Mr*** sent a check for a purchase and did not include the shipping charge. He sent a second check for the shipping. The second check came in a envelope with a letter from the stating the following:
"Enclosed is a letter from the customer and a check for shipping of his product. Normally we do not mail payments to businesses but the customer sent this over to us in the mail today, so we are sending it over to you. The customer request that the product be shipped to *** ** *** *** *** ** ***." (grammar and punctuation is as written on the letter)
We did not receive an answer to the letter we sent to Mr*** at the *** *** *** address so we have not cashed Mr***'s checks. We requested a telephone number at the *** *** address
Previously we have shipped to Mr*** for pick up at the UPS depot where he has received packages. Mr*** requested that we ship to the *** *** address. He wrote on the second check that the order should be shipped to the *** *** address ONLY. We cannot ship to Mr*** at the *** *** address because he does not supply a working telephone number.
We are sending the uncashed checks to Mr*** at the *** *** address
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
** *** Once is Happenstance, Twice is circumstance, and thrice is enemy action.Valentine Research claims they mailed two (2) RESPONSES, actually three (3) to the above addressNote related Claim ***The address has been valid for the last twenyears (21).| enclose a check in the amount of Seven Dollars, and sixteen cents, payable to Valentine Research for the cost of shipping to *** ** *** *** ***I don't want the remote Concealed Display sent to U.P.S*** *** ** *** *** *** ***also DON'T want to talk to any representative of Valentine ResearchThey are probably aware of myopinion of Valentine Researches customer serviceIf not, go to any fourth level beer dive or barAround here, Knott's Berry Farm and Disneyland are level one establishments,6/- per phone call from Mr*** I am now requesting a refund of both checks that I sent to the business ($+ 7.16) They can be returned to the
Yes, we do offer upgrades for older Valentine One units. We sent an e-mail message to those customers that asked to be on our e-mail notification list alerting them of the availability of the new upgrade that he references. We do not send unsolicited e-mail messages.
We do note on...
the specific account that a unit has been reported stolen when the owner reports it as stolen. We ask him/her to give us the police report information so that it may be added to the account. If a unit that has been reported stolen, is sent to us for upgrade, repair, etc., we contact the person that sent in the unit informing him/her that the unit is stolen property. We alert the law enforcement agency to which the theft was reported. Law enforcement determines the rightful owner. We have been advised by law enforcement not to give out any information regarding the theft, original owner, etc. The police control all the information and dissemination of the information.
We do not have a database of stolen units that would be coordinated with any other database. The units are tracked by the serial number on the specific accounts on which the units were sold. As a protection for our customers we do not sell parts for nor service units that have been reported stolen. We do not assist thieves.
We are sorry that Mr. [redacted] was taken advantage of by purchasing stolen property. Law enforcement states that it does not matter whether the person knows that the property is "hot". It belongs to the person from whom it was stolen.
People planning to purchase used units call every week to check if a unit has been reported stolen prior to making the purchase. Our customers tell us that it is commonly known to call before buying.
There is indeed a place to enter a serial number on our web site. The prompt is labeled upgrade. The only purpose of the section of our web site is to allow a customer to determine whether there is an upgrade available for a particular unit and complete and upgrade form.
We would not tell a customer that the unit sent in to us was stolen, if it had not been reported stolen.
Again, we are sorry that Mr. [redacted] purchased stolen property.
Valentine Research received an order from Mr. [redacted] for a Concealed Display. In his letter he says he could not find shipping information. The information is on our web site and we are available by toll-free telephone (800) [redacted] for shipping information. Mr. [redacted]...
did not include funds for the shipping fee. We do not know to what address he would like the order shipped and do not have a telephone number to reach him. The number he gave is disconnected. In the past we have sent corresondence to the address in his letter and it was returned to us as undeliverable. He already knows that we do need a shipping address and telephone number to process an order. We have shipped to him to a UPS location in the past. The UPS address used previouly is: [redacted]. The UPS shipping charge for a Concealed Display to the [redacted] address is $7.16.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have spoken to local law enforcement in the my jurisdiction and they say this is not the way they handle these type of situations, they would never advise a company to shield the person from calling the police directly. Shield the name of the person who filed the report yes, but shielding a consumer from calling the police seems evasive. There is no proof that Valentine isn't acting as judge, jury and executioner here and hiding behind a single statement that they've repeated over and over with no supporting evidence.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
[redacted] I would like to add Valentine has incorrectly stated two important facts "We contacted Mr. [redacted] when we received the package to make arrangements for re-shipping the package. He declined to send us an e-mail or fax requesting that the package be re-shipped without the signature requirement and would not give a credit card number for the shipping charges. We will ship the package when Mr. [redacted] provides payment for the shipping charges. Also, please see below the page from our web site regarding service that explains the signature requirement." First Statement is incorrect. I actually had to contact Valentine One (First Lie by the company). Secondly I shouldn't have to pay for shipping. There website doesn't included directions if you cant sign for a package. This is False Advertising. Thirdly I shouldn't haven't to repay for shipping, when there was nothing on there website about if you couldn't sign for a package. Lastly they are committing a crime by holding my radar detector and not shipping it backAll I ask for is for my laser radar detector to be shipping back to me, its not hard but I see Valentine's one customer service is so uneducated and unprofessional its not funny.
Mr. [redacted] sent his Valentine One, that he purchased used, to our company for repair and requested to purchase a windshield mount at the same time. We did receive his unit, repaired it and sent it back to him along with the windshield mount purchase. A...
signature is required on delivery for anti-fraud and security reasons. A customer may request in writing by e-mail or fax to have the package shipped without the signature requirement. Mr. [redacted] was not available to sign for the package on delivery. Instead of calling Valentine Research to make arrangements for the package, Mr. [redacted] called [redacted] and made arrangements with [redacted] to hold his package. Valentine Research was not a party to the separate arrangement that he made with [redacted]. [redacted] did return the package to Valentine Research. We contacted Mr. [redacted] when we received the package to make arrangements for re-shipping the package. He declined to send us an e-mail or fax requesting that the package be re-shipped without the signature requirement and would not give a credit card number for the shipping charges. We will ship the package when Mr. [redacted] provides payment for the shipping charges. Also, please see below the page from our web site regarding service that explains the signature requirement. V1 RADAR DETECTOR SERVICE IF YOUR VALENTINE ONE NEEDS REPAIR If it's completely dead, make sure it's connected to a reliable power source. Try another car. See Troubleshooting (click here). If it still fails to function, follow these instructions to obtain factory service. WHERE TO SHIP Return your Valentine One and both power cords and lighter adapter (don't send the mounts) to: Valentine ResearchCustomer Service[redacted]
[redacted] HOW TO SHIP Ship your unit prepaid and insured, in its original packaging or something equally protective. You are responsible for your Valentine One until it is in our hands, so insist on a proof-of-delivery receipt.Along with your Valentine One, please enclose the following: your name billing address (for credit cards) shipping address email address your daytime telephone number description of the problem If your Valentine One is out of warranty (older than one year), send $45 or a credit card number with expiration date and credit card ID to cover cost of diagnosis and/or repair.Your Valentine One will be repaired as soon as possible.For units that have been abused or modified, a repair cost will be calculated based on parts and labor required. You will be contacted if the repair cost exceeds the $45 basic charge. NOTES We will not repair any Valentine One that has an unreadable serial number. Prices subject to change without notice. We ship to addresses within the USA or Canadian Provinces AB, BC, or SK only. An Adult signature is required on delivery.
Mr. [redacted] did place an order for a Valentine One accessory on June 27. He is correct that as part of our fraud control, we do not send automatically tracking information.Another part of our fraud control is that we do not sell items for units that have been reported stolen.The serial number...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.All I am asking for is the police report number. I couldn't care less about contacting the individual that reported it stolen. If there is a proper police report filed then I have zero issue with the unit getting back to the rightful owner. If this was simply a case of Valentine taking the person's word that their unit was stolen I have an issue with that, for all I know the person that sold me the unit could have turned right around and reported it stolen to Valentine knowing that they'd get their unit back immediately and that Valentine would not share the information with me. Did the police tell you not to share the police report and departmental information? I find this very hard to believe, why wouldn't the police want me to contact them about an open case?
In a previous response, we included a copy of the page on our web site that explains that a signature is required on delivery. We are available by telephone, e-mail and fax to discuss delivery arrangements if one is not available to sign for a package. Customers successfully contact us every day regarding shipping.Mr. [redacted] was not available to sign for his package. He called [redacted] and made separate arrangements with [redacted] instead of contacting Valentine Research. If he had contacted Valentine Research, we would have been able to make arrangements for delivery. Mr. [redacted] should contact [redacted] to ask if there could be a solution such as [redacted] paying the shipping charge to re-ship his package because he had made an arrangement with them for delivery.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The issue was resolved after I had involved the business' attorney.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.
Mike V. and his company are basically thieves and liars. He took $500 dollars and then he and his employees makes a mistake sending me something I didn't order and make up a phone call that never happened and then say I am fraudulent? This is absolutely absurd, please black list and let other consumers know what a complete dirt bag he and his company is to consumers. I will advertise on the web about his horrible conduct and try to let others know about this sg. He even admits he took my money so how could he say I am fraudulent? Mike V. is liar and a thief. I will take every action I can to let others know about him.
Valentine Research has made the decision to close [redacted] account and no longer do business with him. We had already made this decision based on the indications of fraud and the tone and manner of the response from [redacted] confirms that we have made the correct decision. Choices have consequences and [redacted] previous actions have resulted in an outcome with which he is not pleased.
We would not state that a police report had been filed if there had not been one filed.Law enforcement advises us that we are not go give out any information except to the department handling the case. If the police wish to speak with Mr. [redacted], the police will contact Mr. [redacted].
Mr*** sent a check for a purchase and did not include the shipping charge. He sent a second check for the shipping. The second check came in a envelope with a letter from the stating the following:
"Enclosed is a letter from the customer and a check for shipping of his product. Normally we do not mail payments to businesses but the customer sent this over to us in the mail today, so we are sending it over to you. The customer request that the product be shipped to *** ** *** *** *** ** ***." (grammar and punctuation is as written on the letter)
We did not receive an answer to the letter we sent to Mr*** at the *** *** *** address so we have not cashed Mr***'s checks. We requested a telephone number at the *** *** address
Previously we have shipped to Mr*** for pick up at the UPS depot where he has received packages. Mr*** requested that we ship to the *** *** address. He wrote on the second check that the order should be shipped to the *** *** address ONLY. We cannot ship to Mr*** at the *** *** address because he does not supply a working telephone number.
We are sending the uncashed checks to Mr*** at the *** *** address
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
** *** Once is Happenstance, Twice is circumstance, and thrice is enemy action.Valentine Research claims they mailed two (2) RESPONSES, actually three (3) to the above addressNote related Claim ***The address has been valid for the last twenyears (21).| enclose a check in the amount of Seven Dollars, and sixteen cents, payable to Valentine Research for the cost of shipping to *** ** *** *** ***I don't want the remote Concealed Display sent to U.P.S*** *** ** *** *** *** ***also DON'T want to talk to any representative of Valentine ResearchThey are probably aware of myopinion of Valentine Researches customer serviceIf not, go to any fourth level beer dive or barAround here, Knott's Berry Farm and Disneyland are level one establishments,6/- per phone call from Mr*** I am now requesting a refund of both checks that I sent to the business ($+ 7.16) They can be returned to the
Yes, we do offer upgrades for older Valentine One units. We sent an e-mail message to those customers that asked to be on our e-mail notification list alerting them of the availability of the new upgrade that he references. We do not send unsolicited e-mail messages.
We do note on...
the specific account that a unit has been reported stolen when the owner reports it as stolen. We ask him/her to give us the police report information so that it may be added to the account. If a unit that has been reported stolen, is sent to us for upgrade, repair, etc., we contact the person that sent in the unit informing him/her that the unit is stolen property. We alert the law enforcement agency to which the theft was reported. Law enforcement determines the rightful owner. We have been advised by law enforcement not to give out any information regarding the theft, original owner, etc. The police control all the information and dissemination of the information.
We do not have a database of stolen units that would be coordinated with any other database. The units are tracked by the serial number on the specific accounts on which the units were sold. As a protection for our customers we do not sell parts for nor service units that have been reported stolen. We do not assist thieves.
We are sorry that Mr. [redacted] was taken advantage of by purchasing stolen property. Law enforcement states that it does not matter whether the person knows that the property is "hot". It belongs to the person from whom it was stolen.
People planning to purchase used units call every week to check if a unit has been reported stolen prior to making the purchase. Our customers tell us that it is commonly known to call before buying.
There is indeed a place to enter a serial number on our web site. The prompt is labeled upgrade. The only purpose of the section of our web site is to allow a customer to determine whether there is an upgrade available for a particular unit and complete and upgrade form.
We would not tell a customer that the unit sent in to us was stolen, if it had not been reported stolen.
Again, we are sorry that Mr. [redacted] purchased stolen property.
Valentine Research received an order from Mr. [redacted] for a Concealed Display. In his letter he says he could not find shipping information. The information is on our web site and we are available by toll-free telephone (800) [redacted] for shipping information. Mr. [redacted]...
did not include funds for the shipping fee. We do not know to what address he would like the order shipped and do not have a telephone number to reach him. The number he gave is disconnected. In the past we have sent corresondence to the address in his letter and it was returned to us as undeliverable. He already knows that we do need a shipping address and telephone number to process an order. We have shipped to him to a UPS location in the past. The UPS address used previouly is: [redacted]. The UPS shipping charge for a Concealed Display to the [redacted] address is $7.16.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have spoken to local law enforcement in the my jurisdiction and they say this is not the way they handle these type of situations, they would never advise a company to shield the person from calling the police directly. Shield the name of the person who filed the report yes, but shielding a consumer from calling the police seems evasive. There is no proof that Valentine isn't acting as judge, jury and executioner here and hiding behind a single statement that they've repeated over and over with no supporting evidence.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
[redacted] I would like to add Valentine has incorrectly stated two important facts "We contacted Mr. [redacted] when we received the package to make arrangements for re-shipping the package. He declined to send us an e-mail or fax requesting that the package be re-shipped without the signature requirement and would not give a credit card number for the shipping charges. We will ship the package when Mr. [redacted] provides payment for the shipping charges. Also, please see below the page from our web site regarding service that explains the signature requirement." First Statement is incorrect. I actually had to contact Valentine One (First Lie by the company). Secondly I shouldn't have to pay for shipping. There website doesn't included directions if you cant sign for a package. This is False Advertising. Thirdly I shouldn't haven't to repay for shipping, when there was nothing on there website about if you couldn't sign for a package. Lastly they are committing a crime by holding my radar detector and not shipping it backAll I ask for is for my laser radar detector to be shipping back to me, its not hard but I see Valentine's one customer service is so uneducated and unprofessional its not funny.
Mr. [redacted] sent his Valentine One, that he purchased used, to our company for repair and requested to purchase a windshield mount at the same time. We did receive his unit, repaired it and sent it back to him along with the windshield mount purchase. A...
signature is required on delivery for anti-fraud and security reasons. A customer may request in writing by e-mail or fax to have the package shipped without the signature requirement. Mr. [redacted] was not available to sign for the package on delivery. Instead of calling Valentine Research to make arrangements for the package, Mr. [redacted] called [redacted] and made arrangements with [redacted] to hold his package. Valentine Research was not a party to the separate arrangement that he made with [redacted]. [redacted] did return the package to Valentine Research. We contacted Mr. [redacted] when we received the package to make arrangements for re-shipping the package. He declined to send us an e-mail or fax requesting that the package be re-shipped without the signature requirement and would not give a credit card number for the shipping charges. We will ship the package when Mr. [redacted] provides payment for the shipping charges. Also, please see below the page from our web site regarding service that explains the signature requirement. V1 RADAR DETECTOR SERVICE IF YOUR VALENTINE ONE NEEDS REPAIR If it's completely dead, make sure it's connected to a reliable power source. Try another car. See Troubleshooting (click here). If it still fails to function, follow these instructions to obtain factory service. WHERE TO SHIP Return your Valentine One and both power cords and lighter adapter (don't send the mounts) to: Valentine ResearchCustomer Service[redacted]
[redacted] HOW TO SHIP Ship your unit prepaid and insured, in its original packaging or something equally protective. You are responsible for your Valentine One until it is in our hands, so insist on a proof-of-delivery receipt.Along with your Valentine One, please enclose the following: your name billing address (for credit cards) shipping address email address your daytime telephone number description of the problem If your Valentine One is out of warranty (older than one year), send $45 or a credit card number with expiration date and credit card ID to cover cost of diagnosis and/or repair.Your Valentine One will be repaired as soon as possible.For units that have been abused or modified, a repair cost will be calculated based on parts and labor required. You will be contacted if the repair cost exceeds the $45 basic charge. NOTES We will not repair any Valentine One that has an unreadable serial number. Prices subject to change without notice. We ship to addresses within the USA or Canadian Provinces AB, BC, or SK only. An Adult signature is required on delivery.
Mr. [redacted] did place an order for a Valentine One accessory on June 27. He is correct that as part of our fraud control, we do not send automatically tracking information.Another part of our fraud control is that we do not sell items for units that have been reported stolen.The serial number...
given by Mr. [redacted] was reported stolen.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.All I am asking for is the police report number. I couldn't care less about contacting the individual that reported it stolen. If there is a proper police report filed then I have zero issue with the unit getting back to the rightful owner. If this was simply a case of Valentine taking the person's word that their unit was stolen I have an issue with that, for all I know the person that sold me the unit could have turned right around and reported it stolen to Valentine knowing that they'd get their unit back immediately and that Valentine would not share the information with me. Did the police tell you not to share the police report and departmental information? I find this very hard to believe, why wouldn't the police want me to contact them about an open case?
In a previous response, we included a copy of the page on our web site that explains that a signature is required on delivery. We are available by telephone, e-mail and fax to discuss delivery arrangements if one is not available to sign for a package. Customers successfully contact us every day regarding shipping.Mr. [redacted] was not available to sign for his package. He called [redacted] and made separate arrangements with [redacted] instead of contacting Valentine Research. If he had contacted Valentine Research, we would have been able to make arrangements for delivery. Mr. [redacted] should contact [redacted] to ask if there could be a solution such as [redacted] paying the shipping charge to re-ship his package because he had made an arrangement with them for delivery.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The issue was resolved after I had involved the business' attorney.
g. He even admits he took my money so how could he say I am fraudulent? Mike V. is liar and a thief. I will take every action I can to let others know about him.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.
Mike V. and his company are basically thieves and liars. He took $500 dollars and then he and his employees makes a mistake sending me something I didn't order and make up a phone call that never happened and then say I am fraudulent? This is absolutely absurd, please black list and let other consumers know what a complete dirt bag he and his company is to consumers. I will advertise on the web about his horrible conduct and try to let others know about this s
Valentine Research has made the decision to close [redacted] account and no longer do business with him. We had already made this decision based on the indications of fraud and the tone and manner of the response from [redacted] confirms that we have made the correct decision. Choices have consequences and [redacted] previous actions have resulted in an outcome with which he is not pleased.
We would not state that a police report had been filed if there had not been one filed.Law enforcement advises us that we are not go give out any information except to the department handling the case. If the police wish to speak with Mr. [redacted], the police will contact Mr. [redacted].