To Whom It May Concern:In response to your letter dated 1/21/...It is our policy to accept cash for weekend or evening services. The drivers do not have access to credit card or check processing. Our rates are the prevailing rates (same as Hawaii
Police Department) $Hook-Up $per mile $after hours (6:00p.m.)Additional charges may apply. I have contacted our driver and dispatcherThe dispatcher does not recallif he did or did not inform the customer of our company policy. When the driver arrived at the scene, the consumer was advised of our payment acceptanceThe consumer at that time could have simply turned down the tow. We are disappointed the consumer did not contact our dispatch or our office regarding this matter before contacting the What ever the case may be, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused the consumer.With our sincere regards,
To Whom It May Concern:In response to your letter dated 1/21/...It is our policy to accept cash for weekend or evening services. The drivers do not have access to credit card or check processing. Our rates are the prevailing rates (same as Hawaii
Police Department) $Hook-Up $per mile $after hours (6:00p.m.)Additional charges may apply. I have contacted our driver and dispatcherThe dispatcher does not recallif he did or did not inform the customer of our company policy. When the driver arrived at the scene, the consumer was advised of our payment acceptanceThe consumer at that time could have simply turned down the tow. We are disappointed the consumer did not contact our dispatch or our office regarding this matter before contacting the What ever the case may be, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused the consumer.With our sincere regards,