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TNT Flinchum Property Management Corp.

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Reviews TNT Flinchum Property Management Corp.

TNT Flinchum Property Management Corp. Reviews (21)

I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [redacted] does not have any authority to help resolve issuesI called her office and was told she could not help me as [redacted] is the owner [redacted] did not have a conversation with my son except to tell him that he wouldn't hold any personal feelings against him? Also, there is NO drop box and NO way to make payments when [redacted] is out and the [redacted] office is closedI was told we could slide payments under the door which is unacceptable as they have been lost before and laying inside on the floor is a violation of my personal information [redacted] then charges additional late fees when he returns if there is no payments laying on the floorThis is unacceptable and an easy way for the company to take advantage of college studentsEvery other property management company in [redacted] has a drop box or online payment option, this company has neitherHe is trying to charge us additional fees because there is no drop box and the office was closed which it is again this entire week, office is closed and no drop box Regards, [redacted]

We have received the subsequent complaint from *** ***, ID *** I will address these concerns in the order in which she has addressed them.First, the previous response was written by *** ***, a leasing agent and approved not only by ***, the *** Properly Manager, but also by myself, the Broker of TNT Flinchum Property ManagementTherefore, everything stated in that letter was authorized by upper management and not solely Miss ***' decision.Second, the *** office has posted office hours of 10:AM to 2:PMHowever, in the event that there are appointments or showings, there may be a brief time lapse in which someone may not be in the office but there is always a note posted on the door stating that they will be back within a certain amount of time The fact that there is no drop box is irrelevant as this has been the way that TNT has been operating there for the past years This is no less of a security risk than having a hanging box on the outside of the building that could be broken into just as easilyFurthermore, this is not a violation of your personal information, as the only person with a key to the *** office are TNT staff therefore, they are the only people who would be opening the door and seeing the information provided on your personal checksWhile we do not currently have a way to pay online, there is the option of online-bill pay where your bank will send us the checkYou could also mail a check to the *** office at the above address.Finally, the *** office has NOT been closed this entire week as the complaint statesEven though *** is off, myself and another staff member from the *** office have been there during the posted business hours with the exception of Thursday and Friday Furthermore, the application of any late fees to the account in question is irrelevant, as two late fees have been waived, which the attached ledger showsTherefore, we still consider this matter to be resolved.*** ** ***Broker

I have conferred with [redacted], our [redacted] Property Manager, regarding the complaint that was sent to us on October 16, 2014. First, the amount that was owed has been paid by the resident. Secondly, [redacted] had talked with Ms. [redacted] husband, the guarantor of the account, and agreed to waive one late fee after the original amount owed was paid.  That late fee has been waived and the account now has a 'zero' balance.  Moreover, [redacted] has spoken with [redacted], the resident, and have worked out the issue verbally as well.  We now consider this issue resolved. If there is anything else with which we can assist you, please let me know.
Leasing Agent

We have received the above mentioned complaint, While the complaint did not contain the name ofone of our residents or the specific address to which this case is referring we believe that we havefound the correct unit...

address.During the winter break (mid December 2014-mid January 2015) we were experiencing record breakinglow temperatures in our area. While completing repairs in other units within this same property, ourmaintenance staff found units in which the heat had been completely turned off. In order to preventbursting pipes which would have flooded multiple units, we made the proactive decision to enter eachunit to verify that the heat was left on and at the required temperature. When we entered thisparticular unit, we found that there were several holes in the living room wall and a bedroom door wasbusted. As we are in our leasing season and showing a unit for rental in this condition wouldn't beproductive, and as the damages were clearly caused by the residents and not yet reported to us we didnot need to contact them before making these repairs. Item #8 in the Lease Addendum states"Maintenance- Maintenance work should be reported to TnT Flinchum Property Management Corp. at[redacted], as soon as Resident is aware there is a problem. ... Resident is responsible for anymaintenance that is the result of Resident or guest negligence, abuse, or damages. Residentunderstands that all labor charges for maintenance to repair damages exceeding ordinary wear and tearon the premises will be at a base rate of $40.00/hour/man, though rates for specialized and/or third partycontractor repairs may exceed this rate. ...Resident agrees to pay all such charges immediatelyupon presentment of the bill by Owner. If the amount ¡s not paid within fifteen days after billing, theoutstanding fee will be paid first with any monies received before being posted to rent."In reference to how payments are applied, item #4 of the lease agreement states "...Money will beapplied first to Security Deposit, second to any outstanding fees, and third to rent."As you can see, we have done nothing unethical, inappropriate or greedy. If you have any furtherquestions, please feel free to contact us again.Sincerely,[redacted] [redacted]Property Manager

I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[redacted] does not have any authority to help resolve issues. I called her office and was told she could not help me as [redacted] is the owner. [redacted] did not have a conversation with my son except to tell him that he wouldn't hold any personal feelings against him? Also, there is NO drop box and NO way to make payments when [redacted] is out and the [redacted] office is closed. I was told we could slide payments under the door which is unacceptable as they have been lost before and laying inside on the floor is a violation of my personal information. [redacted] then charges additional late fees when he returns if there is no payments laying on the floor. This is unacceptable and an easy way for the company to take advantage of college students. Every other property management company in [redacted] has a drop box or online payment option, this company has neither. He is trying to charge us additional fees because there is no drop box and the office was closed which it is again this entire week, office is closed and no drop box. 

We have received your letter regarding the complaint filed by [redacted] regarding her son. The Property Manager, with whom she has spoken in the past, is out of town until Monday, November 10, 2014.  Upon his return, we will consult with him regarding the contents of her... complaint and respond as quickly as possible. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Leasing Agent

I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.There was no response other than letting you know the property mgr is out of town.

Please provide your daughter's name and the address of the apartment.

Review: My daughter who is a college student, lives in an apartment that we rent for her from TNT Flinchum. We pay $350 per month and have rent set up on automatic draft, paid at the first of the month from our bank account to TNT. Late last year TNT started billing us for unexplained charges. These charges were accompanied by threats of eviction if the money was not paid. Since the letters did not specify what the charges were for, I was not about to blindly pay them until I got an explanation on what we were being billed for. I left many messages with TNT office staff along with requests that I get a return call from Tom Flinchum, the operator of the business explaining the charges to me. After getting yet another notice with an ever increasing unexplained charge in February, 2016, I called TNT and finally got an answer from someone named [redacted]. She stated that the breakdown of the charges were $20.55 for utilities at the beginning of the rental period, $11.67 in administrative fees, and $210 in accrued late charges stemming from that charge.

To begin with, nowhere in the lease does it state we would pay utility charges to TNT. Our lease states clearly that the rent we pay covers rental of the house,lawn care, and trash removal. It also states specifically in the lease that the “Resident is to contract and pay for all other utilities and amenities not otherwise indicated. Resident is responsible for contacting the power company to initiate service and must maintain electrical service during the tenure of the lease to avoid damage to the premises, so I'm not sure why TNT even got involved with paying the utility payment and then charging us, but I was thankful to finally have an explanation, and I paid the $20.55 and $11.67 at that time. I told [redacted], however, that I refused to pay late charges on a bill that went for months before it was explained to me. I requested the charges be removed and for her to have Tom Flinchum call me back, which he didn't. I called again and left the same message again and again that I expected the late charges to be taken off.

I finally was able to reach Mr. Flinchum by phone on June 13, 2016, and I spoke to him regarding the unresolved correction of the late charges. At this time he informed me that his office staff deletes my messages as they are "not very nice."

I again stated that I was not going to pay late charges that accrued while I was kept waiting for an explanation

of what the charges related to. He told me his wife was having surgery the following day (June 14), and he did not know when he would get back to me about our account. I did not hear back from him, so again I attempted to reach him. I did not have any luck by phone, so I sent an email. Then another. Then another. Again, no responses. I finally sent a certified letter on July 8, hoping that I may finally get a response. Finally, today I got a letter from Tom Flinchum telling me he would not be removing the late charges. His letter states that the balance of $325 was $10 in rent that carried over from the rent being short $10 in October and late fees for Oct., Nov., Dec. Jan. and Feb. This would mean he charged us $63 per month in late charges for five months on a $10 shortage. Perhaps an auditor could make sense of this as I cannot. At any point, had I been notified that there was a $10 shortage in October, I would have paid that amount. Even when I finally got an explanation from [redacted] in February, there was no mention of this at all.Desired Settlement: I want all of the late charges removed from our account.



We have received the above mentioned complaint. I have enclosed a copy of a letter mailed to the complainant on July 6, 2016. I have also enclosed a copy of the current lease agreement that wassigned by her daughter, the utility bill that was sent in September 2015, copies of each late letter sent from Jan 2015 through June 2016 and a tenant ledger through today. Please note that the utility bill was in the name of TNT Flinchum during a time period that the lease was in effect. As per Lease Addendum, Section 15, "In the event Resident fails to maintain utilities on the premises in his/her own name for the period indicated, and owner must pursue payment of utilities from the Resident, Resident agrees to be responsible for a $35.00 administrative fee to the owner." As you can see on the ledger, there was a rent shortage of $10 in August 2015 and there was no late fee applied that month (although per the lease agreement, one was justified). The rent was paid $10 short again in September 2015 and then the charge for the utilities and the administrative fee were charged out along with late fees for that month which left a balance of $87.22 at the end of September 2015. After that, no monies were paid to the outstanding balance until February 2016. During that time, late fees were charged each month (as per lease agreement item #5) in the amount of $35.00/month. When the payment was received in February 2016, it did not include any late fees or the administrative fee (although it did include a nasty note) with a continued outstanding balance there were late fees due for each month. This matter could have been easily resolved had the Resident simply paid the payments as agreed to in her lease. The complainant has called our office many times over the past several months and has been told what the fees are for and how they have accumulated. Each time she has refused to pay both the late fees and the administrative fees. There is nothing convoluted or sneaky as you can clearly see.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us again.Sincerely,[redacted]Property Manager



I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

When I finally received an explanation of the charges from [redacted] at TNT in February 2016 that the charges we had been billed for were 20.55 for utilities I paid that. My check number was [redacted] and it cleared my bank on 2-24-16. She said that 11.67 was admin. fees (which I am assuming was the $35 split between my daughter and the other two tenants although that was not explained to me). I paid 11.67 with a separate check # [redacted] and it also cleared the bank on 2-24-95. The $10 charge for August and $10 charge for September for a raise in rent were paid by a $20 check which cleared my bank on 11-16-15, check no. [redacted]. I can provide bank documentation on this. All bills were paid once someone explained what they were for. I was not about to pay for unexplained charges.This issue will not be resolved until late charges are removed.


Review: I wish I had listened to the many people who told me not to rent from TNT. The day we got the keys, and after paying over $1,000 in a deposit and a week and a half rent for the end of June for our place, we walked into a molded, dirty, filthy, beat up, and unrepaired duplex. I called the next morning to let them know nothing had been cleaned or fixed before our move in day. They said everything had been checked off the list pior to our move in date. They were in no hurry to help us. They drug their feet and wanted us to wait 5 days till someone else came out to clean it. We showed up to the office to work the situation out because nothing was getting done for us over the phone. Said we can't just show up to see a property manager. We have to make an appointment. The lady at the desk went in the back office to let the manager know. The lady that was at the desk came out a few minutes later and told us they could get someone out to clean the next morning and that they'd take a few days off our rent. This took ALL DAY to get straightened out when we should have been moving our stuff in. The next day I packed all my stuff in a moving truck, went up there around 1 PM and it STILL had not been cleaned. We called the 24 hour maintenance man on call. He said he couldn't give us anyone's number to straighten it out and there was nothing he could do. He did call the property manager for us. He told her the situation. He called back and told us that she said to call the office on Monday. Meanwhile it's Saturday and we have no where to live and TNT could careless that we are now homeless. My boyfriend called them Monday morning first thing. They said someone did come back out Friday evening to clean again. He told them there was still mold everywhere, the carpet was crusted with dirt, there were dead bugs on the walls, water damage on all cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms, and food remnants in the fridge and cabinets, and if that was their definition of clean, they need to fire whoever is cleaning for them. After finishing our walk through after receiving the keys, we has 4 pages worth of problems. By this point, we just want to cancel the lease and get our $1,006.36 back. They suggested since we can't be satisfied with what they have (or haven't) done, to cancel the lease. At this point, I'm so happy!Desired Settlement: I want TNT to realize they need to help their customers move into a clean and repaired dwelling unit. They need to walk through each place and correct every issue before they give the keys over to any customer. They were not concerned that we were moving into mold, dead bugs, and dirt. One of the windows wouldn't open more than 4 inches. They were not nice. They were in no hurry to help us. It seemed to me that they just wanted money. The unit was way over priced for what you were getting.



We are in receipt of Case #[redacted] dated August 19, 2016.After receiving the customer's initial complaint, TnT sent cleaners back to the unit two dífferent tlmes, with two different companies. Both companies reported thet the unit was clean, We also sentmaintenance back and asked that the tenants show us their concerns. We never found mold. We did find some black "goo" around the window trims that appeared to be remnants of some sort of tape. The carpets had been cleaned prior to the tenants' move in and were ìn no way "crusty."After our many attempts to resolve the issues, we offered the tenants the option of simply ending their lease and returning their keys to us. They were given a FULL refund.

Review: I am a college student who just moved into an efficiency apartment on college avenue above a restaurant/bar. When viewing the apartment last spring I specifically asked if there were noise issues and I was told 'no'. I did expect downtown noises, however I did not expect the level of noise that I am experiencing. It is like I am inside the bar, and the base is constant! I bought a white noise generator and I have a fan. I also bought some earplugs to sleep in, but the noise is constant. I asked the property manager, TNT, to contact the owner to install carpet with a good acoustic pad for noise buffering, however, the owner responded that it was too much of a problem to have carpets cleaned because it set off the carbon monoxide detectors. I even called back and said that the pads could just be rolled out and not installed. But the answer was flat out no. They are not going to do anything. Told me to get a rug...which I already have. TNT said to come turn in my key and they could try to re-rent it. I START CLASSES ON MONDAY! These property managers should not be allowed to take advantage of students and not fully disclose issues with the properties that they lease.Desired Settlement: Terminate lease so that I can go elsewhere or add the sound buffer.



We are in receipt of Case #[redacted] dated August 19,2016.It is incredulous to me that a student at Virginia Tech would need to be told that living directly above a bar might be noisy. When the unit was shown to the tenant, they entered the building through a door directly beside the bar. They weren't taken through an entrance to hide the potential for noise.The unit does not have carpet and didn't have carpet when the unit was shown to the tenant. Nothing has changed since they viewed the unit prior to signing their lease, yet the tenant now believes that it is the property owner's responsibility to spend hundreds of dollars to install acoustic pad and carpet that will then have to be maintained for years, or simply be thrown away after his occupancy.TnT hasn't taken advantage of anyone. The tenant was shown the unit, was aware of its location and chose to sign the lease.Regards,[redacted]Property ManagerTNT Flinchum Property Management

Review: I had signed a lease in 2014 and lived in the apartment that I rented from TNT Flinchum Property Management Corp. till I gave them notice that I would not resign in 2016. I loved the "old" feel of the place but not the fact that everything in the home was OLD. My father lives close to the apartment that I rented and I relied on him to fix everything. Such as 1. the front was old when I moved in and would not close. My parents purchased a new front door; paid for it and my Dad installed it. We did not charge TNT Flinchum Property Management Corp. 2. Every place in the kitchen floor had wholes...old hardwood that had rotted. My Dad patched the ones that he could so that I would not have critters and he actually put down plywood so the washer that I purchased would not fall through the floor when my Dad put it in. 3. Before I moved in the bricks that were laid on the front stoop area were cracked and missing whole bricks. I asked that this be fixed before I moved in because it was extremely dangerous. NEVER was it fixed!! 4. The floor was cracking when you came in the front door...the heel of my shoe actually went through it. NEVER was fixed! 5. But the big reason and the reason that I did not resign the lease was the fact that I had my TV plugged in an electrical socket along with my DVD player. The electrical socket burnt up and caused the electricity to go out. I had TNT come out to "fix" the problem. They basically replaced the socket and told me to be careful what I had plugged up.

I could go on and on but these are things that added up. The reason I am filing this complaint is that I cleaned the apartment top to bottom. My parents helped and I do not leave things worse than when I moved in. I moved on May 23, 2016 and received my "Security Deposit" back on July 15, 2016. My "Security Deposit" was $545.00; the check that I received was for $25.00. Everything that I noted above that was wrong, they charged me on the list that I received with my $25.00 check. From things that I heard from others in the apartment house, this practice with TNT Flinchum Property Management is not uncommon.Desired Settlement: I would like to have it noted how terrible that it is to work with TNT Flinchum Property Management and how they are untrustworthy. They are hard to get in touch with, they are rude and they do not fix anything that you ask them to do.



I would like to change my selection for no settlement requested to I would like to have a refund of my security deposit.



We are in receipt of Case #[redacted] dated July 22, 2016.TNT Flinchum Property Management has never received any kind of communication from this former tenant disputing any charges that were made toward her security deposit refund. As is stated in her lease, disputes concerning any of the charges need to be received in writing and will be addressed accordingly. Since this tenant has never contacted TNT Flínchum Property Management there has beenno opportunity to research and discuss any of the tenant's concerns.TNT Flinchum Property Management never received a move-in inspection form from this tenant. As it is stated on the key slip that the resident signed at move in, if a move-in inspection is not submittedin writing to our office within seven (7) days of the tenant's move-in they agree to accept the unit "as is." (See copy enclosed.) If the resident can supply us with a copy of a move-in inspection, we would be better able to determine which damages where there at the time of her occupancy of the residence and what damages occurred during her lease dates. Our move-out inspection includes photographs of the residence and include items that were damaged and/or in need of cleaning. The total amount of move-out repairs were $880 and the res¡dent was charged $260 of that dollar amount for her damages.In reference to the cleaning charge at move-out, there were several items listed on the move-out inspection as needing to be cleaned. (See copy enclosed.) Had the resident chosen to be present forthe move-out we could have shown her the issues at that time.Regards[redacted]Property Manager

Terrible management.

The units are in terrible conditions when they give them to you, and they do not care to make repairs. Plus anything that is broken when you come in they will charge you for it even if you wrote it down on the move in form.

They are liars and make up ways to blame you for their shortcomings.

Do not rent from them.

Review: I had an apartment fire in October. My repairs have not been made. I am paying full price per month with no kitchen, no stove, no heat, nothing.Desired Settlement: I want a refund on my full payment of $720 for the past 10 months.



We are writing in reference to ID [redacted]. After learning that the resident had caused fire to the property, our company began working with the contractors and the insurance company, and have continued to do so for months to resolve this issue. In the complaint, the resident stated that they have been without heat since the fire in October and no repairs had been made. The heat works properly, we have verified it for ourselves this week. We contacted the resident about a month ago to setup an appointment so that the repairs could be made to the property. The resident nevercalled us back. We called the resident last week and simply informed the resident of the contractors coming by this week to handle the repairs. The resident called the office angry and stated that she did not want our workers coming in this week because it would be so disruptive. The resident was then told that all repairs had to be made before she vacates the property. Concerning any refunds of the rental payments for the resident, the resident was the one responsible for the fire, therefore the insurance company will hold her liable for any rent loss as well.If you have any further concerning please feel free to contact me at the above address.Sincerely,[redacted]Leasing Agent



I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.


Review: My son goes to [redacted] and began a rental agreement with TNT through [redacted] in [redacted]. Since the beginning of the lease [redacted] is rude and verbally abusive to not just my son as a tenant but all the tenants in the building. I called [redacted] personally the first week of September to inquire if my son's rent should have been pro-rated for August since he moved in the 2nd week of August. [redacted] figured out the amount and told me what to pay which my son did on that day. About 2 weeks later [redacted] sent a notice that the rent had not been paid in full after HE provided me the amount and was charging a late fee also. The letter states that the funds must be paid by certified funds. I tried calling [redacted] on several occassions regarding why he was charging a late fee when he was the one who is the property manager and gave me the adjusted amount. I have no problem paying the different of rent but think the late fee is unfair. When my son went in to pay the rent on 10/3, [redacted] told him he was taking part of the money to apply to September and now charging him another late fee for October. When my son said the letter said you must pay by certified funds [redacted] became rather aggitated and said that wasnt true which the letter clearly states. My son also said his parents were trying to reach him regarding this matter. Why would he charge a late fee on 10/3 first of all when the grace period is until the 5th? Also, knowing we are trying to reach him and that the error in amount for September was partly his fault as he provided the figure, why would he charge a late fee? I feel he is rude and takes advantage of a college campus dealing with college kids. He does not provide explanations and just wants money with no clear reason as to why or what it is for. As of today I am still waiting on a return phone call regarding this matter from 2 weeks ago. I have been told by the [redacted] that there are many complaints regarding this company and individual so I am concerned that young adults are being taken advantage of and there is no support or monitoring to ensure they aren't being scammed.Desired Settlement: I would like a return phone call, I have left 4 messags through the [redacted] office and have had extensive conversations with them, they understand but say [redacted] is the owner and there is nothing they can do. I would like an explanation to the charges and why what he says and the letters that are sent have different information. I would like to know why he charges these fees with no explanation or exactly what they are for especially when he had the file in front of him and provided information. This is why I feel there is some scamming going on as late fees and unnecessary charges come to a huge amount of bogus money being paid to the company. I would like the late fee for September removed as I spoke to him regarding the rent that month and if it should not have been pro-rated then he should of known since he collects the rent. I also want the late fee for October removed since my son was standing in front of him to pay the rent and [redacted] was closing the office in 10 minutes so that makes him unavailable and assessed the charge. I would like for [redacted] to deal with his customers with respect providing an explanation when being asked a question.



We have received your letter regarding the complaint filed by [redacted] regarding her son. The Property Manager, with whom she has spoken in the past, is out of town until Monday, November 10, 2014. Upon his return, we will consult with him regarding the contents of her complaint and respond as quickly as possible. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Leasing Agent



I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.There was no response other than letting you know the property mgr is out of town.




I have conferred with [redacted], our [redacted] Property Manager, regarding the complaint that was sent to us on October 16, 2014. First, the amount that was owed has been paid by the resident. Secondly, [redacted] had talked with Ms. [redacted] husband, the guarantor of the account, and agreed to waive one late fee after the original amount owed was paid. That late fee has been waived and the account now has a 'zero' balance. Moreover, [redacted] has spoken with [redacted], the resident, and have worked out the issue verbally as well. We now consider this issue resolved. If there is anything else with which we can assist you, please let me know.


Leasing Agent



I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

[redacted] does not have any authority to help resolve issues. I called her office and was told she could not help me as [redacted] is the owner. [redacted] did not have a conversation with my son except to tell him that he wouldn't hold any personal feelings against him? Also, there is NO drop box and NO way to make payments when [redacted] is out and the [redacted] office is closed. I was told we could slide payments under the door which is unacceptable as they have been lost before and laying inside on the floor is a violation of my personal information. [redacted] then charges additional late fees when he returns if there is no payments laying on the floor. This is unacceptable and an easy way for the company to take advantage of college students. Every other property management company in [redacted] has a drop box or online payment option, this company has neither. He is trying to charge us additional fees because there is no drop box and the office was closed which it is again this entire week, office is closed and no drop box.




We have received the subsequent complaint from [redacted], ID [redacted] I will address these concerns in the order in which she has addressed them.First, the previous response was written by [redacted], a leasing agent and approved not only by [redacted], the [redacted] Properly Manager, but also by myself, the Broker of TNT Flinchum Property Management. Therefore, everything stated in that letter was authorized by upper management and not solely Miss [redacted]' decision.Second, the [redacted] office has posted office hours of 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM. However, in the event that there are appointments or showings, there may be a brief time lapse in which someone may not be in the office but there is always a note posted on the door stating that they will be back within a certain amount of time. The fact that there is no drop box is irrelevant as this has been the way that TNT has been operating there for the past 30 years. This is no less of a security risk than having a hanging box on the outside of the building that could be broken into just as easily. Furthermore, this is not a violation of your personal information, as the only person with a key to the [redacted] office are TNT staff therefore, they are the only people who would be opening the door and seeing the information provided on your personal checks. While we do not currently have a way to pay online, there is the option of online-bill pay where your bank will send us the check. You could also mail a check to the [redacted] office at the above address.Finally, the [redacted] office has NOT been closed this entire week as the complaint states. Even though [redacted] is off, myself and another staff member from the [redacted] office have been there during the posted business hours with the exception of Thursday and Friday. Furthermore, the application of any late fees to the account in question is irrelevant, as two late fees have been waived, which the attached ledger shows. Therefore, we still consider this matter to be resolved.[redacted]Broker

Review: I have been renting a ground floor apt. from TNT since 07/2014. Two weeks ago, my apt. was flooded three different times. On Sunday 09/27/15, the water heater upstairs rusted thru and poured water straight down into my living room. The ceiling, walls, and my white sofa were soaked. On Tuesday 09/29/15, our area had flash flooding, and the patio with a retaining wall around it filled up and spilled over into the other half of my living room and into my bedroom causing more carpet and furniture damage. On the same day, I came home from work (approx 7pm) and found my kitchen flooded. This was a result of the contractor's dehumidifier having a hose leak.

The maintenance crew and contractors have done their best to clean up all the mess, but it has taken over 8 days so far to dry out the ceiling. I have not been able to live in the apt since 09/29/15. Everything is wet and full of old and new mold.Desired Settlement: Termination of my lease and full refund of my deposit. Release from obligation of subleasing, as the apt is full of mold, both from current circumstances and from prior incidents. Reimbursement of cost of storage unit as I could not leave my belongings in the wet, moldy apt. Reimbursement of [redacted] expenses.



We have received the letter regarding the complaint at [redacted]. I will address tho concerns in the order in which they are presented.On September 27,2015, we received an emergency maintenance call regarding the leaking water heater. The on-call maintenance technician went to the unit and turned the water off to the water heater. They returned September 28, 2015 and replaced the water heater. At that time, the technician had our water restoration company come out to extract the water and begin to dry out the carpets.On September 29, 2015, we experienced wide spread flash flooding in the New River Valley. The tenant experienced flooding from the heavy rain. Maintenance technicians found that there bad been flooding in her unit, and at that time, the water restoration company was notified that they needed to come to the home to extract the water again. The dehumidifier machine that was left to extract moisture had a small leak in the hose, which left a puddle of water on the kitchen floor. Upon notification the contractor from the water restoration company returned to the unit to repair the problem. Upon entering the unit, he found that there was only about a cup of water was in the floor, not a flooded kitchen.The tenant called on September 30, 2015 stating she was concerned that there was mold in the unit and that the unit was uninhabitable. The property manager went to the unit and performed a walk through to see the condition of the unit, and found no visible evidence of "mold." The property manager then contacted the Chief Building Inspector for the Town of [redacted], and asked that he meet her at the unit to inspect it to be sure it was safe for occupancy. The inspector found that the unit did not have anything wrong that would make it uninhabitable. TNT had all the drying equipment removed from the unit this same day.At this time, the only issue that needs to be completed is painting the sheetrock. All other repairs caused by the flooding have been completed.If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the above telephone number or address.Thank you,[redacted]Leasing Agent



I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

The true reason for my complaint is that there has never been an offer of resolution by TNT Flinchum. I have almost 100 pics and video showing mold and damage in every room of the apt, even the rooms not affected by this series of events. I have made it clear to the business that I cannot live in the apt any longer, nor can I with any conscience sublet to another person or family, as were the terms of my lease. I very much wanted to retain my client status with TNT, therefore, I filed a written request to them asking only that they relocate me to another apt. I cited the very real health issues, as well as the fear of staying there based on certain security issues (a bedroom window was recently broken, my bedroom window is only 6 inches above ground, my kitchen door has been repaired numerous times and still doesnt seal, ect.) My request was denied without hesitation. As a result, I had to move all my possessions into immediate storage to prohibit further molding of books, clothes, etc. Since Sept. 27,2015, I have been moving around and staying with several friends because I cannot find another suitable apt in the area. My life is in chaos, I am homeless and living out of suitcases, I have missed work over this issue, I have almost depleted my finances due to storage and other fees. My health has suffered, both physically and emotionally, which has caused strain to my friend and family relationships. I am anticipating being forced to take legal action, which only adds to everything else. And all of this could have been averted had the property manager at TNT used good judgement based on the facts of the situation. Her denial of the extent of the damage is unwarranted, as all my pics can prove. She never even visited the apt until weeks after I had moved out. I was still going in and out cleaning, and I found the carpet to be wet as late as Oct 24. The apt is absolutely NOT inhabitable. All I ever asked for was a clean and healthy place to live, and they refused to do their part.Regards,[redacted]



We have received the letter rebuttal of the complaint at [redacted]. I will address the concerns in the order in which they are presented.TNT Flinchum Property Management does not own the property where the tenant lived. We manage the building for the property owner. The property owner did not have another unit in the tenant's price range, therefore we were unable to relocate her to another unit. We discussed this with the tenant at that time. We did not simply deny her request "without any consideration." We took considerable consideration. We contacted the building inspector ourselves to ensure her health and safety.We have completed the repairs to the unit, and are currently trying to rent it. The tenant still has an active lease for the unit, and could return to the unit at any time. We never asked her to leave. I have included a copy of the email and Code Information sheet sent to us from the building inspector. As you will see from the inspector's report, there was not any mold apparent at the date of the inspection on October 7, 2015.The tenant has filed for Tenant Assertion with the courts. This case is set to be heard December 11, 2015, therefore this matter will be resolved by the court.If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the above telephone number or address.Thank you,[redacted]Leasing Agent



I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.First of all, I do not believe that 15 minutes or less constitutes "considerable consideration" as to whether the landlord would agree to locate me into another apartment. Also, I am not sure what report was received from the Building Inspectors office concerning the apartment issues, as several phone calls and an email to me from that office confirmed that the office of the Town Building Inspector does not have any authority to deal with issues of mold at all. Also, as of November 16,2015, I have an email from the Inspector's office stating that there was no report of any kind on file regarding any recent visits to [redacted].

Furthermore, in spite of the fact that I have not been able to live in the apartment since September 29,2015, the landlord has insisted that the current lease cannot be terminated at all; therefore, I am still continueing to pay rent to TnT every month. As of January 1, 2015, I will be forced to pay for two rentals each month until they are able to sublet the apartment.

To say the least, I am horribly disappointed with the final service I have received in this matter.Regards,[redacted]

I have found TNT to be a very dishonest property management group. To say nothing of the unorganized and shabby office they occupy and their policy of not giving receipts for rent, my worst experience with them was my last. They bought the property I was leasing mid way through my lease and at the end of said lease, they charged me $1,300 in damages (including my deposit) for normal wear and tear. This includes replacing caul and weather stripping etc. Additionally, the personnel in their office are completely unhelpful and rude. It is hard to imagine a less professional and more crooked business.

Review: My daughter has resided in one of their rental apartments for over two years, I am the guarantor for her lease agreement. While my daughter and her room-mates were away for winter break, the owner of [redacted], TNT Flinchum Property Management Company entered my daughter's apartment. The landlord did not advise the occupants there were any scheduled apartment inspections while the students were away. The landlord did not post a notice, contact via phone or e-mail to advise of their intent to enter their home. There was no emergency occurring which would have allowed them immediate access without contacting the lease holder(s).Upon my daughter's arrival back to school. Several documents were given to her advising her of charges that are payable by the end of February in certified funds. How is this legal during the middle of a lease term that the landlord demand for payment? How is this legal that the landlord did not allow the tenants to take care of the damages? How is it legal that the landlord didn't allow the tenants a reasonable amount of time to get the damages corrected? No communication took place regarding entering the unit, inspecting the unit and now a demand for payment? Additionally, the landlord indicated a late fee will be applied to RENT if these charges are not paid. How can you apply late fees to RENT if the RENT is paid on time?The amount of damage is not substantial, however; $40 an hour for minor drywall work is not acceptable and I am confident that given the opportunity, we would have been able to perform the work at a lower rate than what we have been charged.The root of my complaint is it appears the landlord is taking advantage of students being away on breaks, entering the home without notice and looking for ways of making additional income, which is unethical. I understand wanting to maintain the apartments, but the approach is completing inappropriate and greedy.Desired Settlement: I want the landlord to demonstrate in the lease agreement how he has the ability to enter homes without notice for cause, charge residents for damages during the middle of a lease term along with attempt to apply late charges to rent when the FEES he is attempting to collect are completely separate from the monthly rental requirements. Additionally, I want the apartment home re-inspected with the lease holders present to discuss any charges they can expect at the end of semester.



Please provide your daughter's name and the address of the apartment.



We have received the above mentioned complaint, While the complaint did not contain the name ofone of our residents or the specific address to which this case is referring we believe that we havefound the correct unit address.During the winter break (mid December 2014-mid January 2015) we were experiencing record breakinglow temperatures in our area. While completing repairs in other units within this same property, ourmaintenance staff found units in which the heat had been completely turned off. In order to preventbursting pipes which would have flooded multiple units, we made the proactive decision to enter eachunit to verify that the heat was left on and at the required temperature. When we entered thisparticular unit, we found that there were several holes in the living room wall and a bedroom door wasbusted. As we are in our leasing season and showing a unit for rental in this condition wouldn't beproductive, and as the damages were clearly caused by the residents and not yet reported to us we didnot need to contact them before making these repairs. Item #8 in the Lease Addendum states"Maintenance- Maintenance work should be reported to TnT Flinchum Property Management Corp. at[redacted], as soon as Resident is aware there is a problem. ... Resident is responsible for anymaintenance that is the result of Resident or guest negligence, abuse, or damages. Residentunderstands that all labor charges for maintenance to repair damages exceeding ordinary wear and tearon the premises will be at a base rate of $40.00/hour/man, though rates for specialized and/or third partycontractor repairs may exceed this rate. ...Resident agrees to pay all such charges immediatelyupon presentment of the bill by Owner. If the amount ¡s not paid within fifteen days after billing, theoutstanding fee will be paid first with any monies received before being posted to rent."In reference to how payments are applied, item #4 of the lease agreement states "...Money will beapplied first to Security Deposit, second to any outstanding fees, and third to rent."As you can see, we have done nothing unethical, inappropriate or greedy. If you have any furtherquestions, please feel free to contact us again.Sincerely,[redacted]Property Manager

Review: I have rented from these [redacted] slum lords for 7 months now. Although they have the worst reviews on google then any other property management company, I thought I would give them a try and move into the [redacted] anyways. The [redacted] are supposed to be the premier place to stay in [redacted] and the experience has been more like live in a cheap apartment complex. There are stains on the floors in the hallway. Residents pile their garbage up in the hallways because we share the garbage room with [redacted]. This brings tons of fruit flies into the building as sometimes the garbage sits there for a whole week. It has taken them months to fix some of the issues that were recorded on my move in check list when I arrived here. It took them 6 months to fix the Ethernet port in my bedroom and when it was fixed they never told me it was repaired. I called maintenance about a major ceiling leak on the 4th of July weekend and a month later when I complained about the same leak, the response was that the maintenance guy I spoke to forgot about it. They ended up having to replace the dry-wall and part of the ceiling in the hallway.

My biggest complaint however is after signing a year lease, six months into it they have requested I sign another year lease and gave me 5 days to do so before raising the rent considerably at the beginning of the next lease cycle. Here it is in the fall after I moved in here since June and my fireplace still has not been repaired. The lofts being a premier apartment and advertising a fireplace in my apartment for the price I pay to rent here (which is much higher then market price), I expect it to work. I have mentioned this issue several times both verbal and written to them and here they want me to sign another lease without even fixing the fireplace like I have been waiting for them to do. It was even listed on my move-in checklist. I told them I would sign another year lease pending they fix my fireplace as it is included in the price I am paying for rent. The last I heard from them over a month ago was that parts were on order.

Instead they called me up and left me a voice mail on Monday telling me that they had to do a walk through inspection in my apartment the very next morning before they can renew my lease and that they were leaving me a new lease agreement for me to sign inside the apartment. I called them up and left a message telling them that I do not want their visit, and that I do not permit them inside my apartment. Considering it is neither the beginning nor the end of my lease, they have no right to 'inspect' my apartment. They still showed up and went through my apartment! If they wanted to do a walk through inspection they should have done it before I moved in here and fixed the fireplace.

Without being too biased, their practices are antiquated, there customer service poor, and they are not skilled in managing properties. They are only available during business hours, do not except phone calls on weekends, have a strict NO EMAIL policy, and up until this month did not accept electronic payments.Desired Settlement: REPAIR & BILLING ADJUSTMENT

My desired outcome is both an adjustment for rent that I have paid in arrears and the repair of my fireplace. It is advertised on their web-site:

Yes, right there on the web-site it states that they have "Fireplaces". Well I have gone seven months now with 4 of those being Fall or winter months and have no Fireplace. My rent should be adjusted for a portion of the rent equal to the square footage that a fireplace would affect in the apartment. There should also be Tort Damage for their undesirable occupation and trespassing in my leased space not just against my wishes but in violation of my request to NOT have them occupy or 'inspect' the space at all as their is NO reason for an inspection 7 months into a year lease.



We have received the above mentioned complaint. We will respond in the order in which the items are listed. First, while we may have unhappy reviews on [redacted], we carry an A- rating with the and have been an Accredited Business since 1991. It is very easy to go online and zip off an email if you are unhappy. Rarely does anyone go online with a positive review. We do however have a binder full of compliment letters in our office. The carpets in the hallways are scheduled to be cleaned over the [redacted] winter break which is set to begin at the end of next week. We clean these carpets two times a year and do so during a time in which there are no classes. This is required because of the location of the property. We are beside the campus and the street is a one way street so access with equipment ¡s limited during all other times of the year. The trash issue was just discovered last week. we have contacted all Residents in the building that trash must be taken downstairs and not kept in the hallway and that the trash must be placed inside a trash can. While the trash room is shared with [redacted] and this can cause problems, there is no other location in the building for the trash to be placed that the Town of [redacted] will approve. We have an outside contractor that empties those cans daily Monday through Friday.Mr. [redacted] moved into the property on May 22, 2015. When he returned his move in inspection form on May 28, 2015, he indicated that the ethernet port and the fireplace were not working, We wrote a work order for our staff to complete based on the move in inspection on May 29, 2015. When the maintenance man completed the work order on June 2, 2015, he indicated that the ethernet port was wired properly and therefore should be working. He also indicated that he would have the office get the fireplace repaired. We contacted an outside vendor on the fireplace and believed that the work had been completed. On August 18, 2015 we received a written letter from Mr. [redacted] in regards to several of our business practices that he was unhappy with and a few maintenance items. This list included the ethernet port and the fireplace. The very next week, we contacted Mr. [redacted] to inform him of the exact day that the technician was coming to repair his ethernet port and that the contractor for the fireplace would be ¡n the unit again to get part numbers. We still believed that the fireplace work had been completed until we received this written notice. I have contacted the contractor numerous times since August to follow up to ensure that this repair is completed. We have been informed that the part will finally arrive next week and that the repair will be made as soon as the part arrives. We will call Mr. [redacted] to inform him when the contractor will be entering his unit to make the repair. While it has taken a while to get the part, we have not ignored the problem. The leak in the hallwav was also listed in the letter we received from Mr. [redacted] on August 18, 2015. It appeared that the maintenance person who was on call that weekend neglected to come back and make the repair. We sent a maintenance person immediately to repair the problem.In regards to the lease renewal, we did mail Mr. [redacted] a renewal letter on October 23, 2015. The letter stated that if it were returned by November 5, 2015 the new rent rate would be $1310.00 per month and if it was returned after that date, the rent would be $1335.00 per month. It also stated "If you are uncertain of your plans, or if you need something larger or smaller, please contact us. We will be willing to work with you as much as possible." We do not have an issue with waiting for Mr. [redacted] to sign the new lease after the fireplace has been fixed. Once a Resident notifies us of their intention to renew the lease, we call the day before we ere going and schedule a renewal walk-through of the unit. When we perform the walk-throughs, we do leave the lease in the unit for them to sign and return. We did get Mr. [redacted]'s message that he did not want us to come to his unit that day and we did not. His renewal lease is still here in our office in his folder. I do not know why he believes that we entered the unit but that is not the case. In regards to our right to inspect, Lease item #19 states "Owner may enter apartment at any reasonable time to inspect..,"In regards to our business practices, we have been in business for 31 years and clearly must not be as terrible as Mr. [redacted] has portrayed. Sincerely,[redacted]Property Manager



I have reviewed the response offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

First and foremost I would like to say, that although TnT Flinchum may have been in business for 31 years, in the business world, longevity is definitely not synonymous with Quality. The current practices may be sufficient for the general collegiate audience but completely inappropriate for professionals or family minded folks. Although I am not accusing TnT of blatant disregard for tenants rights and their responsibilities of a landlord, they are definitely a far cry from having top notch services and response time for a business of their size, age and responsibility to their tenancy along with the amount I pay for rent for a 700 square foot apartment. Perhaps a professional audit of their practices would assist them in raising the level of quality of their business and services could provide as I do not personally have an issue with any of the employees at the business.I would also like to use this time to thank TnT for coming to replace my locks this past Friday on such short notice. I really appreciate the rapid response on this action at my request to change my apartment locks when I found out that their are other tenants that had keys to open my apartment. I found this out when one of "the friends" of apartment 208 knocked on my door late one evening on Thanksgiving weekend to tell me that they had a key with my apartment number on it. (See attached picture.) Amazing enough is the fact that this key even had the key fob on it like it had come straight from the property management company. Thank you again for changing the lock on my apartment, because I was not going to give back to the tenant in 208 his key for my apartment (which he claims he needs to open the front door of the building). That leads me to believe that all of the keys for the outside front door of the building open all of the apartments in this building!In regards to fixing the Ethernet jack in the bedroom, I will say that their was a repair that was conducted however it is inefficient and does not result in stable internet access. Being that I am taking online classes for my graduate program, I need a stable internet connection at each wall jack. I have continued to run Ethernet cables from the kitchen through to the bedroom. The repair that was made was sub-standard and did not work for a prolonged period of time with the internet signal dropping intermittently.(Folowing lines contain hyperlinks to the appropriate sites.)On a final note, I would really like to lay this story to rest on the fireplace. According to Lester properties website the lofts offer "premium collection of features and amenities". On the [redacted] Web-site, it clearly lists specifications to be "Fireplaces, skylights, granite tile, steam showers."

Although TnT has responsible for maintaining and managing the property, my following complaint cannot be truly directed at them. The fact that their is a fireplace advertised on 3 commercial web-sites which include the archictect, TnT and Lester properties makes this an incident of false advertising. If you look at the attached photo of the fireplace mechanism itself, you will see that it is no more then 2 lightbulbs reflecting off aluminum foil. This is far from what I imagined a fireplace would be which is some kind of mechanism which a live flame would have a tendency of emanating from. It is merely a light bulb and does not truly qualify as a definition of "fireplace" according to the Merriam Webster dictionary. For as much as this place has been advertised as a "premium collections of features and amenities" a fireplace with no fire in it, that can be purchased at [redacted] for $79 does not qualify as such. For what they have advertised and what I pay to live here, I fully expected a working fireplace (with fire) to be part of this package.Thank you for spurring me to continue to pursue this action, and Thanks to [redacted] and her staff for all of the hard work they have done to tolerate tenants such as myself and far worse. This is far from a personal attack on you and the TnT employees, as my attempt is to remove ourselves from these issues and solely look at the process of what has happened in order to improve it and prevent such things from happening in the future.Happy Holidays to all!




I am writing in response to your email in regards to the complaint filed by [redacted]. I will address his complaints as follows:Customer service - As pointed out in our first response letter dated December 11, we believe we have responded appropriately to any problems and/or complaints made by Mr. [redacted].Keys - We make sure to track and collect any keys given to tenants, upon move-out, if we have not received the same number of keys that were given at move-in, we automatically change the locks at the residence. Mr. [redacted] expressed concern that the keys to the outside front door of the building opens all of the apartments but that door has been keyed differently. The [redacted] also feature an additional security feature by using an entry pad at the front entrance. Each resident is given their own personal code to be able to enter the building. However, as Mr. [redacted] stated, we responded quickly to his concern and re-keyed his apartment door.Ethernet repair - The ethernet repair was completed and we followed up with Mr. [redacted] to make sure it was working for him. He confirmed that it was fine so we are unclear as to what his problem actually is at this point. We will be happy to address his concerns if he can give us specifics.Fireplace - As Mr. [redacted] pointed out, there are three websites that advertise the [redacted] and they not only list the fireplace as an amenity but they each have photos. Besides this, Mr. [redacted] had a friend look at the unit TWICE before he signed a lease to rent the property. The fireplace is certainly not a $79 unit from [redacted] and I believe he had plenty of opportunity to know that since he saw photos on the website as well as had a description from his friend. We are taking steps to change the listing to specifically say "electric fireplace" so that there is no room for misunderstanding in the future.

Review: I believe that I have been treated unfairly, in this company's decision to not only keep all of my security deposit, but they are actually charging me extra.

I have appealed to the company, but they have refused my appeal, without any compromise.Desired Settlement: I have requested that the company refund $400 of the $860 security deposit that they are refusing to return.



I am writing in response to your email dated October 12 in regards to the complaint filed by [redacted] regarding the property located at [redacted]. rented by his son, [redacted].We received a letter of dispute from Mr. [redacted] on September 22, 2015. After thoroughly reviewing his concerns and investigating the charges he was disputing, the charges taken out of his son's security deposit were found to be valid. We responded to Mr. [redacted] on October 7, 2015 advising him of our findings. I have enclosed a copy of Mr. [redacted]'s initial complaint and our response to him along with supporting documentation.If you require any additional information from us, please let me know,Sincerely,[redacted]Property Manager

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Address: 1813 South Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States, 24060


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