Viking Fuel Oil Company Reviews (2)
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Viking Fuel Oil Company Rating
Description: Oils - Fuel, Oil Burners, Oil Tank Installation, Heating & Air Conditioning, Air conditioning & Heating Contractors - Residential, Fuel Dealers (NAICS: 454310)
Address: 10 Crossroads Plz, West Hartford, Connecticut, United States, 06117
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Review: Firstly, when we bought our home in October 2013, Viking continuously sent representatives to our home to try to get us to sign contracts, and they would not go away until we signed with them stating that they have been serving this home for "several owners". We signed a contract with them that was valid from early December 2013 until March 2014. Their first "misunderstanding" was that they came to deliver oil to us well before the contract date when we were just moving into our home and did not require an oil fill up. Their second "misunderstanding" was that they did not honor the contract price and tried to make us pay more for the oil than was per our contract. Their third "misunderstanding" was that they decided to come make a delivery to us last week when we weren't home (and therefore unable to even refuse the delivery) well after our contract with them had expired. We called them on it and even asked them not to charge us for the delivery as we had not been on auto-fill and had not budgeted for an oil delivery for at least another two months (we are on one income with two small children and have a tight budget). They tried to tell us that even though we clearly are not on contract with them still, that we are still on auto- fill and obligated to pay this $500 bill for an oil delivery which we did not ask for and absolutely cannot afford right now. We were not on contract with them but they claim that the contract pertained only to price, even though they initially told us that when the contract expired, we were no longer obligated to use them at all. We are very confused, upset, frustrated and stressed out because we are very honest people, and they are trying to bill us for an unsolicited delivery in which they were trespassing on our property with no contract, and are billing us anyways. We don't care if they have to come siphon the oil out of our tank, we are not paying for this delivery. This company is attempting to take advantage of us, and we will not allow it.Desired Settlement: We would like for them to take their oil back and/ or for us not to have to pay this bill for a service which we did not request, since we are off contract and therefore NOT on auto-fill with them.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is somewhat satisfactory to me. The business states that they had our agreement, but what they did not say is that over the phone, they admitted that they had made a mistake and they apologized to us, but they would not admit it in writing, only over the phone. They admitted that they were 100% in breach of our contract as it had expired. They sent us a copy of our contract, and we also had the original copy stating that they were fully in the wrong. The only reason why we agreed to the reduced price is that we chose to take the higher road and did not think it was ethical to except a free fill up of oil, as the business wanted to come siphon the oil, and I gave them three days to show up, and on the day that they were supposed to show up, they were about an hour and a half behind schedule and I had a doctors appointment that I needed to be to for my child. They were completely disrespectful of our time, and we're completely condescending when I spoke to the representative who came to my house to see if they could siphon the oil. The man who came to my door tried to tell me that he is the one who signed the contract with us, but he was indeed not the person that we signed a contract with, and we have the proof. This company is not trustworthy, in our opinion (and also among many friends and neighbors of pea who report similar experiences with them), and we want nothing to do with them and that is the only reason why we decided to take the oil at the lower price and take the higher road. When I spoke to manager on the phone, he was actually very nice and did admit wrong doing on the company's behalf, so I still don't understand why in the email that was sent to you, they blamed us, when in fact he excepted the blame... Please let me know if you have any questions in regards to this.
Review: I am questioning the billing due to the lack of timely service , the excessive number of hours billed to complete the work because staff were not available and the excessive time used to get a new tank when I refused to accept a damaged tank . I am also concerned about the number of workers that came and how they were billed. Lastly I am questioning one of the three bills specifically as it is not itemized and would appear to be a duplication of service billing.Day 1-Viking Fuel was called to replace a tank that leaked oil. While a staff member came out within a half an hour they were not successful in getting someone to address the issue initially, West Hartford Fire Department was called to address issue. We were able to connect with an available Viking worker who indicated that he was a half an hour away. The original worker left and I transferred and other issues addressed in 3 hours. They were to return the next day to address the rest of the work. Day 2They stated that they would arrive at 10am, they did not show until 2pm and when they arrived they, two Viking employees, proceeded to present me with a rusted tank, claiming that it was new but just exposed to the elements as it was out in the Viking employees barn. I asked for the price of this tank, no price given, the office was called and I spoke to another Viking employee over the phone, price was not given nor would he discuss a price reduction for damaged product. Given that this work was done on a Sunday, concern was that I was being charged overtime for time wasted on searching for a new tank, the urgent concern was addressed and the search for the tank could of waited until Monday. Another worker showed up while one of the original workers went searching for a new, undamaged tank. While one worker was searching the other was idle at my home until the worker returned. A third worker showed up. The gentlemen were not done with the work and they left my home at 9pm, indicating that they only had approximately an hour of work left. The only service provided for the whole day was the installation of the new tank without oil being transferred into the new tank. Day 3The next day of work, only one of the original workers returned and another gentleman showed up from another contractor to do work with him and a third gentleman showed up doing nothing at all. The two new gentleman left leaving the original gentleman alone to complete the work. He informed me that the gentleman did not want to help him carry the old tank up so he had to cut up the tank used for the transfer which was his personal property. The gentleman struggled carrying the cut items up the stairs and required assistance from me to avoid injury to himself.I asked for an itemized bill and received the following:First BillEnvironmental Clean up of oil spill 600.00Removal of old oil tank 300.00Transfer of oil to and from tanks 400.00Pick up new tank and parts 450.00Total 1861.12(included tax)Second BillTown of West Hartford Billing Permit 66.78Third BillOil tank complete install 2924.62(included tax)Total 2924.62 (included tax)
Product_Or_Service: clean up, tank removal and replacement
Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)
Have I been billed fairly? This was an urgent situation and I was not in the position to question services. I find myself questioning that I was not given service in a timely manner and that I was overcharged.I would like to have the billing reviewed and I would like all of the incidences that occurred to be considered upon the review of the bill.
Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/08/12) */
Dear Ms. Shea:
Case Number XXXXXXXX in the name of [redacted] has been resolved. Viking Fuel Oil Co., Inc. gave Ms. [redacted] $1,000.00 of her bill. She paid her bill in full on 8/1/13, after her discount was applied to her account. If you any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
Very truly yours,
[redacted] O'Connell, Paralegal