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United Advisors Group

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Reviews United Advisors Group

United Advisors Group Reviews (574)

Poor customer service!! Its is hard to get in contact with them and they lied about helping me pay for my student loans.

Review: March of 2014 I began attempting to pay on my student loans after years of having them in forbearance. I contacted a group of people to put me into a program to help me pay off my student loans with some forgiveness. I was filled out their required documents and was sent back documents stating that “within 15 days of the above date all of the loans listed above will be included in your consolidation and managed by [redacted].” (See document March 2014 1,2,3). Shortly after this I checked with [redacted] and had a zero balance with them and began paying this company. As you will see on this document it is signed “United Advisors Group”. I thought everything was fine and even received a notice that I needed to renew my repayment paperwork (See January 7, 2014 document). I sent paperwork in that day and received notice back from them that everything was fine 2 days later (see January 9 document).

Around the middle of October I began getting calls from a company called [redacted] (formally [redacted]) stating that my student loans were almost in default and that I had not made a payment on them since July 2014. I immediately began calling United Advisors Group and could not get a hold of anyone, was put to voicemails and I would leave a voicemail and would not get a call back. November 2nd I began sending voicemails that were a little more firm and I emailed the company on November 3rd telling them I found it quite strange I could not get a hold of anyone yet they were still taking my money (see document November 3). I immediately got a phone call from a lady named [redacted] saying that everything was fine and that they were putting my loans back into forbearance. I then asked, “If you needed paperwork from me, why didn’t you contact me?” She said, “We have been trying to.” (that is not true there were no emails, or phone calls from them prior to me trying to contact them). Being a little too trusting I then sent her in my pay stubs and she called back that she had received them (See document November 3 2015 requesting pay stubs). I then asked, “Why are you putting my loans in forbearance? I can do that myself what am I paying you for?” To which she hung up on me. So I emailed her and asked her why I was paying a fee to them for a year and half and they had my student loans in forbearance. (See documents November 03 2015 2, 3). She responded 3 day later on November 6th that the placement program takes 3-8 weeks. I called again letting them know I had been in this “placement program” for over a year paying them what was the deal? To which I was hung up on again (each time I had to call from a new phone number or they wouldn’t answer). I called back leaving a message that if I did not receive a phone call back within a day that I was removing myself from the program. I heard nothing, got zero call back. I talked to [redacted] who told me that I should report them. I also noticed that Yelp and the has horrible complaints on the company. I have included their pages below. I sent two last emails telling them I no longer wish to be a part of their company and have heard no response. I put a stop payment on my account with them and are now contacting you.Desired Settlement: They owe me a lot of money and I could like it back. I also believe this business should not be allowed to operate as they are fraudulent.



This client file has been closed out with a $248 refund.

Review: United Advisors Group has been withdrawing money from my account since January each month. They promised to consolidate my student loans at a lower rate than what I currently pay with AES. United Advisors Group will not return my phone calls. I have yet to receive any information about what my student loan payment will be and I am beginning to doubt that they are doing what they promised to do for me which was lower my payments to around $300 a month.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund for every penny they have taken from me. OR I want them to honor their promise to consolidate my loans for a monthly payment of under $300. My current loans are coming out of forebearance within 2 weeks I can't afford to pay both AES and United Avisors Group.



This complaint had been resolved and the client is moving forward with UAG. The client was sent PSLF paper work (public service loan forgiveness) due to her employment. AS soon as it is received back it will be processed with the lender. The consolidation is still pending with the Department of Education. If you need any further information please reach out.

Review: Someone had contacted me in December from Student Loan Managers about assisting me with my student loans. This person had stated they can assist in reducing my student loans based on the income based repayment program and that I would possibly qualify for the loan forgiveness program based on my profession. So I agreed to proceed with the services because they were able to guarantee a decrease in my student loans and initially I was pleased with the service and had even referred other people to their services. However, my satisfaction with the company and their services ended rather soon. They immediately started debiting my account in December. In March I get a letter from my new loan provider that I was behind one month on my payment so I needed to make 2 payments for the month of March. I was furious because they obviously had my money since January they were collecting their fee and what my loan payment was going to be totally $949. Which I have all my bank statements in which they have been debiting my account since January of that amount. I called and left several messages because I was upset 1. The fact that it may impact my credit 2. That it would affect my eligibility of the consecutive payments that I needed to make to qualify for the loan forgiveness program (which now I am doubting they even did the paperwork for that). A female did return my call and was saying it was impossible that my loans had consolidated that quickly and she was asking me questions that basically she should have known if I was paying for them to “manage” my student loans. So I was very annoyed with her and I explained to her that the loan had already gone through consolidation because I use to have my loans through xx loan provider and I had received the letter from a new loan service provider and also the student loan payment was what they had quoted me at. After going around in circles with her she finally had acknowledged that yes my loans had been consolidated and that they would take care of it. I told her that I needed proof that the situation had been taken care off. All she said was for me to check my online account with lender to check if the situation had been taken care off, which I did and the amount I owed was back to $0. This was my first encounter with the company. Fast forward to last week, I receive another letter from my loan provider and guess what a payment wasn’t made for the month of June so I need to make two payments for this month. Meanwhile the past 7 months they have continued to be debiting my account of $949. This entire time I thought they were making payments towards my student loan which they have not made one payment so I have accrued interest on my student loan totally $4,291.86. Also if they even enrolled me in the loan forgiveness program they have denied me of 7 months of consecutive payments I thought I was making towards my loan payment. To make matters worse when I contacted Student Loan Managers there was a message stating that they are now United Advisors Group. I have emailed them twice and left messages and no one has contacted me. I have obviously been meeting the terms of the contract on my part which is evident with them debiting my account of $949 each month since January of 2014, the $743.26 for making the payment on my student loan and it was additional $200 for a year for their so called “services. “ They have obviously failed to meet the services they said they would be offering and I want to know what they have been doing with my money since January. There for I am requesting to terminate services I want all my money they have been debiting from my account since January 2014 refunded including their service fee they were charging me since they were obviously not “managing” my student loans and providing the services they stated. I am very frustrated because I am trying to do the responsible thing by paying my student loans and I feel this company has taken advantage of me.Desired Settlement: I have obviously been meeting the terms of the contract on my part which is evident with them debiting my account of $949 each month since January of 2014, the $743.26 for making the payment on my student loan and it was additional $200 for a year for their so called “services. “ They have obviously failed to meet the services they said they would be offering and I want to know what they have been doing with my money since January. There for I am requesting to terminate services I want all my money they have been debiting from my account since January 2014 refunded including their service fee they were charging me since they were obviously not “managing” my student loans and providing the services they stated. I am very frustrated because I am trying to do the responsible thing by paying my student loans and I feel this company has taken advantage of me.

Review: United Advisors Group (formerly Student Loan Managers) was to apply all payments made to them to my student loans. This company did NOT apply any of the money I authorized them to take out of my checking account (monthly payments + the $250 start-up fee) since 2013 to my past student loans. I contacted Nelnet, the company that holds my student loans and found out through my tax form that United Advisors Group had PAID NOTHING towards my past student loans! My bank states I am unable to file fraud charges upon this company because I gave them permission to take my monthly payments for my student loans out of my checking account; my bank stated to contact Oregon's in order to hopefully get my money back. United Advisors Group failed to provide the service for which I agreed to. In addition, I wasn't able to talk with anyone at this company about where my monthly payments went (the money didn't go towards my past student loans!), only got their voice-mail, of which I left numerous messages and when a representative from said company would call me back, that person would disconnect the call as soon as I said hello! I am very upset about United Advisors Group Not snding me a copy of "our agreement" also, plus all the money they stole from me! This business needs to be put out of business!!! I went through my bank and got their bank's info, called their bank and stopped United Advisors Group from taking money from my checking account and faxed a letter to United Advisors Group cancelling their service, but I am still "out" all the money I allowed them to steal unless the can help me get a refund!Desired Settlement: I want my money back!!!



Thank you for forwarding UAG this complaint. To start UAG is a document preparation service. Processing the consolidation application on behalf of the client for a service fee. The signed contract clearly state the client is responsible for the current Student Loans until the consolidation goes through and once the consolidation is approved the client will pay a service fee to UAG and their own new payment for the Federal Student Loan Payment with the new Servicer. This client signed up for the Income based program with a $0 dollar qualifying payment to the Department of Education. The client was approved for the program stated int he signed contracts. This Income based program must be applied through annually as the Department of Education needs to update the clients income to re approve. This client renewed on 11/14/14 for a new one year contract starting on 2/10/15. One payment has been made for this contract. This client is claiming UAG did not do what was promised and that is false. Everything has been done according to the contract and the client is on tract with her student loans forgiveness program. this client is requesting all service fees back when all services were provided. The Client said she needs the money. The client is being refunded the 1 payment made from the renewal contract and wished the best as it is not a good fit. The client wont listen and is trying to tarnish the name of UAG. If you need a copy of the contracts or further information please let me know.

Review: United Advisors Group was supposed to take care of consolidating my student loans and then for a fee "get rid of them for me" and I would only have to pay them for doing it for me. Once the loans got consolidated I started getting a bill from the new loan servicer and the bill from United Advisors. I have tried to call them multiple times during the day over the course of a month and a half, left plenty of messages for them with no return calls what-so-[redacted]r. I paid them a lump sum fee to begin with to start paper work and so far haven't heard or seen anything get done with my loans. I just want my money back and not have to deal with these people [redacted]r again. What they are doing is wrong and I don't want them doing it to anyone else.Desired Settlement: I think that United Advisors should refund my money because they didn't do what they told me that they were going to do and their "customer service" sucks. I really don't [redacted] United Advisors Group is a legitimate business, I think it is just a couple of people looking to scam people with student loans out of more money.



Thank you for forwarding this complaint to United Advisors Group. We have a client by the name of [redacted] but not [redacted]. We are assuming this is her husband. We have left a voice mail with [redacted] and [redacted] phone number ###-###-#### is not working. UAG had been trying to call [redacted] since 2/18/15. The client was told on 2/18/15 her consolidation went through and we needed her 2 months pay stubs to complete the process and finish the program placement phase. [redacted] states that the loans will go away and that is not the case. The loans are consolidated and the client is placed into an income based repayment program. UAG has done everything according to schedule outlined in the disclosures signed by [redacted]. The client has access to the disclosures at all times through our secure [redacted]. If they need a password reset that can be sent. At this time UAG needs the clients 2 current pay stubs to finish the process. Please have [redacted] or [redacted] contact [redacted] at ###-###-####. Thank you for your time please let me know if you need any further information at this time.Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

I have tried to fax my 2 pay stubs to UAG three times now, we have tried to call [redacted] at ###-###-#### three times this past weekend leaving messages with her two times once on Friday, March 13th and again yesterday afternoon, March 16th. Not once did we get a phone call back in a timely manner. They only time they started called us back is once I filled this claim against them. They said that they have "done everything according to schedule" if that was the case then why did I end up getting the bill from FedLoans and that loan come due with nobody contacting me about the next step until I finally got a hold of the original guy I talked to months ago ([redacted]). In my opinion I shouldn't have had to make a phone call complaining about anything. There was a complete month and a half that they just sat there doing nothing. When I would call them at the number stated above it would state that the mailbox was full. I tried every day for a month, finally the message changed and I could leave a message again but no one ever called me back. I found a different person listed on the internet and left her a message, I emailed and called plenty of times. I don't know anything nor was I told anything about a secure [redacted], no clue what that is. I have done a lot of searching online about reviews regarding this company and found LOTS of people stating that it is a scam, everything I have read doesn't sound good. I don't want to be another one of those people.


[redacted] & [redacted]



An employee by the name of [redacted] spoke with the client today. [redacted] let the client know she has been calling them on the home phone number provided but you cant leave a voice mail. The client sad this has been fixed. [redacted] explained the service and the program the client is entering to make sure everyone is on the same page. At this time all UAG needs is proof of income to complete the program placement phase. The client will email the proof to even order to finish the process. The client is ready to move forward and satisfied with the service. As well the client will get a call when the program placement is complete. It takes 30 days give or take. Thank you for your time.

Review: I contacted United Advisors Group back in July of 2014 in response to an advertisement I had seen regarding student loan debt consolidation. I was told by a representative of the company that after making a down payment of 280.00, that my monthly student loan payment would be reduced and that they would act as a third party, collecting the payment from my account and then sending it off to my student loan provider. After the inital payment of 280.00 that was successfully pulled from my checking account on 7/2/14, the monthly debits of 64.12 started. Each payment was pulled out of my checking account on the 28th of each month without issue. Today, 1/28/15 I received notice in the mail from [redacted] (my student loan company) regarding the past due status of my account. I have spoken with [redacted] and they state that they have never heard of this particular company, and never received notification of the consolidation from United Advisors Group, nor payment, as I was told by the United Advisors Group representative. To date, the United Advisors Group has taken 728.84 (including the initial 280.00) out of my checking account, and not a penny of it has gone to [redacted] to pay on my student loans, as was discussed. I was told that the process could take anywhere from 6-8 weeks to begin with the Department of Education, but it has been almost 8 months, and still nothing that was promised to me has come to pass. I have attempted to contact this company, making sure to call within their business hours, only to be told to leave a message.Desired Settlement: I would like a complete refund of the money that has been debited from my checking account since starting with United Advisors Group, which is in the amount of 728.84, and I would like to discontinue services with this company.



Thank you for submitting this complaint to our company. [redacted] an employee at United Advisors Group has been working with this client through the confusion and concern. Great Lakes had put the consolidation on hold slowing down the process. A request was sent to Great Lakes to move the process along. [redacted] and [redacted] (manager) from United Advisors Group are taking care of this file to ensure the client is satisfied and taken care of. If you need any further information please don't hesitate to contact us.

Review: I was informed that to finish the application process that I must participate in a mandatory phone call for which we set up an appointment at 11:00 am on the 20th of January. They called at 9:00 am and I was unable to answer the phone. I received an E-mail stated that I missed our 11:00 am appointment and to contact them to discuss the rest of the application immediately. Since then I have attempted to call several times and have left two voice mail messages. I have been trying to contact someone in terms of cancelling my agreement with the company before they collect the first payment on the 28th of January and have been unsuccessful in reaching anyone.Desired Settlement: I wish to cancel my loan repayment agreement with this company ASAP.



Than you for forwarding us this complaint. We have been trying to reach this client by phone and email. her voice mail is full and unable to leave a voice mail. At this time we are going to cancel this client out as its not a good fit. she is not be truthful and we have been trying to contact her. Nothing has been paid there for no refund is needed. We wish this client best of luck and advise her to clear out her voice mail. Thank you for your time.

Review: so to start I paid almost 300 to start the process and now 900 later I find out that they are not an accredited place. so they never answer phones I can never contact anyone and been in delinquency for a while messing up my creditDesired Settlement: full refund im so upset im trying to buy a house and do to there irresponsible selfs my credit is now lower



This clients program placement was denied in September for being out dated. The client was made aware on 11/6/15 that UAG needed income verification less than 30 days old. The client then changes the online access for Fed Loans Servicing. This client has stopped payments several times through out the process. UAg has done everything they can at this time and have been waiting on the client. UAG will close out her account and she can finish the process on her own since she is not doing her part in order for UAG to complete their service.

Review: I began services with UAG in April 2014, when I paid them to consolidate my loans, as they promised to lower my monthly payments. They informed the loans would be placed in forbearance while the loans were consolidated and that the process should take no longer than 90 days. Since that time, they have requested my paystub, almost on a monthly basis, which I sent them (said they were still trying to “place me” in the appropriate programming).

Although the process was taking much longer than the 90 days they promised originally, I was assured things were moving forward and placement should happen shortly, each time I phoned their company. Several months went by without answers. One day, Navient contacted me about my delinquent account, which I found odd since I was on time with all of my private loans and United Advisors Group should have been taking care of my other loans. I placed multiple calls and left numerous voicemails to their company that went unanswered and my calls were never returned, but they surely did not forget to pull from my checking account each month.

I did not hear from them until I contacted my bank and placed a stop payment on them. Two days after that payment was supposed to have been pulled, I received a generic e-mail from UAG in regards to the stop payment. I called them at that time; acting concerned about the news, and actually received a call back. I voiced all my concerns at that time and requested paper copies of all materials I had signed, as well as an invoice for my payments and where those funds were being disbursed. I was informed I would receive that information via e-mail. Additionally, I was informed the process can take up to 120 days (I let her know it’s been almost 9 months, so I should have an answer) I asked for the lady’s name contact information for a supervisor – at that time, the call was disconnected. I attempted to contact them back immediately and again, no answer. I left a voicemail - no answer.Desired Settlement: Not only has this been very time consuming, stressful, and financially draining, it has also had a negative effect on my credit score and standings with the loan company. I have been accruing a large amount of interest on my loans during this time and was unaware of the loans being placed in forbearance during this time.

I am requesting the money I am out, as well as the interest accrued on my loans since April 2014, when this process began, as I would like the entire amount to be applied to my loans. As of today’s date, I am out $445.36, as it regards to monthly fees and interest. I cannot recall what the initial fee was to consolidate; therefore, I will chalk that up as a loss and only request the money I am able to verify by bank statements and student loan records. And, heads-up to future young adults looking to save monthly on already outrageous student loans, do not use United Advisors Group, as they are unresponsive and unreliable.



Thank you for sending us this complaint. This client is on track and ready to move forward with United Advisors Group. This client is on track and consolidated. The client is currently in the program placement phase. The client provided UAG with updated pay stubs today 2/23/15 and the program placement was applied for. A United Advisors Group representative spoke with the client and agreed to move forward on the same page. If you need any further information please let us know.

Review: This company has ordered GTX Legal Services to withdraw funds from my account to reduce a student loan under false pretenses. I was told that this service was going to manage/consolidate a student loan. I was charged fees based on a "total student loan amount" and they were supposed to be consolidating my student loans, which was never done. I received a letter from Federal Student Loan agency saying that I was in arrears of greater than 1800.00. NO payments or consolidation had ever been made.Desired Settlement: I would like to be reimbursed for the entire amount that I was charged because no services were conducted on my behalf. An amount of 39.92 was taken out of my account monthly from July 2014 until May 2015 plus a 250.00 initial down payment/management fee to start the process.

I have many emails concerning their services and how they were going to help consolidate my student loans. In one of the emails it clearly states the following: "You are eligible for a full refund of our fees if you cancel because we are unable to help you obtain an acceptable new student loan payment". I was never contacted after the initial 250.00 was taken out of my account. However, a 39.92 fee was withdrawn from my account to continue this service, which I was told could take 60-90 days to process.... I still haven't been contacted by them and I now have paid them over 650.00 and they have done nothing for this amount!

[redacted] / [redacted]



This file has been closed and a refund has been issued. The refund will take 5 days as it is sent back via ACH. GTX has been closed as well (trust company). If you have any further questions please reach out.

Review: I signed a contract with this company for services. I had 14 days to cancel as per the contract. on october 9th, the following day, well within the time frame I cancelled and received written confirmation from rpbert r that the account was cancelled. the company has not returned the $279 payment that was made on October 8th 2014. I have contacted the company with multiple emails asking for the procedure to get the REFUNDABLE $279. the contract clearly states the $279 is refundable. when you call you get transferred to a random voicemail.Desired Settlement: as per the cancellation clause in the contract the $279 is refundable. please refund it.



Thank you for informing us of this client complaint. This client is correct he does qualify for a full refund and called in within the first 14 days. The refund has been submitted via ACH to the bank account originally drafted from. If the client has any further questions please don't hesitate to contact United Advisors Group LLC.

I fell for it!! I need help with my student loans-due to lack of job, monies and health issues. I saw them in my email-talked to a gentlemen, who referred me to another person (a young lady). All seemed to be good, they were going to work on getting a forgiveness for my loans. I was all excited, because it would have helped out a lot. One of the first thing was auto payment set up to them monthly $37.00 (approx.). Then, I was put on a forbearance. That was awesome! I was approved, yea!!! Then I got a letter from the Dept. of Education saying they were doing my loans. Lower payment, but higher interest rate. I would be paying till I died. Then I get a letter from Navient (who I had my loan with originally) telling me about the approval of the forbearance and when how much my payments where going to be. What? I'll be paying to two companies, I don't think so. In the mean time I had been trying to get ahold of [redacted] (who was suppose to be working with me) by email, Because I was concerned with what was going on. Received an email which didn't answer any of my questions. Now the emails don't go through! I have saved all emails! There's a lot more, all I got to say is people we all value our money!!!! They are trying to take it! Here I come bank!!! Their not going to do this to me any more!!!!! BEWARE!!!! Now I have to clean the whole thing up!!! Unhappy camper!!!! :(

I am very, very frustrated and dissatisfied with the customer service at UAG and am working to suspend any further transaction with this company. In fact, I will be calling my bank on Monday to block any further debit transactions from this company.

1) All day today, I have been calling the office to no avail, both to your extension and to extension 303. This is not the first time this has happened.

2) All day today, I have also called and selected Option 1 and I receive an error that the voicemail is full. If I did not have your extension, I wouldn't be able to leave a message. Again, this is not the first time this has happened.

3) I received a letter that was sent to another address and forwarded to me. In that letter is a PLSF Employment Certification Form. There is a handwritten dummy phone number on that form. I know b/c I called the number. The phone number is **SSN** and it is a disconnected number.

So all this leads me to believe that this service is fraudulent and am working to suspend its service. DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO THIS SERVICE.

Review: I contacted United Advisors Group (UAG). with the hopes of reducing my monthly student loan payments. To get the process started the company (UAG) took my personal information and also stated that there would be a fee of $200.00. In addition, the company would bill me $50.09 per month. The initial process to start up my account with UAG started on November 20, 2013 and the company was then called Student Loan Managers. My understanding with UAG was that they would get in touch with my current student loan company, [redacted] (formerly [redacted]) and create a new student loan repayment amount per month where UAG would be the primary holders of the student loan and I would no longer be dealing with [redacted] (formerly [redacted]). Not only is [redacted] still the primary holder of my student loan, but UAG continues to bill me $51.00 per month. My student loan payments per month have actually increased due to accumulated interest on the principle. Also, UAG stated that since I am a veteran on disability, that I am eligible for a disability discharge which would possibly discharge me from student loan payments completely. Attempts to contact UAG recently have met with voice mail messages being left by me for UAG to contact me. I have not received any calls back from UAG since.Desired Settlement: It is my opinion that UAG is a scam. I want a refund for the funds they have taken from me under the guise of helping me out with my student loan monthly payment dating back to November 20, 2013. The amount, which includes the $200.00 down payment comes to about $1,169.



This Client has been cancelled out with UAG. this client was consolidated, program placement was done, and we submitted the Disability paperwork during the first year with no issues. When we renewed we should have asked for income and should have sent another disability paperwork since he still hasn't been approved but we didn't. Refunded $277.00 client is still not satisfied and claims we did not consolidate since all his loans are still with the same lender. We did consolidate just got consolidated with the same lender.

Review: Last June2014 I consolidated my student loans with UAG. I was also under the understanding that I would be enrolled in a government program to reduce student loan debt. I have paid in excess of 853.00 including a 225.00 initial fee for a service that was never rendered to this company. This past week I received a phone call fro the collections department of my student loan servicers. I was showing past due for 365 plus days. I immediately checked my credit reports and did see that I had 2 ,180 day marks. I reviewed that contract and realized that I had not received the services that I was entitled.

It took 2 and a half days to reach someone at this company. Today I spoke with [redacted] who placed me on hold for 7 plus min before I asked for a supervisor. I was transferred to Leslie who also could not help me understand where all of my money has gone. A trust account was referenced but not payment was ever paid to the Lender , Naviant. Next I was transferred to their resolutions department to [redacted] firstly blamed a co-worker named [redacted] for not paying the account. She offered to pay the past due balance to Naviant, 165.76 today. I accepted and asked to be refunded ALL monies that I had paid for an untendered service and also to be removed for this scam. A total of 330.79 was promised as a refund. [redacted] stated that no more would be refunded because the loans were successfully consolidated. This is incorrect. Successful consolidation or not , the loan was NEVER paid. Contract void.Desired Settlement: I want the ENTIRE amount refunded including the 225.00 start fee and the 10.00 I was charged for GTX to take the money to the loan servicer.

Total amount paid UAG : 853.60

Total amount paid to Lender : 165.76

Refund Promised : 330.79

Refund Requested : 357.05- the remaining amount I paid UAG for a delinquent and never delivered service.

I am also requesting a letter from the company UAG explaining their delinquency in issuing payment so that I may forward to the 3 credit bureaus.



The client is responsible for their current student loan payments until the new consolidation goes through. The clients needs to keep making lender payments until the consolidation is approved through the Department of Education. This is clearly stated on the contract signed by the client with UAG. I have attached proof that UAG processed the consolidation on behalf of the client. She spoke to Eve an employee and wants the rest of her fees paid refunded even through UAG did the work. She has been refunded a portion already. Look at the attached documents and let us know if you need anything else at this time.

Review: I signed a contcact with them to reduce my student loan payments on June of 2014. They have been automatically debiting my BBT bank account each month since then in the amount of $195.23. I received correspondence from Navient 3/15/15 stating that no payment had been made on my student loan as of 6/24/14 and that my student loan was 90+ days past due. As a result it was reported against my credit. I have asked for a refund and was told that the reason no payments had been made was due to a mistake r*ge of my account was let go and no longer employed by the company UAG. He also stated that because of this no paperworrk had been filed on my behalf. I have attempted to contact UAG by phone on seve*al occasions and left messages. I have not been able to get in touch with anyone. Also, GTX Legal Se*vices, which is affiliated with UAG is continuing to debit my account for the amount of $195.23 and I am not able to contact them to stop the payment. I was told all of my money was in an escrow account.Desired Settlement: I would like each payment that was debited from my account, along with the initial deposit, refunded back to my account.



This client has one FFEL loan with Navient. To consolidate and get into a repayment program she must complete the PSLF (public service loan forgiveness) application. The application was was mailed to the client for her current employer to complete. The client called the Department of Education and they told her she can do this on her own. So at this time the client mailed the application to the DOE on her own awaiting approval. UAG informs the client they can do this process on their own int he contract and compliance script read to them when they sign up. This is not new news she hired UAG for a service to assist her. UAG has a money back guarantee if they don't successfully get the consolidation done or it does not get approved. The client did not allow UAG to finish the process now demanding a refund as UAG was still waiting for the PLSF form from the client. Anyone can do the process on their own but this client hire UAG for the assistance it the service. That was her choice as she contacted UAG. The account has been closed and the working relationship is done. If you need any further information please let us know.

Review: I received a call from United Advisors Group on January 6, 2015. A person by the name of [redacted] informed me of a Student loan forgiveness program offered for students having educational loans. He stated that United Advisors Group would charge me a one time fee of $229.00, then I would be deducted form my bank account, 10 monthly payments of the amount of $29.67. The amount of $229.00 was withdrawn from my bank account the same day of signing into the program offered. I was informed I had 14 days to cancel, and receive a full refund . I received a welcome call on Thursday January 8, from the person of United Advisors Group. In that conversation I informed the person calling (from the welcome call), that I decided to cancel and not continue in the program offered. I have called numerous times to speak with a customer service agent and no one ever answered the phone. In addition I have left phone messages and sent e-mails stating of canceling out of the program offered from United Advisors Group.Desired Settlement: I want the $229.00 refunded to my bank account as soon as possible.



To whom it may concern,

If there was an option to select less as a rating, I would. THIS IS A SCAM. DO NOT WORK WITH THIS COMPANY! I have a hard time believing they are still in business. They promised to pay off my loans for me and in turn I would pay them directly (with a small service fee). A year after signing up with this company, I received a phone call to my home phone letting me know that I was past due on my payment to the Department of Education. I logged in online to see that United Advisors Group had changed my email, telephone number, home address, etc. to all of their information. I contacted the Department of Education only to find out that not one penny had been paid to them for my loans and that I was in delinquent status. I had paid almost $2000 to United Advisors Group over the last year only to find out that they were just pocketing my money. That had not done what they had promised to do. If my loan company had not have found a way to get in contact with me that day, my credit would be seriously messed up. I immediately put a stop payment on my account. I continued to be harassed by the company about not being able to take money out of my account until they received a letter from my attorney. Then they sent me an email saying that they were sorry we would no longer be doing business together. I now have an attorney who is helping me fight to get my money back.

When I found out that my loans had not been paid off by UAG, I tried contacting them many times with no answer/response. I left voicemails and sent emails and still received no response. DO NOT WORK WITH THIS COMPANY or you will be in my situation fighting a legal battle over your money. Come to find out, working with the Department of Education is much simpler and CHEAPER. Just call them first before resorting to one of these scam companies.

Review: I signed up with the united advisors group last year. I was very skeptical about the group as it all sounded to good to be true but the representative from the group assured me that I was in good hands and explained the process to me multiple times. I was told that United Advisors Group is a group of lawyers that have come together and are working to help people manage their student loan debt. I was making very little and had a lot of health issues going on at the time, so a group of lawyers that would assist and dispute my claims sounded great. The deal was that my loans would be consolidated and the United Advisors Group would get me a low monthly payment that was within my means. Of my monthly payment the United Advisors Group was only to take $10 a month and the remainder would cover the agreed payment to Federal Loans. 12 monthly payments of $60 were taken out between 10/14/14 and 09/11/15 and a single payment of $49 was taken out on 10/14/15 totaling $769. I received a bill in the mail from fedloan today stating that I needed to start making payments on my account again. I called them to say that I am enrolled in a student loan forgiveness program and there must be some mistake, After speaking with the woman at federal loan for a few moments I came to a shocking realization. My loans had been consolidated and put into forbearance, not a penny of my loans had been paid, and I have been scammed by the United Advisors Group for 13 months. As the woman at fedloan was reading over my information it was discovered that United Advisors had even created a fake email address so I wasn't even receiving my fedloan email updates. I tried multiple times to call United Advisors group and left messages but I have not yet been able to get through to them.Desired Settlement: I wish to cancel my enrollment with the united advisors group and have the 769.00 refunded.



This client was mad that her service fee for UAG was not going towards her loan balance. The breakdown was explained during her initial call, when she signed the agreements, on her compliance call and during her welcome call. She said that she doesn't remember being told that. UAG explained that UAG has not been able to do her program placement and has been trying to reach because UAG needs her income verification to submit to the servicer. Client says that all of UAG's emails were going into her spam that's why she didn't know until July to send her income. The program placement submitted in July didn't go through because by the time the servicer received her pay-stubs they were outdated more than 30 days. Client will email me her Oct. pay-stubs for the program placement to be resubmitted. The client understands that she will have 2 payments, the lender payment and the UAG service fee.

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Description: Credit - Debt Consolidation Services, Credit & Debt Counseling, Financial Consultants - No License Required, Financial Planning Consultants

Address: 1621 Alton Pkwy #170, Irvine, California, United States, 92606


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