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Waikiki Resort - Hilton Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

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Reviews Cosmetics Sales Truffoire

Truffoire Reviews (%countItem)

Scam - faked products
Please do not buy anything from this place. I assured you they are faked products (Truffoire) they are not selling the real thing. You will be lured into buying their products and they will make you feel like they like you and care for you. When you decide you don't need them, they will pretend they are giving you a great deal. Also, be aware, there is no return policy. They will say they told you that from the beginning and that it is posted on their window. Do not buy anything from this store. YOU WILL REGRET IT!

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Address: Waikiki Resort - Hilton Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

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