Universal Acceptance Corporation Reviews (105)
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Address: PO Box 398104, Edina, Minnesota, United States, 55439-8104
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I am rejecting this response because:If this is the debt that Universal Acceptance says I owe, then they are the ones that need to provide the verification that I have signed a contract along with my identifications that goes along with purchasing a vehicleAll this information should be on file especially if they are reporting it on my credit. I request a copy of all verification and the company license for them to collect in the state of texas. Thank you
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com, 5-1-18: May 1, 2018RE: Ms*** ***File No: ***Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Ms*** ***Ms***purchased her vehicle on December 30, from CarHop and Universal AcceptanceCorporation (UAC) (IL) held her
contract.In March UAC worked with Ms*** towards a settlement agreement.Unfortunately, her payment came back as non-sufficient funds (NSF)In March of we alsosold the debt to *** *** *** ***, and furnished that information to the CreditReporting AgenciesAn investigation confirmed that we furnished the sale correctly.UAC only furnishes information to the Credit Reporting Agencies and we have no control overhow the Credit Reporting Agencies report that informationUnfortunately, we cannot change ouraccurate credit reporting.If you have questions about the debt, please contact NCB at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Kate ***[email protected]###-###-####
Follresponse received via e-mail to Revdex.com: "RE: MsCiera R***File No: 11979163Thank you for forwarding the complaint from MsCiera R***MsR*** purchased hervehicle from CarHop on February 13, 2014, and Universal Acceptance Corporation (UAC) (MN)holds her contract.I spoke with MsR*** on numerous occasionsEach time explaining that our administrativedepartment has updated her credit reports with the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA)Inaddition, on March 6, we reported the update once again.I have explained to MsR*** that this update could take 30-daysWe have no control overthe CRA and the time it may take them to update their recordsUAC is furnishing the CRA thecorrect informationWe kindly ask that MsR*** please be patient.MsR*** has paid her contract in fullWe mailed MsR*** her lien release to her homeaddress last week.Please contact me if I may be of further assistanceThank You.Sincerely,Julie S
*Customer Relations Specialist952-767-4359"_________________________________________________________...⇄
I am rejecting this response because:
I have not received the records on my account that I have asked for for the past 4 years.A "clerical error" went unnoticed for four years, negatively effecting my credit- preventing me from improving my credit, which is precisely what CarHop advertises as providing. I would like a copy of the notes that were taken on my account; I paid CarHop over $7,000, and that is information I should have access to. If an insurance company determined the vehicle to be salvaged, would it have cleared any other test- or are there separate measures, done by separate companies, that determine a vehicle to be salvaged or not? Also, when this issue was brought to their attention, the option not provided to me was that of receiving a refund. Granted, the vehicle was passed the 3-day warranty, I was not made aware of the salvaged title until passed that 3-day period; had I known, the car would have never been purchased.The "18,000 mile warranty" did not cover the engine oil leak, which was the second most burdensome problem. They refused to budge on that, and when I found out the vehicle was salvaged, I wanted nothing to do with it. I have a friend, Gino Martinez, who recently purchased a vehicle fro CarHop and the breaks were so bad, he could not drive the vehicle after having it for 3 weeks. Yet, they would not return the vehicle for him, as his issue was not covered under the warranty.CarHop is luring in people with bad/no credit, giving them lemon, unreliable vehicles, and making their credit worse. And now, after a clerical issue, CarHop is supposed to be excused for their behavior? It is time they engage in good, ethical business practices- and this service should be demanded off them.I would like my records.I would like CarHop to work diligently with the Credit Bureaus in repairing my credit.
I am rejecting this response because:
(Revdex.com NOTE: Consumer 2nd response received via e-mail to Revdex.com, 7-6-17 -- text reads as follows.) "To whom it may concern,I have requested that this company send me verification and validation that this debt indeed belongs to me, in return they continue to prolong the process by asking me to provide them with the information that they should already have since they have reported the information 'fraudulently' onto my credit report. Under the FCRA I may seek damages if found in violation. I am again asking that proof / validation / verification of this debt be provided for I have gone back and forth with this issue for sometime. I asked that the improper information being reported is deleted immediately.1. provide me the agreement bearing my signature to assume the debt.2. valid copies of the debt agreement stating the amount of debt and its charges.3. proof that the statue of limitations hasn't expired.4. complete payment history on this account along with an accounting of all additional charges.5. show me that you are licensed to collect in my state6. your license numbers and registered agent."
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com: UAC Universal Acceptance Corporation (IL)June 10, 2016 RE: Mr. [redacted] File No: [redacted] Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] purchased his vehicle on December 28, 2013 from CarHop and UAC...
holds his contract. I spoke with Mr. [redacted] on June 7, 2016 to make several offers to assist him. He stated that he would return my call after he was able to decide. I have not heard back from Mr. [redacted] as of the time of this letter. I encourage Mr. [redacted] to contact me at the number below no later than June 17, 2016 to resolve this matter with a fair and reasonable resolution.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You. Sincerely, Julie [redacted]Customer Relations Specialist###-###-####"
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com: "August 24, 2016RE: Mr. [redacted]File No: [redacted]Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] purchased hisvehicle from CarHop on December 5, 2015 and UAC (CA) holds his contract.I had the opportunity to speak directly with...
Mr. [redacted] on several occasions. UAC was able towork towards a reasonable resolution. Mr. [redacted] thanked me for my assistance and stated thathe is now satisfied with this result.I encourage Mr. [redacted] to contact me at the number below if he should have any furtherquestions or concerns.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.Sincerely,Julie [redacted]Customer Relations Specialist###-###-####"
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com: RE: Ms. [redacted]File No: [redacted]Thank you for forwarding the complaint for Ms. [redacted] It’s worth mentioning this is Ms.[redacted] third complaint for similar issues. Ms. [redacted] along with [redacted] purchased thevehicle on...
February 18, 2011 from CarHop. The vehicle was financed with Universal Acceptance Corporation,(UAC) (TX). Ms. [redacted] is listed as the Co-Buyer on this account, although at that time her name waslisted as [redacted].On both previous complaints Ms. [redacted] stated that we had reported negatively on her credit report andthat this was a fraudulent account. It’s worth mentioning that the phone number on all complaints is the same ason the original UAC account. Upon receiving the first complaint, ID [redacted], we completed an initialinvestigation that revealed no inaccuracies in the information we furnished. In response to the rebuttal complaintwe requested that Ms. [redacted] please provide additional supporting documentation and any other informationthat she may have to substantiate the specific information being disputed, as well as the basis for the dispute.We have received no such information.Ms. [redacted]’s vehicle was repossessed on 10/9/12. On 10/10/12 a Notice of Sale was sent to the addresson file. The vehicle was sold and on 11/12/12 UAC charged this debt off for non-payment. A final lettershowing the deficiency balance of $4888.73 was sent to the [redacted]’s on 11/13/12. None of the letters werereturned to us by the US Postal Service. As far as we know we have accurately furnished all information to theCredit Reporting Agencies.I encourage Ms. [redacted] to contact me at the number below if she should have any further questions.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.Sincerely,Kate [redacted]Compliance ManagerPhone ###-###-####
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com: UAC Universal Acceptance Corporation (IL) June 8, 2016 RE: Ms. [redacted] File No: [redacted] Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Ms. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] purchased her vehicle on...
December 30, 2011 from CarHop and Universal Acceptance Corporation (UAC) (IL) holds her contract. In March 2016 UAC worked with Ms. [redacted] towards a settlement. Unfortunately, her payment came back as non-sufficient funds (NSF).I encourage Ms. [redacted] to contact UAC at ###-###-#### if she should have any further questions or concerns. Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You. Sincerely, Julie [redacted]Customer Relations Specialist###-###-####"
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com: "August 2, 2016RE: Mr. [redacted]File No: [redacted]Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. I had the opportunity tospeak with Mr. [redacted] on a few occasions. I emailed him the correct credit agency reportingthat UAC provided to...
the credit agencies. Mr. [redacted] stated he was satisfied with this result.I encourage Mr. [redacted] to contact me at the number below if he should have any furtherquestions or concerns.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.Sincerely,Julie [redacted]Customer Relations Specialist###-###-####"
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com, 4-15-16: "RE: Mr. [redacted]File No: [redacted]Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] purchased hisvehicle from CarHop on October 16, 2014 and UAC holds his contract. The vehicle had a cleanand clear Experian Auto...
Check prior to its sale.UAC is willing to work with Mr. [redacted] towards a reasonable resolution. Sam, a SeniorManager has left several messages for Mr. [redacted], unfortunately he has not returned his calls.I encourage Mr. [redacted] to contact Sam, no later than April 29, 2016 at ###-###-####extension number [redacted] to resolve this manner.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.Sincerely,Julie [redacted]Customer Relations Specialist###-###-####"
Received response via e-mail to Revdex.com: ___________________________________________________________________...⇄ (MN)February 14, 2017[redacted]Office of the Minnesota and North Dakota Revdex.com220 S. River Ridge CircleBurnsville, MN...
55337VIA E-MAIL ONLY- [redacted].[redacted]@thefirstRevdex.com.orgRE: Ms. [redacted]File No: [redacted]Dear Mr. [redacted]:Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Ms. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] purchased hervehicle on February 13, 2014 from CarHop and Universal Acceptance Corporation (UAC) (MN)holds her contract.I had the opportunity to speak with Ms. [redacted] in great details on February 14, 2017. Ms.[redacted] stated that she was satisfied with the result.I encourage Ms. [redacted] to contact me at the number below if she should have any furtherquestions or concerns.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.Sincerely,Julie [redacted]Customer Relations Specialist###-###-####
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com: "October 13, 2016RE: Mr. [redacted]File No: [redacted]Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] purchased hisvehicle from CarHop on August 19, 2016 and UAC (CO) holds his contract. The vehicle had aclean and clear Experian...
Auto Check prior to its sale.We at UAC take customer service very seriously. On that note, we would appreciate details Mr.[redacted] has regarding any experience where he felt he received service that was less thanprofessional. With that data, we can research the example to provide any training opportunitieswhere needed.UAC is willing to work with Mr. [redacted] towards a reasonable resolution. I have left several voicemessages for Mr. [redacted], unfortunately he has not returned my calls. I encourage Mr. [redacted] tocall me no later than October 19, 2016 to reach a satisfactory resolution.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.Sincerely,Julie [redacted]Customer Relations Specialist###-###-####"
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2016/01/11) */
RE: Mr. [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. We at UAC take customer service
very seriously. On that note, I appreciated the details Mr. [redacted] gave regarding his...
where he received service that was less than professional. With that data, we can research the examples to provide any training opportunities where needed.
I spoke with Mr. [redacted] on January 7, 2015 and he stated that he was satisfied with the result. I
encourage Mr. [redacted] to contact me at the number below if he should have any further questions or concerns.
Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.
Julie [redacted]
Customer Relations Specialist
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 9, 2016/01/13) */
Email from the consumer indicated that he accepts the business response.
I am rejecting this response because: I am glad that UAC is showing ownership in wrongfully having my car repossessed but they are blame the towing company Undercover Auto Recovery for not responding to an email to cancel the repossession in a timely manner. There has been some damage to my car and I'm not sure how significant it is but there are pieces of plastic on my drive way as well as drag marks down my drive way. I gave them the keys after he towed it into the street because they to truck driver didn't believe me and was going to continue to drag my vehicle by force. Uac asked me to call undercover auto because it was there mistake but when I call undercover auto is saying the Fault lies with UAC. I'm scheduled to pick up my vehicle This Friday and am hoping I don't pay for a vehicle that doesn't run in the manner I left it. I want diagnostic and service check done on my vehicle before pickup and Someone to show full ownership in there mistake made that unnecessarily stressful.
Response received via e-mail to Revdex.com: "June 29, 2016 RE: Mr. [redacted] File No: [redacted] Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] purchased his vehicle on May 27, 2015 from CarHop and Universal Acceptance Corporation (UAC) (MN) holds his contract.I have spoken...
with Mr. [redacted] on many occasions, along with detailed voice messages. We have worked out a reasonable and satisfactory resolution with Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted]’s vehicle is located at CarHop Sales Location in Blaine, MN. He stated that he will be picking up the vehicle on Wednesday June 29, 2016. I encourage Mr. [redacted] to contact me at the number below if he should have any further questions or concerns.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You. Sincerely, Julie [redacted] Customer Relations Specialist ###-###-####"
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/07/10) */
Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Ms. [redacted]. We at UAC take customer
service very seriously. On that note, we appreciate the details Ms. [redacted] has regarding any
experience where she felt she received service that was less than...
I spoke with Ms. [redacted] on July 9, 2015, first to apologize for the lack of customer service that she
received. Second, to inform Ms. [redacted] that this is not UAC's protocol to treat our customer's
references with anything less than professionalism at all times. I assured Ms. [redacted] I will bring
this to the attention of the manager to provide any training and or disciplinary opportunities
where needed. And lastly, to inform Ms. [redacted] that her number has been removed from our
database. Ms. [redacted] stated that she was satisfied with this result. I encourage Ms. [redacted] to
contact me at the number below if she should have any further questions or concerns.
Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.
Julie [redacted]
Customer Relations Specialist
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/03/04) */
RE: Mr. [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. We researched our data
base and UAC does not have a current or past customer by this name.
Please contact me if I...
may be of further assistance. Thank You.
Julie [redacted]
Customer Relations Specialist
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2016/03/04) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am the owner of the business that they reposesed a car from and the car was not paid for there customer name is Kristen kleedorfer they stole a key from my house and destroyed my yard
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2016/03/07) */
RE: Mr. [redacted]
Dear Ms. Keate:
Thank you for forwarding the rebuttal complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Again Mr.
[redacted] is not a past or current customer. In addition, he is not a co-signer or authorized
user/caller on the account that he is referring to.
Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You.
Julie [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. They were fair , but still gave no answer to why they are doing collection calls to someone who is not in collection?
Business response received via e-mail to Revdex.com: "RE: Mr. [redacted] File No: [redacted] Thank you for forwarding the complaint from Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] purchased his vehicle from CarHop and UAC holds his contract.We at UAC take customer service very seriously. I appreciate...
the details Mr. [redacted] provided me during our phone conversations. With that data, we can research the example to provide any training opportunities where needed.UAC and Mr. [redacted] agreed on a reasonable payment resolution. Mr. [redacted] stated that he was satisfied with this result. I encourage Mr. [redacted] to contact me at the number below if he should have any further questions or concerns.Please contact me if I may be of further assistance. Thank You. Sincerely, Julie [redacted]Customer Relations Specialist[redacted]