University Residences at Longmeadow Reviews (1)
University Residences at Longmeadow Rating
Address: 4175 Harding Hwy, Lima, Ohio, United States, 45804-3681
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The Annex at Lima Longmeadow is not operating as a proper business should. This is a student housing facility that is undercutting and not following the lease that they had us sign. Per terms of lease every apartment has a set allowance of electricity and water bills that the property must cover. They outsource this billing to a website called "Simplebills" that auto bills us for it, according to the lease every roommate must equally split the bill but all of my roommates are getting charged different amounts each month with mine being the most for some strange reason. When contacting the property manager she claims that Simplebills is making the charges, and Simplebills claims that the manager is making these charges not them. Also, even though each apartment is supposed to pay their usage of water each month the property only has one water meter, so technically my apartment is paying part of other peoples water bills just not our own. Not only is this property unprofessional by not listening to residents, but they only listen to the parents complains and not students (Student housing). Last but not least this property manager only seems to follow the terms of the lease that she wants to. Part of our lease states that we have 24 clubhouse access for printing and the gym etc., but it closes at 10pm every night which is not in our lease or what they advertise. The property manager also makes acceptations to the lease that makes her husbands life easier (they live at the property) ex. the least states that smoking must be done 15 feet away from the building, yet her husband walks through the balconies smoking constantly because that is what he wants to do and he wont get evicted because he is married to the property manager. This business does not practice proper business etiquette also by favoring certain residents and giving them special treatment when it comes to everything. This business is all around sketchy and needs to be corrected
Other (requires explanation) I would like this business to fix its false ways and operate per terms of lease like they are supposed to do. Not favor certain residents over others, and lastly i would like the business to fix our entire billing situation
Thank you for allowing us extra time to reply. I have attached a copy of the resident's lease for your reference.
The utilities are billed to Longmeadow in full from Lima Water and AEP Electric. SimpleBills is also sent these charges. SimpleBills then takes these charges and divides them per resident. The bill is then sent back to the property to review. Since working with SimpleBills, Longmeadow immediately discounts the Water bills by 50% before the resident even sees them. As for the electric, we look to see if anyone had any work orders put in that may have affected the bill. Such as thermostat not working properly and discount those accordingly. Those requests are sent to our SimpleBills rep and then sent to the residents. The bills may be different amount because of the time that they lived in the apartment. Also, the specific resident's floorplan may have influenced SimpleBills giving him more of a portion as most of our bedrooms are shared "dorm style," but the specific resident has a private bedroom & bathroom using up more utilities independently than his roommates are.
As for the amenities closing at 10pm. This is something that has always been in effect and in the lease under amenities the enforced hours are not listed. The only thing it says about 24 hours is that residents must wait 24 hours in-between tanning sessions, which we don't even have a tanning bed. (The lease was created at our corporate office to be used at all properties)
As for smoking. This is a regulation in the lease that I have not issued any violations to residents for, since Longmeadow recognizes how hard it would be to enforce for smokers to be 20 ft away from the building in an uncovered parking lot. It would just not happen. Instead the property manager has allowed smokers to be outside of their apartments and Longmeadow has provided them buckets to use to deter littering. There are other items in the lease that are listed as regulations that are up to the property manager's discretion- such as having candles & space heater, which have also not issued any resident violations for.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Ruthie D Community Manager
Longmeadow- Annex of Lima
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