transmission supply network and I signed a contract for an engine for a total shipped price of $760.00 on wednesday 2/26/2015 I was told that the engine was compression tested and would be shipped early the week of 3/2/2015 I was called on 3/3/2015 and was told the engine I signed the contract for had low compression and another engine that was good would be $997.00 I did not sign this contract. I was not sure how many times a "bad" engine would come up and how high the price would end up at. after I insisted they stick to the original contract my emails and phone calls went unanswered, I had to send emails from another email account to get them to respond. I had the vehicle towed from my garage to my mechanic for the work to be done I am now being charged a $25.00 a day storage fee until I get an engine this has been 15 days from 3/2/2015 . for $315.00
transmission supply network and I signed a contract for an engine for a total shipped price of $760.00 on wednesday 2/26/2015 I was told that the engine was compression tested and would be shipped early the week of 3/2/2015 I was called on 3/3/2015 and was told the engine I signed the contract for had low compression and another engine that was good would be $997.00 I did not sign this contract. I was not sure how many times a "bad" engine would come up and how high the price would end up at. after I insisted they stick to the original contract my emails and phone calls went unanswered, I had to send emails from another email account to get them to respond. I had the vehicle towed from my garage to my mechanic for the work to be done I am now being charged a $25.00 a day storage fee until I get an engine this has been 15 days from 3/2/2015 . for $315.00