rd party collection agency directly. If the student has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact [redacted], University Ombudsperson. Mr. [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the University. Mr. [redacted] can be reached at XXX-XXX-XXXX or [redacted]@walden.edu.
Final Consumer Response /* (3000, 11, 2015/09/03) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I sent an e-mail to Mr. [redacted] and [redacted] on 08/27/2015. The e-mail address for Mr. [redacted] was undeliverable (miscommunication again). On 08/31/2015 I received an e-mail from Student Affairs Associate Director Student Affairs, Julie [redacted] Mr. [redacted] (or someone in his office) forwarded my e-mail correspondence to her office and she would investigate and would follow up with me about a resolution. I don't consider this matter resolved as I haven't received a response from Ms. [redacted]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: that is in accurate due to I was in the process of completing a class and was informed that I would need to pass the class to retain my financial aid. I passed the class and was not made aware that the financial aid had been removed until after the deadline to drop the class. I was informed that this would happen but not given a definite date that it would take place. Had that happened I would have withdrawn from school due to informing them I am only able to attend with assistance.
Walden University takes all student issues seriously and uses our best efforts to address student concerns. Ms. [redacted] claims that she is being charged for classes she did not take, which is resulting in her account being placed in collections and preventing her from enrolling in future classes...
at the university. Walden has investigated the issue and our records indicate that Ms. [redacted]’s balance is for unpaid tuition for classes she took in the Fall 2015 Quarter. Ms. [redacted]’s financial aid was insufficient to cover her full tuition, resulting in an unpaid balance of $1,788. Walden University has attempted to work with Ms. [redacted], offering her the maximum payment arrangement possible under federal law. Unfortunately, Ms. [redacted] was unwilling to accept that offer and her account was turned over to a third party collection agency for payment. University policy does not permit students to register for future classes when there is an unpaid balance on their account.
Walden appreciates that students may experience financial hardships and we attempt to work with students to make arrangements for the payment of tuition if possible. At this point, Ms. [redacted] may contact [redacted] at ###-###-#### and make payment arrangements. Third party agencies such as Ability are permitted to make more favorable payment arrangements and they will be glad to assist Ms. [redacted]. When the balance is cleared she may re-enroll. Please note that students who do not attend Walden for an extended period of time may be required to apply for re-admission to the university when they wish to return.Finally, if Ms. [redacted] has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact Robert [redacted], University Ombudsperson. Mr. [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the University. Mr. [redacted] can be reached at ###-###-#### or [redacted].
I am rejecting this response because: I addressed the funding issue with Walden concerning the...
non release of funds. My contention is that I did not register for the course. If a course in higher ed is not paid for then a student, from my understanding is dropped if the course costs are not paid. Credit hours are not earned for a course dropped for nonpayment and there is not a charge incurred simply because the student did not pay for the course . I have not earned credit hours with this institution. I have not received a product (credits). That course began Sept. 4 or 5. Because WALDEN enrolled me I had access to the schools portal. When the course began I was under the impression that my student funding was being received. If Walden did not receive funds for a couse then I should have been dropped and not charged for a course that I did not earn credit hours for...it is unethical. I have consumer protection rights.
Walden University’s position remains that Mr. [redacted]’s loans have been reported as being in deferment. As stated before, if he wishes to provide Walden with a copy of his credit report and the bills he is receiving, the university will be glad to investigate. Walden has attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] twice in the past week to assist him and he has not responded. He may reach the Office of Financial Aid by contacting Walden at ###-###-#### and asking for Financial Aid.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2015/06/21) */
Walden University is committed to addressing and working toward the resolution of student concerns. The student has raised concerns about not receiving assistance in registering for her program's nursing practicum. Walden is currently working...
with the student's field site to arrange for the practicum, but due to the student's late submission of paperwork, the process has been delayed.
Students in the Master of Science of Nursing program are required to attend a practicum as part of the program. The process requires coordination between Walden's Office of Field Experience, the student's Program Coordinator, and the practicum site. The University's policy states that students must submit the required paperwork by a certain deadline in order to participate in a field experience. In this case, Ms. [redacted]'s deadline to submit the paperwork for the 2015 Summer term (which began on June 1, 2015) was April 20, 2015. Ms. [redacted] submitted her request and forms for her practicum site on May 20, 2015. Despite being submitted 30 days late, Walden has made every effort to process the request. However, the late submission has not allowed sufficient time to process the request in order to allow a June 1 start date. Walden's Office of Field Experience is currently working directly with the site to address the issues and is attempting to place the student at the site as soon as possible. Once resolved, the student should be able to continue her program of study without interruption.
While we regret that Ms. [redacted] is dissatisfied with her experience with Walden, her late submission of paperwork combined with unforeseen requirements presented by the field site she chose has been the reason for the delay. We encourage the student to continue to communicate with her program coordinators.
Finally, if Ms. [redacted] has concerns about specific policies and how they are applied, she has the option to contact Robert [redacted], University Ombudsperson. Mr. [redacted] can direct the student to the proper resources within the University and escalate any issues that need to be addressed to the appropriate departments within the University. Mr. [redacted] can be reached at [redacted] or [redacted]@walden.edu.
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues. The student has expressed concerns regarding the grade he received in a course he took in 2015 Fall Term and the fact that he has an outstanding balance that is in collections. The student...
additionally makes numerous baseless allegations against Walden, all of which Walden vehemently denies. The student recently paid the balance on his student account and the hold on his account was removed on July 26, 2016. He can now obtain an official copy of his transcript.
The student disputed the grades given to him by his instructor on certain assignments in the course he took in the 2015 Fall Term. He filed an appeal of his final grade to the Petitions Committee seeking a tuition waiver. The petition was denied by Petitions Committee on January 12, 2016. In the denial, he was provided with information on how to appeal the decision and told he had 10 days in which to file the appeal. He did not file his appeal within the 10 day time frame but the Dean of his program, nonetheless, chose to accept his appeal. The Dean then conducted a new review of the evidence. This evidence indicated that the student received services throughout the course with multiple communications from his Instructor. The student’s grades were additionally reviewed by a program coordinator, and his overall grade did not change. On the basis of this evidence, the Dean denied the appeal on February 26, 2016. The details of why the original petition and the appeal were denied were provided to the student by both the Petitions Committee and the Dean.
The student alleges that the refund process is sham. That allegation is simply not true. Student petitions and appeals at Walden are governed by policies set out in the Student Handbook. Student’s grade appeals are first reviewed by the Petitions Committee. This group investigates the student’s claims and makes a determination based on the facts of the individual situation. If the student disagrees with the determination, they have the option to appeal to the Dean of their particular program. The Dean conducts a new review of the facts and reaches a determination based on those facts. Nothing is predetermined and each petition is considered on an individual basis. The act of filing a petition does not guarantee a particular outcome.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2015/07/31) */
Walden University takes student concerns seriously and uses its best efforts to address student issues. Ms. [redacted] is requesting that Walden use her financial aid to cover her past due balance. However, Ms. [redacted] has an outstanding balance...
due to the fact that her financial aid was returned to the lender when she withdrew from all classes on March 11, 2015. When Ms. [redacted] first attended Walden University she did not qualify for financial aid due to the fact that she did not provide transcripts from her previous university within the required deadline. It was not until the beginning of the next term that Ms. [redacted] was able to provide the required transcripts. At that point, Ms. [redacted] applied for and was approved for federal financial aid. However, Ms. [redacted] began the Spring 2015 Quarter on March 3, 2015, but then made the decision to withdraw on March 11, 2015. When a student drops below a minimum attendance level, they become ineligible for federal financial aid and any disbursed funds must be returned under the Department of Education's Return to Title IV policy. Therefore, Ms. [redacted]'s financial aid was returned to the lender when she withdrew from her classes and, as a result, Ms. [redacted] remains responsible for the unpaid balance of her tuition.
Students who wish to petition for a tuition waiver may do so by submitting the necessary documentation to Walden's academic advising team. Ms. [redacted] inquired about a tuition waiver but did not submit the documentation necessary for Walden to be able to consider her request. We have provided her with instructions on how to file the request, but to this point she has not responded. Walden would encourage Ms. [redacted] to contact Academic Advising at [redacted] to submit her petition waiver request.