Valley Primary Care Reviews (1)
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Valley Primary Care Rating
Address: 171 Lawrence St, Eugene, Oregon, United States, 97401-2221
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Yena K**, MS, FNP-BCValley Primary CareLawrence St.Eugene, R
To Whom It May Concern:
Mr*** *** came into Valley Primary Care for a complete physical on 3/2/voluntarilyIpersonally explained to him the various wellness packages available in the clinicThe wellnesspackage is
to offer exams to patient with no health insurance or patient with high deductiblesThe costis minimal to increase the health accessibilityPatient voluntarily chose to get the one wellnessphysical with one follow upI explained to Mr*** that the follow up is in regards to the physicalfindings during the wellness exam such as lab results, depression after screening etc
Mr*** signed all the administrative paper work including the financial agreement for Self-PayingpatientsThe wellness exam included but not limited toIComplete medical and family historyPhysical exam: Head, Eyes, nose, ears, mouth, Heart, lungs, abdomen, skin, musculoskeletal,neurological, psychiatric examVitals signs: Blood pressure, heart rate, Oxygen Saturation, Weight and heightScreening: Mood disorder, Blood pressure, diabetes, Cholesterol
Patient was provided with complete head to toe exam that lasted minutesPatient expressed sevendifferent concerns and I did address all of the concernsPatient's PMH, FH, and social history wasdiscussed and documentedCurrent medication was documentedVITALS were documentedPhysicalexam was documentedDiscussed prostate cancer screening in detail with the patient and providedpatient with the guidelines as followed by the American Urological Association, American CancerSociety, and U.Spreventative servicesMr*** mentioned that he was going to suggest his girlfriendto come a visit meLab work was ordered and assessed
Patient was given a follow up call after the lab results were available on the 3/8/to visit ValleyPrimary Care for a follow upPatient declined to visit telling my assistant at the time that he rather usethe follow up visit for an acute illnessMy assistant relayed the message to meAlthough it was nothow the package was intended, I told my assistant Susie that I will let him come in and see me foracute reason rather and a follow up from the physical as a courtesy
Mr*** called our office on 5/11/asking for a refund for the follow upMy assistant relayed theinformation to me and I said wellness packages couldn't be refunded
Please let me know if you have further questions
Yena K**, MS, F