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Address: 303 S Hamilton St, Painted Post, New York, United States, 14870
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Revdex.com: I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution was resolved and I am satisfiedHenrico FCU has sent me all my funds which were due to me and I have no other complaints Regards, [redacted] ***
We had previously corresponded with Mr [redacted] regarding his missing order, but we never received a reply when we asked him to confirm his shipping address so that we could send a replacementWe sent Mr [redacted] an email yesterday and we spoke with Mr [redacted] this morning- we are sending him a refund check for his missing orderCopies of the correspondence are attached.Margie S
*Ohio Distinctive Customer Service
On December 04, I was advised by one of our administrative assistants when I had come back into the office in the late afternoon that a Sentricon customer had made an inquiry about a service performed on 09/21/The customer asked when the last service was performed at his house for the Sentricon System, why we didn’t call first, how we were able to gain access to his back yard & was concerned about one of his dogs attitude towards strange people being in the back yard Upon receiving that service call & talking to the adminasstabout her conversations with this customer; one conversation when he came into the office & another later on the phone, I started a process of familiarizing myself with this customerWe have hundreds of customers with the Sentricon System installed around their homes or businesses, systems that have been installed over years of having the Sentricon System and in numerous cities/towns throughout S.ENew MexicoIn this particular instance I thought by having the customer’s service history, printing out the most recent service log called a site/station list of his Sentricon System, going through all the original paperwork from the very first visit at his house and not only talking to the techthat sold & installed the Sentricon System but also the techthat checked /maintained the Sentricon System the four times we had been at the this customers houseBy gathering all this I felt confident it would aid in explaining/answering his specific concerns In regards to the phone conversation I then had with the customer, the intent was not to be argumentative but to reassure him that we in fact had check/maintained all of the Sentricon System installed around his home, including what was in the back yardIf it was perceived in that manner I do sincerely apologizeAlso to explain that from the beginning of our relationship with him & his wife it was discussed that because his wife is usually, if not always home & there was no need to contact them before showing up to perform the service beyond making sure to ring the doorbell to inform whoever was home we were thereAs for him to not receiving the paperwork showing we performed the service on the day in question, we do not keep any of the site/station list that are produced for the check/maintenance of the Sentricon SystemThe site/station list has two purposes; one is for the service tech to know what is installed at that address & the other is to inform the customer of what we did on that particular visitThey are always left at the service address or mailed to the customer if they do not live at the service addressSince the service was performed on 09/21/and the customer had not contacted us until 12/04/I tried to explain to the customer what might have happened to the site/station list left at his home on the day in question Here are the specific questions/concerns the customer had and how I answered them with the information I had about his account and the Sentricon System itself:Question 1-”How can Bob Reed Pest Control say that someone was at my house on 09/21/and checked all of the stations especially the ones in my backyard since I have dogs, one that is not friendly?” Answer-All Sentricon System stations have an RFID tag that allows the technician to detect where the station is locatedThis insures that all stations are present & If not detected the technician will replace the station if neededOne of the hardest things to do in any service is to insure quality controlQuality control is a cornerstone in the service of the Sentricon SystemOn every site/station list there is a line item with a heading “Checked” this shows the last date the individual station was last checked/maintainedThe ONLY way the date can be changed is by scanning a bar code on the underneath of the top cap installed on every Sentricon station & the only way to get to the bar code is by opening the station to check/maintain itOn this customer’s most recent sit/station list it showed all of the stations where checked on 09/21/Earlier in the day the customer came in to our office and was provided this printout and said he had it in front of him as we spokeSince he had this report he would have been able to see that all the all the “Checked” dates showed 09/21/As for the dogs, the technician that performed the service distinctly recalled the wife was home and corralled the dogs and allowed him into the backyard.Question 2-“Why wasn’t I called before anyone came out?” Answall the paperwork & customer infoin our data base that we have for this customer, there was nothing showing or expressing that the customer had made this requestWe have hundreds of customers that have asked for us to call the day before we go to their home for many different reasons, we have no problems doing so, just need to be informed of this request by the customer The next day when the customer came into the office and introduced himself, I actually thought it was a good signI feel when we have a chance to show the customer the information we have available including a Sentricon System station, how the RFID tag works and the barcode underneath of the top cap the customer remembers that we explained & showed all this when the Sentricon System is first installed and they usually understandIn this particular instance I don’t believe there wasn’t anything I could show or say that would change this customer’s stance, especially since he wanted the Sentricon System removed anywayI explained to the customer that his system had active stations w/live termites consuming the bait & the colony(ies) where in fact on their way to elimination and if removed termites can start eating his house again.Again my sincerest apologizes for any misunderstandings.A refund has been mailed to the customer in the amount of $87.50Thank You,Jason S [redacted] Vice President Bob Reed Pest Control, Inc
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.This is the response I expected
However, l would like to respond that my behavior was not abusiveI stated, "the conditions in the rental are unacceptable." Also the response indicated that there were pictures included, which were not available; therefore, I have attached pictures of the conditions we experienced. Regards,
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