Their washer mal funtion water wont drain and attendant is not doin anything bout he said he dont know what to do with it and didn't even put an effort to do something! I have take of all my clothes and put it in the other washer spend more coins just so it can drain excessive water on my clothes so I can put it in the dryer! I think its unfair for me that I have yo tru that and waste all those time when I can be on my room resting after a long day of work!
Their washer mal funtion water wont drain and attendant is not doin anything bout he said he dont know what to do with it and didn't even put an effort to do something! I have take of all my clothes and put it in the other washer spend more coins just so it can drain excessive water on my clothes so I can put it in the dryer! I think its unfair for me that I have yo tru that and waste all those time when I can be on my room resting after a long day of work!